Geometric Knowledge Analysis based in Part Functional Descriptions
João Carlos Linhares
and Altamir Dias
Graphic Expression Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Mechanical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Keywords: Functional Modeling, Word Repetition Standard.
Abstract: Parts have associate elementary functions descriptions to each constructive detail. A first try to understand
this relationship is to look for, if exists a clear-cut syntactic standard to create the functions description.
After, it is necessary to establish some measure's method to evaluate how the functions are repeated in
several mechanical parts with some existent standards and how to associate it to one or more elementary
solid geometries, such as groove, hole, groove, round, chamfer, and others. This correlation may lead,
initially, to the likely feature operator in CAD system, which is used to create solid geometries that
accomplish the desired functions to the product. So, CAD 3D geometric modeling can be accomplished
from the functions description executed for the parts that integrate the products technical systems. When a
functions group with design meaning can be, in some way, associated to the solid geometry, it may realize a
new paradigm in the mechanical design: the product design from the function-form transformation. This
elementary functions description is closely to the geometric structure that gives the part's shapes. This
article shows the process to identify functions description and its phrasal structure applied to the mechanical
parts of an off-road Baja vehicle design.
This article presents the current advances in the
research on the "shape function" mapping. At first, it
re-organizes the computational implementations
previously performed in Linhares (2005), and
explores a new approach, now, based in a technical
terminology which operates the relations between
the geometric details of parts and its functional
description areas. Also, it tries to look for patterns of
language that directs the choice basic geometry solid
in parts modeling.
Implementations carried out in Linhares (2005)
describe various correlations between functions
structures, functional areas, and solid features. The
implementation becomes possible to filter and
identify some languages patterns in terms of phrasal
components in functional descriptions and associate
them with design meaning and its functional areas,
and also, those that have link to the solid features
associated to the geometry model created in CAD
However, each time a certain type of solid
geometry or solid feature is required by the
functional description, based on design intent, it is
very likely, that it has the same verbs, nouns or other
phrasal components to describe the part functional
areas. To count the repetition of phrasal components
may be implemented computationally, and it can be
the first indicators that there is a way to associate
them to the part geometry description. Also, part
functional description in terms of functions has a
semantics composition, which if precisely identified
may lead to geometries alternative to design intent
It also was noted that these repetition patterns can
be help to find preliminary solution principles during
the design when all description are linked to
terminological similarities verification. In several
design processes designers use phrases to describe and
communicate intentions and solutions contain verbs
nouns and qualifiers (VNQ). Those descriptions, here
considered as a phrasal structure, belong to the part
preliminary solution principles chain.
Designers must study advance the “behavior in
use” of parts in the mechanical system or sub system
in order to get knowledge about their functions and
theirs preliminary solutions principles (Pp’s). This
procedure of learning becomes easy to the designer
to find geometric solutions, to identify physical
region or detail in a part.
When the designer looks at several products’
Linhares J. and Dias A..
Geometric Knowledge Analysis based in Part Functional Descriptions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004179603070313
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 307-313
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
projects, he always is able to identify repeated
patterns among several parts, systems or sub-
systems that compose them, although it depends of
the type of product or application domain. If he
looks to the part details, the final geometries are
largely associated to specific design requirements
and pre-defined for the part in the assembly in
carrying out their functions. It can be seen, in some
study case, where the functions described by the
designers will lead to the same repeating patterns as
will be showed latter in the text. In this paper will be
emphasized functions descriptions made for an off-
road Baja vehicle.
Most of researches have showed that 2D and 3D parts
geometric modeling begins in the product conceptual
definition where primary definitions, based on
principle of solutions are going to give initial shape to
a part and after to the product as whole. So, most of
users and design requirements have to take in account
to produce the objects embodiment in accord of
solution principles chosen from functions they are
able to identify to the product.
This paper was written to readers that know
about design methodology researches. The transition
function-form is a design activity in the interface
between conceptual and preliminary design phases,
when using the Pahl/Beitz design methodology
process. In this interface, questions about
product/assembly/part shapes and functionalities
have been strong importance in the design process.
Roth (1985) apud Hundal (1990) shows that in
functional/conceptual design and preliminary design,
the product model description (PMD) can be
represented in the computer for product data
definition (PDD).
Hubka and Eder (1988) use the term "action
mode" and emphasize that the technical systems
components must be developed simultaneously and
indicate that before describing functions is necessary
to understand the design principles associated with
carrying out those functions.
