Improving Disaster Responsiveness using a Mix
of Social Media and e-Government
Asanee Kawtrakul
, Intiraporn Mulasastra
, Hutchatai Chanlekha
, Sachit Rajbhandari
Kulapramote Prathumchai
, Masahiko Nagai
and Vasuthep Khunthong
Department of Computer Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
National Electronic and Computer Technology Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
Geoinformatics Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Khlong Luang, Thailand
Keywords: Data Integration, Disaster Management, e-Government, Ontology, Social Media.
Abstract: Data sharing is essential for government agencies during disaster management as it requires high
collaborative efforts among various organizations. Recently, social media have been increasingly used
during the disasters for disseminating and receiving information to and from the public. By using social
media for communications, the government can receive real-time data from the public and from
organizations. The challenge lies in how to combine social media with government data, which is gathered
from multiple sources, in multiple formats using multiple terminologies. This paper focuses on how to
manage, integrate, and verify data acquired from multiple sources. The proposed model was designed by
using frame-based data collection and ontology-based data integration, combined with the effective use of
dynamic data from social media, with the aim of improving the disaster assistance.
The recent flood disaster in Thailand, starting in
September and continuing until December, 2011 was
the country's worst flood disaster in the last fifty
years. It became apparent that activities associated
with the disaster response needed more effective
management. There were too many government
agencies responsible for disaster management,
which made it difficult for collaboration and
coordination. As a result, flood water management
was poor, and flood relief goods and services were
not distributed equally to affected people. In
addition, there was conflicting and contradictory
information about the flooding. Many people,
including ordinary citizens and businesses, turned to
social media for accurate and up-to-date information
(Perry, 2011; Russell, 2011).
In order to achieve a higher level of efficiency
and accountability in the handling of disaster
response activities, accurate and up-to-date data are
crucially needed in the support of government
decision making. One of the key success factors in
managing response activities is access to real time
data, which could be provided by the local
population living in affected areas via social media.
The challenge lies in how to handle the mixed
social media and government data gathered from
multiple sources, in multiple formats, using multiple
terminologies. This paper focuses on how to manage
dynamic data and various sources of government
data. Using a flood response scenario as a case
study, a design of frame-based metadata for data
collection, and ontology-based data integration are
Providing assistance during disasters in a timely
manner needs e-Government data, as well as real-
time data that can be provided by local residents in
affected areas via social media. This section gives
the overview of the challenges in using mix data
from various sources.
Kawtrakul A., Mulasastra I., Chanlekha H., Rajbhandari S., Prathumchai K., Nagai M. and Khunthong V..
Improving Disaster Responsiveness using a Mix of Social Media and e-Government.
DOI: 10.5220/0004173404230426
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 423-426
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Disaster Response Management
The challenges of disaster response management are
the efficiency and responsiveness of assistance
provisions and supply distribution. These challenges
How to determine the location and number of
victims requiring assistance.
How to extract and verify information of
assistance requests from social media.
How to unify assistance efforts among public
and private organizations in providing
How to integrate data from back office
databases of government agencies with the
real time data from social media.
How to estimate the severity of risk
management and determine the level of
required assistance.
2.2 Data Interoperability
During any crisis, data integration of related
organizations is essential. However, integrating the
data of various organizations is not easy. The
difficulties arise from the following problems.
2.2.1 Heterogeneous Data
The problems mentioned in the previous section are
those that need supporting data coming from various
government agencies. These data are heterogeneous
in nature. These heterogeneities can be classified as
syntactic, schematic and semantic (Bishr, 1998):
Syntactic heterogeneity is caused by the use of
different data models, different file formats,
Schematic heterogeneity is the result of
structural differences, caused by storing the
same data in different ways. For example, the
same information could be stored in a single
table or distributed in multiple tables, etc.
Semantic heterogeneity is caused when the
same data has different meanings, or the same
data is interpreted differently under different
contexts. A semantic issue can arise when the
same term represents two different concepts,
or two terms represent the same concept.
Similarly, for spatial data, governmental
organizations usually run a variety of spatial
information systems. Different organizations usually
use different GIS software to handle spatial data in
different formats.
Since flood-related data is increasing in volume
and diversity, unifying metadata is insufficient to
enable valuable data to be accessed or understood.
One solution is to develop common metadata
standards and a metadata registry.
2.2.2 Data Quality
Although social media contains a lot of valuable
information, it is problematic with regard to quality
and needs to be carefully evaluated. Some of the
problems are: rumors, imprecise information,
contradictory information, and non standardized
In social media, people write messages in non
formal languages without any standard. They may
describe flood depth in various ways or refer to a
location using the informal name that they are
accustomed to. Without standardization, it is
difficult to utilize such data effectively.
