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Figure 6 shows how an epidemic can be controlled
by the rapid vaccination of cattle during the early
stages, using the 2001 epidemic of Great Britain as a
template. Throughout, vaccination is of cattle only
and assumed to be at 90% efficacy. Expected
number of farms reporting infection against the
number of cattle vaccinated per day (bottom axis) or
the corresponding time to achieve the disease
eradication threshold of around 5.5 million cattle
(top axis). Solid and dashed lines show the result
when different culling is performed. Solid lines
depict the average size of the simulated epidemic,
which declines rapidly with daily vaccination rate,
reaching a lower plateau at a rate of around 300,000
cattle per day. This rate corresponds to achieving the
deterministic vaccination threshold in around 25
days. Similarly, Figure 7 represents the expected
duration of the epidemic by varying the number of
vaccinated cattle (Keeling et al., 2003).
Figure 6: Effect of varying the number of vaccinated cattle
on total infected population using the 2001epidemic of
Great Britain as a template (Keeling et al., 2003).
Figure 7: Effect of varying the number of vaccinated cattle
on the epidemic duration using the 2001epidemic of Great
Britain as a template (Keeling et al., 2003).