An Interests Discovery Approach in Social Networks based on a
Semantically Enriched Bayesian Network Model
Akram Al-Kouz and Sahin Albayrak
DAI-Labor, Technical University of Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, Berlin, Germany
Interests Discovery, Bayesian Networks, Social Networks.
Knowing the interests of users in Social Networking Systems becomes essential for User Modeling. Interests
discovery from user’s posts based on standard text classification techniques such as the Bag Of Words fails to
catch the implicit relations between terms. We propose an approach that automatically generates an ordered list
of candidate topics of interests given the text of the users’ posts. The approach generate terms and segments,
enriches them semantically from world knowledge, and creates a Bayesian Network to model the syntactic
and semantic relations. After that it uses probabilistic inference to elect the list of candidate topics of interests
which have the highest posterior probability given the explicit and implicit features in user’s posts as observed
evidences. A primitive evaluation has been conducted using manually annotated data set consisting of 40 Twitter
users. The results showed that our approach outperforms the Bag Of Words technique, and that it has promising
indications for effectively detecting interests of users in Social Networking Systems.
The lexical meaning of interest is something that con-
cerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the
curiosity of a person
. Thereby, discovering the in-
terests of users in Social Networking Systems (SNS)
could form a milestone in User Modeling (UM) (Al-
Kouz and Albayrak, 2012). Personalized web applica-
tions and services such as recommender systems and
personalized search engines depend on UM (Xuehua
et al., 2005) (Gotardo et al., 2008). With the advent of
SNS, personalized systems became more important.
In such systems users become the producers of valu-
able information which can be used to enrich the UM
(Kim et al., 2009). Users produce information in dif-
ferent forms, one of them is text messages referred it as
Posts hereafter. Building UM in SNS is predominantly
based on explicit data in profiles (Cataldi et al., 2010).
Knowing the interests of a user from the contents of
his Posts could enhance the UM.
When user publishes Posts in SNS he assumes the
audience users in the other end is familiar with the sub-
ject, as a result user uses a few number of terms and
phrases that have implicit semantic relations. Knowing
the implicit encyclopedic semantics relations between
terms and phrases can provide some clues about the
topic of interest. The implicit semantics of a word
or phrase is the vector of its encyclopedic associa-
tions in world knowledge such as Wikipedia
(Al-Kouz et al., 2011). In knowledge world, concepts
are semantically tied together by links which forms
a graph of semantically related entities or concepts
(Schonhofen, 2008).
Posts have special characteristics that have made
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques not
applicable to catch the implicit syntactic relations be-
tween terms (Moschitti and Basili, 2004). Implicit syn-
tactic relations are the grammatical links between con-
tent words of a sentence which denote grammatical
relations between nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives
(Stevenson, 1998).
Usually user submits Posts at different points in
time. Knowing the temporal factor can dramatically
affect in catching the semantic relations between the
contents of Posts. Posts with large time windows are
suppose to be weakly related. On the other hand, Posts
with small time windows could have strong semantic
relations (Abe and Tsumoto, 2010).
Text classification is one of the common techniques
to discover interest of users from their Posts (Gauch
et al., 2007). Traditional text classification techniques
based on Bag Of Words (BOW) perform well on large
and rich with content documents, because the word
occurrence is high, frequency of words is enough to
Al-Kouz A. and Albayrak S..
An Interests Discovery Approach in Social Networks based on a Semantically Enriched Bayesian Network Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004172103000305
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 300-305
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
capture the explicit semantics of terms. The explicit
semantic of a word is the vector of its occurrence as-
sociations within the text (Tang et al., 2011). When
dealing with Posts, the BOW based techniques will not
perform well as they would have performed on larger
text documents.
The Naive Bayes classifier is one of the simplest
text classifiers based on BOW, in that it assumes all
attributes of the text document are independent of each
other given the context of the class, which is not correct
in some real-world tasks. In fact, the Naive Bayes
classifier could be considered as a Bayesian Network,
in which the network structure is fixed and nodes can
have only one parent class node (Acid et al., 2005).
This model fails to deal with the previously mentioned
implicit syntactic, explicit and implicit semantic, and
temporal relations problems.
