Attractor Neural Networks for Simulating Dyslexic Patients’ Behavior
Shin-ichi Asakawa
Center for Information Sciences, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University,
Zempukuji 2, 6, 1, Suginami, 1678585 Tokyo, Japan
Attractor Neural Network, Reaction Time, Identification and Categorization Tasks, Orthography, Phonology
and Semantics, Brain Damaged Patients.
It was investigated that the ability of an attractor neural network. The attractor neural network can be applicable
to various symptoms of brain damaged patients. It can account for delays in reaction times in word reading
and word identification tasks. Because the iteration numbers of mutual connections between an output and a
cleanup layers might increase, when they are partially damaged. This prolongation looks or behaves the delays
of reaction times of brain damaged patients. When we applied the attractor neural network to the data of Tyler
et al. (2000) for categorization task, it showed a kind of category specific phenomenon. In this sense, the
attractor neural network could explain an aspect of the category specific disorders. In this sense the attractor
network might simulate the human semantic memory organization. In spite of variations in data, and in spite
of the simplicity of the architecture, the attractor network showed good performances. We could say that the
attractor network succeeded in mimicking human normal subjects and brain damaged patients. The possibility
of explaining the triangle model (Plaut & McClelland,1989; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, and Patterson,
1996) also discussed.
1.1 Category Specificity in
Neuropsychological studies have revealed important
insights such as an art and a structure of our seman-
tic memories. In addition to this, Neuropsychological
evidences from brain damaged patients might show
the way of stores of semantic memory items. Among
them, the category specificity are suggestive. Because
the data of these patients often shows the double–
dissociation between animate and inanimate objects.
Warrington and her colleagues beganto describe these
kinds of phenomena in early 1980s. The discussion
continues so far. This kind of patients often show the
deficits of an identification, an naming, and a cate-
gorization task of animate objects, but the knowledge
of inanimate objects (i.e. tools, outdoor objects, and
tools, and so on) remain intact. On the other hand,
there are another patients who are not able to identify,
to name, and to categorize inanimate objects. How-
ever, these type of patients have an intact knowledge
of animals. Based upon these evidences, Warrington
and her colleagues have tried to explain that the struc-
ture of semantic memory and its nature. Why some
types of brain damages patients cause animate spe-
cific category disorders, and the knowledge of inan-
imate objects is intact. On the contrary, another pa-
tients groups cause inanimate specific category disor-
ders, and the show no decay of knowledge of animals.
Would these data suggest that different contents of se-
mantic memory are localized in the brain (maybe the
left lateral inferior gyrus)? Might these data suggest
that the information of these two categories are stored
in a distributed manner in the brain? Or might these
data emerge from the inter- and intra- correlations be-
tween items? In this paper, we intend to answer these
In the literature, several kinds of category specific
disorders were reported so far. These are fruits, veg-
etables, animals, and so on. Many researchers insisted
that there existed at least two kinds of deficits; per-
ceptual and functional knowledge (Warrington, 1981;
Warrington and McCarthy, 1983; Warrington and
Shallice, 1984a; Warrington and McCarthy, 1994).
According to this theory, the category specificity cat
be regarded as our semantic memories are organized
by both perceptual and functional knowledge. (War-
rington and Shallice, 1984b; Warrington and Mc-
Carthy, 1983; Warrington and McCarthy, 1987). War-
Asakawa S..
Attractor Neural Networks for Simulating Dyslexic Patients’ Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0004170505820587
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2012), pages 582-587
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rington and her colleagues advocated that knowledge
about musical instruments and jewelry were similar
to animate objects. They also, on the other hand,
insisted that inanimate objects and body parts could
be identified as functional knowledge. According
to their perceptional/functional hypothesis, the brain
damages to the regions for dealing with perceptual se-
mantic knowledge would cause the deficits of knowl-
edge of animate objects. In other words, the differ-
ence between animate and inanimate objects might
be different on the loci damaged. This hypothesis
proposed by Warrington and her colleagues was also
supported by the results of the neural network model
(Farah and McClelland, 1991).
1.2 Representation of Semantic
However, there exist studies that the semantic mem-
ory of animates had been damaged without lack of
any perceptual knowledge. There are patients who
show the deficits about animals without any specific
disorders of perceptual knowledge(Caramazza and
Shelton, 1998).
Can we say that the representations of perceptual
and functional aspects of semantic memory would
differentiate between animates and inanimate ob-
jects? Are the information of perceptual and func-
tional knowledge stored separately in the brain? And
therefore, are localized brain damages cause any cat-
egory specificity? Can we say that that the category
specificity suggests differences in the contents and the
structures between categories?