Because of the problem of having no standard,
we need both a knowledge base and a methodology
to normalize extracted information. Ontology can be
used to map locations reported with different names
and granularity to a normalized spatial system (e.g.
latitude-longitude, etc.). It also allows for more
flexible aggregation and reasoning in terms of
spatial information. For flood level, we need to
normalize a different measuring system into the
same system.
During the disaster response phase, information
flows are very important in providing disaster
assistance (Day et al., 2009). However, there are
many issues related to acquiring, integrating and
verifying various data supporting operations. This
section describes the proposed solutions.
3.1 The Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework, which
illustrates how data from different sources can be
extracted, integrated, harmonized and verified in
order to support disaster assistance management.
3.2 Social Media Information
Acquisition and Extraction
Despite the impurity or erroneous aspects of its
nature, social media still holds high potential to be a
useful data source for monitoring, prioritizing
Figure 1: Analysis framework for the role of social media in disaster assistance management.
disaster severity, and managing resources for
disaster response and recovery. We can extract the
needed information from social media using NLP
techniques, as explained briefly below.
Information Retrieval
This task could be performed by utilizing a social
media application interface (API), such as a Twitter
API, a Facebook graph API, as well as a Facebook
query language
Information Filtering and Classification
Some of the retrieved messages may not be
related to a help request or flood report. We need a
means to filter irrelevant information and also
automatically classify messages into help requests
and reports. This can be done by using text
classification method (Sriram, et al., 2010).
Information Extraction
Information extraction techniques can be used to
automatically extract predefined information and
structuralizing it in XML or database format.
3.3 Data Verification
Before using help demand data received from
various sources, e.g., social media and telephones,
we need to assess the level of data quality
(McGilvray, 2008) as follows:
Data completeness
Data can be accessed from the completeness of
required data either in a single field or a combination
of required fields. If incomplete, then additional
sources of information are needed.
Data accuracy
Data accuracy can be assessed by verifying with
reference sources. For example, the number of
people in a specific area can be verified with the
summary of the people registered in the system for
that area, or with mobile usage statistics from mobile
network operators.
Data Reliability
Data source reliability is important for
eliminating malicious requests; it can be assessed by
given prioritization rules. For instance, if a source of
data is from an official, then the data sent can be
regarded as having a high level of reliability.
3.4 Harmonization and Integration
The syntactic issue raised due to multiple data
formats can be resolved by transforming them into a
single standard format, such as XML.
3.4.1 Data Harmonization
For semantic differences, data standards can be used
for harmonizing data. As recommended in our
previous study (Kawtrakul, et al., 2011), Thailand
has not established data standards at the national
level as yet. To prepare for and respond to disasters
that might occur in the future, the following
processes need to be prepared:
Establishing universal core data standards.
Forming a collaborative group which consists
of the representatives from all agencies that
are involved in providing help to disaster
victims. This group should create disaster
responsive common or domain specific data
3.4.2 Ontology based Data Integration
An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization. Ontology can be used to support
semantic data sharing and data integration among
these organizations (Blomqvist and Öhgren, 2008).
Hence, the concept of ontology is recommended to
support data sharing and integration.
Semantic data integration based on ontology uses
a conceptual representation of the data and their
relationships to solve heterogeneities problems. A
Simple Knowledge Organization System (Miles and
Bechhofer, 2009), provides a common data model
for sharing and linking knowledge organization
systems. In SKOS, ontology can be represented in
such a way that concepts can be shared among
organizations which are involved in data sharing and
3.4.3 Gazetteer based Spatial Data
Water level estimates cannot be monitored by
satellite remote sensing. Flood depths are collected
by social network and integrated with spatial data
such as DEM (Digital Elevation Model), flood
extent maps, etc. Flood depth is point information
that is provided in meters with latitude and
longitude. This point data from social networks
usually identifies the location by geographical
names, such as city name, village name, landmark,
etc. Gazetteer is utilized to convert geographical
names to latitude and longitude (Nagai and Ono,
2008). Geographical point data is analyzed and
interpolated to grid data which will then be overlaid
and integrated with spatial data so as to support
flood level estimates.
When a disaster occurs, the critical performance of
disaster relief operations is timely responsiveness.
Since social media has been proven to be a major
means of disseminating and receiving information
during a crisis, social media mixed with e-
Government creates a new level of data integration
for responding to help requests. Data required during
a crisis are from various sources in different formats.
Hence, it is essential for government to prepare the
technology for integrating and harmonizing
information systems for disaster management. To
handle disaster situations, the government should
also consider the following issues:
Establishment of a national standards body
that is accountable for supporting data
interoperability and data standardization.
Creation of a disaster collaborative group that
consists of all government agencies, the
military, and private organizations that need to
collaborate in exchanging data during a crisis.
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