Aspect-based Product Review Summarizer
Hsiang Hui Lek and Danny C. C. Poo
School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 13 Computing Drive, Singapore, Singapore
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Summarization, Opinion Mining.
Abstract: Consumers are now relying on product reviews websites to aid them in deciding which product to buy.
These sites contain large number of reviews and reading through them is tedious. In this work, we propose
building a product review summarizer which will process all the reviews for a product and present them in
an easy to read manner. The generated summaries show a list of product features or aspects and their
corresponding rating, allowing users in comparing between different products easily. Our system first makes
use of an aspect/sentiment extractor to extract the list of aspects and their sentiment words. Sentiment
classification is then performed to obtain the polarity of aspects. Finally, these aspects are combined and
assigned a rating to form the final summary. The experimental results on various domains have shown that
our system is promising.
In recent years, consumers are turning to product
review websites to aid them in making informed
decisions before making purchases. Consumers can
also write product reviews on these sites, which in
turn benefit other consumers. A typical review can
contain general opinions about a product, such as “I
like the product”, or can mention specifically about
a particular product feature or aspect, such as “The
battery life is good”. The latter provides valuable
information for the consumers to understand the
strengths and weaknesses of each product. Since
there are many reviews for each product, and users
can have differing opinions, it would be more
credible to determine an overall opinion, rather than
basing one’s judgement on a single review.
In this work, we propose building a product
review summarizer which will process all the
reviews of a product, and summarize them so that
users do not have to read all the reviews, but still
benefit from this massive collections of reviews.
Unlike conventional text summarizers which will
extract key sentences/phrases, for product reviews,
users are interested in the key product features or
aspects and their corresponding rating so they can
make comparison with other products easily.
Our system consists of a crawler which will
crawl product review websites and aggregate the
reviews of a product. Using an aspect/sentiment
extractor that we devised, a list of aspects with the
corresponding sentiments is extracted from each
review. These sentiments are then classified using an
aspect and domain sensitive sentiment lexicon to
determine the sentiment polarity (whether positive
or negative) of an aspect. Finally, these information
are combined to form a summary of aspects with
their individual ratings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2, we discuss the related work, specifically
to aspect identification or extraction, and sentiment
classification. In section 3 we describe our proposed
system and its various components. We then present
the experimental results in section 4. Finally in
section 5, we conclude the paper.
The two essential tasks of a product review
summarizer are aspect/sentiment word extraction
and sentiment classification. For aspect/sentiment
word extraction, some (Jo and Oh, 2011;
Moghaddam and Ester, 2011) make use of
unsupervised topic modelling approaches like Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Even though these
approaches are unsupervised and able to detect latent
aspects, most of them still require a domain expert to
assign a set of fixed aspects to different topics before
they can be usable in an application.
Linguistic approaches have also been proposed
to identify aspects and sentiment words. Many (Hu
Hui Lek H. and C. C. Poo D..
Aspect-based Product Review Summarizer.
DOI: 10.5220/0004170302900295
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 290-295
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and Liu, 2004; Zhang and Liu, 2011) have extracted
noun phrases as aspects and adjectives as sentiment
words. Similarly, we adopt a linguistic approach but
instead of identifying noun phrases/adjectives, we
use the results of a dependency parser and combine
the dependency parse nodes into a structure that
allows us to determine the aspect and their
corresponding sentiments. Using dependency parse
allows us to more accurately capture relationships
between different tokens. Unlike work like Zhu et al.
(2012) which considers fixed set of aspects, this
work does not assume a fixed set of aspects.
For sentiment classification, many of the
previous works have used general-purpose sentiment
lexicon like General Inquirer (Stone, 1966),
SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) or
Subjectivity Lexicon (Wilson et al., 2005) which
assign a fixed polarity to a word. However, it has
been observed that the polarity of words depends on
the domain (Fahrni and Klenner, 2008; Pang and
Lee, 2008). Although domain-specific lexicons like
those generated in Du et al. (2010) and Lau et al.
(2011) can better model the sentiment orientation of
words, it is important to note that the sentiment of
words may differ depending on how they are used
even within a single domain. Consider the mobile
phone domain, the word “cheap” is positive for the
price product aspect but is negative for the design
aspect. Thus, in order to accurately determine the
sentiment of a word, we have to consider both its
aspect and domain. In this work, we make use of an
aspect and domain sensitive sentiment lexicon to
determine the polarity of sentiments.
