Enhancing a Web Usage Mining based Tourism Website Adaptation with
Content Information
Olatz Arbelaitz, Ibai Gurrutxaga, Aizea Lojo, Javier Muguerza, Jes´us M. P´erez and I˜nigo Perona
Dept. of Computer Architecture and Technology, University of Basque Country UPV-EHU,
M. Lardizabal, 1, 20018 Donostia, Spain
Adaptive Web, Link Prediction, User Profile, Collaborative Filtering, Machine Learning, Web Usage Mining,
Web Content Mining, Semantics.
Websites are important tools for tourism destinations. The adaptation of the websites to the users’ preferences
and requirements will turn the websites into more effective tools. Using machine learning techniques to build
user profiles allows us to take into account their real preferences. This paper presents the rst approach of
a system that, based on a collaborative filtering approach, adapts a tourism website to improve the browsing
experience of the users: it generates automatically interesting links for new users. In this work we first build a
system based just on the usage information stored in web log files (common log format) and then combine it
with the web content information to improve the performance of the system. The use of content information
not only improves the results but it also offers very useful information about the users’ interests to travel
Intelligent systems in the tourism sector are being
studied recently (Gretzel, 2011). Intelligent systems
are next generation information systems that might
provide tourism consumers and service providerswith
the most relevant information, more decision sup-
port, greater mobility, and finally, the most enjoyable
travel experiences. There is currently a wide range of
technologies rellated to them such as recommender
systems, context-aware systems, autonomous search
agents, web mining tools, etc. Creating these systems
requires a thorough knowledge of tourists’ psychol-
ogy, social structures where tourism is experienced,
the ratio of tourists that use technology, the structure
of the tourism industry, the language of tourism, etc.
Moreover, travel agents are among service providers
whom their internet adaption could be the best mar-
keting device for their business and a tool for their
competitive advantages (Abou-Shouk et al., 2012).
In this context the adaptation of tourism websites
to the user requirements becomes specially impor-
tant. That is, web personalization becomes essential.
Web personalization (Pierrakos et al., 2003) can be
defined as the set of actions that are useful to dynam-
ically adapt the presentation, the navigation scheme
and/or web content, based on preferences, abilities,
or user requirements. Web personalization in tourism
can positively affect both the feeling of the user and
the business.
This paper presents a preliminary approach to
adapt a tourism web page, www.bidasoaturismo.com,
according to the browsing preferences of the users.
The proposed adaptation is to automatically generate
links to the users while they are navigating so that
their objective is reached more easily. Furthermore,
the system will provide useful information about the
tourists to the service providers.
Adaptations of the web environments to specific
users in navigation time require a previous phase of
generatinguser profiles containingthe most important
facts about their navigation preferences in this case.
The most widely used method for obtaining informa-
tion about users is observing their actions (Schiaffino
and Amandi, 2009). In adaptive systems, the user pro-
file is used to behave differently for different users.
Our research is contextualized in the use of web
mining (Mobasher, 2006) to build user profiles and
then propose adaptations to the website based on the
obtained profiles and extract semantic information
from them. We could define web mining as the ap-
plication of machine learning techniques to data from
the Internet. This process requires a data acquisition
and pre-processing stage which is not easy because it
Arbelaitz O., Gurrutxaga I., Lojo A., Muguerza J., M. Pérez J. and Perona I..
Enhancing a Web Usage Mining based Tourism Website Adaptation with Content Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0004171002870292
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 287-292
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
requires several steps such as cleaning and merging
data from multiple log files, user identification, ses-
sion identification, completion of route etc. The ma-
chine learning techniques are mainly applied in the
pattern discovery and analysis phase to find groups of
web users with common characteristics related to the
Internet and the corresponding patterns or user pro-
files. And finally, the patterns detected in the previ-
ous steps are used in the operational phase to adapt
the system and make navigation more comfortable for
new users. Our claim is that semantic information can
improve the quality of profiles based on web usage in-
We have built a system based on the collaborative
filtering approach that takes the content of the web
and the minimum information stored in a web server
as input: server log files stored in web Common Log
Format (CLF) (W3C, 1995), i.e., the profiles are con-
structed without perturbing the user.