Bayesian Network is a graphical model for reason-
ing under uncertainty. It represents direct connections
between nodes. These direct connections are often
causal connections (Korb and Nicholson, 2010). Based
on the causal implicit relation between the components
of Posts, we believe that a proper Bayesian Network
model can catch the explicit and implicit relations in
users’ Posts.
In this paper we propose an approach to discover
the interests of a user from the contents of his Posts
based on a semantically enriched Bayesian Network
model. The proposed approach consisting of four
phases. First is the features extraction and generation,
in this phase we exploit the structure of the original
Posts and external concepts from the WordNet
tionary to get seed features. Generated seed features
can express the implicit syntactic and explicit seman-
tic relations between terms. The Second phase is the
semantical enrichment of the seed features from world
knowledge to crate new semantic entities that catch
the implicit semantic relations between seed features.
The third phase is building the Bayesian Network to
represent the conditional dependencies between the
seed features and the semantic entities. Seed features
are represented as root nodes, semantic entities are
represented as internal nodes, while the leaf nodes rep-
resent the categories extracted from world knowledge.
Finally we use a probabilistic inference algorithm to
compute the posterior probabilities of the leaf nodes
to discover and rank interests topics of the user.
Al-kouz and Albayrak have proposed a semantic
graph based approach to detect a user’s interests from
his Posts (Al-Kouz and Albayrak, 2012). In their ap-
proach they present Posts of a user as a semantic
graph of related entities. Posts and comments from
other users are represented as semantic social graph.
In the semantic graph and the semantic social graph,
nodes are semantically enriched entities from Free-
, edges are the semantic relations between those
entities. The authors propose a Root-Path-Degree algo-
rithm to prune the semantic graph and semantic social
graph and to find the most popular subgraph that may
infer the interests of the user. The proposed algorithm
outperformed the Naive Bayes classifier in discover-
ing interest of users. Its performance was complex
in-terms of CPU time and memory space. In addition
to that, it does not take into consideration the temporal
relations between Posts, which has a reasonable impact
on the meaning.
In (Ahmad et al., 2011) Ahmad and others pro-
posed a new ranking algorithm called “SNPageRank”
to find the interests model in the Friendfeed
network. The proposed algorithm utilized updated ver-
sion of the PageRank algorithm. Instead of web pages,
people in SNS and the connections between them are
used as hyper links, and the connections between nodes
are weighted. This algorithm works fine in determin-
ing users with high contribution in the social networks
without determining in which field they are interested
or experts.
DeCampose et al. (de Campos and Romero, 2009)
have proposed a Bayesian Network models for hier-
archical text classification from a thesaurus. The pro-
posed model represents each term in rich text docu-
ments as a root node and finds a relation to some de-
scriptors in a thesaurus. Experimental results showed
that the proposed model outperformed the baseline
methods including Naive Bayes. Nevertheless, this
model suffers from the limitations of thesaurus such
as size and domain oriented nature. This model takes
into consideration the explicit semantic problem, but
it does not provide solutions to the implicit syntactic
and semantic problems.
In contrast to all these works, our approach takes
into consideration the implicit syntactic, explicit se-
mantic, and implicit semantic problems. In addition,
the proposed approach provides a pruning mecha-
nism to reduce the number of nodes in the generated
Bayesian Network. The temporal relation is repre-
sented as a node with diverging arcs to the root nodes
of the consequence Posts. Moreover, it efficiently rep-
resents the parent nodes of the root and internal nodes
to keep the size of the Bayesian Network as small as
Discovering the interests of users in SNS based on their
Posts could enhance the reliability of UM. The task of
our proposed approach is to 1) extract and generate text
features from users’ Posts, 2) construct a semantically
enriched Bayesian Network model. The output model
is used to automatically map a user
to a target ranked
list of Wikipedia Pages
P = {P
, P
, ..., P
. Where
is a set of leaf nodes in the Bayesian Network, and
, P
, ..., P
are the different nodes representing
topics of interest sorted by their posterior probability.