Products Search
Combine Aspects and Generate Summary
Aspect/ Sentiment
Figure 1: System Architecture.
3.1 System Architecture
Figure 1 shows a high level overview of the system.
The system first crawl reviews from various reviews
websites and store these reviews inside a reviews
database. A user can then search for a product on the
products search engine which is basically a website.
On the website, the user can also ask for the
summary of a product. The system will then send all
the reviews of the product to the aspect/sentiment
extractor which will extract a list of aspects and their
corresponding sentiment words.
Thereafter, the system will perform sentiment
classification to these words using an aspect and
domain sensitive sentiment lexicon. Finally all the
aspects/sentiments are combined together and a list
of aspects with their corresponding rating (in terms
of stars) is displayed to the user.
3.2 Aspect/Sentiment Extractor
It has been observed that there are relations between
product features or aspects, and opinion words
(Popescu & Etzioni, 2005; Qiu et al., 2009). As
such, we describe a method to construct an
aspect/sentiment extractor based on the results from
Stanford Dependency Parser (Marneffe et al., 2006)
and adopt their notation in this discussion. This
extractor takes in product reviews text and extracts a
list of tuple of this form: [aspect, sentiment words].
Since English text usually follows the Subject-
Verb-Object (SVO) format, we propose combining
the results from the dependency parser which consist
of a list of dependency paths between two tokens in
the sentence, into a SVO structure (See Figure 2).
Each node in our structure consists of the
subject/verb/object, a list of modifiers and a list of
negation flags associated with these modifiers.
These modifiers are typically made up of adjectives
or adverbs. The verbs are identified using the
OpenNLP POS tagger (
Subject and Object Identification: The subject
associated with a verb can be obtained by looking
for nodes with the following dependency relation:
{nsubj, nsubjpass, nn, dep} that are having the verb
as the head token. The object on the other hand, can
be obtained from nodes with {dobj, iobj, attr} as
dependency relation and the verb as the head token.
Since Stanford dependency node only contains
single tokens but the subject/object can be made up
of multiple tokens, we have to combine nodes that
are having these dependency relations: {prep, pobj,
pcomp, nn, nsubj, dep}. {prep, pobj} are used to
handle the part-of relations like in Girju et al.(2006).
Table 1: Types of phrases.
Phrase Pattern Example
SVO The player has good battery life
S Large storage space
SV The player works great
VO Love the touchscreen
V Works great
Figure 2: Example how SVO structures are generated.
The modifiers of the subject/verb/object are then
obtained from node with these relations: {advmod,
amod, xcomp}. Nodes with {conj} as dependency
relation indicate the presence of conjunction cases
like “and”, “but”, etc (See Figure 2a) which allows
us to have more than one modifier. The boolean flag
(NegationFlags) associated with each modifier is set
to true whenever we detect the presence of the {neg}
node, or for handling the “but” cases. We also
capture the prepositions in order to handle the
passive voice situations associated with the verb.
3.2.1 Determining the Aspect and Sentiment
After identifying the subject/verb/object, we can
obtain different kinds of structures. Table 1 shows
the different kinds of phrases/sentences. The next
step is to determine the aspect and its corresponding
sentiment words from these structures. For example,
we want to get [battery life, long] and [battery life,
lasting] in Figure 2a, and [camera, good] in Figure
The S case happens when a verb is not identified
and the set of nodes usually consists of {advmod,
amod} and {nn, dep}. The subject will be the aspect
and the sentiment words will be the associated
modifiers, which are mainly adjectives. For
example, consider the phrase “good battery life”,
battery life is the aspect and good is the
corresponding sentiment words.
The V case happens when we cannot identify any
associated subject or object. In which case, the verb
will be the aspect and the associated modifiers will
be the sentiment words. For example, consider the
phrase “work well”, work is the aspect and well is
the corresponding sentiment words.
For the SV case, the subject will be the aspect
and the modifiers of the verb will be the
corresponding sentiment words. There are situations
where there are no modifiers associated with the
verb. In such situations, the verb can be assigned as
the sentiment words. For example, consider the
phrase “the battery lasts”, the battery is the aspect
and lasts is the corresponding sentiment words.
