Knowledge Acquisition System based on JSON Schema
Implementation of a HCI for Actuation of Biosignals Acquisition Systems
Nuno Costa
, Tiago Araujo
, Neuza Nunes
and Hugo Gamboa
CEFITEC, Departamento de Física, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
PLUX - Wireless Biosignals, S.A., Lisbon, Portugal
Knowledge Acquisition System, Human Computer Interaction, Ontology, Schema Language.
Large amounts of data, increasing every day, are stored and transferred through the internet. These data are
normally weakly structured making information disperse, uncorrelated, non-transparent and difficult to access
and share. Semantic Web, proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), addresses this problem by
promoting semantic structured data, like ontologies, enabling machines to perform more work involved in
finding, combining, and acting upon information on the web. Pursuing this vision, a Knowledge Acquisition
System was created, written in JavaScript using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as the data structure and
JSON Schema to define that structure, enabling new ways of acquiring and storing knowledge semantically
structured. A novel Human Computer Interaction framework was developed with this knowledge system,
enabling the end user to, practically, configure all kinds of electrical devices and control them. With the
data structured by a Schema, the software becomes robust, error free and human readable. To show the
potential of this tool, the end user can configure an electrostimulator, surpassing the specific use of many
Electrophysiology software. Therefore, we provide a tool for clinical, sports and investigation where the user
has the liberty to produce their own protocols by sequentially compile electrical impulses.
The easiness of access, storage, transmission of data
and the exponential proliferation of internet users en-
close new complexities: authentication; scalable con-
figuration management; security; huge masses of high
dimensional and often weakly structured data (the
main problem addressed in this project). Structuring
data pursued by Semantic Web leaves many opportu-
nities open because there is always room for improv-
ing and to develop more adequate languages. Meth-
ods and approaches to solve the problem emerged
from research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
(Prabhu, 1997), Information Retrieval (IR), Knowl-
edge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining (KDD)
(Fayyad et al., 1996). These methods assist end users
to identify, extract, visualize and understand useful in-
formation from data.
The establishment of ontologies is one of the
methods to solve the problem, possible with Semantic
Web, holding much promise in manipulating informa-
tion in ways that are useful and meaningful to the hu-
man user. Ontologies are collections of information
with specific taxonomies and inference rules to defi-
ne relations between terms. A taxonomy defines
classes of objects and relations among them, and in-
ference rules provide advanced ways of relating in-
formation by deduction. Classes, subclasses and re-
lations among entities are a very powerful tool for
Web use. We can express a large number of relations
among entities by assigning properties to classes and
allowing subclasses to inherit such properties. The
structure and semantics provided by ontologies make
it easier for an entrepreneur to provide a service, mak-
ing its use completely transparent. Ontologies can en-
hance the functioning of the Web in many ways, like
relating information on a Web page to the associated
knowledge structures and inference rules, thus creat-
ing robust and clean applications (Berners-Lee et al.,
Mechanisms to specify ontologies have spring
in the late years, the Schema Language is one of
them. Given the fact that Xtensible Markup Lan-
guage (XML) allows users to add arbitrary structure
to their documents, but lacks in describing the struc-
tures, Schema was developed as a notation for defin-
ing a set of XML trees (Thompson et al., 2000). From
this concept, a set of specifications were established
Costa N., Araujo T., Nunes N. and Gamboa H..
Knowledge Acquisition System based on JSON Schema - Implementation of a HCI for Actuation of Biosignals Acquisition Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004166702550262
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(WINSYS-2012), pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to create a Schema for JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON), a self descriptive language for data storage
and transmission, enabling the description of the data
structure. A useful Schema notation must have some
specific properties: identify most of the syntactic re-
quirements that the documents in the user domain fol-
low; allow efficient parsing; be readable to the user;
concede limited transformations corresponding to the
insertion of defaults; be modular and extensible to
support evolving classes (Klarlund et al., 2000). This
language aids in the creation of structured data and
automated tools to present the data in a human read-
able form, making easier the extraction and visualiza-
tion of useful information from data. Therefore, in
this field of structuring data, Schema largely super-
sedes Document type Definitions (DTDs) for markup
One example of this procedure is Protégé, an
open source Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acqui-
sition System. Protégé is a framework written in Java
and uses Swing (Java GUI widget toolkit) to create
complex user interfaces. These interfaces provide
the user with tools to construct domain models and
knowledge-based applications with ontologies. As a
graphical tool for ontology editing and knowledge ac-
quisition, it can adapt to enable conceptual modelling
with new and evolving Semantic Web languages (Noy
et al., 2001). Protégé lets us, like the Schema, cre-
ate domains in a conceptual level without having to
know the syntax of the language ultimately used on
the Web to create interfaces, passing information, be-
tween other features. We can concentrate on the con-
cept types (integers, arrays, strings, ...) and relation-
ships in the domain and the facts about them that we
need to describe.
