Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model
Ella Roubtsova
Open University of the Netherlands, Valkenburgerweg 177, 6419AT Heerlen, The Netherlands
Business Process, Business Objectives, Protocol Model, Motivation Model.
The Object Management Group predicts that the Business Process Modelling Notation will be eventually
merged with the Business Motivation Model to be implemented in integrated tool suites. However, con-
ventional modelling semantics have asynchronous semantics and therefore have difficulties to accommodate
motivation of objectives specified on the basis of synchronous semantics. This paper shows how Protocol
Modelling semantics can be used both for business process modelling and motivation modelling correspond-
ing to objectives. Protocol Modelling uses synchronous composition and this synchronization gives to Protocol
Modelling the expressive means needed to accommodate motivation of objectives and business processes in
one model.
Goals, objectivesand motives are very important parts
of system specification. Goals are usually formu-
lated as non-functional requirements. They are ab-
stract. The goals can be even unrealizable. The ob-
jectives corresponding to goals are specific and mea-
surable. They show realisability of goals. Presenta-
tion of goals, objectives and motives in business pro-
cess specification can be seen as transformation of
goals into the corresponding objectives and motives
expressed as elements of business processes. Such
a transformation is a way to estimate realisability of
The need of combining goals and business pro-
cess modelling standards is emphasized by the Object
Management Group and the Business Rules Group.
They predict that ”eventually specifications such as
the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to-
gether with the Business Motivation Model (BMM)
should be merged into a single business-oriented
modelling architecture, and implemented in inte-
grated tool suites” (OMG, 2010; BRG, 2010).
In this paper we relate the BMM with business
processes and show how business modelers can bene-
fit from modelling of motivation of objectives.
The structure of the paper is the following.
Section 2 presents elements of the Business Moti-
vation Model (BMM).
Section 3 formulates semantic problems of com-
bining goals and business processes in one model
identified in related work.
Section 4 formally presents the semantic basis for
motivation modelling.
Section 5 shows how the Protocol Modelling se-
mantics can accommodate motivation of objectives
and business process in one model.
Section 6 describes applications of motivation
models as future work and concludes the paper.
The BMM provides a structure for developing, com-
municating, and managing business plans. The struc-
ture covers four related elements:
The Ends of a business plan.
Among the Ends are things the enterprise wishes
to achieve, for example, Goals and Objec-
tives” (BRG, 2010).
The Means of a business plan.
Among the Means are things the enterprise will
employ to achieve the Ends, for example, Strate-
gies, Tactics, Business Policies, and Business
“ The Influences that shape elements of a business
Roubtsova E.
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004460800240032
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 24-32
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
“The Assessments that are made about the im-
pacts of such Influencers on Ends and Means
i.e., Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
The OMG predicts that “three types of people are ex-
pected to benefit from the BMM: developers of busi-
ness plans, business modellers, and implementers of
software tools and repositories”.
The BMM is not a full business model and it
does not prescribe in detail business processes, work-
flows and business vocabulary. However, business
processes are key elements of business plans and the
BMM does include a placeholder for Business Pro-
cesses. The relations between Goals and other ele-
ments of BMM are left open.
Goal modelling has its roots in the well known re-
quirements engineering approach KAOS (Knowledge
Acquisition in autOmated Specification) (Dardenne
et al., 1993). Goals are specified in Linear Temporal
Logic and organized using the AND and OR refine-
ment structures.
Van at al (Van et al., 2004) proposed goal-oriented
requirements animation. The modelling formalism is
the UML State Machines that are generated from the
goal specifications and called Goal State Machines
(GSMs). A GSM contains only transitions that are
justified by goals. The GSMs receive events through
event broadcast. A GSM that can’t accept an event
in its current state keeps it in a queue. These events
will be submitted to GSMs internally. This means
that the composition of GSMs contains extra states
that cannot be composed from the states of separate
GSMs. Therefore the GSMs cannot be seen as purely
goal models as they also deal with the events from the
The User Requirements Notation (URN) (ITU,
2008) is a standard that recommends languages for
software development in telecommunication. The
URN consists of the Goal-Oriented Requirements
Language (GRL), based on i* modelling frame-
work (Yu, 1995), and Use Case Maps (UCM) (Al-
sumait et al., 2003), a scenario modelling notation.
