Understanding Worldwide Human Information Needs
Revealing Cultural Influences in HCI by Analyzing Big Data in Interactions
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
HCI Research & Development, Intercultural User Interface Consulting (IUIC), Lindenstraße 9, 93152 Undorf, Germany
Keywords: Culture, Relation, Structure Equation Model, Neural Networks, Factor Analysis, Data Analysis, Global,
Local, Intercultural Interaction Analysis, Tools, Big Data, Modeling, Data Mining, Statistics.
Abstract: Understanding human information needs worldwide requires the analysis of much data and adequate
statistical analysis methods. Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models (SEM) are a means to reveal
structures in data. Data from empirical studies found in literature regarding cultural human computer
interaction (HCI) was analyzed using these methods to develop a model of culturally influenced HCI. There
are significant differences in HCI style depending on the cultural imprint of the user. Having knowledge
about the relationship between culture and HCI using this model, the local human information needs can be
predicted for a worldwide scope.
Rapidly progressing globalization requires
consequent adaptation of the methods and processes
applied in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
design to the relevant cultural needs. Intercultural
User Interface Design (IUID) integrates several
disciplines. For example it integrates information
technology with cultural studies within this
prominent and complex field. However, the relations
between HCI and culture are not yet well elaborated,
even if there are some initial approaches (cf. e.g.,
Röse et al., 2001); (Marcus, 2006); (Vatrapu and
Suthers, 2007); (Clemmensen, 2009); (Heimgärtner,
2012). A proper taxonomy of all approaches,
methods and processes in IUID is also still missing,
even if there are some clues (cf. e.g., Clemmensen
and Röse, 2010). In addition, there are several tools
for user interaction logging (e.g. ObSys for
recording and visualization of windows messages,
cf. Gellner and Forbrig, 2003). However, none of the
existing tools provide explicitly cultural usability
metrics to measure culturally imprinted interaction
behavior. This is because the connections between
HCI and culture are not systematically collected and
prepared for such tools.
This paper describes some methods to elucidate
the connection between HCI and culture by
analyzing big data (cf. Auinger et al., 2011): the
intercultural interaction analysis tool (IIA tool),
neural networks, factor analysis and structural
equation models (SEM). Then, the application of the
methods to analyze the connections between culture
and HCI are explained and the results and challenges
are addressed.
The following methods and tools can be used to
yield cultural differences in HCI and to determine
the relationship between culture and HCI. Cultures
are orientation systems for group members (cf.
Thomas et al., 2010). The characteristics of cultures
can be described using cultural dimensions (cf.
Hofstede and Hofstede, 2005). The interaction
behavior of the user with the system can be
described with HCI dimensions (cf. Heimgärtner
2012). The aim is to determine the connection
between cultural dimensions and HCI dimensions
and its values using adequate methods and tools to
yield a model for culturally influenced HCI that
serves to predict the HCI style of members of any
cultures. With this knowledge, relevant design
recommendation can be derived to develop user
interfaces with high usability. Quantitative values
for the indices of the cultural dimensions are
available from empirical studies by Hofstede and
Hofstede 2005. Further quantitative values for the
Heimgärtner R..
Understanding Worldwide Human Information Needs - Revealing Cultural Influences in HCI by Analyzing Big Data in Interactions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004166401650169
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 165-169
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
indicators of the HCI dimensions are also available
(cf. Heimgärtner, 2012). 916 valid data sets together
with the values of the indices of Hofstede are used to
determine the connections between the values of the
cultural and HCI dimensions.
2.1 IIA Tool as a Method Framework
A special tool for measuring the interaction behavior
of the user has been developed by the author (cf.
Heimgärtner, 2008). The interaction of culturally
different users doing the same test task can be
observed (using the same test conditions i.e. the
same hard- and software, environment conditions,
language and the test tasks) as well as requiring the
same experience with the use of the system. Logging
data of dialogs, debugging and HCI event triggering
while using the system are highly valuable
(Kralisch, 2006). This data can be logged during
usability tests according to certain user tasks. The
IIA tool provides data collection, data analysis and
data evaluation. It serves to record and analyze the
user’s interaction with the system in order to identify
culturally influenced variables such as color,
positioning, information density and interaction
speed as well as their values. The collection and
preparation of the data is to be done automatically
for the most part by the IIA data collection module.