Therefore, the scope of our approach is automatic
classification of users’ Posts based on a semantically
enriched Bayesian Network. There are several charac-
teristics in this task which make it valuable: 1) each
term in the Posts is a feature that need to be repre-
sented as node in our Bayesian Network. This leads
to a dimensionality problem. 2) Terms could occur
repeatedly in Posts. This is an explicit semantic prob-
lem that should be considered in our model. 3) Term
has relations with surrounding terms. This relation
need to be represented and referred later as an implicit
syntactic problem. 4) Posts have temporal patterns.
Temporal patterns can propagate the implicit semantic
relations between the components of different Posts.
5) Terms and phrases usually have encyclopedic se-
mantic relations. This is an implicit semantic problem.
To overcome these problems, our approach is divided
into four pipeline phases as following.
3.1 Features Extraction and Generation
In this phase we exploit the structure of the original
Posts and external concepts from WordNet dictionary
to extract and generate seed features. Seed features are
wighted by term or phrase frequency. Generated seed
features expressed the implicit syntactic and explicit
semantic relations between terms and phrases. We took
into consideration the dimensionality problem.
Posts in general have the characteristics of sparsity,
highly focused, not domain specific, noisy, short in
length, informal, multilingual, and grammatical error
prone (Al-Kouz and Albayrak, 2012). These charac-
teristics of Posts made it hard to apply standard NLP
techniques to catch the implicit syntactic relations be-
tween words(Moschitti and Basili, 2004). When us-
ing the BOW model to represent Posts, it neglects the
contextual information in them (Gimpel et al., 2011),
which leads to uncertainty in classification. Timing
pattern between Posts can affect the semantic relations
between terms and phrases in different Posts. There-
fore, explicit features need to be extracted and new
implicit features need to be generated in a way that,
the implicit syntactic, explicit and implicit, and tem-
poral relations between terms and phrases in different
posts could be caught.
3.1.1 Explicit Features Extraction
First of all, Posts are segmented based on punctua-
tion marks. Next, we tokenized the segments. Then,
a pre-processing mechanism applied on tokens to re-
move stop-words and extract the term feature seeds.
After that we applied a Bi-gram tokenizer to extract
the phrase feature seeds. For simplicity we assumed
the maximum size of phrases to be two terms. Term
feature seeds and phrase feature seeds are the Uni-
gram and Bi-gram explicit features respectively that
handle the implicit syntactic relations in one segment.
The frequency of the term feature seeds and phrase
feature seeds, represents the explicit semantic of seeds.
The output of this step is a set of features (FS) which
contains term feature seeds, phrase feature seeds, and
segments. Segment is considered as the child of its fea-
ture seeds. The explicit semantic of the feature seeds
is used as the prior probability in a later phase, and its
relation to child segment represents a causal relation
between nodes in our Bayesian Network.
3.1.2 Implicit Features Generation
Seed features are validated and enriched using Word-
Net dictionary. Each seed feature is checked against
WordNet. The seed features existed in WordNet are
confirmed as valid seed features, while others are ne-
glected. Validation process ensures the dimensionality
reduction by pruning the seed features that could be
noise. Valid seed features enriched with its synonyms
from WordNet. I addition, the inverted phrase seed
features are checked, and if some match in WordNet is
found, then the inverse considered as generated seed
feature as well. The WordNet enrichment process gen-
erates new features that can enhance the seed connec-
tivity with other nodes in Bayesian Network construc-
tion phases. All the generated features are added to the
FS which was generated from the previous step.
3.1.3 Implicit Temporal Relations
Posts have different time stamps. Timing pattern be-
tween Posts can affect the semantic relations between
terms and phrases in different Posts. Time windows
between Posts calculated and considered as temporal
features. Each two successive Posts generate a tem-
poral feature. Temporal features are added to the FS
with the time stamp of its successive Posts. These time
stamps will be used to calculate the prior probabilities
of temporal nodes in Bayesian Network construction
3.2 Semantic Enrichment
The semantical enrichment of the seed features from
Wikipedia creates new semantic entities that will be
represented as internal nodes in the Bayesian Network.
These nodes catch the implicit semantic relations be-
tween seed features. Knowing the implicit encyclo-
pedic semantic relations between different features in
the FS can add new clues about the topic of interest.
Wikipedia has been recognized as a promising lexi-
cal semantic resource. We utilized a recent publicly
available dump of Wikipedia to match seed features
to Wikipedia pages and find the semantic relations
between pages. The process of matching features to
Wikipedia pages is handled by using the feature as a
query term to search the local Wikipedia dump for a
disambiguated page that matches the query criteria.
