to represent, capture and trace the ontology
development process.
Fig. 1 shows the main components of the
proposed framework, including: (i) a Conceptual
Model that is able to represent generic design
processes; (ii) an Ontological Engineering Domain
Model (OEDM), which specifies the concepts that
are required to describe ontology development
processes, and (iii) a support computational
environment, named TracOED (Tracking Ontology
Engineering Designs), that implements both the
conceptual model and the OEDM to enable the
capture of specific ontology design processes, along
with their associated products.
Domain Model
ONTOTracED framewor
Version Mana
Domain Editor
Product Representation Space
tual Model
Process Representation Space
Specification Space
Domain Operation
Ontology Development Process
capture and tracing
Figure 1: Components of the proposed framework.
The supporting Conceptual Model is based on an
operational-oriented approach that envisions the
ontology development process – as any engineering
design process – as a sequence of activities that
operates on the products of the development process.
The proposal defines two representation spaces to
model generic design process concepts: the Process
and Product spaces. In addition, a third component
(the Specification Space in Fig. 1) is included to
fully specify a flexible model that is able to
represent and capture design processes pertaining to
specific engineering fields.
The Process representation space models the
activities being performed during an ontology
development process. Each basic activity performed
by an actor during an ontology development process
is represented by the execution of a sequence of
operations, which transforms the design objects
causing their evolution. In order to represent this
evolution, each design object is specified at two
levels: the Repository and the Version ones, which
constitute the Product Representation Space.
The operations that can be applied are domain
dependent. Therefore, the Specification Space allows
specifying the building blocks and operations of
particular engineering design domains. In the
context of the OntoTracED framework, this space
has allowed specifying the ontological engineering
domain model.
The Ontological Engineering Domain Model
component can represent and capture particular
ontology development projects, based on building-
blocks that define the products obtained, as well as
the activities carried out during such process. This
representation includes those modeling elements that
are most commonly used in the methodologies that
nowadays guide ontology development projects.
There are several methodologies for building
ontologies and no one is yet emerging as a clear
reference. In spite of their diversity, most
methodologies share structural similarities and have
comparable modeling elements. In this proposal, the
components that are considered to be part of the
proposed domain model are shown in Table 1.
Additionally, in order to show how this proposal
may be applied when ontologists want to stick to
specific methodologies and/or approaches, the
ontological categories proposed by the Unified
Foundational Ontology (UFO) (Guizzardi, 2005)
have been added to the Ontological Engineering
Domain Model. UFO is a language to build domain
ontologies that preserves the ontological
commitment of the domain being modeled. It
distinguishes between conceptual entities called
universals and individuals. In particular, due to
space limitations, this work focuses on the
subsumption hierarchy of sortal universals. Table 1
presents the meanings of the concrete object types
Kind, SubKind, Phase and Role, which are the leave
classes of the mentioned hierarchy. UFO is
considered as a Pattern Language; i.e., in this
language the choice of a particular design object
type causes a whole pattern to be manifested
(Guizzardi y colab., 2011). For example, a phase is
always defined as part of a partition; a role is always
played in relation to another sortal. So, the adopted
domain model also includes the following design
patterns proposed by UFO: SubKind Partition,
PhasePartition and RolePattern (Guizzardi y colab.,
The OEDM also defines the operations required
to capture and manage the included design objects.
Some of these operations are shown in Table 1.
is the computational environment that
implements the conceptual model and incorporates
the OEDM. It is based on TracED (Roldán y colab.,
2010), which was conceived for capturing and