Rate of Penetration Prediction and Optimization using Advances in
Artificial Neural Networks, a Comparative Study
Khoukhi Amar and Alarfaj Ibrahim
Systems Engineering Department, KFUPM, Dhahran, K.S.A.
Keywords: Prediction, Rate of Penetration, Regression, ANN, ELM, RBF.
Abstract: An important aspect of oil industry is rate of penetration (ROP) prediction. Many studies have been
implemented to predict it. Mainly, multiple regression and artificial neural network models were used. In
this paper, the objective is to compare the traditional multiple regression with two artificial intelligence
techniques; extreme learning machines (ELM) and radial basis function networks (RBF). ELM and RBF are
artificial neural network (ANNs) techniques. ANNs are cellular systems which can acquire, store, and
utilize experiential knowledge. The techniques are implemented using MATLAB function codes. For ELM,
the activation functions, number of hidden neurons, and number of data points in the training data set are
varied to find the best combination. Different input parameters of ELM give different results. The
comparison is made based on field data with no correction, then with weight on bit (WOB) correction, and
finally with interpolated WOB and rotary speed (RPM) correction. Seven input parameters are used for
ROP prediction. These are depth, bit weight, rotary speed, tooth wear, Reynolds number function, ECD and
pore gradient. The techniques are compared in terms of training time and accuracy, and testing time and
accuracy. Simulation experiments show that ELM gave the best results in terms of accuracy and processing
Cost efficiency in oil drilling projects becomes a
very important aspect nowadays. Efforts to predict
effects of drilling parameters and to optimize such a
cost have been widely done in many studies and
reports. These studies aim to increase the
performance and decrease the probability of
encountering problems. In most cases, drilling cost
is reduced by increasing drilling speed. This is
mainly done by maximizing the rate of penetration
(ROP). ROP depends on many other drilling
parameters. The relationship between drilling
parameters are studied to maximize ROP by finding
the optimum drilling parameters (Gidh et al., 2011);
(Bataee and Mohseni, 2011).
The prediction of ROP helps to select the best
input parameters to get the highest drilling rate with
the least cost. Thus, it has been the focus of many
researcher and oil companies. Research is still going
to find most accurate results. Therefore, it is
important to compare between different techniques
to choose the most accurate prediction.
On the other hand, the applications of
Computational Intelligence (CI) methods in
petroleum engineering have recently emerged as
powerful tools leading to a new generation of
computer aided analysis tools for practitioners,
scientists, and engineers working in several areas of
petroleum industry (Khoukhi, 2012); (Khoukhi et
al., 2011); (Khoukhi and Albukhitan, 2010);
(Motahhari et al., 2009); (Samuel et al., 2007). This
paper presents a comparative study between the
traditionally-used regression-based models with two
important artificial neural network techniques on the
rate of penetration prediction problem.
Currently, the available computing and
modelling techniques for ROP prediction implement
multiple regression models, operations research,
artificial neural networks (ANN), and simulation.
The parameters that affect ROP are difficult to
model. Different input parameters are used in
different studies. Weight on bit (WOB) and
rotational speed per minute (RPM) are the main
parameters that are used in most reported literature
(Motahhari et al., 2009); (Samuel et al., 2007);
(Bourgoyne and Young, 1974); (Eren, 2010).
Unfortunately, the models in the existing studies
Amar K. and Ibrahim A..
Rate of Penetration Prediction and Optimization using Advances in Artificial Neural Networks, a Comparative Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004172506470652
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2012), pages 647-652
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
have some limitations. First, they did not consider
all possible input parameters, which most probably
result in lower accuracy of the results. Second, the
data prediction speed is low (Huang et al., 2011);
(Mark, 1996); (Paiaman et al., 2009); (Hamrick,
2011); (Sultan et al., 2002); (Rampersad et al.,
1994); (Abtahi et al., 2011).