Especially, there exists a kind of category speci-
ficity without any semantic memory damages. A hy-
pothesis based upon this hypothesis is that each con-
cept in out memory has been represented by the ac-
tivation patterns of micro features, i.e. multidimen-
sional vectors. A similar relationship between con-
cepts could be regarded as overlapped activation pat-
terns in the micro features.
We tried to represent data on the basis of the dis-
criminability. The correlation matrix among items
could be explained the category specificity. This
method of memory representation was originally de-
scribed by Devlin et al. (Devlin et al., 1998). The
characteristics they adopted were enumerated as fol-
1. Specificity of features: Representation of seman-
tic memory varies based on how they can be re-
trieved within the same category. Animates stored
many perceptual features shared in the brain. On
the other hand, inanimate objects have more dis-
criminative features than animates.
2. Correlation: The co–occurrence of features
strengthens in accordance with the correlation
matrix of each item The concept of animates has
higher feature correlations than that of inanimate
Fig.1 shows the correlation matrix of each item
calculated from data of Tyler et al. (2000). A compar-
ison between an upper left square and a lower right
square in the figure would be found that the upper
left square (inanimate objects) have less mutual cor-
relations than that of the mutual correlations within
animate objects (the lower right square). Tyler et al.
could be considered that they could control the stim-
Neural networks accounts of the brain damage in-
sists that the correlations patterns among micro fea-
tures are important in order to understandthe category
specific disorders. The researchers regard the neu-
ropsychological evidences as verifications of these
correlation patterns of micro features.
Figure 1: The correlation matrix calculated from the data
by Tyler et al. (2000). The open circles mean positive ()
correlation coefficients, and the filled circles mean nega-
tive () correlation coefficients. The size of circles shows
the correlation strengths. The upper left side of this figure
shows inanimate objects, while the lower right side shows
.It was able to be
Tyler et al. (Tyler et al., 2000) adopted a three–
layered–network(perceptron)as a model dealing with
the data described above. Although this type of net-
work architecture is sufficient to account for the dou-
ble dissociation between animate and inanimate ob-
jects, the attractor network seems to have more advan-
tages than the perceptron describing some aspects of
characteristics of semantic memory. For example, the
times of iterations between output and cleanup layers
(Fig.2) until reaching the threshold of output criteria
can be regarded as the prolonged reaction times of the
brain damaged patients.
Output layer
Hidden layer
Input layer
Cleanup layer
Figure 2: An attractor network originally proposed by Plaut
and Shallice (1993).
Plaut et al.(Plaut et al., 1995; Plaut, 2001) adopted
the attractor networks and tried to account for seman-
tic dyslectic errors and compound errors from both
visually and semantically. In the neural network, ba-
sic processing units are connected mutually. Upon
this multidimensional space consisted of the values
of processing units, the networks can change and re-
trieve the contents of adequate memories. In other
words, when the network was given random initial
values, the activation values of each processing unit
would transit from the values to the value on the se-
mantic memory space. The behavior of this network
could be absorbed in an ’attractor’. There are many
attractors corresponded to each memory item. If the
initial values may be altered, the attractor network can
be absorbed in the correct ’point’ attractor. Thus, it is
postulated that the ’basins’ of each attractor are dif-
Plaut et al. tried to explain the semantic errors,
visual errors, and compounded both semantic and vi-
sual errors by using attractor networks. In neural net-
works, in general, units are connected mutually caus-
ing interactions among units. This interaction of ac-
tivation patterns of each unit can be identified as the
states of activation patterns of units. The activations
of the units are transited from one to another as the
memory retrievals. The transition from arbitrary ini-
tial states to some attractors are called the ’absorb-
ability’ of attractors. Therefore, we can consider that
there are different basins of each words.
In case of the attractor networks, each attractor
corresponds to each concept, and its basin represents
its range to be absorbed in. Even if the state of the net-
work defined by the activations of each unit would be
changed on influences either noises or perturbations
to the network, the state would stay within its basin.
This means that we could get to the correct concept
no matter how high the noises or perturbations are.
In addition, if damages in attractor networks de-
stroy positions of point attractors, the same stimuli
fall in incorrect attractors due to transformations of
size and shapes of basins. Therefore, it requires more
time to fall in correct attractors than the normal attrac-
tor network does (Fig3).
Figure 3: An attractor network originally proposed by Plaut
and Shallice (1993).
2.1 Mathematical Notations
Each neuron, or unit, U
has an output function f (x),
which is a sigmoid function, as follows,
= f(x) =
1+ e
. (1)
Throughout the numerical experiments in this study,
we fixed a constant a = 4.0. The units in the hidden
layer (U
) can be expressed as follows:
= f
+ θ
, (2)
where, w
means i–th connection weight, U
means an
output value of the i–th input unit, and θ
means a
threshold value in the unit h, the subscription I means
the output values in the units of input layer.