Hundal (1990) has written about the systematic
design method proposed by Rodenacker (1984) and
Pahl and Beitz (1988). They appointed scientific
procedures to aid the new products and processes
development, based on principles (physical,
chemical, biological) rather than pre-conceived
solutions and existing products
Deng et al. (2000), warn the importance of the
functional deployment and constraints definition
between the product physical components
elementary functions. The authors use the design
model "Function-Environment-Behavior-Structure
FEBS”, to represent the product functional inputs
and outputs. Case and Hounsell (2000) present a
methodology used to validate a representation based
on features that capture the designer intentions
related to the part geometry functional, relational
and volumetric aspects.
Roy et al., (2001) proposed a method to design
synthesis by part functional requirements mapping
which is done in a restrictions multi-stage
optimization during the design process stages. This
function-form mapping can replenish the product
design specification, modifying, and optimizing the
organizational structure from product level to part
Pahl et al., (2005) propose preliminary design
guidelines. These guidelines can be considered as
parts preliminary design principles. They are:
thermal expansion, creep and relaxation, corrosion,
wear, form, manufacturing, maintainability,
recycling, safety factors and technical standards.
These requirements can compose a checklist for
the designer serving as a guide in parts functions
defining. Linhares and Dias (2001a, 2001b, 2003a,
2003b) have written several papers presenting an
approach to the development of a computational
framework for modeling part functions to achieving
a correlation model between the functional and
geometric domain in the product preliminary design
stage, following the Pahl and Beitz (1996)
In the product development process, a reference
model (PDPMR) was proposed in Back et al. (2008)
and implemented by NeDIP research group, in
which, like Pahl and Beitz, the process may be is
broken down into several tasks with inputs and
outputs, and so, providing mechanisms to
accomplish each task in design of a product.
Users and designers have to transform design
requirements in function description and those in the
solid geometry modeling, building the details of each
parts, to the group of parts and finally to each details
of the product. One of these tasks is to establish the
functional defining basis in the product level.
Bouzeghoub (1997), points to the importance of
promoting the use of natural language as language
specification and query databases. Points out
important projects dedicated to language dictionaries
definition from the end of 80 years in many research
laboratories, but the result spread was limited to
specialized communities.
Formal languages, which are sets of words built
on an alphabet, are specific languages used in the
context grammars preparation. They have specifics
semantics and syntax fixed or standardized, there are
no ambiguities. However, attempts to translate
formal expressions into knowledge concepts or
cognitive, often result in failure.
The hierarchical model is widely used in several
fields and is much appropriated to classify elements
of the physical objects representation. Products
component and its corresponding meanings in terms
of functions have been used extensively in the
mechanical design. In Table (1) is showed how to
classify design functions applied to the product
design process.
This compilation is resulted from several
researches where various types of functions
classifications was been proposed by authors in the
literature Pahl and Beitz (1988), Back et al., (2008).
In the Table (1) an hierarchical product description
includes the product global function (GF), the partial
functions (PF) and the elementary functions (EF),
extended to assemblies, and to the parts in particular.
Table 1: Overview with various design functions
classifications collected the theoretical review.
Function (GF)
assembly Global
Function (aGF)
part Global
Function (pGF)
Function (PF)
assembly Partial
Function (aPF)
part Partial
Function (pPF)
Function (EF)
Function (aEF)
part Elementary
Function (pEF)
The prefix (a) and (p) indicates the role of the
component in the product hierarchy. The Figure 1
shows the corresponding UML representation of the
product physical and functional levels hierarchy.
The small diamond between representations frames
of each functional and physical level mean the
associated representation table aggregation. This
means that a PRODUCT is made up of ASSEMBLY
aggregations and consequently each ASSEMBLY
aggregations by PARTS aggregations. The frame on
the top right of Fig. (1) Represents the Global
Function level (GF).
The recursion symbol in the representative
framework of ASSEMBLY means that one new
ASSEMBLY can be formed by aggregations of the
several other assemblies (sub-assemblies), and
finally, the last level of representation is one
ASSEMBLY (sub-assembly) composed of the
PARTS aggregations. The physical representation
levels have their respective functional representation
Figure 1: Product physical and functional levels – a UML
The representation used for product can now be
extended to the physical areas and part functions
representation, as shown in Fig. (2). The Figure (2)
shows the UML representation of the part physically
as well as the functional levels. This representation
uses the same composition logic used for the
corresponding product physical levels
representation. The Global Function (pGF) adds
Partial Functions (pPF), which in turn adds
Elementary Functions (pEF), all related to the part
as a whole.
Figure 2: Part physical and functional levels - a UML
In the Table (2) is showed a set of design
functions in the design process of a product,
assembly, and parts. The term function can be
extended to specify different concept applied to the
parts, including "geometry form", part applications,
"manufacturing process", action mode, etc. In same
classification type it can have the same name in
different level of product hierarchy while to other it
can be more specialized for a specific level.
