Towards an Ontology-driven Framework for Workflow Analysis
Hlomani Hlomani and Deborah Ann Stacey
University of Guelph, School of Computer Science, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Ontologies, Workflow, Process Models, Workflow Modelling, Workflow Analysis, Ontology-based Reason-
ing, Knowledge-based Systems, Ontology-driven Compositional Systems.
Workflow management and the the whole field of business process management has seen a lot of research
interest. This interest has evolved from the initial quest to automate manufacturing processes to the formaliza-
tion of process models. The reason for this interest can arguably be attributed to the fact that process models
form the core of workflow management systems. A plethora of modelling languages and notations have been
created through the years, albeit with dominance of proprietary languages that has been argued to be lack-
ing in terms of having formal semantics. The informal languages have seen more adoption at the expense
of those that are termed “academic languages” even though academic languages are believed to be more for-
mal. This paper considers the aspects of model transformation with the intension to bridge the gap between
modelling and analysis. The paper proposes a semantic approach (using ontologies) to both the mapping and
transformation of business process models written in one language (source) to another (target).
The workflow concept has existed for many years.
While its origins are not from computer science, it
is now as much a computing concept as computa-
tional analysis is. In its initial conception, the concern
was the automation of manufacturing processes. We
now see a redefinition of the workflow concept mostly
based on the premise that, scientists mostly in col-
laboration with computing expects have and continue
to develop computational models (i.e. simulations of
real world etc.) which can be strung together to form
well balanced systems. While workflow modelling
is at the core of workflow management and analy-
sis, there exist a plethora of modelling techniques.To-
date and for a long time, the modelling and specifi-
cation of these work- flows have always dependent
upon proprietary languages and systems which litera-
ture has argued the existence of some flaws viz.: lack
of formal model basis, lack of support for patterns
(and are hence deficient in terms of their expressive-
ness)(van der Aalst and Hofstede, 2002), rigidity of
the languages both at design and execution (Almeida
et al., 2004) etc.
Two camps of process modelling languages exists:
those that originated from industry and academic lan-
guages. Industry languages are believed to be widely
adopted and used in the industry while academic lan-
guages are said to be less appropriate for being used
in concrete industrial application domains. The indus-
try languages have the limitation of not having formal
bases (formal semantics), something which academic
languages have. It is then apparent that choice be-
tween which language to use has been a matter of
trade-off. For example, a choice between the easy
and intuitive Unified Modelling Language’s Activity
Diagram (UML AD) that has no formal basis versus
Petri Nets which have a theoretical bases but are much
more involving.
In light of the absence of that “one” leading nota-
tion or language, model transformation would play an
important role in the world of workflow modelling.
Model transformation would be concerned with the
translation of a workflow model described in a source
language to a semantically equivalent model in a tar-
get model. It is against this background that we pro-
pose a framework for workflow modelling and analy-
sis that utilizes an ontology-based knowledge base, a
semantic transformation function, and universal anal-
ysis engine.
2.1 Ontologies
A search for a precise and concise definition of “on-
Hlomani H. and Stacey D..
Towards an Ontology-driven Framework for Workflow Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004165404050410
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 405-410
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tology” especially as it relates to computing can be
a challenging task. This is perhaps because the con-
cept never really had its origin in computer science.
The concept of ontology has its origins in the field
of philosophy where it refers to a branch of meta-
physics that endeavours to offer a systematic account
of existence (Gruber, 1993). In the computer science
domain, however, as defined by prominent players in
the domain such as the Object Management Group
(OMG), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and pi-
oneers in the domain ( such as Tom Gruber ), an on-
tology is “a formal conceptualization of a domain of
interest” (Group, 2009; Consortium, 2009; Gruber,
1993). A conceptualization is in fact an abstraction
of that which we wish to represent. In this abstrac-
tion, a declarative formalism is used to specify the
objects in the domain, their desirable properties and
the relationships among them. This forms a shared
vocabulary with which knowledge-based systems can
be built.