The GRL provides a notation for modelling goals and
rationales, and strategic relationships among social
actors (Yu et al., 2001). It is used to explore and iden-
tify system requirements, including especially non-
functional requirements. The UCM is a convenient
notation to represent use cases. The use cases are se-
lected paths in the system behaviour and they can be
related to goals by developers. The goals are used
to prioritize some use cases. If a use case presents
alternative behaviours or cycles, then the goals pri-
oritize alternatives. The use cases can be simulated.
However, use cases do not model data and the state of
the system and they present only selected traces. This
means that behaviour model as well as the motivation
model shown by use cases are incomplete and can-
not guarantee the achievement of goals in the whole
Letier at al. (Letier et al., 2008) derive event-based
transition systems from goal-oriented requirements
models. Then the operations are derived from goals
as triples of domain pre-conditions, trigger-conditions
and post-conditions for each state transition. The
declarative goal statements are transformed into the
operational model. To produce consistent operational
models, a required trigger-condition on an operation
must imply the conjunction of its required precondi-
tions. The problems of goal-oriented approaches are
mostly caused by different semantics used by process
modelling and goal modelling techniques. Letier at
al (Letier et al., 2008) explained that the operational
specification and the KAOS goal models use different
formalisms. KAOS uses synchronous temporal logics
that are interpreted over sequences of states observed
at a fixed time rate. The operational models use asyn-
chronous temporal logics that are interpreted over se-
quences of states observed after each occurrence of an
event. Temporal logic operators have very different
meanings in synchronous and asynchronous temporal
logics. Most operational formalisms have the asyn-
chronous semantics. Letier at al. (Letier et al., 2008)
admit that in order to be semantically equivalent to the
synchronous KAOS models, the derived event-based
models need to refer explicitly to timing events or in-
clude elements of synchronization.
The need of synchronization is not the only one se-
mantic need to direct business processes to objectives.
Let us identify the necessary semantics in a state tran-
sition system.
We take a state transition system which is usually
presented as a triple of
P = (S,A,T),where
S is a finite set of states {s
A is the alphabet of P, a finite set of environmental
actions ranged over {a,b,...},
T is a finite set of transitions (s
,a, s
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model
The semantics of a transition contains two rela-
tions (Milner, 1980):
1. C (A × S) is a binary relation, where (a, s) C
means that action a is a possible action for P when
in state s. C is called the can-model of P because
it models the actions that P “can do” in each state.
2. U is a total mapping C S that defines for each
member of C the new state that P adopts as a re-
sult of the action. U(a;s
) = s
means that if P
engages in action a when in state s
it will then
adopt state s
. U is called the update-model of P
because it models the update to the state of P that
results from engagement in an action.
With separation of the can- and update-models a
process P is a tuple:
P = (S;A;C;U).
There are always states in the process where par-
ticular goals are achieved. Let us name them the goal-
states. From the goal perspective, the actions, leading
to a goal-state, are the priority actions or wanted ac-
tions in the states preceding the goal-state. So, a state
preceding a goal-state and the action that is on the
path may lead to the goal-state, form a new binary
W (A × S), (a;s) W means that action a is
a wanted action for P when in state s. We call
relation W the want-model to show its semantic
difference from the relation C.
In order to model motivation we propose to add
the want-model W to the process:
P = (S;A;C;U;W).
The can- and want-models of a process are inde-
pendent of each other, so when a process is in a given
state, an action can have different combinations of
can- and want- alternatives:
{can happen; can not happen}× {wanted;not wanted}
Usually W C and W is included into the process
model. However, the new goals emerging in the life
cycle of the modeled system may challenge the pro-
cess and may need actions that do not belong to the
alphabet A.
In this paper we base the modeling of motivation
on this extra relation W added to the process.
A service may have several (n) goals. In this case
several want-models should be taken into account
P = (S;A;C;U;W
The goals can be OR-composed or AND-
composed (Pohl and Rupp, 2011).