This paper uses our previous experience in auto-
matically generating links in a local tourism web page
and improves its behavior and gives it added value in-
troducing semantic analysis of the content in the user
profile. Although this is a preliminary work we claim
that the combination of both usage and semantics can
lead to more accurate and richer recommendations
and moreover it gives to the travel agents greater in-
sight about the real interests of the tourists.
The article summarizes in Section 2 the data ac-
quisition environment. Section 3 is devoted to de-
scribing the characteristics of the system we have de-
veloped. Then, Section 4 presents some of the re-
sults obtained in the performed experiments. Finally,
we summarize in Section 5 the conclusions and future
In this work we have used a database from our
environment: Bidasoa-Txingudi bay which is lo-
cated at the western tip of the Pyrenees mountains
and, straddling two countries, France and Spain,
links the Basque provinces of Gipuzkoa and La-
purdi. The Bidasoa River has had the effect of
linking socially and culturally the three towns sur-
rounding the bay: Hendaye, Hondarribia and Irun.
The area offers the opportunity of a wide range
of tourism activities and, Bidasoa Turismo website
(BTw), www.bidasoaturismo.com, includes all sorts
of practical tourist information to visit the area: the-
matic tourism, professionaltourism, gourmet tourism,
agenda, suggestions, etc. Our work will make more
pleasant and effective the navigation of the user and,
as a consequence, it will also contribute to a more en-
joyable travel experiencefor the tourist. Moreover the
generated semantic profiles will be a good marketing
device for service providers. We acquired nearly four
months of usage data of BTw: from January 9, 2012
to April 30, 2012. The information contained in this
database belongs to web server logs of requests (a to-
tal of 897,301) stored in common log format (W3C,
1995). Furthermore, we also use the content infor-
mation of the website, i.e., the text appearing in the
The work presented in this paper enhances the perfor-
mance of a web usage mining (Srivastava et al., 2005)
application including a semantic analysis of the con-
tent information. As every web usage mining process,
it can be divided into three main steps: data acquisi-
tion and preprocessing (Cooley et al., 1999), pattern
discovery and analysis, and, exploitation.
3.1 Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
We acquired two types of data. On one hand, we ac-
quired usage information, and, on the other hand, we
acquired the content information for BTw.
For the first type, nearly 4 months of usage data
were collected from BTw and first of all, we prepro-
cessed the used URLs so that further uses of the same
URL were identified in the same way and reduced all
agenda accesses to a single agenda page. We prepro-
cessed the log files to obtain information from differ-
ent users and sessions. Before identifying user ses-
sions, we filtered erroneous requests, image requests,
etc. so that the only requests taken into account for
our experiments are the ones related to user clicks (the
amount of requests was reduced nearly in a 50%: to
470,402 requests).
We performed the user identification process
based on IP addresses and as an heuristic to iden-
tify sessions within a users’ activity, we fixed the ex-
pire time of each session to 10 minutes of inactiv-
ity (He and G¨oker, 2000). Among the obtained ses-
sions, we selected the most relevant ones; the ones
with higher activity level (3 or more clicks), removed
the outliers, i.e., the ones with more than 55 requests
(out of 98% percentile), and, grouped consecutive re-
quests of agenda in a single request because we de-
tected that many of them are automatically generated
by the server. After the whole preprocessing phase
the database contains 55,454 user requests divided in
9,549 sessions, with an average length of 5.8 requests,
where a total of 308 different URLs are visited.
To acquire content data we used the GNU Wget
(GNU, 1996) computer program to retrieve content
from the BTw web server. We downloaded the HTML
files of the whole web site using recursive download-
ing. We then applied an HTML parser to obtain the
content of each page and filtered the menus of the web
pages so that in further steps we work only with the
real content. In order to limit our work, we only per-
formed the analysis of the static part of the website
having a total of 231 URLs. Note that there are some
URLs, mainly private URLs related to web adminis-
tration not accessible for a normal user, appearing in
the usage information that will not have their equiva-
lent in the content part.