2.2 Ontology-driven Compositional
Motivations for compositional systems abound, even
so for those that are ontology-driven. These composi-
tional systems are of varying types (ranging from web
services-based, agent-based, resource-based, grid-
based etc.). Some of these came about because of
the advent of web services that opened up a world of
opportunities for developers, service providers, ser-
vice consumers, and organizations. Web services are
networked capabilities that openly exposes interfaces
for other machines to discover, rank, bind to and in-
voke (Blake and Nowlan, 2008). Their characteristics
such as interoperability, network and platform inde-
pendence has sparked a lot of research interest with
researchers investigating the many ways in which a
varying number of web services can be put together
to form a well-balanced system (Charfi and Mezini,
2007). Researchers such as (Cardoso and Sheth,
2005; Kim et al., 2010) have focussed on the web
service composition approach that exploit ontologies
to provide descriptions of web services thereby aiding
in the discovery, selection, composition and execution
of web services. These type of systems are made pos-
sible by the definition of standards such as the Web
Ontology Language for Service (OWL-S) from W3C
(wide Web Consortium, 2004).
Another distributed platform that research has fo-
cused on (in the context of compositional systems) is
that of agent based platforms. A notable work in this
regard is that by a group of researchers at the Stan-
ford university who implemented a prototype system
called BIOSTORM (Nyulas et al., 2008). In this re-
search, the primary goal was the integration of various
heterogeneous data sources, the deployment of a var-
ied number of detection algorithms through the col-
laboration of multiple agents. Like the BIOSTORM
project, Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2005) proposed
an agent-based framework that utilizes ontologies as
their knowledge-base. While differing in their usage
and interpretation of the ontologies ( (Nyulas et al.,
2008) using ontologies to describe the data sources as
well as detection methods and (Wang et al., 2005) fo-
cusing on description of the workflow so as to make
its execution dynamic) the overall platform remain
relatively similar ( i.e. multi-agent platform).
Based on the premise that scientist mostly in col-
laboration with computing experts have created com-
putational models which may or may not be cast as
web services, or agents (Hlomani and Stacey, 2009;
Gillespie et al., 2011) focused on a ”plug and play”
bottom-up system composition approach. This ap-
proach leverages the user’s expert knowledge (cap-
tured in ontologies) and assist the user in the compo-
sition of a system through the connection of composi-
tion units described in the ontologies that underlie the
In all these research, the ultimate result was some
sort of workflow. The limitation of most of these im-
plementations was that less focus was given to the
analysis of the workflow. If any analysis was per-
formed, it was limited to syntactic checks which one
may be inclined to say are trivial to detect.
2.3 Workflow Modelling
Business processes are the core of workflow man-
agement hence, the paramount need for proper
modelling, analysis and verification (Salimifard and
Wright, 2001). Process models are an abstraction of
the business requirements in terms of executable tasks
that put together in the end produce an intended out-
put. It is worth mentioning that there exists many
different ways to model business processes (from the
simple but intuitive graph theory (mostly directed
graphs), to the more complex but somehow mechan-
ical Petri Nets) (Atsa et al., 2011). The question of
which technique to follow seems a difficult one to an-
swer since each technique comes with its justification
and possibly disclaimers as to what the limitations
are. Having said that, (Cardoso et al., 2006) argues
that the decision to use a certain modelling technique
could be determined by the complexity of the prob-
lem. Other reasons for using a certain technique could
be motivated by the expressiveness, and formal ba-
sis of the model (e.g. W-Nets and YAWL (van der
Aalst, 2003)), coverage of both local and global de-
pendencies (e.g. deterministic graphs and path con-
straints (Fan and Weinstein, 1999)) or the simple and
intuitive nature of control flow graphs and the Unified
Modelling Language (UML) etc.
While these process modelling techniques may
differ in such things as their expressiveness, formal
basis etc., a relative relation can be drawn between
them (including the fact that most are graph-based or
follow some sort of a graph formalism and that some
are derivatives or extensions of the other).
2.4 Workflow Languages
In the studies leading to the proposal of YAWL
(van der Aalst and Hofstede, 2002) and later on
(van der Aalst, 2003) offer a comprehensive analy-
sis of workflow languages. These motivating factors
for YAWL are also echoed by (Weske et al., 2006).