A unit in the output layer (U
) and a unit in the
cleanup layer (U
) are denoted as (3) and (4);
= f
+ θ
= f
where, θ
and θ
in the equations denote threshold
values in the output and the cleanup layers respec-
tively. The states in units both the output and the
cleanup layers were updated repeatedly until the con-
vergence criterion had been reached or until the max-
imum numbers of iterations (τ 50).
In the learning phase, we defined the mean square
error as:
E =
. (5)
where, t
indicated an i–th teacher signal. Actual
learning of connection weights of each unit can be
obtained by partial differential as follows:
w = η
, (6)
where, η indicates a learning rate fixed as η = 0.01
throughout this study.
The initial values of w and θ were assigned in
accordance with an uniform random value generator
(0.1 w, θ 0.1).
2.2 An Application of Attractor
Networks to Dyslexia
Plaut et al. showed that their attractor network could
reproduce symptoms of deep dyslexia. According to
their simulations, by means of the operation of se-
mantic memory structure, they succeeded to account
for the double–dissociation between concrete and ab-
stract words (Plaut et al., 1995; Plaut, 2001). They
constructed the semantic memory that the represen-
tations of concrete words have more micro features
than those of abstract words. They postulated when
the degree of the brain damages would be moderate,
concrete words would show lighter deficits than ab-
stract words. Further, if the degree of the brain dam-
age would be severe, the concrete words would have
more severe deficits than the abstract words.
In this study, we did not rely on the dichotomous
taxonomy, such as animate–inanimate objects classi-
fication, but rather, we represented the data on the
basis of the discriminability and correlation. Thus,
we adopted attractor neural networks in order to ac-
count for more phenomena, such as confusion matrix
among items, reaction times, categorization task. We
then studied the validity of the data expressions as de-
scribed above.
3.1 The Data of Tyler et al., (2000)
Tyler et al. (Tyler et al., 2000) adopted the isomorphic
mappings in order to train their networks. In other
words, their networks had to learn the output pattern
identical to the input patterns. In this condition, the
network must acquire the reproduction of the input
pattern. However, we can consider two other condi-
tions (teacher signals in this case). One is that the
target matrix (teacher signals) being the identity ma-
trix, having 16 rows and 16 columns, all the diagonal
elements being 1 and all the non–diagonal elements
being 0. Another is that the matrix having 16 rows
times 2 columns, where the elements of this matrix
consisting (1, 0) when the item is an animate object,
and (0, 1) when the item is an inanimate object. To
summarize these three conditions;
Category Condition: the target matrix is a 16 rows
× 2 columns matrix, where the targets to be
learned are animate objects, the output vectors are
(1, 0). Otherwise (inanimate objects) the output
vectors are (0, 1).
Unitary Condition: the target matrix is a 16 rows ×
24 columns matrix. This target matrix is identical
to the matrix of the input signals.
Identical Condition: the target matrix is an unitary
matrix of 16 rows × 16 columns, where diagonal
elements are 1 and other elements in this matrix
are 0.
In the unitary condition, the network is required
to learn the precise knowledge of each member in the
input patterns. In category condition, the network is
required to learn the higher concepts of both animate
and inanimate objects, as Tyler et al. (Tyler et al.,
2000) suggested. In the homo condition, the unitary
matrix means that each item can play a roll to form
the identical matrix.
3.1.1 Network Architecture
We adopted the number of units in the hidden layer to
be 10, and the number of units in the cleanup layer to
be 1. The reason for determining the number of units
in the cleanup layer to be 1 is based on the preliminary
3.1.2 Procedure
We decided the maximum iteration numbers between
the output and the cleanup layers to be 50 for each
item. If the error of this attractor network did not
reach the convergence criteria, defined by the sum
of squared errors being less than 0.05 for each item.
Within the maximum number of iterations between
the output and the cleanup layer, the program gave up
to let the networks learn this item, and was given the
next item to be learned. The order of the items to be
learned was randomized within each epoch. This pro-
cedure was repeated until the network learned all the
The convergence criteria was set that all the sum
of squared errors are below 0.05 throughout in this
study. The network was given the input signals and
teacher signals at a time to learn the output patterns.
At first, the output values were calculated from the
input patterns to the units in the output layer. Then
iterations between the output and the cleanup layers
started until the output values have reached the crite-
ria, or the iteration numbers have been exceeded 50
3.1.3 Results
We investigated the mean iteration numbers between
the output and the cleanup layers. These numbers in-
dicate the times that the initial value is absorbed in an
attractor when the initial value was located within a
basin of an attractor (Fig. 3).
