Solving an Uncapacitated Exam Timetabling Problem Instance
using a Hybrid NSGA-II
Nuno Leite
, Rui Neves
, Nuno Horta
, Fernando Mel
and Agostinho Rosa
ISEL - Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, Rua Conselheiro Em
ıdio Navarro 1, 1959-007 Lisboa, Portugal
Telecommunications Institute/IST, TU-Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
LaSEEB-System and Robotics Institute, Department of Bioengineering/IST, TU-Lisbon,
Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Exam Timetabling Problem, Evolutionary Algorithms, Multi-objective Optimization, Combinatorial Prob-
This paper describes the construction of an university examination timetable using a hybrid multi-objective
evolutionary algorithm. The problem instance that is considered is the timetable of the Electrical, Telecom-
munications and Computer Department at the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, which comprises three bachelor
degree programs and two master degree programs, having about 80 courses offered and 1200 students enrolled.
The task of manually construct the exam timetable for this instance is a complex one due essentially to the
high number of combined degree courses. This manual process takes, considering a two-person team, about
one week long. A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
Algorithm-II (NSGA-II), is proposed for solving this problem instance, incorporating two distinct objectives:
one concerning the minimization of the number of occurrences of students having to take exams in consecutive
days, and a second one concerning the minimization of the timetable length. The computational results show
that the automatic algorithm achieves better results compared to the manual solution, and in negligible time.
The construction of school and university examina-
tion timetables is one of the most important tasks
taking place in educational institutions. Many in-
stitutions still elaborate their timetables in a manual
form, involving a great deal of time and human re-
sources and leading to suboptimal solutions. The task
of automatically constructing examination timetables
is known as the Exam Timetabling Problem (ETTP),
and is an extensive studied optimization problem. The
basic problem consists in distributing a set of exams
by temporal periods, satisfying a set of hard and sec-
ond order (or soft) constraints. Constraints of the
first type cannot be violated as this results in an in-
feasible timetable. Constraints of the second type
represent institution’s view of what makes a good
timetable and should be satisfied as many as possible.
Work partially supported by the FCT
SFRH/PROTEC/67953/2010 grant.
Work partially supported by the FCT
SFRH/BSAB/1101/2010 and PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2011
Examples of constraints include: not scheduling ex-
ams with common students in the same period (hard
constraint); sufficient seating capacity for all exams
(hard constraint); leave at least a two day interval be-
tween exams for all students (soft constraint). More-
over, depending if seating capacity hard constraint is
considered or not, the ETTP is further classified in
Capacitated ETTP and Uncapacitated ETTP, respec-
tively. The actual program curricula seen at universi-
ties are designed to offer a great degree of diversity
and flexibility to the students, letting them choose a
considerable number of free or optional courses. In
order to make this possible with available teacher,
faculty staff, and university resources (rooms, equip-
ment, etc.), courses are being offered in multiple re-
lated programs. This growing number of combined
courses imposes extra difficulties in solving the ETTP.
The development of systems to automate the con-
struction of university examination timetables has
begun in the 1960 decade. The paper (Qu et al.,
2009) constitute a survey of the recent (from 1995
to 2008) techniques and algorithmic approaches used
to solve this problem. These techniques are clas-
Leite N., Neves R., Horta N., Melício F. and Rosa A..
Solving an Uncapacitated Exam Timetabling Problem Instance using a Hybrid NSGA-II.
DOI: 10.5220/0004166001060115
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 106-115
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sified in the following groups: Graph based se-
quential techniques, Constraint based, Local search
based (e.g. Tabu search, Simulated Annealing),
Population based (e.g. Evolutionary algorithms,
Ant algorithms), Multi-criteria techniques, Hyper-
heuristics and Decomposition/clustering techniques.