The data is to be stored in databases in a format that
is immediately usable by the IIA data analysis
module, which does subsequent data conversion or
preparation. Common statistic programs like SPSS
or AMOS can be deployed to apply statistical
methods (cf. Ho, 2006). The IIA data evaluation
module enables classification using neural networks
to cross-validate the results from data analysis.
The Delphi-IDE allows transformation of new
HCI concepts very quickly into well formed
prototypes that can be tested very soon within the
development process. For example, some hypotheses
have been confirmed quantitatively addressing many
test users online in one month (implementing the use
cases as well as doing data collection and data
analysis). Hence, using the IIA tool means rapid use
case design, i.e. real-time prototyping of user
interfaces for different cultures as well as a very
large amount of valid data collected quickly and
easily worldwide online via internet or intranet or
offline locally on the spot.
2.2 Using Neural Networks
Neural networks are used within the IIA evaluation
module to verify and establish trends of cultural
differences in user interaction and to enhance the
plausibility of quantitative results. For example, it
might not be important which subjects take part in a
test, if neural networks are used, which can
independently learn existing trends (e.g., back
propagation networks (cf. Haykin, 2008) or self-
organizing maps (cf. Kohonen, 2001)). Therefore,
such networks are not concerned about which test
persons take part in the test. By connecting the
categorized grouped test data according to the HCI
dimensions to the input neurons and the cultural
characteristics (represented for example by variables
like nationality, mother tongue, etc.) of the users to
the output neurons of the neural network, training of
the network will reveal if there is a correlation of the
values of the HCI dimensions with the input and the
culture with the output of the neural network. In
other words, if cultural differences do exist, i.e. if
there is a correlation between the corresponding test
data of the test persons and the culture at the output
of the neural network, the neural network will learn
and reveal it (“monitored learning”, cf. Mandl et al.,
2003). By means of connecting test data which is
categorized or grouped according to hypotheses and
the cultural variables to the output of the neural
network, it identifies whether cultural differences do
exist and to which degree. Thereby, it can be seen
whether correlations exist between the test data from
the subject with the input of the neural network and
his cultural imprint with the output of the neural
2.3 Explorative Factor Analysis
HCI dimensions represent classes of indicators. For
example, the class “number of information units per
space unit” belongs to the HCI dimension
“information density” and can be expressed by the
indicator “number of words displayed on a screen”.
Another HCI dimension is “interaction frequency”.
This dimension contains the class “number of
interactions per time unit” (e.g., represented by the
indicator “number of mouse clicks per second”).
Support for the correctness of the HCI dimensions
comes from the application of factor analysis
Explorative factor analysis serves hereby to
derive the HCI dimensions by grouping potential
variables to factors (component matrix) according to
the strength of their correlation (correlation matrix)
(cf. Ho, 2006). Using main component analysis with
the 916 data sets including 19 indicators, four main
components have been extracted (ranked by impact,
cf. Heimgärtner, 2012): (i) Style of user interaction
behavior (expressed by interaction speed index and
interaction exactness index) is influenced by age,
time abroad and experience with the use of
computers as well as task orientation of the user. (ii)
Information reception (represented by information
density, number and order index) varies because of
the influence of uncertainty avoidance. (iii)
Information speed (represented by the information
speed index) correlates with help usage (represented
by the number of help calls). Furthermore, (iv)
gender and power distance indices seem to be
correlated. The four main factor loadings
(“components”) derived from the data explain nearly
95% of the variance. The remaining 15 components
in total explain only 5% of the variance. This
analysis is clear, if not very meaningful because the
extensions of the indicators constituting the
components partly overlap. Therefore, an
“extended” (more detailed) factor analysis has been
carried out. It revealed that component #1
(interaction behavior) in the “simple” factor analysis
can be split up into the two components “primary
cultural imprint” and “interactional behavior” or
“HCI style”. Hence, the largest components concern
HCI and cultural aspects, which now can be further
used to analyze their connections doing structural
equation modeling.