The classification types are important to
understand and to describe better the mapping and
representation process between design and
manufacturing, particularly in the CAD/CAM
Many authors has written and agreed to the fact
that the function based design is important in
geometry form to define product and parts layouts,
as discussed earlier. Also, they believe about the
Table 2: Extended design functions classifications in
design process review.
rotational Function (rtF); prismatic Function (prF);
laminar Function (laF); mixed Function (ixF)
mechanical Function (mcF); hydraulic Function (hdF);
pneumatic Function (pnF); electroelectronic Function
(eeF); computational or programming function (ifF)
stamping Function (stF); sintering Function (siF);
machining Function (mcF); casting Function (ctF)
Complex level
Functions (F
composed of
and parts
Funtions (F
systems that can
also carry a
larger functions
Part Function
): elementary
without assembly
Primary Function (PrF); Secondary Function (ScF);
Acessory Function (AcF); Derived Function (DeF):
Action mode
fastener Function (Fx); support Function (sF);
transmission Function (tF); transport Function (pF):
Function described by verb (Fv); Function described by
verb and noun (Fs); Function described by verb, noun and
qualifier (Fq).
necessity to represent the product functions, either
through a graphical model, or computationally or yet
in a database resource. These techniques facilitate
understanding and verification of inter-functional
relationships, and providing a better use behaviors
visualization and anticipation. Part contains
geometric features essential to the performance in its
life cycle. It means, the part functional specificities,
in terms of the design process, have it geometric
shape closely related with the material, resistance,
dynamic requests, definitions, among other specific
3.1 Functional Descriptions Model –
The phrasal descriptive structure provides a
grammatical components logically sequenced that
may include design intentions when is written on a
standard grammatical pattern.
Many authors suggest using only verbs to define
product functions in order to describe appropriated
solutions as design principle. However, to the part
function description is better to extend such
simplified description, including a phrasal sequence
composed by "verb + noun + qualifier", shortly
(VNQ), whose basic structure is showed in the
Figure (3).
The verb expresses the action that a part or some
part geometry is created for. The verb expresses is
related with the hierarchical level corresponding to
the physical model adopted. The noun is the object
upon which the verb action concerns and the
qualifier means a specialization of the designer
intention, because it embeds and specialize part
design requirements more precisely.
Thus, the format or grammatical sequence can
lead the designer to describe the functional needs,
and as it is inside a grammatical pattern help to
organize ways to find standard of functional
structure in part design.
Figure 3: Representation of the basic structure to part
function description.
Such pattern of functional structure may be
extended to describe physical areas, and CAD/CAM
features sequences used to compose geometrically a
part. In both cases, the functional structure are
simplified by using only the noun and the qualifier
in their descriptions, as showed in the Figures (4)
and (5), respectively.
In the physical region/area description is more
used colloquial patterns in design engineering
domain. Otherwise, the solid features description
begins with the grammar used in the CAD/CAM
system, according each user interface vendor. So,
the first description is characterized by expressing
the design intent, while the second structure is
described in the tree of features of the CAD/CAM
system, showing how the designer realizes the
geometric embodiment of the physical description.
Both are built on different linguistic corpora, but that
converge towards the same goals: the systematic
mechanical design.
Figure 4: Basic structure representation for part physical
region description composition.
Figure 5: Basic structure representation for the solid
features description.
Verbs design used in parts functional
descriptions, physical regions, and solid features can
be defined in the part design dictionary. In it, the
verbs contained in the technical language of a given
design scope, and can be, either added or removed or
even replaced for the design intended descriptions
composition, in terms of functions. The database
implementation contains the full of the verbs listed
in linguistic corpus implemented and can be dealt by
means of computer interfaces to aid the mechanical
designer to choose them to describe parts functions.
The Table (3) shows some examples of design verbs
used described actions necessary to parts
Table 3: Design verb list.
absorb speed set housing balance
trigger add feed cushion pump
engage admit align enlarge capture
join compress connect control convert
cut lead derive untie download
Also, the Table (4) shows some design nouns
used in the physical regions descriptions and solid
features necessary theirs descriptions. Also, the
same database should have to contain the full set of
the nouns in the linguistic corpus implemented to aid
the mechanical designer to write the functional
description at each level.
Table 4: Design noun list.
lamp foundation ring arrangement base
finish food bulkhead washer stop
coupling relief support sprinkling rod
removal socket area actuator block
agitation damping rim tires balancing pump
The qualifiers database includes words like
horizontally, alternative, angular, angularity,
previous, horizontal, inclined, lower, assembled, etc.
Examples of grammatical elements or words classes
that are related to the mechanical design domain are
shown in Tab. (5).