In real systems, some goals can be conflicting. For
instance, information goals may conflict with security
and privacy goals. Wishes of different user roles may
also conflict. Two goals are conflicting if the system
has a state from which it is impossible to reach a state
where both goals are satisfied simultaneously. It is
important to identify any conflicting goals and cor-
responding motivation models as soon as possible in
the software life cycle. One of the ways to do this is
modelling of motivation corresponding to objectives
in process models.
A Protocol Model is a synchronous CSP parallel com-
position of protocol machines (McNeile and Simons,
2006). This composition has its roots in the alge-
bra Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) pro-
posed by Hoare (Hoare, 1985). McNeile (McNeile
and Simons, 2006) extended this composition for ma-
chines with data.
Protocol Modelling semantics accumulates can-
and want- semantics needed for accommodation of
objectives in business processes.
We will demonstrate the use of Protocol Mod-
elling for business process and motivation modelling
on a simple case study.
An Insert Credit Card Number web service can
be seen in many electronic booking systems. The
behaviour of the service is the following. The user
of the service instantiates the service. The user is
asked to insert his credit card number and read the
privacy conditions of the service. The user may in-
sert the credit card number without reading the pri-
vacy conditions and after reading and accepting the
privacy conditions. When the user has accepted the
privacy conditions, he can rethink and read the state-
ment again. The service can be cancelled before in-
serting the credit card number.
We recognize two goals for this service (Figure 1),
to get the credit card number inserted and
to get the privacy conditions read by the user.
The possibility of service cancelation is yet another
concern. It is obvious that cancelation cannot be
called a goal of the service.
5.1 Business Process
After the identification of the goals the KAOS ap-
proach suggests to identify objects, agents, entities
and operations.
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Insert Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number inserted Privacy Statement read
Service can be canceled
from any Intemediate state
Figure 1: Goal Model.
Using Protocol Modelling we also identify enti-
ties, objects, agents and yet aspects but all of them
are presented as protocol machines.
For example, we model the can-update process of
the Insert Credit Card Number web service as a CSP
composition of protocol machines
. These protocol machines corre-
spond to formulated goals and the cancelation re-
quirement. Figure 2 shows the graphical presentation
of our model. The executable Modelscope metacode
is shown in Figure 2. The metacode is the complete
artefact. As we show later the graphical form does
not contain all the modelling constructs of protocol
It is not always the case that one requirement is
mapped onto one protocol machine. However, the
compositional protocol machines allows for any ways
of decomposition.
The protocol machine
describes behaviour
of an
of type
. Each object has its iden-
tification name.
The protocol machines
. They do not
have own identification name and included into each
instance of object
. The Include relations are
shown between protocol machines depicted as arcs
with half-dashed ends.
A human interacts with the service (and with a
protocol model) by submitting events. Each protocol
machine has an alphabet of recognized events. The
events recognized by protocol machines are specified
as types. Each type is a data structure. Each in-
stance of an event type contains own values of speci-
fied types.
For example, each instance of event
contains own identifier
Card Number: Integer
(Figure 2). All three ma-
chines are synchronously instantiated accepting event
. Generic
is an alias of events
The generic interface generated from the model by
the Modelscope tool shows to the user the state and
the possible events at any execution step. The advan-
tage of using Protocol Machine with goal models is
that we result in an executable model of identified ob-
jects, agents and entities and can test achievement of
chosen goals. We are able to identify the goal states.
Not all scenarios of system behaviour lead to the goal
states. Protocol machines present all life cycle sce-
narios of objects, agens and entities. The execution
of the protocol models allows for testing realizability
of goals and completing the incomplete or imprecise
Similar to a state machine, a protocol machine has
a set of states and the local storage presented with at-
tributes. However, the semantics of a protocol ma-
chine is different.
A transition label of a state machine presents the
pre-condition and the post-condition for enabling
event to run to completion. A transition from state
to state s
is labeled by
, [precondition]event/ [postcondition], s
) (OMG,
The label shows that the transition in a state takes
place only if the pre-condition is satisfied. If the
pre-condition is not satisfied, the behaviour is de-
fined by the semantic rules. Namely, the event is
kept in a queue and waits for a state change to fire
the transition.
