Towards Unifying Existing Requirements Engineering Approaches
into a Unified Model
Saidi Imed Eddine
, Taoufiq Dkaki
, Nacer Eddine Zarour
and Pierre-Jean Charrel
IRIT Laboratory, University Toulouse 2, Mirail Maison de la Recherche, 5 Allée Antonio Machado,
31058 Toulouse, Cedex 9, France
LIRE Laboratory, University Mentouri, BP 325, Route Ain El Bey, 25017 Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Requirements Modelling, Requirements Engineering Process, Viewpoints, Scenario, Goal, Similarity,
Abstract: Several approaches have been developed to clearly identify software system requirements that satisfy their
stakeholders and can be implemented, deployed and maintained. These approaches can be distinguished
from one another. Indeed, some of them focus on goals and how to achieve them, others focus on scenarios
and illustrations, others rely on stakeholders’ viewpoints, and so on. Nevertheless, these approaches rely on
more or less shared concepts. In this paper, we build graphs that represent some of these approaches. Then
we compare these approaches by computing and analysing similarities between the graphs vertices. As a
result, we put forward the core concepts needed in requirements engineering. This will pave the way for a
unified model that will provide flexible software requirements identification, management and changes.
“Requirements engineering (RE) is the discipline
concerned with understanding and documenting
software requirements” (Kazmierczak, 2003).
Many RE approaches have been developed to
describe and manage upstream phases of software
projects. Several types categorize these approaches.
In this paper, we deal with four of them: goal
oriented approaches, viewpoint oriented approaches,
scenario oriented approaches and another type in
which the three concepts goal, scenario and
viewpoint are invoked. Some of them have been
complemented with computer aided tools.
This paper is organized in five sections. In
section two, we present and draw metamodels of
some current RE approaches as graphs. For each
approach, vertices are concepts and edges represent
the links between them according to the approach
specification. We explore I* as a goal-oriented
approach, semiotic and PREview as viewpoint-
oriented approaches, CREWS as a scenario & goal
oriented approach and MAMIE as an integrated
approach of goal, viewpoint and scenario. In Section
3 we compare these five RE approaches by
computing and analysing similarities scores between
their graph vertices and draw our conclusions about
what should be the core concepts of our unified
model. In section 4, we introduce the embryo of the
new unified model that uses the different concepts
used in these approaches and we combine them into
one unified model. Finally, we conclude and draw
perspectives of this work.
In this section we present the different RE
approaches and their graphs according to their basic
concepts and principles. We successively explore I*
as a goal oriented approach, CREWS as a goal &
scenario approach, semiotic and PREview as
viewpoint oriented approaches and MAMIE as an
integrated approach (goal, scenario and viewpoint).
For each graph, we highlight the basic concepts and
introduce them as vertices. Each vertex is colored
according to its type (Static or Dynamic). For a
given approach, static concepts are entities and
dynamic concepts represent elements of the RE
process. In the following, static and dynamic
vertices are respectively drawn in light and dark
gray. Furthermore, each graph vertex can be
characterized as initial (INdegree = 0),
Eddine S., Dkaki T., Zarour N. and Charrel P..
Towards Unifying Existing Requirements Engineering Approaches into a Unified Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004172003110315
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 311-315
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)