2.4 Structural Equation Modeling
Structural equation models (SEM) belong to the
statistical methods of confirmative factor analysis,
which can be performed using e.g., AMOS (cf.
Byrne, 2001). A structural equation model consists
of a set of equations. The effect or endogenous
variable is on the left side and on the right side is the
sum of the causes with each causal variable
multiplied by a causal parameter. Here, structural
equation modeling serves to identify the
relationships between cultural dimensions and HCI
dimensions and their causes. SEM has, on the left
hand side the cultural indices by Hofstede
representing cultural dimensions and on the right
hand side, the indicators of the HCI dimensions.
Cultural dimensions and HCI dimensions are
connected by assumed relations in the SEM. The
theory is the better the more variances in the
empirical data can be explained statistically by the
SEM. The theory depending on the modeled
relations is best if the balance between the variables
is in equilibrium. Adding or removing variables or
relations to improve the equilibrium is called
structural equation modeling. First attempts using
AMOS showed that the higher the relationship
orientation (collectivism) represented by Hofstede’s
individualism index (IDV), the higher the
information density, information speed, information
frequency, interaction frequency and interaction
speed as well as the other way around. Additional
methods like conformational factor analysis as well
as regression analysis support this process of finding
the right model.
3.1 Results
The data analyzed for the qualitative and
quantitative studies revealed a trend for the
investigated cultures that allowed shifting towards a
model of culturally influenced HCI. (cf.
Heimgärtner, 2012). With the right combination of
indicators representing the HCI dimensions, it is
possible to capture interaction differences that are
culturally imprinted (e.g., according to cultural
aspects such as nationality, mother tongue, country
of birth, etc. or to cultural dimensions). There are
correlations between the interaction of the users with
the system and their cultural background. The
cultural differences in HCI concern layout (complex
vs. simple), information density (from high to low),
personalization (from greater to lesser), language
(symbols vs. characters), interaction speed (from
high to low) and interaction frequency (from high to
low). In addition, the cultural differences found in
HCI by discriminance analysis are quantitatively
measurable by a computer system using a special
combination of indicators represented by interaction
patterns depending on the culturally imprinted
interaction behavior of the user. The recognition and
classification of cultural inter-action patterns in HCI,
i.e. cultural differences in HCI, can be achieved
purely quantitatively (cf. Heimgärtner, 2012). A
handful of indicators are sufficient for this purpose.
Moreover, the interaction patterns representing the
cultural differences in HCI and the derived
indicators are statistically sufficiently discriminating
to enable computer systems to detect them
automatically and to assign the users to a certain
cultural imprint. Furthermore, when reversed,
interaction patterns are also useful to identify a user,
which is necessary for the system to adapt to the
corresponding user.
3.2 Challenges
However, many open issues still remain. The
reliability of the test equipment and test methods as
well as the results and models must be discussed and
alternative test settings in the future should be used.
The results have been determined statistically and
are mainly descriptive. Explaining the inference
statistics for the evidence and the reasons of the
cultural differences in depth remains to be done. In
addition, there is the need for strengthening the
confirmation of the HCI dimensions by conducting
deeper explorative factor analysis with the data from
further studies as well as enhancing the separation
effect and discriminatory power of the indicators and
their classes. The test data sets must be evaluated in
more detail to generate optimized algorithms for
cultural adaptability in HCI based on neural
networks, which need large amounts of interaction
data for training, validating and testing as well as on
structured equal models to prove basic theoretical
and well explained interaction models by taking
cultural aspects into account.
Many kinds of culturally influenced interaction
patterns are only recognizable over time requiring
the collection of big data. Hence, enhanced
algorithms and tools must be used for data analysis.
Therefore, designing tools for non-experts to do
their own analysis with big data in interactions will
be a prominent task for interaction designers in the
future (cf. Fisher et al., 2012). The combination of
different statistical methods to determine cultural
differences and influences in HCI represents an
initial idea and the first step to ascertain the right
relationships between culture and HCI. However,
much effort still remains. Nevertheless, the
presented approach and model are worthy of being
investigated and optimized in the future. Revealing
cultural influences in HCI by analyzing big data in
interactions to finally create and use a model or even
a theory for culturally influenced HCI should help to
better understand human information needs
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