A transition label of a protocol machine presents
an event that causes this transition. The storage
information is localized in the state. Being in a
quiescent state in which the protocol machine can
accept the submitted event, the protocol machine
accepts one event at a time and handles it until an-
other quiescent state. If the protocol machine can-
not accept the event in its current state, the event
is refused (McNeile and Simons, 2006; McNeile
and Roubtsova, 2009).
The default type of protocol machines is
. Essential protocol machines are com-
posed (synchronized) using the CSP parallel compo-
sition and these machines are used to present the can-
update-model, the business process.
The CSP parallel composition means that a Pro-
tocol Model accepts an event if all the protocol ma-
chines recognizing this event accept it. Otherwise the
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model
Insert Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number inserted Privacy Statement read
Service can be canceled
from any Intemediate state
Finilize= {Insert, Accept}
1 MODEL InsertCreditCardNumber
2 OBJECT Input
3 NAME Session
4 INCLUDES Decision, Cancelation
5 ATTRIBUTES Session: String, Card Number: Integer
6 STATES instantiated,inserted
7 TRANSITIONS @new*Instantiate=instantiated,
8 instantiated*Insert=inserted
10 BEHAVIOUR Decision
11 STATES instantiated ,not accepted, accepted, final
12 TRANSITIONS @new*Instantiate=not accepted,
13 not accepted*Accept=accepted,
14 accepted*Rethink=not accepted,
15 accepted*Finalize=final,
16 not accepted*Finalize=final
17 BEHAVIOUR Cancelation
18 STATES not cancelled, cancelled
19 TRANSITIONS @new*Instantiate=not cancelled,
20 not cancelled*Cancel=cancelled,
22 EVENT Instantiate
23 ATTRIBUTES Input:Input, Session:String,
24 EVENT Insert
25 ATTRIBUTES Input: Input, Credit Card Number: Integer,
26 EVENT Accept
27 ATTRIBUTES Input:Input,
28 EVENT Rethink
29 ATTRIBUTES Input:Input,
30 EVENT Cancel
31 ATTRIBUTES Input:Input,
32 GENERIC Finalize
33 MATCHES Insert, Cancel
Figure 2: Goal Model and Can-Update Protocol Model.
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Insert Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number inserted
Privacy Statement read
Service can be canceled
from any Intemediate state
Finilize= {Insert, Accept}
Motivate Insert
Motivate Accept
Figure 3: Goals, Protocols and Motivation.
event is refused.
A protocol model accepts one event at a time and
do not accepts any other event until it achieves the
quitrent state. The results of this semantics are two
important distinct properties:
the state of a protocol model at any moment is a
composition of state of protocol machines;
the behaviour of any protocol machine is pre-
served in the whole protocol model and it is pos-
sible to reason locally on protocol machines about
behaviour of the whole model.
5.2 Semantic Elements of Protocol
Modelling for Motivation Modelling
There are some other semantic properties of Protocol
Modelling for modelling of objectives and separation
them from the can-update-model.
1. Ability of protocol machines to read but not
modify the state of other protocol machines and to
have an associated state function. This property
makes it possible to build protocol machines with de-
rived states. A derived state is a state that is calculated
from the states of other machines using the state func-
tion associated with the protocol machine.
2. Different types of protocol machines are used
to changes the use of CSP composition. The proto-
col machines of type
are composed (syn-
chronized) using the CSP parallel composition tech-
nique and these machines are used to present the can-
update-model of the business process. The protocol
machines of type
are not composed using
the CSP parallel composition technique. These ma-
chines can be used to model the wanted behaviour or
5.3 BMM Elements in Protocol Models
The elements of the BMM can be mapped onto pro-
tocol Models.
Ends or objectives are achieved in particular goal
Means or Strategies of the Business Motivation
Model are events and sequences of events. Events or
sequences leading to some chosen goal states form the
corresponding motivation model.
Influences are presented as Protocol Machines in-
cluded into the model. The influences add extra be-
haviour or constraints.
If an
is in the model, this means that
as important.
5.4 Motivation Model
In this section we add motivation models to the can-
update protocol model in order to give to the user of
the model the indication of means leading to objec-
A want-model cannot forbid any transition in the
can-update-model and it does not participate in the
event synchronization with the can-update-models.