3.2 Session Representation
Being the aim of this work to detect sets of users with
similar navigation patterns and to use them to make
the navigation of future users easier, and obtain se-
mantic profiles, we represented the information cor-
responding to each of the sessions as a clickstream or
sequence of clicks preformed in the URLs of BTw.
3.3 Pattern Discovery and Analysis
This is the stage that, taking as input the user click
sequences, is in charge of modeling users and pro-
ducing user profiles. Unsupervised machine learning
techniqueshaveshown to be adequate to discoveruser
profiles (Pierrakos et al., 2003). We have used a crisp
clustering algorithm to group users that show similar
navigation patterns.
3.3.1 Clustering
We used PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) (Kauf-
man and Rousseeuw, 1990) clustering algorithm and
a Sequence Alignment Method, Edit Distance (Gus-
field, 1997)(Chordia and Adhiya, 2011) as a metric
to compare sequences to group into the same segment
users that show similar navigation patterns. Although
further analysis should be done, as a first approach
and based on the analysis of the distribution of the
different URLs in the sessions, we instantiated the
maximum number of clusters, K parameter of PAM
algorithm, to 50.
3.3.2 Profile Generation
The outcome of the clustering process is a set of
groups of user sessions that show similar behavior.
But we intend to model those users or to discover the
associated navigation patterns or profiles for each one
of the discovered groups. That is, to find the com-
mon click sequences appearing among the sessions in
a cluster. We used SPADE (Sequential PAttern Dis-
covery using Equivalence classes) (Zaki, 2001), an
efficient algorithm for mining frequent sequences, to
extract the most common click sequences of the clus-
ter. In order to build the profiles of each cluster using
SPADE, we mapped each user session with a SPADE
sequence, with events containing a single user click.
The application of SPADE provides for each cluster
a set of URLs that are likely to be visited for the ses-
sions belongingto it. SPADE parameters such as min-
imum support and maximum allowed number of se-
quences per cluster regulate the system so that it finds
an adequate number of URLs to propose and a bal-
ance between the precision and the recall of the sys-
tem is achieved. We used the SPADE parameters to
propose a similar amount of URLs per cluster in the
two approaches, the one without semantic informa-
tion and the other using semantic information.
3.3.3 Enriching the Profiles with Semantics
The profiles have been generated up to this point using
only usage information but we propose to enrich the
profiles with semantic information to improve perfor-
mance. Obviously the navigation pattern of the users
depends on their interests, and, as a consequence,
URLs with similar or related content to the ones ap-
pearing in the user profile will also be interesting for
the user. We have used two types of tools for find-
ing similarity between URL contents: MG4J (Boldi
and Vigna, 2006) search engine and a keyword ex-
traction based approach (KYWD). MG4J is a full text
indexer for large collection of documents written in
Java, developed at the University of Milano. We used
this tool with TfIdf distance to obtain similarity values
between every possible pair of URLs in the website.
This gives us the chance to obtain for each URL a list
of URLs ordered by semantic similarity.
On the other hand, we have used Yahoo Term Ex-
tractor tool (Yahoo!, 2011) to extract keywords and
compare semantic contents of different URLs. Key-
words and key phrases (multi-word units) are widely
used in large document collections. They describe the
content of single documents and provide a kind of se-
mantic meta data that is useful for a wide variety of
purposes. Once the keywords of each URL have been
extracted, we have used the cosine similarity distance
(Madylova and gduc, 2009) to compare URLs.
) =
× w
For calculating the weight of keyword i in each
document (URL
), we used:
= (t f/t f max) log(N/n) (2)
where t f is the keywords’ frequency in URL
; t fmax
is the maximum term frequency in URL
; N is the
number of URLs and n is the number of documents
containing keyword i. The URLs with larger similar-
ity value will be the semantically more similar ones.
The two previous approaches have been used in
the same way to enrich usage information based user
profiles: we added to the profiles generated using
SPADE two extra links, the most semantically similar
ones, for each proposed link. In the case those URLs
already appeared in the profile we have not taken them
into account.
Furthermore,the KYWD gives us the option to ex-
tract semantic information from the obtained profiles.
With this aim we have analyzed which are the most
important (frequent) keywords in each of the gener-
ated profiles.
