erations that cannot be apprehended by the classical
Turing machine model yet play a crucial role in many
aspects of neural computation
According to (Siegelmann, 2003), such results
“embeds a possible answer to the superiority of bio-
logical intelligence within the framework of classical
computer science”. We prefer to remain cautious on
this issue, and do not intend to argue in favor of an
ontological existence of super-Turing capabilities of
biological neural networks in nature, but rather in fa-
vor of the relevance of considering super-Turing neu-
ral models in order to describe neurobiological fea-
tures that fail be captured via Turing-equivalent clas-
sical models of computation. In this sense, we be-
lieve that the consideration of super-Turing brain-like
computational models present some interest beyond
the philosophical controversial considerations about
hypercomputation (Copeland, 2004).
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ies about the computational power of neural models
might lead to a better understanding of the basic prin-
ciples that underlie the processing of information in
the brain. In this context, we believe that the compar-
ative approach between the computational powers of
bio-inspired and artificial abstract models of compu-
tation shall ultimately provide a better understanding
of the intrinsic natures of both biological and artificial
intelligences. We further believe that the foundational
approach to alternative models of computation might
in the long term not only lead to relevant theoretical
considerations, but also to important practical impli-
cations. Similarly to the theoretical work from Turing
which played a crucial role in the practical realization
of modern computers, further foundational consider-
ations of alternative models of computation will cer-
tainly contribute to the emergence of novel computa-
tional technologies and computers, and step by step,
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