Similarly for the VO case, the subject implicitly
refers to the reviewer, thus the object is the aspect
and the verb is the corresponding sentiment words.
The presence of “is” allows us to convert a SV case
into an S case with modifiers (See Figure 2a).
However, there are some situations for the SV case
where we cannot just assign the subject as the aspect
because the statement is just making a general
comment of reviewer’s sentiment about the product.
Specifically, when we know that the subject of the
statement is referring to the product instead, the
aspect is set to be general. We check whether the
subject matches the product title or is pronouns like
“it”, “they”, etc. Verbs like “seem”, “feel”, etc also
provide some clues to the possibility of this scenario.
For the SVO case, we further classify it into the
“has” relation case, the “person reference” relation
case and the “others” case.
Phrases/sentences classified as the “has” relation
case take on the form “S has O”. For example,
“iPhone 4 has good camera” suggests that the
product has the camera aspect. The object in this
case would then be the aspect, and the modifier of
the object would be the corresponding sentiment
words (See Figure 2b). For situation where the
object has no modifier, the subject is chosen to be
the aspect and the object as the corresponding
sentiment words.
Phrases/sentences classified as the “person
reference” relation case take on the form “PERSON
V O” where the subject is a person (I, he, she, etc),
talking about a particular aspect. Therefore, the
subject in this case should not be considered as the
aspect. Instead the object should be the aspect, and
the corresponding sentiment words are the modifiers
of the objects, or the verb if there are no modifiers.
The “others” case refers to any other situation. It
is possible that the verb is an aspect. Consider this
example “The mp3 player works great for him”,
works becomes the aspect and great is the
corresponding sentiment words.
3.3 Sentiment Classification
The next step is to determine the polarity of the
sentiment words of each aspect-sentiment pair
generated from the aspect/sentiment extractor. In
order to classify the sentiments, we make use of an
aspect and domain sensitive sentiment lexicon
generated in our previous work. This lexicon is
unique in the sense that it is both domain and aspect
sensitive. Each entry in a particular domain consists
of a triple [aspect, sentiment word, polarity]. For
example, a triple for the mp3-player domain is
[volume, low, negative]. There are (as of now) about
58000 entries spanning 260 product domains.
To determine the orientation of an aspect-
sentiment pair, we look up the lexicon using the
domain, the aspect, and the sentiment word. The
experimental results of this lexicon will be presented
in the next section.
3.4 Combining Aspect and Generating
3.4.1 Identifying Implicit Aspect
Implicit aspects are identified before combining the
list of aspects to form the product summary. Implicit
aspects (as opposed to explicit aspects) are defined
as aspects which are not explicitly written in the
review text. Nevertheless, they can be inferred based
on the sentiment words. For example, the sentiment
word small indicates that the reviewer could be
talking about the size aspect.
Since our lexicon contains a list of aspects with
their corresponding sentiment word, it can be used to
infer implicit aspects. In order to identify implicit
aspects (for pairs having general as aspect), we
make use of equation 1 to determine the most
probable aspect given sentiment word and product
domain. Equation 1 is made up of two components.
The first component determines whether it is
possible for a word to be found in an aspect.
Assuming uniform distribution, each possible aspect
is set to be 1 / N where N is the total number of
aspects in lexicon that can contain this sentiment
word w in domain d. The second component gives
more weight to aspects with fewer number of
sentiment words. The idea is similar to the inverse
document frequency (idf) in information retrieval.
The rationale is as such: if an aspect is only
described by a few sentiment words, when we see
one of the few sentiment words, it is more likely to
uniquely imply this aspect rather than a common
aspect which has many words describing it.
otherwise 0
0 if
where N =total number of aspects that can
contain this sentiment word w in domain d,
w = sentiment word, d = domain
3.4.2 Combining Aspects and Generating
Since there are many ways of describing the same
aspect, some aspects need to be merged together so
that the final summary is more compressed. For
example, “picture quality”, “picture”, “photo” and
“image” should be merged together. To generalize
aspects, we make use of WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998)
and a version of Pointwise Mutual Information
(PMI) similar to Turney and Littman (2003).
WordNet is used to generalize single-token aspects.