The scope of this paper is to compare results
obtained by a multiple regression model to those
obtained using extreme learning machine (ELM) and
radial bases function networks (RBF) in terms of
accuracy and processing speed. ELM and RBF use
the concept of neural networks. The neurons learn
when fed with the data. In previous ELM
applications, neurons understand faster than other
artificial intelligence techniques (Huang et al.,
2006); (Huang, 2010); (Adrian, 1996). Carefully
evaluating input parameters is crucial for the model
to be fast. The output data will be compared with
actual oil and gas data. Recently, a prime study
showed the significant add on value of ANN to ROP
prediction (Moran et al., 2010); (Awasthi and
Ankur, 2008).
The main contribution of this paper as compared
to the previous studies is that it investigates ELM
and RBF
models, which were not used before in
ROP prediction. Moreover, it provides effective
choices of ELM structural parameters and activation
functions for a better ELM prediction. Furthermore,
it shows the best of three models (ELM, RBF,
regression) to help decision makers.
The methodology followed is to implement each
technique with different structural parameters, and
activation functions, number of hidden nodes, and
then compare the best results from each technique
with the other techniques.
Both ELM and RBF are single hidden layer
feedforward networks (SLFN). These particular
techniques were chosen for several reasons. ELM
and RBF usually give very good results in other
fields as compared e.g. to multi-layer perceptron.
Also, they are new techniques in the field of ROP
prediction, which adds new information to the field.
Regarding regression, it is widely used in ROP
prediction. Therefore, it is important to show
whether changing the common technique
(regression) to a new technique is justifiable or not.
3.1 Input / Output Data
Mainly, the methodology was implemented to
provide comparable results. The same dataset is
inputted to ELM and RBF. In the beginning of this
work an initial published data by Bourgoyne and
Young (1974) was implemented.
Seven input drilling parameters were used in the
study. These are depth, bit weight, rotary speed,
tooth wear, Reynolds number function, ECD and
pore gradient. At a second stage, the used dataset for
these inputs were those used in Eren’s (2010) as to
provide a fair comparison of the proposed models
with the multiple regression model. The outputs
from the three models are compared. The
comparison is based on training time and accuracy
and testing time and accuracy.
3.2 Computer Codes
Developed by Dr. Huang, a MATLAB function code
is used to process data using ELM. The code was
run into a loop one thousand times and then an
average is taken to avoid variations due to random
initializations. The parameters of ELM are changed
and compared to find the best combination. The
changed parameters are the number of hidden
neurons, the activation function, and the
stratification percentage of training data.
Regarding RBF, a MATLAB built in function
(newrb) is used to process the data (Mathworks,
2007 a, b). The target training accuracy and
percentage of training data are also changed to find
the best combination.
3.3 Simulation Results
The preliminary simulation experiments are very
encouraging. Each technique gave different results
in terms of comparison criteria. The results are being
shown for each element. For ELM, it was found that,
as in Fig. 1, the time and accuracy are better when
the number of hidden neurons is 5. Therefore, values
around 5 were taken for the number of hidden
neurons (3 to 10).
For RBF, the goal (mean square error MSE) will
be taken to be either 6400 ft
or 4900 ft
is, respectively, similar to and better than what ELM
gave. Also, the spread parameter is 20,30,40,50, or
100. Table 1 shows a sample of RBF results of
Accuracy and Training Time(s) vs. Spread
Figure 1: a)Training Time, b) training accuracy, c) testing
time and d) testing accuracy, vs. No. of hidden neurons
With ELM, as shown in Fig. 2, the training time is
not affected by the small changes in the number of
hidden nodes. The small random variations are due
to processor variability. Moreover, comparing
among the different activation functions, one can see
that it requires more time to train a set using
triangular and radial basis function than using the
other three activation functions.
RBF requires more training time than ELM does.
It requires almost the same training time at the
values of MSE used. Furthermore, it does not seem
to be affected by the change of the spread parameter.
A sample of the results is shown in Table 1.
Figure 2: ELM training time.
Table 1: RBF accuracy and training time(s) vs. spread
Spread = 20
Target training MSE Training Time(s)
4900 0.156
6400 0.156
Spread = 40
Target training Acc. Training Time(s)
4900 0.1404
6400 0.156
Spread = 100
Target training Acc. Training Time(s)
4900 0.1248
6400 0.156
4.1 Training Accuracy
Using root mean squared error (RMSE) and standard
deviation (SD), ELM gave relatively more accurate
training results. The accuracy gets better with
increasing hidden neurons. Hardlim function
provides the least accurate results. Other functions
give the very close RMSE. The results can be
deduced from Fig. 3 which shows the RMSE and SD
of the data in ft/hr.