Once the disambiguated page is retrieved, we use the
page title as an identification label, the ”Wiki Page
Feature” as the node type, and the first section text as
its description. The page is added to the FS for later
usage in the Bayesian Network construction phase.
If the result of the query is an ambiguous set of po-
tential Wikipedia pages, then a disambiguation prob-
lem encountered. We utilized some entity disambigua-
tion methods to solve this problem. More specifically,
given a set of candidate pages from Wikipedia, we exe-
cute a search on index fields storing page titles, redirect
titles, and name variants. We implement a weighted
search to give high weights to the exact title matches or
matches with minimum edit distance. The ambiguous
page with the highest weight is added to the FS.
To find the semantic relations between the ”Wiki
page Features” entries in FS, we utilize the InfoBox
and the first section links. For each ”Wiki Page Fea-
ture” entry we parsed the InfoBox and the first section
links only to keep the performance and reduce the
noise. The links of target pages considered as seman-
tic enrichment that can catch the semantic relations
between”Wiki page Features” entries. Each semantic
enrichment page is added to the FS, and weighted by
the frequency of its appearance in the InfoBox plus
one times the frequency of its appearance in the first
section plus one. All entries generated from the se-
mantical enrichment phase are considered as semantic
3.3 Bayesian Network Construction
The third phase in our pipeline is ti build the Bayesian
Network to represent the conditional dependencies be-
tween the temporal features, the seed features and the
semantic features. Temporal features are represented
as root nodes. Seed features and semantic features are
represented as internal nodes, while the leaf nodes rep-
resent the categories extracted from Wikipedia.
Bayesian Network is a graphical model for rea-
soning under uncertainty defined as a pair
B = (G, P)
G = (V (G)
is an acyclic directed graph
with set of nodes
V (G) = X
, X
, ..., X
represent vari-
ables, and a set of arcs
A(G) V (G) V (G)
sent direct connections between nodes. These direct
connections are often causal connections (Korb and
Nicholson, 2010).
The construction of a Bayesian Network involves
three major steps. First, we must decide on the set of
relevant nodes and their possible values, as in subsec-
tion 3.1. Next, we must build the network structure
by connecting nodes into an acyclic directed graph.
Finally, we must define the Conditional Probabilistic
Table (CPT) for each network node (Darwiche, 2009).
3.3.1 Bayesian Network Structure
Temporal features should generate the top level nodes
in our Bayesian Network. We retrieve all temporal fea-
tures from the FS. Each temporal feature is represented
by a node with the time stamp as its id, and the node
type is ”Temporal”. Each temporal node should has
only two children to represent its two successive Posts.
Each child is represented by a virtual node, ”Left Vir-
tual” and ”Right Virtual” as shown in Figure 1. The
virtual child node is the parent node of all seed feature
nodes contained in its Post.
Figure 1: The Suggested Bayesian Network model.
We traverse the FS searching for segment entries,
for each segment we add a new representing node to the
Bayesian Network. The added node has the segment
text as node id and ”Segment Text” as node type. After
that, we try to retrieve the matching Wikipedia page. If
it is exist, we add a new node to the Bayesian Network,
this node has the page title as node id and ”Segment
Wiki Page” as node type. Further more, we create an
arc connection outwards from ”Segment Text” node to
”Segment Wiki Page” node, because ”Segment Text”
node is the causal of ”segment Wiki Page” node. Se-
mantically connected Wikipedia pages to our ”Seg-
ment Wiki Page” are retrieved and added as children
Parent nodes of each segment node need to be rep-
resented in our Bayesian Network. We retrieve the
term seed features and the phrase seed features of the
segment. Then we add a new node to represent the
seed feature. Its id is the seed feature text and its type
is ”Term” or ”Phrase” depending on the seed feature.
The newly added nodes are connected to their ”Seg-
ment Text” node as parent nodes. For each ”Term” or
”Phrase” seed feature node we retrieve its ”Wiki Page
Feature”, then we add it to the Bayesian Network as
child node. Node id is page title and node type is ”Wiki
Page Feature”. Further more, every ”Wiki Page Fea-
ture” connected to our current ”Wiki Page Feature” is
added to the Bayesian Network as child node, because
it is connected semantically to current node by outlinks
which implies casual relationship from current node
to target nodes.
