Semantics of Social Network Frequencies for Turing Test
Iaakov Exman, Netanel Alfassi and Shani Cohen
Software Engineering Department, The Jerusalem College of Engineering,
POB 3566, Jerusalem, 91035, Israel
Abstract. People using social networks make an implicit assumption that other
players in the network are themselves human. But, while in most cases this
assumption could be valid, we claim that this is a rather challenging example of
a Turing test for artificial intelligence. To verify this claim we have designed
and actually built a CyboPlayer – a software package that has the expected
behaviour of a human player in the network. The important characteristics of
the design include functions to perform in the social network and adjustable
parameters to trigger reasonable behaviors. The final Turing test has been to
liberate CyboPlayer in the network, like a bird in nature, and observe its
interactions with other players. The paper describes the design, implementation
and preliminary results of experiments.
1 Introduction
Social networks, like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, are a recent rapidly spreading
phenomenon in the Web. They have taken a significant fraction of the leisure or even
professional time of people.
Persons, using social networks and proposing friendship to other players in the
network, usually make – naively or not – the assumption that other players in the
social network are themselves humans. This assumption may be in most cases valid.
On the other hand, there are known cases in which there is deliberate manipulation of
impersonated players to achieve goals extraneous to the average network user.
In this work, instead of looking at the impersonated players from a security point
of view, as a nuisance to be avoided, we have taken the position that they are an
interesting and challenging example of the Turing test for artificial intelligence (AI)
devised by Turing in 1950 [6].
Thus, the main issues of this paper are the characteristics that make the AI player
indistinguishable from human players.
We decided to investigate these characteristics by actual design and
implementation of a software package – the CyboPlayer – and subsequent test of its
behaviour by liberating it in its “natural environment” viz. the social network.
1.1 Related Work
Here one finds a very concise literature review.
Exman I., Alfassi N. and Cohen S..
Semantics of Social Network Frequencies for Turing Test Immunity.
DOI: 10.5220/0004181600790084
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2012), pages 79-84
ISBN: 978-989-8565-32-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The usage of non-human players in social networks is widely known. For
instance, Chu and collaborators [3] deal with various types of software players –
classified as bots or cyborgs – in Twitter. Gianvecchio et al. [4] refer to measurement
and classification of bots in internet chat, from a security point of view. Boshmaf et
al. [1] deal with socialbots whose purpose is financial and marketing profits.
Yan [8] contrasts bots and cyborgs’ behavior with respect to the security
mechanism known as CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Turing Test to Tell
Computers and Humans Apart).
Analysis of interaction frequencies and structure of communities in social
networks has been extensively done. For instance, Newman [5] analyses community
structures in networks, with techniques that are applicable to social networks.
In the remaining of the paper we introduce the functionality of cyborgs for social
networks (section 2), describe semantic approaches to interaction frequencies (section
3), overview the Cyboplayer software architecture (section 4), discuss validation
techniques (section 5) and conclude with a discussion (section 6).
2 Functionality of Cyborgs for Social Networks
The CyboPlayer of this paper is a kind of cyborg, i.e. a human–assisted bot.
CyboPlayer is ultimately intended to be automatic, but allows for human intervention
during experiments.
This section describes its functionality. It can be roughly classified as either
independent actions or interaction/friendship related.
2.1 Independent Actions’ Functionality
A typical partial list of independent actions is:
Event generation – an event has access rights (private, public or group restricted),
a name and a given location;
Post/status publication – the post has access rights (all, friends, friends of friends),
identifier number and contents;
Upload picture - a picture is published in the personal wall; the picture has an
identifier number, link to the picture, tags on people in the picture, upload date;
Get-my-friends – this is a function returning the current list of own friends (names,
identifier) in a dynamic object;
Get-user-friends – sends a message to an user, which returns his current list of
friends (as in previous function).
Note that Get-my-friends and Get-user-friends are isolated actions and not
interactions with friends. These are functions returning lists.
2.2 Interactions/Friendship Related Functionality
Interactions are reactions to initiatives of other players in the network. Friendship
related functions involve other players. Here is a typical partial list of such functions:
Like – a positive reaction (without contents) to an initiative of another player, with
object identifier and player identifier;
Comment - a reaction with contents;
Send Friend Request – send a request of friendship to another player (has player
Check Friend Request – checks if received a friend request from another player
and confirms it.
3 Semantic Approach to Turing Test Immune Cyborgs
The immunity of a cyborg relative to Turing tests is given first of all by a reasonable
series of independent actions and reactions. In other words, the frequencies of
actions/reactions are important parameters in this play.
Two central ideas regarding frequencies are:
Frequencies are Bounded – mainly from above and to a lesser extent also from
below; a too high frequency of events is suspicious of not being originated by
Randomize Specific Event Timings – frequencies cannot be strictly repetitive.