More recently, the ETTP has been approached like
a Multi-objective/Multi-criteria Optimization prob-
lem, acknowledging the true dimensions of real
world problems, that typically have many facets to
consider (proximity costs between student exams,
timetable lengths, room assignment, invigilator avail-
ability, etc.). Multi-criteria techniques were proposed
in (Burke et al., 2001) and (Petrovic and Bykov,
2003). Other recent works (C
e et al., 2004), (Wong
et al., 2004), (Cheong et al., 2009) and (Mumford,
2010), applied Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algo-
rithms (MOEAs) to solve the ETTP. Evolutionary ap-
proaches are well suited to solve Multi-objective Op-
timization (MOO) problems because a population of
solutions is already being manipulated in each iter-
ation of the evolutionary algorithm. Therefore, the
population-approach of evolutionary algorithms can
be effectively used to find the multiple trade-off so-
lutions of MOO problems. In MOO the solutions
are characterized by optimum sets of alternative non-
dominated solutions, known as Pareto sets. Several
MOEA have been proposed in the literature (Deb,
2001). It is known that metaheuristics, like evo-
lutionary algorithms, work better if hybridized with
other techniques (Raidl, 2006). In fact, the most suc-
cessful applications of MOEA to the ETTP are hy-
brid approaches, being usually hybridized with some
form of Local Search procedures. Moscato and Nor-
man (Moscato and Norman, 1992) introduced the
term memetic algorithm to describe evolutionary al-
gorithms in which local search is used. Following
this stream several authors developed hybridizations
of MOEA with other metaheuristics (Ehrgott and
Gandibleux, 2008). In (Burke and Landa Silva, 2005)
the authors present design guidelines of memetic al-
gorithms for scheduling and timetabling problems.
In this work we propose a novel hybrid MOEA
and show its application on a real world ETTP in-
stance. The considered problem instance is the ex-
amination timetable of the Electrical, Telecommuni-
cations and Computer Department (DEETC) at the
Lisbon Polytechnic Institute. The proposed MOEA
is based on the Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Ge-
netic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) (Deb et al., 2002).
The NSGA-II procedure is one of the popularly used
MOEA which attempt to find multiple Pareto-optimal
solutions in a multi-objective optimization problem.
Like the works (C
e et al., 2004), (Wong et al.,
Table 1: Characteristics of the DEETC dataset.
Exams Students Enrolment Periods
80 1238 4637 18
Table 2: Number of exams per program in the winter
semester of DEETC department.
32 30 29 19 25
2004) (Cheong et al., 2009) and (Mumford, 2010), we
also consider two objectives: one that maximizes each
student free time between exams, and a second objec-
tive that considers the minimization of the timetable
The paper is organized as follows: the next sec-
tion describes the DEETC department ETTP instance
and its formulation as a multi-objective optimization
problem. Section 3 presents the algorithmic flow of
the proposed MOEA. Section 4 presents simulation
results and analysis of the proposed algorithm. Fi-
nally, conclusions and future work are presented in
Section 5.
The problem instance considered in this work is the
DEETC timetable of the winter semester of the last
academic year. The DEETC timetable comprises five
programs: three B.Sc. programs (named LEETC,
LEIC and LERCM) and two M.Sc. programs (named
MEIC and MEET). B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs have
six and four semesters duration, respectively. The
DEETC dataset characteristics are listed in Table 1.
The number of exams per program is listed in Ta-
ble 2. About 34 of the 80 courses lectured in DEETC
are shared by different programs, as depicted in Ta-
ble 3. The high complexity of the timetable is due
mainly to two reasons: (1) high degree of course shar-
ing in different programs and different semesters (e.g.
LSD course is offered in the 1st and 2nd semesters
of LEIC and LEETC programs, respectively); (2) the
courses of the even semesters (summer semesters)
are also being lectured in the winter semester, thus
increasing the timetable complexity, because there
are students attending courses in the even and odd
semesters. To get an idea of the number of students
involved in each semester, we present in Table 4 the
number of classes proposed for the winter semester
for each program. Each class of the 1st to the 3rd
semester has on average 30 students and the remain-
der semesters have 20 students per class on average.