Aspects having the same synsets are merged
together. Multi-token aspects are handled by PMI
(equation 4), aspects pairs are merged together if
their PMI value exceeds a certain threshold.
)"hits(" . )"hits("
)"" AND "hits("
where hits(query) = number of hits from
Google search engine with supplied query
After merging similar aspect, the next step is to
identify prominent aspects and filter away aspects
which are not useful. An aspect is selected if it
fulfils equation 5 and 6. Specifically, an aspect
selected if there are at least THRESHOLD
reviews having this aspect. This is to model “cross
reviews” aspects where multiple reviews affirm that
this aspect
is significant. Equation 6 is just to check
that there are at least THRESHOLD number of
-sentiment word extractions before choosing
this aspect. In our experiments, THRESHOLD
empirically set to 3 and THRESHOLD is set to 10.
THRESHOLDaspectwithreviewsfreq )__(
Rating stars are then assigned accordingly to this
final list of aspects using equation 7 and 8.
0.9 percentage if stars 5
0.9 percentage 0.6 if stars 4
0.6 percentage 0.4 if stars 3
0.4 percentage 0.2 if stars 2
0.2 percentage 0 if star 1
4.1 Qualitative Evaluation
Due to space constraint, an extract of the generated
summary for two products (iPod and iPhone) is
shown in Figure 3. We can see that the generated
aspects are good representations of the important
aspects of the products. Users can click on an aspect
to see list of sentiment words that make up the
aspect. “^” preceding a sentiment word indicates that
it is a negation case.
iPhone iPod
Figure 3: Extract of the Generated Summaries.
4.2 Quantitative Evaluation
We evaluate our system based on the sentiment
classification performance and the final summary
generated. Table 2 shows the sentiment
classification performance (in terms of
Precision/Recall/F1-measure) of our lexicon (Sentix)
for three different product domains in comparison
with two commonly used sentiment lexicons:
SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) and
SubjLex (Wilson et al., 2005). We see that Sentix
significantly outperform the other lexicons.
To evaluate the performance of the summary, we
make use of product reviews from Reevoo (http:// in various product domains. For
each domain, we selected the top ten products with
the most reviews. Since Reevoo provides a rating
(on a scale of 1 to 10), for each product, we
determine the average rating from these reviews and
compare it with the system generated average. The
system generated average is computed by
calculating the average of all the aspects of a
product. Mean-squared error (MSE) (Equation 9) is
used to measure the accuracy of the generated
average. Table 3 shows MSE in thirteen different
domains. We see that the MSE is usually less than 1
suggesting that the generated average rating by the
system is very close to the actual average.
where p = a product in this domain (10 in our
= average rating of product
based on reviews,
= average rating of product
generated by the system,
Table 2: Sentiment classification results.
Domain Lexicon P R F1
0.7500 0.5436 0.6303
SubjLex 0.9223 0.6620 0.7708
Sentix 0.9357 0.7108 0.8079
0.7640 0.5037 0.6071
SubjLex 0.8910 0.6666 0.7627
Sentix 0.9279 0.7629 0.8373
0.8333 0.6884 0.7539
SubjLex 0.9633 0.7600 0.8502
Sentix 0.9512 0.8478 0.8965
Table 3: Generated average rating compared to actual
average rating (scale of 1 to 10).
Domain MSE
Mp3 Player 0.4722
Vacuum Cleaner 1.0230
Digital Camera 0.4327
Printer 0.5029
Television 1.0427
Baby Products 0.1623
Washing Machine 0.6845
Fridge-Freezer 0.8149
Software 0.5195
Cooker 1.0354
Laptop 0.9737
Mobile Phones 0.8148
Toys 0.9229
In this paper, we propose building a product review
summarizer which will process all the reviews of a
product and summarize them in a manner that is
easy for reading and comparison. The summarizer
first extracts a list of aspects along with their
corresponding sentiment words. After classifying the
polarity of these sentiment words, we can determine
the polarity associated with these aspects. It then
combines different aspects together to form a
summary consisting of a compressed list of aspects
and their ratings. The experimental results
demonstrate that the summarizer is accurate and
promising. Our future work will focus on enhancing
the aspect/sentiment extractor to learn extraction
rules automatically. We are also looking into better
visualization and product comparison mechanisms.
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