We claim that a better understanding of reasonable series of actions/reactions is
obtained by assigning meaning to the frequencies, instead of directly using purely
numerical values. The semantics is discussed next.
3.1 Semantics of Event Frequencies
The overall frequency of events should be a superposition of a few independent
frequencies. The following classification – from the highest to the lowest frequency –
is the basis of the CyboPlayer semantics:
1. Background Noise – this the highest random frequency, upon which other
frequencies are added;
2. Hourly Frequency – people usually determine their actions by division of the day
into periods of a few hours: morning, afternoon, evening and night; for instance, the
hourly frequency determines the distribution of meals during the day;
3. Daily Frequency – certain activities are performed on a daily basis, say sleeping
vs. being awake, going and returning to/from work;
4. Weekly Frequency – it is usual to have a weekly rest day, dedicated to leisure and
Each of the above frequencies should be independently randomized, for different
kinds of actions/reactions.
Frequencies can be dealt with directly, or by means of setting time intervals.
3.2 Semantic Approach to Friends’ Connection
Friendship relations can be given a purely numerical treatment – viz. absolute number
of friends, or friend acquisition rates.
Friendship relations can also be dealt with by semantic means, with specific
implications for community structure. One can classify such relations as:
Closer friends
In this work, a semantic approach to friendship has not been applied yet.
4 CyboPlayer Architecture
In this section we consider the software architecture of the CyboPlayer.
4.1 CyboPlayer Modules
The CyboPlayer is a software package interacting with the Social Network Server.
The internal modules of the CyboPlayer are seen in Fig. 1. A controller triggers
actions in the determined frequencies, based upon an internal timer.
Actions as those described in section 2, can be either independent, interactions
with other players or logging function for posterior analysis.
Fig. 1. CyboPlayer Software Architecture – its modules are represented as round (blue)
rectangles. The controller has a timer used to trigger actions. These are either independent
actions or interactions with friends. For each action performed a log record is saved by the
logging function. The whole CyboPlayer interacts with the Social Network Server.
5 Validation
Validation of the hypotheses upon which CyboPlayer is based – the required
functionalities and the superposition of randomized frequencies – should be done by
analysis of its actions.
The ultimate validity criterion is the long term survival, friendship acquisitions
and natural development of CyboPlayer in the Social Network environment.
5.1 Experimental Technique
Frequencies – on an interval basis – were set based upon statistics published in the
literature. For instance, published data per month for an average user are as follows:
Sends 8 friend requests;
Clicks Like 9 times;
Writes 25 comments;
Is invited to 3 events.
The logging function records all the actions of CyboPlayer in the following format:
Action started – action type, start date;
Action completed – action type, end date;
The log file is able to be read by a software tool that scans records by action types.
The tool can generate graphs of actions along the time axis.
5.2 Experimental Results
CyboPlayer has been currently alive, being tested in the laboratory and data being
Preliminary results show that it has been performed actions regularly and has
acquired friends. Most importantly it has already survived for a few weeks, after
initial suffering from infancy illnesses, including unexpected power outages.
CyboPlayer has been interacting in the environment of large commercial social
Detailed results will be published in a longer version of this paper.
6 Discussion
A cyborg has been designed and actually implemented to test its resilience to Turing
tests generated by the social network server.
CyboPlayer is currently in its first demonstration tests in the laboratory.
The novel point of view is to look at CyboPlayer as a challenging Turing test,
rather than the conventional security perspective, typically represented by say
CAPTCHA tools.
Typical robot Turing test competitions focus on chat capability. Our CyboPlayer
emphasizes other capabilities, such as reasonable action frequency and reasonable
contents of posts. In fact, CyboPlayer does not have yet a chat function.
Technical aspects of programming CyboPlayer are not trivial and demand
significant ingenuity. On the other hand, once one has a CyboPlayer alive, one of the
most impressive outcomes is how easy it is to deal with the semantic problems to
attain the desired resilience.
Interactions with CyboPlayer to a certain extent reminds Eliza by Weizenbaum
[7], an early computer program playing a psychoanalyst role with which people
engaged in personal conversations involving quite deep feelings. Eliza had the
advantage of a very restricted field and style of conversation.
6.1 Future Work
Beyond the essential validation of the CyboPlayer design and assumptions, there are
several issues deserving future investigation.
First, what is the spectrum of algorithms for systematic generation of frequency
parameters. More sophisticated algorithms may provide the basis for online
learning/adaptation of the frequency parameters.
Another issue is the application of semantics in the determination of friends’
acquisition rates and community structures.
Improvement of the content related functions – say posting of comments – and
finally reaching chat capability will also be dealt in later stages of this research.
Finally, it should be interesting to generate a few instances of CyboPlayers that
will be able to interact among themselves and with human players in the social
6.2 Main Contribution
The main contribution of this work is the usage of semantics to determine action
frequencies for the designed cyborg, to improve its immunity to Turing tests.
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