In both cases they make two significant observations
viz.: lack of formal bases (or at least no practical
evidence to that fact), and lack of support for work-
flow patterns (or some patterns). In these analyses,
what is clear is that, despite efforts to standardize
by such organizations as the workflow management
coalition, consensus with regards to workflow lan-
guages is far from agreed. This is perhaps as a result
of the many ways in which business processes can be
described. Their work is biased towards Petri Nets
particularly High-Level Petri Nets (i.e. Petri Nets ex-
tended with colour, time, and hierarchy) which further
forms the foundation for YAWL. Workflow languages
were evaluated to determine their support for work-
flow patterns and were found to be wanting in terms
of their expressive power.
Business Process Execution Language For Web
Services (BPEL4WS) offers another interesting case
for workflow languages. It is popular in the web ser-
vice composition domain (if not the de facto standard)
(Weske et al., 2006). BPEL4WS carries the blocked-
structure and graph-based modelling from its prede-
cessors ( XLang and Web Services Flow Language
(WSFL), respectively). While it is said to be lacking
a graphical notation, some constructs of the BPMN
discussed earlier can be directly mapped to BPEL and
hence can be executed in a BPEL execution engine.
2.5 Workflow Ontology
Some work has been done towards the ontological
representation of the workflow concept. One such
work is the IntelLEO Workflow Ontology (Jovanovic
et al., 2011). While the motivations and structure of
this ontology has a bias towards the description of the
learning flows, it has a sense of “traditional” work-
flows. This is because the ordering (either sequential
or parallel) of activities to achieve some goal can be
achieved. The ontology, however, lacks the expres-
sive ability to capture even some of the most basic
concepts of process models (e.g. the notions of rout-
ing beyond just “sequence” and “parallel”).
Jenz (Jenz, 2003) explores an interesting aspect of
software design: the generation of software artifacts
from an ontological knowledge base (KB). Much like
the approaches discussed in section 2.2, this approach
is dependent on the definition of a knowledge base (
ontology + instances = KB). Contrary to the previ-
ously discussed ontologies, the aim of the business
process ontology (Jenz, 2003) is to be generic in its
description of business processes. This is achieved
through a static representation of a business process
by focusing on activities or tasks as the “building
blocks”. The representation of the business process in
an ontology then achieve two main goals viz.: provide
a vendor-neutral and platform-independent descrip-
tion of the business process, and provide both human-
understandable and machine-readable description of
the business process. The ontology is general to some
extent ( it covers a larger number of the concepts
needed to describe business processes). However,
while synonyms and homonyms can be included in
the ontology to cater for terminology gaps, there are
cases where a one-to-one mapping cannot be achieved
particularly where business processes are concerned.
To give an example, BPMN, UML activity diagrams
and Petri Nets are all business process modelling tech-
niques. While we could say thet a transition (Petri Net
concept) is synonymous to say an action state (UML
concept) or a vertex (Graph concept), it has been ar-
gued that this may work for many of the concepts but
not for some constructs (Lohmann et al., 2008). The
separation of concerns principle would therefore, be
ideal. This would follow a pattern where top level
concepts are detached from a specific modelling tech-
nique and further specialized going downward. This
is opposed to the idea followed in this ontology where
there exists a bias towards the use of UML concepts.
In section 2.3 we mentioned that business process/
workflow modelling is a core element of the business
process management and workflow analysis task. We
also deduced from literature that there exist umpteen
modelling techniques. Suffice it to say that each mod-
elling technique has its role to play in the business
process modelling process (depending on the mod-
elling context, the problem in question in terms of
size and expressiveness requirement etc.). Having
said this, it also suffices to say that choice of which
model to use depends entirely on the user, rather, on
the modeller.
Our proposal endeavours to ease the burden of
modelling technique choice by providing a means to
traverse the business process modelling space. In this
framework we focus on the transformation from one
model to the other with minimal loss of information.
This framework is depicted in figure 1. We identify
components of the framework to include: Ontology-
Driven Compositional System/ Workflow Manage-
ment System/Business Process Modelling System,
Knowledge base, Semantic Transformation, and Uni-
versal Analysis Engine (this is not discussed because
it will not be a part of the initial instance of the frame-
work). These are discussed in subsections that follow.