RBF training accuracy is set to be either
mse=6400 or mse=4900 ft
. However the choice
affects the time and accuracy of training and testing.
4.2 Testing Time
Testing time for ELM seems random and not
affected by the number of hidden neurons. The
sigmoid and sine functions gave the best results and
hardlim, triangular basis, and radial basis gave the
worst. Results are shown in Fig. 4.
RBF gave higher testing time than ELM. Testing
Time is not affected by the choice of goal training
accuracy n or the value of the spread, as shown in
Table 2.
Figure 3: ELM Training Accuracy, a) RMSE, b)SD.
Figure 4: ELM testing time vs. No. of hidden neurons.
Table 2: RBF accuracy vs. spread parameter testing time
Spread = 20
Target training Acc. Testing Time (s)
4900 0.1092
6400 0.078
Spread =40
Target training Acc. Testing Time (s)
4900 0.1092
6400 0.0936
Spread= 100
Target training Acc. Testing Time (s)
4900 0.1248
6400 0.0936
4.3 Testing Accuracy
ELM's testing RMSE, SD, and APRE have minima
at different number of hidden nodes at each
activation function. Fig. 5 displays these minima.
RBF testing was not accurate, when training
target MSE is chosen low and very good when it is
chosen close to ELM's training accuracy, as can be
seen in Table 3.
c c
Figure 5: ELM testing accuracy.
Table 3: RBF testing accuracy.
Spread = 20
arget training Acc. Testing RMSE Testing SD Testing APRE
4900 154.8288 104.8767 82.81
6400 34.996 34.9756 9.6
Spread =40
Target training Acc. Testing RMSE Testing SD Testing APRE
4900 129.375 89.5038 54.21
6400 35.0248 35.0017 9.63
Target training Acc. Testing RMSE Testing SD Testing APRE
4900 144.3341 101.6538 70.73
6400 35.0328 35.009 9.63
4.4 Discussion
The methods’ accuracies are compared in terms of
RMSE, standard deviation SD, and absolute percent
relative error (APRE). The regression gave for no
correction, average APRE is 111%, RMSE is 210.39
ft/hr and SD is 179.89 ft/hr. For WOB correction,
the average APRE is 85%, RMSE is 133.73ft/hr and
SD is 107.18 ft/hr. For interpolated correction,
average APRE is 30%, RMSE is 57.29 ft/hr and SD
is 57.25 ft/hr. Therefore, the interpolated correction
are compared with the other techniques and the data
plugged in ELM and RBF models are those of the
interpolated corrected.
For ELM, we see each activation function
separately. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that the most
accurate results are at sigmoidal with 5 hidden
neurons. Table 3 shows that the most accurate
method of implementing RBF is with MSE = 6400
and spread = 20. Therefore, we take this
combination as the candidate of comparison. Table 4
shows the comparison among the techniques in
terms of testing accuracies.
Comparing the results above, we can see that
RBF is the most accurate technique. However, ELM
is the fastest. Therefore, depending on the objective,
a decision can be made.
Table 4: Comparison of testing accuracies.
ELM RBF Regression
RMSE(ft/hr) 51.9716 34.996 37.36152
SD(ft/hr) 44.405 34.9756 64.71206
APRE 17.13% 9.6% 33%
This paper has shown a comparison among ELM,
RBF, and a multiple regression model for ROP
Prediction. The professionals and decision makers
are advised, according to the results of this study, to
choose RBF as the ROP prediction technique.
However, if processing speed is more important, the
decision makers might want to use ELM. Additional
ANN techniques can be used in development of this
study. Some of them are being implemented in an
ongoing work.
The authors would like to thank KACST for
supporting this work under grant: KACST-OIL-AR-
30-258-2012, and Dr. Tuna Eren, for providing real
time data and regression models. Mr. Alarfaj gives
special thanks to KFUPM and Systems Engineering
Department for offering the SE 439 course on
undergraduate research.
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