Table 3: Courses shared among the five programs offered in the DEETC. The number of shared courses sums to 34 (out of 80
courses with exam). The first five columns contain the semesters where the course is offered. Semesters in M.Sc. courses are
numbered 7 to 10 (four semester master program).
1 1 1 Linear Algebra ALGA
1 1 Mathematical Analysis I AM1
1 1 1 Programming Pg
1 2 Logic and Digital Systems LSD
2 2 Mathematical Analysis II AM2
2 2 2 Object Oriented Programming POO
2 2 3 Probability and Statistics PE
2 3 Computer Architecture ACp
3 and 5 Computer Graphics CG
3 and 5 Computation and Logic LC
3 and 5 Functional Programming PF
3 3 4 Imperative Programming in C/C++ PICC/CPg
7 3 5 Digital Communication Systems SCDig
4 4 4 Computer Networks RCp
7 4 5 Virtual Execution Systems AVE
8 4 Multimedia Signal Codification CSM
4 5 Operating Systems SOt
7 5 Unsupervised Learning AA
8 5 Database Systems BD
8 5 6 Internet Programming PI
8 5 6 Distributed Computational Systems SCDist
7 7 5 5 5 Internet Networks RI
7 5 Compilers Cpl
7 5 Control Ctrl
7 5 Radio Communications RCom
7 5 Security Informatics SI
7 5 Telecommunication Systems ST
7 7 5 5 Embedded Systems I SE1
7 7 6 Multim. Comm. Networks & Services RSCM
7 6 Distributed Systems SD
7 6 Software Engineering ES
7 to 9 8 6 3 to 6 6 Project Management and Economics EGP
7 to 9 8 6 3 to 6 6 Enterprise Management OGE
7 to 9 8 6 3 to 6 6 Management Systems SG
Table 4: Number of classes proposed for the winter semester for each program.
1st 5 5 3 2 2
2nd 3 3 1 - -
3rd 3 3 2 2 2
4th 2 2 1 - -
5th 3 3 1
6th - - -
Total 16 16 8 4 4
2.1 Problem Formulation
This paper considers an instance of the ETTP that was
first formulated in (Burke et al., 1996). In their for-
mulation, if a student is scheduled to take two exams
in any one day there should be a free period between
the two exams. Violation of this constraint is referred
as a clash. In their work it is considered the Capaci-
tated problem, whereas in our work we ignore the ca-
pacity constraint. The corresponding Uncapacitated
problem is formulated as:
Minimize f
i j
=|P| (2)
subject to
i j
= 0, (3)
= 1,i {1,...|E|}, (4)
E = {e
} is the set of exams to be
P = {1,2,...,|P|} is the set of periods,
is one if exam e
is allocated to period p, zero
i j
(Conflict matrix) is the number of students reg-
istered for exams e
and e
Eqs. (1) and (2) are the two objectives of minimizing
the number of clashes and timetable length, respec-
tively. Constraint (3) is the (hard) constraint that no
student is to be scheduled to take two exams in the
same period. Constraint (4) indicates that every exam
can only be scheduled once in any timetable.
As mentioned in the introduction, we solve the
DEETC ETTP instance using a hybrid MOEA based
on the NSGA-II algorithm. NSGA-II has the fol-
lowing features: (1) it uses an elitist principle, (2)
it uses an explicit diversity preserving mechanism,
and (3) it emphasizes non-dominated solutions. The
basic NSGA-II was further transformed to include a
step where a Local Search procedure is performed.
The general steps of the hybrid algorithm (named
HMOEA) are depicted in Figure 1. In the following
subsections we describe each block of the HMOEA in
3.1 Chromosome Encoding
In order to optimize for the second objective (see
Eq. (2)), each timetable is represented by a variable-
length chromosome as proposed by (Cheong et al.,
2009), and illustrated in Figure 2. A chromosome en-
codes a complete and feasible timetable, and contain
the periods and exams scheduled in each period. Valid
timetables should have a number of periods belong-
ing to a valid interval, initially given by the timetable
Procedure HMOEA
: parent population at iteration t
: offspring population at iteration t
: combined population at iteration t
L: local search operator
: archive of non dominated timetables
Initialize P
and Q
of size N with random
For each iteration t 0,1,...,I
1 do
(Step 1) Form the combined population,
= P
, of size 2N.