Together with verbs, nouns and qualifiers there
are a set of terms, commonly called of technical
terms, which are largely used by designer to describe
the role of part belonging to an application domain
in product design. An additional database element
including technical terms may help technologists
and designers to project product and details based in
the functions description, as described in the Table
(6). It may lead to a standard set of word, and also
allow them to control and manage projects if they
have better familiarity with the technical terms used
within the design scope.
Table 5: Word class and qualifiers values used in
mechanical design.
word class possible value
01 adjective
perpendicular, axial, smooth,
straight, knurled, grooved,
02 adverb
perpendicular, axially, above, before,
in, out, horizontally
03 article the...
04 conjunction
and, or, what, as, since, though, as,
which, as…
05 numeral
one, two, thirteen, twelve hundred,
first, sixty, third, ,
06 preposition
since, between, until, against,
without, under, about, on, in,
07 pronoun
my, this, he, all, some, several, both,
any, much…
08 noun
coupling, gear, screw, rod, torque,
rotation, shaft, pulley,
09 verb
adjust, filter, position, retain,
transmit, pull, merge...
This research was applied to motor vehicle designed
for off-road competitions, organized annually by
SAE Brazil, called of the competition SAE Baja. It
geometric and functional requirements are
considered by designer as very singular.
The information registered on the design of the
vehicle was produced by student team. The team are
studying in the mechanical engineering program of
the Instituto Superior Tupy (IST) of the Educational
Society of Santa Catarina (Sociesc). The vehicle is a
minibaja TR-02 and the part nomenclature used was
done, from design study project. In the Table (6) is
appointed the CAD/CAM features names used to
details geometrically components and parts of a
minibaja TR-02 studied. Also, the column Prof
indicates if the feature needs to be built by using a
2D profile or not, to produce the geometry. The
Table (7) shows the total of features in each
subsystem, as well as the part total number (in
The part classification was done in terms of
global shapes, like rotational, prismatic or mixed
form. The phrasal structures description was created
by engineering academics team that acts in the
vehicle Baja design and manufacturing. The team
searched to identify which were the best phrasal
structures, types coordinate the system that was
more appropriated to use in CAD geometries
definitions, the “solid features”, to model each
vehicle part. So, the terminologies verification used
in the physical structures identification, the names
that are assigned for parts, the identification of its
Table 6: Technical terms list used to identify the solid
features details in CAD systems.
technical terms
trough hole
internal prismatic
blind hole
external prismatic
not cylindrical
X 12
radial rotational
axial rotational
conical chuckhole
radial rotational
rotational round
axial rotational
rotational round
prismatic rebound
(prof. = profile)
Table 7: Mechanical Elements of the TR-02 Baja vehicle.
System (MS)
01 chassis 101
02 direction 25
03 transmission 11
04 front suspension 86
05 back suspension 12
Total 235
functional regions and details contribute for the
students to understand the design meanings study
involved in the mechanical design intentions and
helps them to systematize the part functional design
in the preliminary design phase. The units’
subdivision (quantity) and part types were very
important to understand the whole design process.
Later, in a second phase of this research, where the
statistics of the repetition standards occurrences was
measured, they learned more precisely the
descriptive structures phrasal meaning, how to
combine its composition elements in relation to the
best terms used in each case and how it was related
technical terms used in the solid features available in
system CADCAM.
This paper presents a model of functional
description that allows helping computational
implementations to discover patterns repetition in
functional structures, physical regions, terminologies
and solid geometries of mechanical parts.
The emphasis was to describe phrasal structures
to the functions, physical regions, technical
terminologies and solid features. To build the
database was used a Baja competition off-road
vehicle design, modeled in system CAD/CAM and
built physically by a student team of the Superior
Institute Tupy of the Educational Society of Santa
Catarina, hosted in the city of Joinville - SC.
The results lead to the conclusion that looks for
standards word repetition are important to give
background to the students in design and
manufacturing process. They understand better how
to map functional and geometric spaces of part
design. They learned, also, that the part final
geometry creation depends on the mechanical design
These, in turn, depend on the knowledge about
involved variable in the product design as a whole,
but specifically, of the each part requirements and
preliminary design principles. Thus, the part final
geometries definition passes for a previous
organization of the tacit knowledge and goes for a
taking of decisions constant process concerning the
information correct guiding on the part adequate
behavior in the assembly.
Probably, the behavior used in the design
analysis is one of the most important factors to
describe the part functions because it has to take in
account several design information, like the part in
use, the work regimen, and how each geometry will
be playing its functions.
Therefore, in the future, this research have to
rework some aspects of the descriptive structures
computational implementation in the measure of the
database of verbs, nouns and qualifiers are going to
increase. Later, will be necessary to include in the
database more products and parts and how those
measures will behavior statistically.
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