Verbs design used in parts functional
descriptions, physical regions, and solid features can
be defined in the part design dictionary. In it, the
verbs contained in the technical language of a given
design scope, and can be, either added or removed or
even replaced for the design intended descriptions
composition, in terms of functions. The database
implementation contains the full of the verbs listed
in linguistic corpus implemented and can be dealt by
means of computer interfaces to aid the mechanical
designer to choose them to describe parts functions.
The Table (3) shows some examples of design verbs
used described actions necessary to parts
Table 3: Design verb list.
absorb speed set housing balance
trigger add feed cushion pump
engage admit align enlarge capture
join compress connect control convert
cut lead derive untie download
Also, the Table (4) shows some design nouns
used in the physical regions descriptions and solid
features necessary theirs descriptions. Also, the
same database should have to contain the full set of
the nouns in the linguistic corpus implemented to aid
the mechanical designer to write the functional
description at each level.
Table 4: Design noun list.
lamp foundation ring arrangement base
finish food bulkhead washer stop
coupling relief support sprinkling rod
removal socket area actuator block
agitation damping rim tires balancing pump
The qualifiers database includes words like
horizontally, alternative, angular, angularity,
previous, horizontal, inclined, lower, assembled, etc.
Examples of grammatical elements or words classes
that are related to the mechanical design domain are
shown in Tab. (5).
Together with verbs, nouns and qualifiers there
are a set of terms, commonly called of technical
terms, which are largely used by designer to describe
the role of part belonging to an application domain
in product design. An additional database element
including technical terms may help technologists
and designers to project product and details based in
the functions description, as described in the Table
(6). It may lead to a standard set of word, and also
allow them to control and manage projects if they
have better familiarity with the technical terms used
within the design scope.
Table 5: Word class and qualifiers values used in
mechanical design.
word class possible value
01 adjective
perpendicular, axial, smooth,
straight, knurled, grooved,
02 adverb
perpendicular, axially, above, before,
in, out, horizontally
03 article the...
04 conjunction
and, or, what, as, since, though, as,
which, as…
05 numeral
one, two, thirteen, twelve hundred,
first, sixty, third, ,
06 preposition
since, between, until, against,
without, under, about, on, in,
07 pronoun
my, this, he, all, some, several, both,
any, much…
08 noun
coupling, gear, screw, rod, torque,
rotation, shaft, pulley,
09 verb
adjust, filter, position, retain,
transmit, pull, merge...
This research was applied to motor vehicle designed
for off-road competitions, organized annually by
SAE Brazil, called of the competition SAE Baja. It
geometric and functional requirements are
considered by designer as very singular.
The information registered on the design of the
vehicle was produced by student team. The team are
studying in the mechanical engineering program of
the Instituto Superior Tupy (IST) of the Educational
Society of Santa Catarina (Sociesc). The vehicle is a
minibaja TR-02 and the part nomenclature used was
done, from design study project. In the Table (6) is
appointed the CAD/CAM features names used to
details geometrically components and parts of a
minibaja TR-02 studied. Also, the column Prof
indicates if the feature needs to be built by using a
2D profile or not, to produce the geometry. The
Table (7) shows the total of features in each
subsystem, as well as the part total number (in
The part classification was done in terms of
global shapes, like rotational, prismatic or mixed
form. The phrasal structures description was created
by engineering academics team that acts in the
vehicle Baja design and manufacturing. The team
searched to identify which were the best phrasal
structures, types coordinate the system that was
more appropriated to use in CAD geometries
definitions, the “solid features”, to model each
vehicle part. So, the terminologies verification used
in the physical structures identification, the names
that are assigned for parts, the identification of its