Using this mechanism in the project for structur-
ing the data, a Human Computer Interaction was cre-
ated with an innovative Knowledge Acquisition sys-
tem for controlling the actuation of a Biosignals Ac-
quisition System. One of the purposes, and as a prac-
tical example, is to control an electrostimulator en-
abling the user to create their own protocols, pursuing
a non-specific software for Electrostimulation. There-
fore, it allows the user to employ the software in dif-
ferent types of Electrostimulation applications:
Electrotherapy: Rehabilitation (von Lewinski
et al., 2009); Spinal cord injury, stroke, sen-
sory deficits, and neurological disorders (Co-
gan, 2008); elicit electronarcosis, electrosleep and
electroanalgesia (Lebedev et al., 2002);
Physical Conditioning: fitness; active recovery;
optimizing physical performance by improvement
of maximum strength of a muscle (muscular
tonus) in less time (Siff, 1990).
This work presents a novel Knowledge Acquisi-
tion System based on JSON Schema with the specific
focus on creating user interfaces to configure biosig-
nals acquisition devices, and with this information
control the actuation of that device. Ultimately, the
software will pursue usability and acceptability, be-
cause ease of use affects the users performance and
their satisfaction, while acceptably affects whether
the product is used or not (Holzinger and Leitner,
2005). Our proposal defines Application Program-
ming Interfaces (APIs) and low-level infrastructures
to create a system for controlling a biosignals acqui-
sition device, where the acquisition and actuation pa-
rameters are acquired from the user. At the core of
this system is a JSON Schema enabling validation
(data integrity), interaction (UI generation - forms and
code) and documentation.
2.1 JSON
JSON is a simple, lightweight and human readable
text-data structure for information exchange. The
approach for information exchange is simpler than
XML, by the less verbose structure of the notation.
Interpreting JSON is native in some languages with
the existence of several support libraries that make
JSON a platform independent language (Crockford,
D., 2006). JSON structure is composed of name/value
pairs separated by comma, curly brackets holds ob-
jects and square brackets holds arrays. Values can be
numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, objects and null.
In the example below is an object containing infor-
mation of an address and phone number:
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city":"New York"
"number":"212 555-1234"
Considering these features, JSON was selected as
the data structure of this work, and is defined by JSON
Configuration Editors
Control the Actuation of a Device
(Raw Code)
Figure 1: Generic diagram showing the flow of information.
2.2 JSON Schema
A JSON Schema is a Media Type (standard draft of
options) that specifies a JSON-based format to de-
fine the structure of JSON data, providing a con-
tract (set of rules) required in a given application, and
how to interact with the contract. Accordingly, JSON
Schema specifies requirements for JSON properties
and other property attributes with the following inten-
Validation (data integrity);
Interaction (UI generation - forms and code);
Hyperlink Navigation.
JSON Schema is also a JSON with a compact im-
plementation and can be used on the client and server.
Specifications are organized in two parts (Zyp, K.,
Core Schema Specification: primary concerned
with describing a JSON structure and specifying
valid elements in the structure.
Hyper Schema Specification: define elements in
a structure that can be interpreted as hyperlinks,
in others JSON documents and elements of in-
teraction (This allows user agents to be able to
successfully navigate JSON documents based on
their Schemas).
