A New Compaction Algorithm for LCS Rules
Breast Cancer Dataset Case Study
Faten Kharbat
, Larry Bull
and Mohammed Odeh
Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
University of the West of England, Bristol, U.K.
Keywords: Learning Classifier System, Compaction Algorithm, XCS.
Abstract: This paper introduces a new compaction algorithm for the rules generated by learning classifier systems that
overcomes the disadvantages of previous algorithms in complexity, compacted solution size, accuracy and
usability. The algorithm is tested on a Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBC) which is a well well-known
breast cancer datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) (Holland, 1976)
is a sample of the main issues that have been
investigated in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the
last three decades. LCS is a rule-based system that
uses evolutionary algorithms to facilitate rule
discovery. It may be said that most current LCS
research has made a shift away from Holland’s
original formalism after Wilson introduced XCS
(Wilson, 1995).
XCS uses the accuracy of rules as their fitness
and Genetic Algorithms (GA) (Holland, 1975) to
evolve generalizations over the space of possible
state-action pairs of a reinforcement learning task
with the aim of easing the use of such approaches in
large problems, (i.e., those with state-action
combinations that are too numerous for an explicit
entry for each). XCS can also avoid problematic
over general rules that receive a high optimal payoff
for some inputs, but are sub-optimal to other lower
payoff inputs.
Illustrates the architecture of XCS, and readers
who are interested in further details are referred to
(Butz and Wilson, 2000) and (Butz et al., 2004).
LCS in general and XCS in particular have been
applied to different data mining problems. It was
shown that LCS could be effective for predicting
and describing evolving phenomenon in addition to
its modelling ability (e.g. Holmes et al., 2002). In
particular, Wilson (2001a) (2001b) applied XCS to a
medical dataset, namely the Wisconsin Breast
Cancer Dataset (WBC), and showed that XCS can
tackle real complex learning problems, in addition to
its capability to deal with different representations.
Also, XCS was tested on the Wisconsin Diagnostic
Breast Cancer Dataset (WDBC) dataset in (Bacardit
and Butz, 2004) and shown to have competitive
performance in both training and testing phases.
However, in real environments, having generated
descriptive rules, an LCS needs a further step in
which the minimal number of rules can be found that
can still describe this environment. In other words,
this implies that a compaction process is required to
run over the rules generated by the learning
classifier system.
A number of approaches have been attempted to
develop a sufficient compaction algorithm where a
minimal subset of rules can be extracted with
minimal run time required. In general, these attempts
suffer from the same deficiency in terms of poor
performance and difficult usability.
In this paper, a new compaction algorithm that
overcomes the previous algorithms’ rules
compaction disadvantages is introduced. Evaluation
of the results obtained is discussed briefly after
applying the algorithm to a well-known breast
cancer datasets: Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset
(WBC) (Blake and Merz, 1998), followed by a
conclusion and future directions.
Table 1 (Bernado et al., 2004) shows the
prediction accuracy of XCS over the WBC (average
and standard deviation) compared to other popular
learning algorithms showing the efficiency and
ability of XCS to tackle real complex problems. In
this research, the WBC dataset has been used as the
Kharbat F., Bull L. and Odeh M..
A New Compaction Algorithm for LCS Rules - Breast Cancer Dataset Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004167403820385
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: XCS Architecture (Wilson, 1995).
Table 1: Prediction accuracy of XCS and other learning algorithms on the WBC (Bernado et al., 2004).
WBC 95.4 ±1.6 95.3±2.2 96.7±1.7 96.4±2.5
test bed to study and evaluate the outcomes of the
new LCS compaction approach, namely Compaction
using Recognise-Act Cycles (CRAC).
2.1 Goals of LCS Rule Compaction
XCS has shown encouraging results in different
domains in terms of its capability to produce a
maximal, general, correct solution for a given
environment. The huge size of the generated
solution, however, may still be considered as a
barrier to exploit its entire knowledge. For example,
more than 2000 rules on average were generated
when WBC dataset was applied to XCS.
The main objective of applying real problems to
LCS is to provide the domain experts with a
complete, minimal, readable, and usable solution
with an organized underlying knowledge that has the
ability to describe the given environment.
Complete” is one of the proved characteristics
related to XCS (Kovacs, 1997) which implies that
XCS is able to describe all regions of the
input/action space (complete map) for a given
environment. However, by increasing the number of
rules describing the environment, overlapped
patterns are allowed to exist, which conflict with the
second term: “minimal”. In other words, there will
be some regions in the environment that are
described and covered by more than one rule (or
pattern). Actually, some real problem domains
require an overlapping solution as per their nature of
complexity. But, the issue here relates to
unnecessary overlapping that can be avoided.