Therefore, the want-models are not composed using
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model
35 BEHAVIOUR !Motivate Insert
37 STATES motivate insert, other
38 TRANSITIONS motivate insert*Insert=@any
40 BEHAVIOUR !Motivate Accept
42 STATES motivate accept, other
43 TRANSITIONS motivate accept*Accept=@any
1 package InsertCreditCardNumber;
3 import com.metamaxim.modelscope.callbacks.*;
6 public class MotivateInsert extends Behaviour {
8 public String getState() {
11 String y=this.getState("Input");
12 String x=this.getState("Decision");
13 if (y.equals("instantiated")
14 || x.equals("accepted")
15 ) return "motivate insert";
16 else return "other";
17 }
19 }
1 package InsertCreditCardNumber;
3 import com.metamaxim.modelscope.callbacks.*;
6 public class MotivateAccept extends Behaviour {
8 public String getState() {
10 String x=this.getState("Decision");
11 if (x.equals("not accepted")
12 ) return "motivate accept";
13 else return "other";
14 }
17 }
Figure 4: Motivation Model.
the CSP parallel composition and have type
The motivation models are depicted in Figure 3.
Protocol machine
Motivate Insert
models mo-
tivation for the goal ”to get the credit card number
Protocol machine
Motivate Accept
models mo-
tivation for the goal to get the privacy conditions
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
read by the user”.
Each of those protocol machines has a derived
state and an arc labeled with an event. The arc leads
to any state allowed by the can-update-model. This
structure is presented in the metamodel. Behaviours
presented by lines 35 43 in Figure 4) contain tran-
sitions described the arcs as transitions with the final
Each behaviour is labeled with an exclamation
mark. The exclamation mark shows to the Mod-
elscope tool that there is a call-back java file with
the name of the marked behaviour. Each call-back
function (lines 120,1 18 in Figure 4) derives state
of the motivation model from the state of the objects
and behaviours of the can-update-model. For example
the state
Motivate Insert
is derived if
is in
or if the
is in the state
(lines 11-15 in class
5.5 Motivation Model for Composition
of Goals
If the goals are OR-composed then achieving any
of the goals is the goal and both call-back functions
shown in Figure 4 are valid.
Motivation model of the AND-combination of
goals should not direct to states where at least one
of goals cannot be achieved. In our case, mo-
tivation of event
when the object
is in the state
leads to the state
where the goal
to get the privacy condition
will never be achieved. Event
should not be motivated in state
lines 11 and 13 should be deleted from the call-back
function in Figure 4. The motivation models will first
motivate event
and then the event
The execution steps of the protocol model with the
AND combination of motivation models are shown in
Figure 5. The green light is given to the motivated
This paper has shown the expressive means of Proto-
col Modelling allowing combination of business pro-
cesses and motivation of objectives in one model. It
is the synchronous composition semantics of Proto-
col Modelling and the ability to derive states makes
the combination possible.
Figure 5: Execution of the Protocol Model with Motivation
There are several ways to use motivation models
built into protocol models:
Generating user interface elements.
Motivation models can be used to generate the
elements of the user interface. The wanted event
and elements of user interface corresponding to
them can be made of different form, color and use
another order. In the generic interface of the the
Modelscope tool (McNeile and Simons, 2011),
the wanted events are presented in green.
Reuse of models.
The motivation models open
another ways of reuse of business process models
for systems with different goals.
Analysis of consistency and adequate
completeness of requirements.
of goals in models stimulates analysis of realiz-
ability of goals and identification of contradicted
goals and requirements. The psychological stud-
Business Process and Motivation of Objectives in One Model
ies show that people tend to think contextually.
Execution of requirements presented in protocol
machines is better understood by users than the
result of the formal methods applied on operation
models. Execution of requirements provides
better chance for recognizing of inconstant or
incomplete requirements.
Composition of business processes
on the basis of matching motivation
Such an approach promises creating
effective business processes. This is especially
importance in the context of the electronic busi-
ness where the motivation provided by human
is gone and the motivation should be built in to
services as an element of service intelligence.
In the future work we plan the projects aimed to in-
vestigate analysis of consistency and adequate com-
pleteness of requirements and composition of busi-
ness processes on the basis of motivation models.
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Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design