• “The Assessments that are made about the im-
pacts of such Influencers on Ends and Means
i.e., Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
The OMG predicts that “three types of people are ex-
pected to benefit from the BMM: developers of busi-
ness plans, business modellers, and implementers of
software tools and repositories”.
The BMM is not a full business model and it
does not prescribe in detail business processes, work-
flows and business vocabulary. However, business
processes are key elements of business plans and the
BMM does include a placeholder for Business Pro-
cesses. The relations between Goals and other ele-
ments of BMM are left open.
Goal modelling has its roots in the well known re-
quirements engineering approach KAOS (Knowledge
Acquisition in autOmated Specification) (Dardenne
et al., 1993). Goals are specified in Linear Temporal
Logic and organized using the AND and OR refine-
ment structures.
Van at al (Van et al., 2004) proposed goal-oriented
requirements animation. The modelling formalism is
the UML State Machines that are generated from the
goal specifications and called Goal State Machines
(GSMs). A GSM contains only transitions that are
justified by goals. The GSMs receive events through
event broadcast. A GSM that can’t accept an event
in its current state keeps it in a queue. These events
will be submitted to GSMs internally. This means
that the composition of GSMs contains extra states
that cannot be composed from the states of separate
GSMs. Therefore the GSMs cannot be seen as purely
goal models as they also deal with the events from the
The User Requirements Notation (URN) (ITU,
2008) is a standard that recommends languages for
software development in telecommunication. The
URN consists of the Goal-Oriented Requirements
Language (GRL), based on i* modelling frame-
work (Yu, 1995), and Use Case Maps (UCM) (Al-
sumait et al., 2003), a scenario modelling notation.
The GRL provides a notation for modelling goals and
rationales, and strategic relationships among social
actors (Yu et al., 2001). It is used to explore and iden-
tify system requirements, including especially non-
functional requirements. The UCM is a convenient
notation to represent use cases. The use cases are se-
lected paths in the system behaviour and they can be
related to goals by developers. The goals are used
to prioritize some use cases. If a use case presents
alternative behaviours or cycles, then the goals pri-
oritize alternatives. The use cases can be simulated.
However, use cases do not model data and the state of
the system and they present only selected traces. This
means that behaviour model as well as the motivation
model shown by use cases are incomplete and can-
not guarantee the achievement of goals in the whole
Letier at al. (Letier et al., 2008) derive event-based
transition systems from goal-oriented requirements
models. Then the operations are derived from goals
as triples of domain pre-conditions, trigger-conditions
and post-conditions for each state transition. The
declarative goal statements are transformed into the
operational model. To produce consistent operational
models, a required trigger-condition on an operation
must imply the conjunction of its required precondi-
tions. The problems of goal-oriented approaches are
mostly caused by different semantics used by process
modelling and goal modelling techniques. Letier at
al (Letier et al., 2008) explained that the operational
specification and the KAOS goal models use different
formalisms. KAOS uses synchronous temporal logics
that are interpreted over sequences of states observed
at a fixed time rate. The operational models use asyn-
chronous temporal logics that are interpreted over se-
quences of states observed after each occurrence of an
event. Temporal logic operators have very different
meanings in synchronous and asynchronous temporal
logics. Most operational formalisms have the asyn-
chronous semantics. Letier at al. (Letier et al., 2008)
admit that in order to be semantically equivalent to the
synchronous KAOS models, the derived event-based
models need to refer explicitly to timing events or in-
clude elements of synchronization.
The need of synchronization is not the only one se-
mantic need to direct business processes to objectives.
Let us identify the necessary semantics in a state tran-
sition system.
We take a state transition system which is usually
presented as a triple of
P = (S,A,T),where
• S is a finite set of states {s
• A is the alphabet of P, a finite set of environmental
actions ranged over {a,b,...},
• T is a finite set of transitions (s
,a, s
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model