Selection of harmonics and topography led to
much more clear improvements. This is to be
expected: this method seeks to adapt the system to
the specificities of each subject. It is noteworthy that
each subject has specific brain responses to SSVEP
(see e.g. Silberstein, et al., 1990), whether
topographically or frequency-wise. It is therefore not
surprising that an adaptation of the system to the
specificities of each subject leads to an improved
classification. The best calibration method between
those two, according to our results, is the selection
of the dominant harmonic in the SSVEP response.
However, the reader should keep in mind that those
two methods are based on very different approaches.
Harmonic selection used 5 minutes of data, whereas
topography selection used only 1 minute of data, but
still led to some significant improvements. Our
results therefore also confirm the interest of
selecting the channels, which was already pointed by
Wang et al. (2006).
In this project Hovagim Bakardjian was supported
by an International Neuroinformatics Coordinating
Facility grant (june 2011), and by the #3862
fellowship of the Fondation Pierre Gilles de Gennes.
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