Below is an example of a JSON Schema defining
the structure for the JSON example showed before:
"address": {
"city": {
"streetAddress": {
"phoneNumber": {
"number": {
"type": {
As shown in the diagram, Figure 1, JSON Schema
allows the definition of ontologies and will be in
the core of the program, enabling: interaction,
Schema serves as blueprint to architect the neces-
sary forms, with or without Graphical User Interfaces
(GUI), and define the other editors for the Knowl-
edge Acquisition System; documentation, APIs and
low-level software infrastructures in JavaScript en-
able the transformation of the information acquired
from the user in a JSON data structure defined by
the Schemas, then the data (JSONs and Schemas)
is stored in the server and retrieved to the client
(JavaScript) through websockets (full-duplex com-
munications channels over a single TCP connection);
validation, JSON data can be imputed directly in a
raw editor (a knowledge acquisition system) by the
end user. Nevertheless, the data is only stored if the
structure agrees with the Schema.
With these mechanisms the software becomes a
powerful HCI system: robust; error - free; with hu-
man readable data structures, therefore, visualization
and extraction of information is easier.
Figure 2: Configuration in Advanced Editor the mode options for an electrostimulator. Initial version of the software.
Based on the method for data structure, described in
the last section, a Human Computer Interaction was
developed with a novel Knowledge Acquisition sys-
tem for controlling the actuation of Biosignals Ac-
quisition Systems. As shown in Figure 1, an ontol-
ogy is defined with the help of JSON Schemas, then
these Schemas are interpreted in JavaScript enabling
the conception of three editors. These editors pro-
vide different means to acquire the information from
the user. Afterwards, this information is saved as
JSONs in the server. In the control, the JSONs are
retrieved from the server, through websockets, and
parsed in JavaScript. Finally, the necessary infor-
mation is sent to the device via APIs. As a practi-
cal example, the HCI provides mechanisms to control
an electrostimulator by enabling the user to configure
protocols/sessions for actuation of the device.
The HCI is integrated in a software for biosig-
nals acquisition and processing from PLUX - Wire-
less Biosignals, S.A., enabling the control of a generic
device. In this way, actuation, acquisition and pro-
cessing is possible in a closed-loop cycle (Broderick
et al., 2008).
The main purpose of this project is to provide the
end user the liberty to create and sequentially compile
Device Mode Session Control
Figure 3: Diagram representing the direction to configure
then control. First, configure a new device, then modes and
finally the sessions using the modes created.
electrical impulses. This enables the user to create ac-
tuation sessions for electrical devices. In a particular
example, enables the user to configure an electrostim-
ulator and design sessions to test different types of
Electrostimulation protocols.
The software is divided in configuration (the
knowledge acquisition system based on JSON
Schemas), and control for the actuation of a device.
Basically, as shown in Figure 3, to control we need to
configure a device, and create temporal sessions, i.e
sequence of impulse modes, for each channel of that
device. Consequently, the configuration is divided in
device, mode and session, each one with the respec-
tive JSON Schema to structure the data, and directly
or indirectly create the editors. In the next sections,
these ideas are explained in more detail accompanied
with images for the specific case of an electrostimula-
Figure 4: Configuration of the mode in Basic Editor and Advanced Editor. Initial versions of the software.
3.1 Configuration
3.1.1 Device
The user can compose a new device by setting the
mode options for that device. There are two types of
options, generic and special. Special stands for spe-
cial modes, in this case the special mode enables the
creation of pulses instead of only periodic waves, un-
like a generic wave generator. For example, the spe-
cial mode is necessary to configure an electrostimula-
tor. We can see in Figure 2 the configuration with the
special parameters for Electrostimulation: maximum
current, 100 mA, and maximum time on, 500 µs. Af-
ter fill in the form, created directly from the Schema,
a JSON is exported and stored in the server.
3.1.2 Mode
The user can project a new mode for a specific device.
The mode permits the configuration of pulses (special
mode options activated), and waves (special mode op-
tions deactivated) depending on the mode options. In
Figure 4 is possible to view how a mode can be con-
figured in two different editors (described in the edi-
tors section). The figure shows the creation of bifasic
mode for the electrostimulator, a pulse with positive
and negative time on of 250 µs, amplitude up 100 mA
and amplitude down -100 mA, and 10 Hz of pulse fre-
3.1.3 Session
The user can create a new session for a specific
device. A session is a sequence of modes, and
each channel of a device can have one session pro-
grammed. A device has a maximum number of pro-
grammable modes, but they can be repeated infinitely.