Category Unitary Identical
The mean iteration numbers between output and cleanup layers
Figure 4: The mean mutual iteration numbers (n=20) be-
tween the output and the cleanup layers, when we train the
attractor network by the data of Tyler et al., (2000).
In the category condition, the iteration numbers
were nearly equal to 3. The attractor network may
be able to utilize the connections between the output
and the cleanup layers in the category condition. On
the other hand, the mean iteration numbers both the
identical and the unitary conditions were from 1.0 to
1.5. These results might indicate that the attractor net-
work did not always utilize the connections between
the output and the cleanup layers, when these two
conditions were given. Therefore the attractor net-
work might be considered that it behaved as a three
layered–perceptron. The attractor networks include
three–layered–perceptions in the special case.
3.2 The Triangle Model
3.2.1 Procedure and Conditions
The triangle model of word reading (Sidenberg and
McClelland, 1989; Plaut et al., 1996) was developed
to mimic human performance of word reading. The
triangle model includes phonology, orthography, and
semantics (Fig.5). The attractor neural network model
can be applied to this model. One arrow in Fig.5, for
example, from orthography to semantics, can be re-
garded as an attractor network. Because there are 6 ar-
rows in Fig.5, we can apply 6 attractor networks to the
Orthography Phonology
Figure 5: A schematic drawing of the triangle model pro-
posed by Seidenberg and McClelland, 1989; Plaut et al.,
triangle model. In addition to these 6 arrows, we can
add 3 self recurrent arrows, from orthography to or-
thography, from semantics to semantics, from phonol-
ogy to phonology. These self recurrent arrows can
be also regarded as attractor networks. Furthermore,
we can add 2 more mappings from 3 elements, or-
thography, semantics, and phonology, to concept and
identical conditions (see the section of Tyler et al.).
Therefore, we can obtain 15 conditions in total. We
Figure 6: Two hypothesized concepts of semantics Plaut &
Shallice (1993). The upper left part and the lower right part
of the matrix, similar to Fig.1.
adopted the attractor neural networks to all 15 condi-
tions respectively. We set the number of units in the
cleanup layer to 1, and set the number of units in the
hidden layer to 50 for every condition.
3.2.2 Results
As we predict from the data of Tyler et al., (2000),
attractor networks could solve all the data of 15 con-
ditions. Table 1 shows the examples of iteration times
for convergence.
If we could consider the attractor network as a con-
cept formation model of human brains, then the iden-
tical condition could be regarded as the model to rec-
Table 1: The examples of iteration times for convergence.
Orthography Phonology Semantics
Category 1547.1 1965.3 48.4
302.3 171.8 228.1
78.2 359.8 378.20
966.4 136.1 294.1
577.9 288.5 74.4
ognize the shape of a dog exposured in one’s retina
as ’dog’. The category condition might be considered
that subjects and patients could recognize this visual
image of a dog as an animal. We could interpret the
unitary condition as that subjects and patients would
have been recognized a ’dog’ per se. In this way, we
could interpret the three conditions we adopted in this
paper as the human models of recognition described
here. The category condition could be considered as
the one which utilized the loop between the output
and the cleanup layers the best among three condi-
tions. Thus, it seems that the category conditionmight
be the model of category judgement. In addition to
this, we observed one of the category specific disor-
ders in the destruction experiment which destroyed
the mutual connections between the output and the
cleanup layers. This results should not be considered
as accidental artifacts of the computer simulations.
Attractor networks could be applied to the triangle
models of word reading as well. Although the origi-
nal triangle model (Sidenberg and McClelland, 1989)
has self recurrent arrows, each arrow could not be re-
garded as an attractor network. This study tried to
interpret that the triangle model would be consisted
of all 15 attractor networks in total.
In spite of the simplicity, the attractor neural network
could describe several symptoms of neuropsychol-
ogy. This is one of major advantages of this model.
The possibility to explain the double–dissociation be-
tween animate and inanimate objects should be dis-
cussed further in separate papers. However, there
still are possibilities for this model to account for the
double–dissociation between animate and inanimate
objects. The difference between intra– and inter cor-
relations shown in fig. 1 might cause the category
specificity, because one category has higher inner–
category correlations than that of the other category.
In this study, we adopted non–dichotomous memory
representations whose correlation matrix of micro-
features such as Fig.1 and Fig.6. These representa-
tions can be considered as one of the major advan-
tages of the model.This kind of object representations
might emerge as one aspect of category specific mem-
ory disorders.
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