3.3.2 Conditional Probabilistic Tables
The CPTs of root nodes are easy to be calculated.
Hence, they have only two states exist or not exist,
and their probabilities are unconditional on any parent
nodes. In our Bayesian Network model, root nodes are
the Temporal nodes. The probability of Temporal node
is calculated in equation 1. In which
T 1
T 2
the time stamps of the successive Posts. This equa-
tion expresses the temporal relations between Posts. It
utilizes the assumption that Posts with small time win-
dow suppose to have strong semantic correlation. After
that, we calculate the CPTs of each virtual node
equation 2, Where
is the set of parent nodes of
the current virtual node.
P(T ) = exp
T 1 T 2
p(X) =
p(X|Pa(X))P(Pa(x))) (2)
The third level of CTPs is the CPTs of Term and
Phrase nodes. The probability is calculated by dividing
the node frequency calculated in 3.1.1 by the total
number of Term and Phrase nodes in our Bayesian
Network. Segment Text node is a child node of some
Term and Phrase nodes, The same equation 3 is used
to calculate the CPT of this node. Where
is the
set of Term and Phrase parent nodes.
For the CPTs of the Wiki Page Feature nodes and
Segment Wiki Page nodes, we treated them in the same
manner. They will be referred as
. Given its parent
seed feature and Segment nodes its probability rep-
resented as
P(W P|Pa(W P)
and calculated using the
canonical method in equation 3. Where
is the
set of Term parent, Phrase parent and
nodes. Here,
w((P), W P)
is the weight assigned to each parent
referring to this
. The weight
w(p, W P)
calculated in equation 4.
P(W P|Pa(W P) =
w(p, W P) (3)
w(p, W P) =
T F IDF i f p = Term
LW i f p = W P
is the function of node frequency of
over the total Term, Phrase and Segment nodes
is the log of the number of
in our
Bayesian Network divided by the number of
contain this parent
. The
is a function to calculate
the probability of the parent node
to be in both the
InfoBox and the first section links of W P.
One of the key issues arises here is the potentially
large size of CPTs. To solve this problem, we pruned
the Bayesian Network by removing all the nodes that
have no connectivity with other nodes except their par-
ents. This will reduce the total number of nodes in our
Bayesian Network and ensures to have the minimum
number of parents for each node. Reducing the number
of parents is the main factor in reducing the size of
CPTs. Hence, the CPT size of a specific node is
is the number of parents, and
is the number
of variable states.
3.4 Probabilistic Inference
In the last phase we use probabilistic inference algo-
rithms to compute the posterior probabilities of the
leaf nodes in order to discover and rank interest topics
of user. The procedure used to map a given user
to a Wikipedia category
is as follows: first in the
Bayesian Network, we instantiate the Term, Phrase,
and Segment nodes corresponding to the words ap-
pearing in the Posts of
as observed and the remain-
ing nodes as not observed. Let
be such a configura-
tion of the Term, Phrase and Segment nodes. Next, we
propagate this information through the network, and
compute the posterior probabilities of the Wiki Page
feature nodes as
p(W P|Pa(W P))
. Finally, the ordered
list of Wiki Page feature nodes with maximum poste-
rior probabilities is used to map the user
to his topic
of interest.
Further research needs to be conducted to inves-
tigate and apply an efficient inference algorithm, be-
cause different algorithms are suited to different net-
work structures and performance requirements (Korb
and Nicholson, 2010). Primitive test using different
standard inference algorithms showed the reliability of
our proposed approach.
Interest detection in Social Networks has attracted
much attention recently. In this paper, we addressed
the problem of mapping Users to topics of interest.
Differently from previous work using the BOW based
text classification techniques, we proposed a technique
based on a Bayesian Network model to represent the
implicit syntactic, explicit semantic, implicit semantic
and temporal relations between the Posts of a user.
According to the primitive experimental results, our
proposed approach showed promising indications. In
future we would like to investigate different inference
algorithms to calculate the posterior probability of the
candidate topics of interests.
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