(Step 2) Classify R
into different
non-domination classes.
(Step 3) If t 1, use local search
procedure L to improve elements of R
(Step 4) Form the new population P
with solutions of different non-dominated
fronts, sequentially, and use the crowding
sort procedure to choose the solutions
of the last front that can be accommodated.
(Step 5) N
If t = I
1 then Stop.
(Step 6) Create offspring population Q
from P
by using the crowded tournament
selection, crossover and mutation operators.
(Step 7) Repair infeasible timetables.
Figure 1: Hybrid NSGA-II procedure.
planner. However, the operation of crossover and mu-
tation could produce invalid timetables, because of
extra periods added to the timetable as a result of these
operations. Thus, a repairing scheme must be applied
in order to repair infeasible timetables. The adopted
scheme is explained in detail in Section 3.4.
Figure 2: Variable length chromosome representation. A
chromosome encodes a complete and feasible timetable.
Figure 3: Illustration of Day-exchange crossover based
on (Cheong et al., 2009). The shaded periods represent
the chromosomes best days. These are exchanged between
chromosomes, being inserted into randomly chosen periods.
Duplicated exams are then removed.
3.2 Population Initialization
It is known that the basic examination timetabling,
of minimizing the number of slots considering the
hard constraint of not having students with overlap-
ping exams, is equivalent to the graph colouring prob-
lem (C
e et al., 2004). As such, several heuristics
of graph colouring have been applied to the ETTP.
These heuristics influence the order in which exams
are inserted in the timetable. In this work, we use the
following two heuristics, in the initialization and mu-
tation processes:
Saturation Degree (SD): Exams with the fewest
valid periods, in terms of satisfying the hard con-
straints, remaining in the timetable are reinserted
Extended Saturation Degree (ESD): Exams with
the fewest valid periods, in terms of satisfying
both hard and soft constraints, remaining in the
timetable are reinserted first.
The ESD heuristic is used in the population initializa-
tion procedure, while the SD heuristic is used in the
reinsertion process of the mutation operator (detailed
in Section 3.3). These two procedures are similar to
the procedures applied in (Cheong et al., 2009). The
use of the SD heuristic in the initialization process
has been experimented but with worse results than the
ESD heuristic.
Table 5: HMOEA parameters and environmental settings.
Parameter Value
Population size 40
Number of iterations I
Crossover probability 1.0
Mutation probability 0.2
Reinsertion rate 0.02
SHC no. iterations t
= 5
SHC temperature T = 0.0001
Computer Intel Core i7-2630QM,
2.0 GHz, 8 GB RAM
OS Win 7.0 Pro, 64 bit
Matlab version Version 7.9 (R2009b)
Table 6: Clashes per course for the manual and automatic
solutions with 18 periods.
Number of clashes
Timetable Manual sol. Automatic sol.
LEETC 287 215
LEIC 197 163
LERCM 114 71
MEIC 33 23
MEET 50 40
Combined 549 393
In the initialization process, a timetable with a ran-
dom (valid) length is generated for each chromo-
some. Then, the unscheduled exams are ordered ac-
cording to the ESD heuristic and a candidate exam
is selected randomly being then scheduled into a ran-
domly chosen period (chosen from the set of periods
with available capacity while respecting the feasibil-
ity constraint). If no such period exists, a new pe-
riod is added to the end of the timetable to accommo-
date the exam. In the ESD heuristic used, a candidate
exam can be scheduled in a period if it does not vio-
late feasibility and if the number of clashes is bellow
or equal to 70. This process is repeated until all exams
have been scheduled.
