can be utilized or used as a basis. The actual map-
ping and transformation between process models (es-
pecially in cases where semantic mismatches exists)
can consider mappings from existing work such as
the WPDL standard mentioned earlier, mappings and
transformations by (Lohmann et al., 2008) as well as
formal and general definitions of the process mod-
elling techniques as provided in literature would serve
as input in the creations of the transformation mecha-
The most obvious benefit of model transformation is
that business process modelling can be performed at
any level, and in any process modelling technique
(perhaps because of the technique’s simplicity or in-
tuitiveness as is the case with UML). This is because
you can model with a language of choice and then
convert to a more formal tool (e.g. petri nets) for
analysis. The potential benefits of this framework em-
anates from a knowledge base (especially one that is
generic) can be reused and shared between projects.
Ontologies that describes a construct of interest for
example can always be imported. Such has been with
the case with prominent ontologies like the dublin
core and the friend-of-a-friend(FOAF). The frame-
work is also attractive because of the structure of the
ontology which promotes flexibility. Whenever the
need to incorporate a new modelling technique arise
an ontology for that particular model can be defined
and mappings then can be create between the con-
structs of that ontology and those of the generic on-
In this paper we have proposed a universal frame-
work for workflow analysis. We have discussed the
notions relating to the knowledge base for the frame-
work, its transform function and the universal analysis
engine. The framework was viewd to have attractive
traits such as the flexible and extensible structure of
the knowledge base, opening of possibilities to model
in virtually any language of choice and the universal
coverage of the analysis engine. While this work is
preliminary, it would close gaps in the business pro-
cess modelling by offering a universal playground for
manipulation of workflows and business processes.
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