3.4 Exploitation
This is the part that needs to be done in real time. Up
to now, we have identified groups of users with sim-
ilar navigation patterns and we have generated user
profiles or most common paths for each of the groups.
At this point we need to use that information to au-
tomatically propose links to new users navigating in
the web. We propose the use of k-Nearest Neighbor
(Dasarathy, 1991) learning approach to calculate the
distance of the click sequence (average linkage dis-
tance based on Edit distance (Gusfield, 1997)) of the
new users to the clusters generated in the previous
Our hypothesis is that the navigation pattern of
that user will be similar to the user profile of its near-
est cluster. As a consequence the system will propose
to the new user the set of links that models the users
in the cluster.
4.1 Experimental Setup
In order to evaluate the performance of the whole pro-
cess, the best choice would be to carry out an exper-
iment in a real environment. This real experiment
should be carried out in a conversational manner with
users and this interaction should provide the feedback
required to validate our system following the guide-
lines of Conversational Case Base Reasoning (CCBR)
(Aha et al., 2001). But in this work, as a first ap-
proach we carried out a standard validation method.
In this case, we applied the hold-out method dividing
the database into two parts. One for generating the
clusters and extracting user profiles, and, another one
for testing or using it in exploitation. To simulate a
real situation we based the division of the database on
temporal criteria: we used the oldest examples (66%
of the database, 6366 user sessions) for training and
the latest ones (33%, 3183 user sessions), for testing.
We validated the system in two different situa-
tions: when no content information is used (SP) and
when profiles are enriched with semantic information
extracted from content. For the latter, we have used
two tools to compare URLs: MG4J and the Keyword
based comparison (KYWD).
We validated the system from two points of view
the user point of view and the service provider point
of view. For the first part we used the test examples
as described in the exploitation section and then we
compared the automatically generated links with the
real click sequences of the users. For the latter, we
analyzed the description based on the most frequent
keywords for each cluster.
We performed the evaluation taking into account
that in real executions, when a user starts navigating,
only its first few clicks will be available to be used
for deciding the corresponding profile and proposing
new links according to it. We have simulated this real
situation using 10%, 25% and 50% of the user naviga-
tion sequence in the test examples to select the nearest
cluster or profile.
We computed statistics based on results for each
one of the new users. We compared the number of
proposed links that are really used in the test exam-
ples (hits), the number of proposals that are not used
(misses), and the amount of links used by the test
users. An ideal system would maintain precision and
recall as high as possible. But, in order to compare
the two options, we keep the amount of proposed
links not too high (around 50% of the average se-
quence length) and focus on recall because it gives
us an idea of the achieved coverage, i.e., the amount
of links really used in the test examples that our sys-
tem proposes. In order to ensure that precision values
do not suffer a sudden drop we present values for two
statistics: recall (Re) and F-measure (Fm). Note that
the obtained values could be seen as a lower bound
because, although not appearing in the user naviga-
tion sequence, the proposed links could be useful and
interesting for her/him. Unluckily their usefulness
could only be evaluated in a controlled experiment us-
ing the user feedback. Besides, since some links ap-
pearing in the usage analysis (mainly those related to
web adminstration issues) do not appear in the stored
content information, recall and F-measure values are
limited (could never be 100%).
We calculated two values for the used statistics: an
upper bound (ReUp, FmUp) that takes into considera-
tion the whole test sequence, and the values calculated
using only the clicks in the test sequence that have not
been used to select the nearest profile (Re, Fm); that
is, taking into account the remaining 90%, 75% or
50% (for the cases 10%, 25% and 50% respectively).
4.2 Results and Analysis
A first analysis of the results shows that most of the
users start navigating from the initial page of the web-
site and visit the agenda. Although this is interesting
information for the travel agent, the proposal of those
two URLs as part of the profiles inflates the values
of the calculated statistics, and, as a consequence we
have removed them form the generated profiles.
The first conclusion we can draw from the results
is that even if the values of the measured metrics vary
depending on the selected option, all of them are able
to predict a certain percentage of the links a new user
will be visiting.
Figure 1: SP vs Semantics Enriching. Upper bound.
Figure 2: SP vs Semantics Enriching.