3.3 Selection, Crossover and Mutation
The offspring population is created from the parent
population by using the crowded tournament selec-
tion operator (Deb et al., 2002). This operator com-
pares two solutions and returns as the winner of the
tournament the one which as a better rank, or if the
solutions have the same rank, the one who has a bet-
ter crowding distance (the one which is more far apart
from their direct neighbours).
The crossover and mutation operations were
adapted from the ones introduced in (Cheong et al.,
Figure 4: Evolution of the Pareto front.
2009). In the crossover operator, termed Day-
exchange crossover, the best days, selected based on
the crossover rate, are exchanged between chromo-
somes. The best day of a chromosome consist of the
day (a period, in our case) which has the lowest num-
ber of clashes per student. This operation is illustrated
in Figure 3. To ensure feasibility after the crossover
operation, the duplicated exams are deleted. Notice
that, as mentioned before, the result of inserting a new
period in a chromosome could produce a timetable
with a number of periods larger than the valid upper
limit. If this is the case, a repair scheme is applied in
order to compact the timetable.
The mutation operator removes a number of ex-
ams, selected based on the reinsertion rate, and rein-
serts them into other randomly selected periods while
maintaining feasibility. We use the SD graph colour-
ing heuristic to reorder the exams, prior to reinserting
them. As in the case of the crossover operator, the
mutation operator could also add extra periods to the
timetable, for the exams that could not be rescheduled
without violating the hard constraints.
3.4 Repairing Scheme
The repair scheme adopted is similar to the period
control operator of (Cheong et al., 2009), consisting
of the following two operations: (1) Period expan-
Table 7: Manual solution for the LEETC examination timetable. The courses marked in bold face are shared with other
programs, as shown in Table 3. The number of clashes of this timetable is 287.
Sem. Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Pg x
1st AM1 x
ACir x
AM2 x
2nd LSD x
E1 x
PE x
ACp x
3rd EA x
E2 x
SS x
RCp x
4th PR x
FT x
ST x
RCom x
RI x
5th SE1 x
SCDig x
SOt x
PI x
6th SCDist x
SG x
sion, used when the timetable has a number of periods
below the lower limit, and (2) Period packing, used
when the timetable has a number of periods above the
upper limit. In the period expansion operation, empty
periods are first added to the end of the timetable such
that the timetable length is equal to a random number
within the period range. A clash list, comprising all
exams involved in at least one clash, is maintained.
Then, all the exams in the clash list are sweep in a
random order and rescheduled into a random period
without causing any clashes while maintaining fea-
sibility. Exams which could not be moved are left
intact. The period packing operation proceeds as fol-
lows: first, the period with the smallest number of stu-
dents is selected; then the operation searches in order
of available period capacity, starting from the small-
est, for a period which can accommodate exams from
the former while maintaining feasibility and without
causing any clashes. The operation stops when the
timetable length is reduced to a random number in
the desired range or when it goes one cycle through
all periods without rescheduling any exam.
3.5 Ranking Computation
The non-dominated sorting procedure used in NSGA-
II use the evaluation of the two objective functions to
rank the solutions. We adopt a simple penalization
scheme in order to penalize solutions with an invalid
number of periods. The penalization is enforced ac-
cording to the following pseudo-code:
If timetable length > max length Then
= f
+ α
(timetable length max length)
= f
+ α
(timetable length max length)
Else If timetable length < min length Then
= f
+ α
(min length timetable length)
= f
+ α
(min length timetable length).
We set α
= 1000 and α
= 10 to introduce a high
penalization on the number of clashes and number of
periods, respectively.
Table 8: Automatic solution for the LEETC examination timetable. The courses marked in bold face are shared with other
programs, as shown in Table 3. The number of clashes of this timetable is 215.