Figure 5 shows the configuration of a session. Primar-
ily, the definition of the modes that will be used, four
is the maximum that the hardware can memorize. Af-
terwards, the creation of a session for the channels re-
quired, in this case, only one channel is programmed
with two modes, bifasic, 300 seconds activated and,
no_impulse, during 100 seconds. This sequence is re-
peated during half an hour by activating the loop for
Figure 5: Configuration of a session in Advanced Editor. Loop during half an hour with bifasic mode, 300 seconds activated,
and no_impulse 100 seconds activated. Initial version of the software.
that specific session. The session is named protocol1.
3.1.4 Editors
The core for each configuration stated before is a
Schema, and the end user has the possibility to choose
between three editors (like in Figure 1):
Basic Editor (Specialized GUI): simple and user-
friendly interface with the minimum required
fields to fill. The information is saved in a JSON
format defined by the Schema. This editor is in-
tended for the basic users. It can be seen in Fig-
ure 4.
Advanced Editor: a form generated automatically
from the Schema specifications, with the possibil-
ity of edition in GUI. Information is also saved
in JSON format defined by the Schema. The most
profitable editor because it shows directly how the
information will be saved in the JSON. This way,
users understand the architecture of the data. Fig-
ures 2, 4 and 5 have the configuration of a de-
vice, a mode and a session, respectively, in the
Advanced Editor.
Source Editor: an editor to upload or create
JSONs, where the user writes the JSON (like the
JSONs exported in figures 2 and 5) or copy and
paste the JSON in the editor. JSONs are valid and
can be saved if they agree with JSON Schema, if
not, reports with errors are generated. This Edi-
tor is intended for users with more knowledge of
the data structure, or for the ones that just want to
copy and paste information or upload.
Note that it’s possible to travel between the three
editors, and the information is inherited between
them. Also, in Advanced Editor, GUIs are directly
related with special types from the JSON Schema,
and can be used to fill the necessary fields. Like
in the example Figure 4, clicking on the specific
button opens a graphic tool (canvas) for edition of
points by moving them with the mouse, identical
to the canvas from Basic Editor.
3.2 Control
The control is the area for actuation and acquisition
of biosignals. In here, the user first needs to set up the
device, for that he must choose the device and the ses-
Figure 6: Actuation of an electrostimulator with the session protocol_rehab. This session has two channels with different
sessions configured.
sion to program. When the device is ready, start/stop
of the session is feasible. In the course of the session
is possible to acquire real time biosignals and syn-
chronize them with the session. This part is in devel-
opment stage: Figure 6 presents a moke-up of what
could be in the final stage. The control area will have
many device sessions templates. Therefore, a quick
approach by the user will enable the simple selection
of a pre-defined session and start the actuation imme-
This project envisions a software with powerful capa-
bilities. The most important parts are the infrastruc-
tures that conduct the flow of information between the
Schema, the editors, the GUIs and finally the pro-
cess of saving in JSON data. After the APIs and
low-level infrastructures are programmed is easy and
fast to create information editors with other Schemas,
develop configuration interfaces for that editors and
allow the engineering of new human computer in-
teractions. This explains the impressive usability of
this knowledge acquisition system. For this reason,
is important to refute that the main mechanisms be-
hind this software are JSON, the human-readable data
structure, and JSON Schema that defines the struc-
ture of JSON, allowing interaction (creation of forms
with specialized GUIs), documentation and valida-
tion, producing an error-free, semantically structured
and human-readable knowledge acquisition system,
contributing to the HCI system robustness.
In Biomedicine, the configuration part should only
be manipulated by clinical professionals, where they
can adapt sessions to each patient. Overly compli-
cated user interfaces and large, bulky designs can de-
ter patients from using the device on a day to day ba-
sis, so, ultimately, the patient will only start or stop
a session prepared for him. Following this idea the
software was separated in configuration, where clini-
cal professionals can configure a device with sessions
for each channel, and control, where the user just need
to choose the device and session (set up the device)
then start the session. If for some reason, the session
should not stop automatically (before the stop time is
reached), the user can stop the session. This HCI is
being tested in the Electrostimulation area to support
clinical professionals, sportsman and investigators to
control electrostimulators by enabling the creation of
different kind of protocols, empowering the software
This software, above all, pursues usability, for this
reason, in future stages of the project, the following
tasks will be conducted: user studies, extended unit
tests, usability tests, and usability expert evaluation.
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