Figure 1: A universal framework for workflow management
and analysis. The framework relies on an ontology-based
knowledge base.
3.1 The Knowledge Base
The goal is to have a universal (at least in terms of
coverage) knowledge base for workflow representa-
tion/ modelling models. Following the notion that
process models are mostly similar with subtle differ-
ence ( a one-to-one mapping for some constructs is
not possible), the knowledge base would then have
a generic top-level description (describing the com-
mon constructs) and model specific constructs further
to the bottom (describing the constructs that are spe-
cific to modelling languages). The most general con-
stituents of a process model are activity, and relation.
In terms of relation, the modelling of split and join
elements is important because these facilitate the cre-
ation of workflow patterns (e.g. parallel routing etc.).
Figure 2 depicts the structure of such an ontology
in which clouds represents imported ontologies (these
would in most cases be addressing specialization con-
structs), rectangles represent the classes, arrows rep-
resents relationships, while the lines represents sub-
sumption (sub-classes). The most basic definition of
a workflow is a graph (ordered pair) G = (A, E) con-
sisting of a set A of Activities together with a set E
of Relations, the ontology is thus, representative of
this structure (at the top level). Having defined these
general notions (workflow/process, activity, and con-
trol flow), specific modelling techniques could then
be mapped to these top-level elements as exemplified
in figure 2 by sub-classing the workflow class to de-
fine a Petri Net sub-class and drawing a relation be-
tween the Petri Nets constructs and the workflow con-
structs (e.g. between the Activity class and Transition
class since these classes are semantically equivalent).
Figure 2: Graphical view of the workflow ontology. Like
the framework, the ontology has a generic yet extensible
structure to allow for further specialization through map-
pings to other ontologies and concepts whenever needed.
3.2 The Semantic Transformation
The semantic transformation of process models lever-
ages knowledge embodied in the knowledge base. In
the knowledge base, an explicit mapping is created
between each of the process models to the generic
workflow and thus an implicit mapping also exists
between the process models themselves. Lose ends
would probably exist as mentioned earlier that some
constructs may not be directly mapped.
Since this is envisioned to be a universal frame-
work, our postulation is that mechanisms will be
reused from other existing implementations. For ex-
ample, for a serialization format, standards such as
the Workflow Process Definition Language (WPDL)
(Junginger, 2000) used for the import and export of
workflows between workflow management systems
can be utilized or used as a basis. The actual map-
ping and transformation between process models (es-
pecially in cases where semantic mismatches exists)
can consider mappings from existing work such as
the WPDL standard mentioned earlier, mappings and
transformations by (Lohmann et al., 2008) as well as
formal and general definitions of the process mod-
elling techniques as provided in literature would serve
as input in the creations of the transformation mecha-
The most obvious benefit of model transformation is
that business process modelling can be performed at
any level, and in any process modelling technique
(perhaps because of the technique’s simplicity or in-
tuitiveness as is the case with UML). This is because
you can model with a language of choice and then
convert to a more formal tool (e.g. petri nets) for
analysis. The potential benefits of this framework em-
anates from a knowledge base (especially one that is
generic) can be reused and shared between projects.
Ontologies that describes a construct of interest for
example can always be imported. Such has been with
the case with prominent ontologies like the dublin
core and the friend-of-a-friend(FOAF). The frame-
work is also attractive because of the structure of the
ontology which promotes flexibility. Whenever the
need to incorporate a new modelling technique arise
an ontology for that particular model can be defined
and mappings then can be create between the con-
structs of that ontology and those of the generic on-
In this paper we have proposed a universal frame-
work for workflow analysis. We have discussed the
notions relating to the knowledge base for the frame-
work, its transform function and the universal analysis
engine. The framework was viewd to have attractive
traits such as the flexible and extensible structure of
the knowledge base, opening of possibilities to model
in virtually any language of choice and the universal
coverage of the analysis engine. While this work is
preliminary, it would close gaps in the business pro-
cess modelling by offering a universal playground for
manipulation of workflows and business processes.
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