One of the other main problems caused by large
numbers of LCS rules is when they are presented to
domain experts. This violates the third term
“readable” due to the over expected number of
rules that make it impossible to comprehend them
smoothly or make the maximum benefit of them. For
example, providing a breast cancer specialist with
more than 2000 rules describing the 700 WBC cases
is not easily comprehendible to make use of the
underlying hidden knowledge for better
understanding and enrichment of breast cancer
Therefore, developing a compaction algorithm
that addresses the above issues is essential to
increase the level of rules readability, interpretation,
and organization of the underlying knowledge held
in them. We present below a brief description of the
main algorithms attempted to compact LCS rules.
It is clear from the previous algorithms’
descriptions and from experimental results (not
shown) that Dixon et al. algorithm outperforms other
algorithms although it may generate larger
compacted solution in some cases. However, two
main issues should be considered; first, the usability
of the rules is essential which stands for the ability
of the domain expert to utilize the generated solution
without applying each new problem case to the
prediction array calculation. In other words, the
dependency on the prediction array calculation
means that the solution should be resident in a
computer system which makes no difference to store
the full generated rule set from the beginning.
Second, the quality of generated compacted rules
needs to be sustained. While Dixon et al.’s algorithm
performance is competitive, it can be seen that
involving spoilers will adversely affect the quality of
the compacted solution classifiers let alone the
readability and usability of these rules.
In an attempt to combat the main disadvantage of
Dixon et al.’s algorithm, a new algorithm has been
devised one additional step is added and another one
is modified. The added step is to calculate for each
rule its entropy as follows:
which represents its correct covering percentage and
is affected by its incorrect ones. The entropy
represents an accuracy measurement for each rule by
which its potential can be evaluated. The higher the
entropy, the higher its weight will be.
The algorithm continues to perform for each fact
(case) the prediction array calculation as usual and
the higher fitness-weighted action is selected. The
modification step is that the rule with the highest
entropy is selected from the action set and then
added to the final compacted set. However, if the
prediction array calculation reveals an equal weight
for the actions, the rule with the highest entropy in
the match set - instead of the action set - is to be
added to the final compacted set. This step insures
that the added rule covers correctly the largest
number of facts which guarantees, to some extent,
the generality of the final compacted set. Moreover,
the rules in the final compacted set could be used
without the need for a prediction array calculation.
This new algorithm is summarized below.
1. For each rule in the ruleset find its
2. For each fact in the dataset
2.1. Create its match set and
prediction array.
2.2. Select the best action which is
represented by the highest fitness-
weight calculation.
2.3. Add the rule that has the
highest entropy to the final compacted
set if it does not yet exist.
3. End for
Although the main aim of introducing the new
approach was to overcome the problem of the
dependency on the prediction array calculation, the
algorithm seems to produce more compacted
solutions. Table 2 reveals a brief comparison
between Dixon et al.’s algorithm and the newly
proposed one, in which it clearly demonstrates that
the latter approach has the ability to tackle the
problem of generating a more compacted solution
while sustaining its accuracy. Note that in Table 2
the idea of the spoilers is not implemented so as to
keep the solution as compacted as possible.
In summary, the importance of the compaction
step has been addressed as an essential post-phase in
LCS computations. The simplest algorithm was of
Dixon et al. (2003) which has a polynomial run-time
complexity rather than exponential as in the
algorithms of Fu et al. (2002) and Wilson (2001a).
In contrast, the contribution of Wyatt et al.’s
(2004) modifications can be considered as a
performance improvement over the latter ones.
However, since the above algorithms use a simple
match algorithm (mainly the XCS one), the
acceptance of these algorithms is expected to be
adversely affected by the excessive low match
Table 2: comparison between Dixon et al. (2003) and the proposed approach.
Dixon compacted ruleset The proposed approach compacted ruleset
Accuracy Size Accuracy Size
98.9% 44 98.1% 36.7
A new compaction algorithm has been proposed and
implemented that overcomes the disadvantages of
previous LCS rules compaction algorithms in terms
of their poor performance and dependency on
prediction array calculations. The results obtained
will pave the way for a reflective approach that
respects the quality of a rule’s selection based on the
expert’s opinion.
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