We present in figures 1 and 2 recall and F-measure
values for the usage based system (dashed lines) and
the system combining usage and content information
(continued lines). We adjusted the parameters so that
Table 1: Semantics of profiles.
Topic Keywords
Mountain cycle trails, mountain paths, path cycle
Sea bay, river, ocean bay, river boat trips, natural treasures
Accommodation hotel, accommodation, youth hostels
Cuisine sugar, eggs, recipes typical product, innovative cuisine
History walled city, borda, palace
Events events activities, markets fairs, rural sports
both system proposed a similar amount of links to the
new users: 3.5 in average for SP option and 3.8 in av-
erage for MG4J and KWYD options. Note that when
larger the proposed amount of links is, smaller is the
support of some of them, so the system is risking more
and, as a consequence, a drop in the F-measure value
is very probable as a consequence of a drop in preci-
Graphics in figures 1 and 2 show that when enrich-
ing the system with content information recall and the
F-measure values increase, that is, the system guesses
more links among the ones really used by the users
clicks (Re). The improvement is larger in the case of
the upper bound but even in the real case content in-
formation seems to be important. On the other hand,
this improvementis moreevident at early stages of the
navigation when the usage information is very lim-
ited. Those are the moments when the prediction can
probably contribute more to the user navigation expe-
rience becoming more satisfactory.
Finally, if we analyze the semantics of the gener-
ated profiles based on the extracted keywords, we re-
alize that most of the clusters group users with similar
interests. Table 1 shows an example of the semantics
of some of the clusters and some of its related key-
words. The names of the topics appearing in the left
hand column in Table 1 have been assigned manu-
ally whereas the keywords on the right hand column
have been obtained automatically. The results in the
table clearly show that the users clustered in different
groups based on their usage patterns, besides navigat-
ing in a different way, have clearly different interests
and our system is able to extract information about
them. Calculating statistics of the amount of users
in each cluster the service providers could obtain very
useful informationabout the main interests of thepeo-
ple accessing BTw and use it in the future for market-
ing campaigns or modifications in the website.
We designed a system that, without disturbing the
users, based just on server log information,content in-
formation and machine learning techniques, identifies
different groups of users, builds the corresponding
profiles, automatically generates useful link proposals
for new users, and moreover,it gives insight about the
users’ preferences to the tourism agents. This work
has been done for Bidasoa Turismo, a tourism web-
site in our environment, but it could be extended to
any other environment since it uses the minimum in-
formation stored in any web server (in common log
format). We preprocessed the data, prepared it so that
it could be used with machine learning algorithms, we
divided the database into two parts training and test,
applied PAM to the training data to discover groups
of users with similar navigation patterns and SPADE
to discover the profiles associated to each of the clus-
ters. We further enriched thoseprofilesaddingseman-
tic information using two options MG4J and KYWD.
In the exploitation phase we related each test example
to just one of the built profiles (1-NN).
We evaluated, based on a a hold-out strategy, dif-
ferent configurations of the system and how it per-
forms at different stages of the user navigation: 10%,
25% and 50%. We calculated recall and F-measure
statistics and analyzed the semantic profiles.
Results showed that the use of the semantic
knowledge extracted from the website content in-
formation improves the performance, recall and F-
measure values, of the system proposed, and, more-
over, this improvement is greater at early stages of the
navigation so, the system deals better with the zero
day or cold start problem. Furthermore, using content
information gives the option to enrich the generated
profiles with semantic information that can be very
useful for service providers.
This work opens the door to many future tasks. A
deeper analysis of the differences of the two options
implemented for URL content comparison MG4J and
KYWD should be done. Moreover, the Topic Model-
ing option could be another option to extract semantic
knowledge from the websites’ content. More sophis-
ticated strategies to build semantic could also be ex-
This work was funded by the University of the Basque
Country, general funding for research groups, AL-
DAPA (GIU10/02); by the Science and Education
Department of the Spanish Government, ModelAc-
cess (TIN2010-15549 project); by the Diputaci´on
Foral de Gipuzkoa, Zer4You (DG10/5); and by the
Basque Government’s SAIOTEK program, Datacc
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