active state of stored passive global attractors. For
instance, in learning, a neuron
i may store a global
attractor of one of the active types (a-c), which, due
to the activation level, may slide and become a
passive global attractor of type (f), concealing the
nature of the active state of the stored attractor. On
the other hand, in selective retrieval, inhibitory
effects of the lateral feedback activity may be
eliminated by negative activation of an interacting
, causing an upward slide and revelation of
the active state of the global attractor stored in
i . This shunting effect allows for the creation
of a large variety of network-wide patterns from the
stored active and passive neuronal patterns. A group
n neurons can retrieve, by choice of neuron
activations, any permutation of neuronal stored
pattern, and their complimentary active or passive
states. Assuming that neural information is
represented by firing mode, the expressive power of
a group of
neurons employing the elementary
code of global attractors alone is the retrieval
capacity of
globally stable patterns, which may
be written as the set
is the set of firing modes associated with the
global attractor types and
, with
Cartesian product. In general,
includes not only the
elementary firing modes but also the secondary
modes comprising combination, mixture and
multiplexity of elementary modes.
The neuronal global attractors can be directly related
to empirically observed firing modes. For instance,
seemingly random spiking can be represented by a
chaotic attractor, tonic spiking by a point attractor,
oscillatory spiking by a square attractor, and
bursting by saturation, representing an attractor at
infinity. The singularity parameter
defining local
bifurcation points between global attractors and their
corresponding firing modes, constitutes a valuable
tool for dynamic analysis of neural firing. For
instance, the arousal of chaos does not appear to
have been analytically identified with specific
parameter values. The empirical manifestation of the
first Lyapunov exponential (Wright, 1984) has been
known to produce highly unreliable results, even
when applied to data generated by simulating low
dimensional models (Sprott, 2003). We have shown
that, for bilinear maps, and, specifically, the
important class of such maps associated with
neuronal firing, the singular value
in some statistical sense, an analytic characterization
of chaotic arousal. We have seen that the
neighborhoods of points of local bifurcation,
represented by certain values of the singularity
, define regions of secondary firing
modes, comprising combination, mixture and
temporal multiplexing of elementary modes.
Secondary modes, such as periodic bursting, may
also arise from the sliding effect caused by time-
dependent conductance (Connor and Stevens, 1971),
such as post-inhibitory rebound (Perkel and
Mulloney, 1974), switching elementary firing
modes, such as saturation, from passive to active
state and vice versa. While there seems to be a clear
relationship between certain firing modes and neural
functions (e.g., oscillation, or periodic bursting,
seem related to heartbeat, walking and chewing) the
utility of others is not as commonly recognized or
understood. The chaotic trajectories of learning
(Baram, 2012), wandering over a wide range in the
state space, may serve the purpose of rapid search,
or formation, of a global attractor of memory. A
chaotic global attractor, mixing different firing rates
in a single sequence, may provide temporal
multiplexing for inter-neural communication
purposes. The maximum-energy response of a
neuron storing a bi-polar attractor, aroused by initial
condition at a threshold determined by memory, may
represent instinct. A global attractor at zero,
representing silence, may serve the purpose not only
of neural rest, but also a common initial condition
for combinatorial learning and retrieval. The
combinatorial emergence of active and passive
global attractors may give rise not only to stored
subpatterns, but also to previously un-aroused
patterns, representing innovation.
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