Sem. Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Pg x
1st AM1 x
ACir x
AM2 x
2nd LSD x
E1 x
PE x
ACp x
3rd EA x
E2 x
SS x
RCp x
4th PR x
FT x
ST x
RCom x
RI x
5th SE1 x
SCDig x
SOt x
PI x
6th SCDist x
SG x
3.6 Local Exploitation
The Local Exploitation step employs a Local Search
procedure to improve locally some elements of the
population. First, 2N/4 groups of fours are formed
by randomly selecting into each group elements of
the population R
. Then, tournaments between el-
ements of each group are taken. The chromosome
which has the lower rank (the one who belongs to
the front with lower number) wins the tournament
and is then scheduled for the improve step. With
this procedure, about N/2 of the chromosomes are se-
lected for improvement. Also, it is guaranteed that at
least one element of the non-dominated front is se-
lected for improvement. The selected chromosomes
are improved locally using a short iteration Stochastic
Hill Climber (SHC) procedure, with objective func-
tion f
= minimization of the number of clashes. We
set a low temperature T in the SHC. In this way, our
SHC works like a standard Hill Climber but with only
one neighbour, instead of evaluating a whole neigh-
bourhood of solutions. The random neighbour is se-
lected according to the following operation. Firstly, a
clash list for the selected chromosome is built. Then,
the neighbour chromosome is the one which results
from applying the best move of an exam in the clash
list into a feasible period. The best move is the one
that leads to the highest decrease in the number of
In our experiments we applied the proposed HMOEA
to the DEETC dataset specified in Section 2. Table 5
gives the algorithmic parameters and environmental
settings used in the experiments. The algorithm was
programmed in the Matlab language.
Firstly, we present the results on the performance
of HMOEA and then compare it with the available
manual solution. In the experiment made, the initial
period range was set to the interval [14,22], that is,
four periods below and upper the number of periods
set in the manual solution. The performance of the
HMOEA in terms of the evolution of the Pareto is
illustrated in Figure 4. We can observe that the al-
gorithm converges rapidly as in iteration 25 it has al-
ready a complete first front that is a good approxi-
mation of the final Pareto front. After that iteration,
the individual solutions are further optimized but to
a lesser extent. The running time for this experience
(the best result out of five runs) was 296 seconds or
5 minutes.
In Table 6 we compare the number of clashes per
course obtained by the manual and automatic (con-
sidering the obtained solution with 18 periods) pro-
cedures. As we can conclude from this table, the au-
tomatic solution improved the number of clashes in
all the timetables, which corresponds to a lower num-
ber of clashes in the optimized merged timetable. Ta-
bles 7 and 8 present the timetables for the most diffi-
cult program: the LEETC program. We can see that,
qualitatively, the timetable produced by the automatic
procedure has a reasonable layout as the exams within
the same semester are well distributed.
In this paper we solved a real instance of the exam
timetabling problem using a hybrid multi-objective
evolutionary algorithm. The instance considered
comprises ve programs with high degree of course
sharing between programs, which difficult the manual
construction of the timetable. In the manual elabora-
tion of the timetable actually ve timetables are opti-
mized concurrently, one for each program. The auto-
matic algorithm solves this instance by optimizing the
combined timetable. With the application of the pro-
posed hybrid MOEA, the present instance was solved
effectively, with lower number clash conflicts com-
pared to the manual solution and in negligible time.
The current results were obtained without special fine
tuning. Moreover, in experiences made, we obtained
lower number of clashes than the actual results, but
the optimization in each timetable was not balanced,
as some timetables were more optimized than others.
This is explained by the intrinsic difficulty in optimiz-
ing each timetable, e.g. the LEETC is more difficult
to optimize than the the LERCM timetable, because
it has a greater number of shared courses and more
students registered on those courses.
5.1 Future Work
Several improvements could be made to the algo-
rithm. Some are listed next:
In order to prevent the algorithm to optimize in
an unbalanced way, we could considering adding
has an objective a measure of program balance,
in order to guide the algorithm to prefer solutions
were the number of clashes is minimized and the
balance in programs is achieved.
Consider room assignment, by solving the Capac-
itated ETTP.
Finally, in order to evaluate the performance of the
HMOEA, we intend to run the algorithm in the set of
ETTP benchmarks available - the Toronto and Not-
tingham benchmarks (Qu et al., 2009) - and compare
with other approaches.
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