Positioning the Normalized Systems Theory in a Design Theory
Philip Huysmans, Gilles Oorts and Peter De Bruyn
Normalized Systems Institute
Department of Management Information Systems, University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
{philip.huysmans, gilles.oorts, peter.debruyn}@ua.ac.be
Normalized Systems, Design Science, Design Theory, Design Theory Anatomy.
Several frameworks have been proposed to define design science and design theory over the last decades.
For this reason, positioning a research stream within both paradigms has become a difficult exercise. In this
paper, the Normalized System (NS) theory is positioned within design science and design theory, in particular
the design theory framework formulated by Gregor & Jones (2007). Normalized Systems theory has been
proposed as a way to cope with the ever increasingly agile environment to which organizations and their
software applications need to adapt. NS achieves this evolvability by articulating theorems that modular
structures need to comply with in order to be evolvable. The results of positioning NS within the presented
framework for design theories show that NS almost fully incorporates all components of the design theory
anatomy. An application of NS theory in other fields is also discussed, which confirms the applicability of the
anatomy of Gregor & Jones (2007) within other disciplines. By positioning Normalized System theory within
design science and design theory, we also believe to contribute to the definition of both fields in this paper.
During the last decades, the design science research
approach has increasingly become of interest in in-
formation systems (IS) research. One of the first ac-
knowledgments of this evolution was articulated by
March & Smith (1995), who stated that design re-
search (aimed at developing IT artifacts that solve
relevant IS problems) could be argued to be more
important within IS research than traditional (natu-
ral) science (aimed at understanding IT phenomena).
As the relatively new IS research area took shape,
most researchers agreed with the importance of de-
sign science approach as an alternative to the be-
havioral research approach. On the content of IS
design science however, opinions still differ greatly
(Baskerville, 2008). For this reason, giving a clear
and agreed upon definition of design science is close
to impossible. However, some fundamental proper-
ties of the discipline seem to exist nevertheless.
The notion of design science was first formulated
in 1969 by Simon, who stated that researchers can
achieve their research goals “to the degree that they
can discover a science of design, a body of intellec-
tually tough, analytic, partly formalizable, partly em-
pirical, teachable doctrine about the design process”
(Simon, 1996, p. 113). March & Smith (1995, p. 253)
articulate this idea more specific for IS research, stat-
ing that “design scientists produce and apply knowl-
edge of tasks or situations in order to create effective
artifacts. The same authors state that ultimate pur-
pose of IS design science research is the formulation
of IT artifacts that provide utility in solving IS prob-
lems, as opposed to formulating and testing hypothe-
ses in a conceptual framework as in traditional natural
Although most researchers agree on these princi-
ples, one of the discussion points in defining IS design
science is whether or not theory should be included in
the design science paradigm. Based on the literature
review of Venable (2006), one can clearly detect the
polemic between proponents and adversaries regard-
ing the inclusion of theory in design science. Whereas
Hevner, March, Park & Ram (2004) are ambiguous
on the role of theory, March & Smith (1995) clearly
state that theory should be solely reserved for natu-
ral science and should not be part of design science
(Venable, 2006). Many other authors however dis-
agree and argue theory should in fact be an essential
part of design science (Nunamaker, Chen & Purdin,
1990; Walls, Widmeyer & El Saway, 1992; Venable
& Travis, 1999; Markus, Majchrzak & Gasser, 2002;
Huysmans P., Oorts G. and De Bruyn P.
Positioning the Normalized Systems Theory in a Design Theory Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004460900330042
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 33-42
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Gregor, 2006; Gregor & Jones, 2007).
Recently Normalized Systems (NS) theory has
been proposed as an approach to design evolvable
modular structures in software in a deterministic and
proven way. While the purpose of this paper is not
to define design science or substantiate whether or
not design theory is a part of design, we will at-
tempt to position the state of art of the NS research
stream within the design science and design theory
paradigms. Indeed, as Normalized Systems theory
prescribes specific constraints for building IT artifacts
in a purposeful way, the research stream seems to
be at least closely related to design science and the-
ory. Positioning the stream into current design sci-
ence methodologies may thus provide us the oppor-
tunity to check the approach for its theoretical com-
pleteness, while possible arising gaps might identify
future research directions. This method is endorsed
by Walls, Widermeyer & El Sawy (2004), who state
that the notion of an Information System Design The-
ory can be used as guiding framework to structure de-
sign research.
This classification is a challenging exercise as
both design science and design theory are not yet de-
cisively defined. In this paper, we will argue that Nor-
malized Systems theory is both a design theory and
design science, as it is a proven and normative way of
building IT modules (design theory) and it formulates
IT artifacts (design science). The point of view on
design science and design theory that will be used in
this paper, is the distinction expressed by Walls et al.
(2004). These authors defined design science differ-
ent than other authors such as March & Smith (1995)
and Hevner et al. (2004) by separating design science
from design practice. According to this distinction,
design practice is concerned with the creation of in-
stances of artifacts, whereas design science should
create the theoretical foundations of design practice”
(i.e. design theories) (Walls et al., 2004, p.48). As
this paper will show, Normalized Systems is such a
design theory that creates the theoretical foundation
for designing evolvable systems.
Positioning Normalized Systems as a design the-
ory will also express the different nature of NS from
most of existing design science. According to March
& Smith (1995, p. 253) design science should be con-
cerned with creating effective artifacts by producing
and applying apply knowledge of tasks or situations.
These authors also specify the aforementioned should
be the primary goal of design science, “rather than
producing general theoretical knowledge” (March &
Smith, 1995, p. 253). Normalized Systems theory
however uses a theoretical foundation to prove that
using Normalized Design Theorems leads to Normal-
ized Systems theory that are stable with respect to
the anticipated changes. This alternative approach of
Normalized Systems to design science will become
clear in the next sections of this paper.
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows: in the following section, we discuss the ori-
gin and structure of Normalized Systems theory. In
the third section, we will position Normalized system
theory within the design theory anatomy suggested by
Gregor & Jones (2007). In the discussion we will take
a look at the results of this evaluation. The anatomy
used in this paper will also be placed within its con-
text and the applications of the evaluation will be dis-
In the current information-intensive and agile busi-
ness environment, organizations as well as their
supporting software applications need to cope with
changes in their structure and functionality. The
way in which an organization can assimilate these
changes, determines its evolvability. On top of these
changes, systems are also faced with an ever increas-
ing size and complexity of their structure and func-
tionality. To tackle these two challenges, modularity
has frequently been suggested to divide complex sys-
tem in easier to handle subsystems and cope with the
evolvability requirement by allowing the modules to
change independently (Baldwin & Clark, 2000). In
fact, modularity is a core concept from systems theory
and has been applied in manydifferent application do-
mains, including software engineering (Parnas, 1972)
were multiple modular primitives have been defined
for representing data (e.g., structures), actions (e.g.,
procedures) or both (e.g., classes) as the core of infor-
mation systems. However, (hidden) coupling between
those modules tends to limit the anticipated evolv-
ability (De Bruyn & Mannaert, 2012). Thoroughly
based on concepts and reasoning from systems the-
ory and thermodynamics, Normalized Systems the-
ory (NS) was recently proposed to strictly guide engi-
neers in devising such evolvable modularity. While it
was originally applied for software architectures, its
relevance for other application domains (e.g., orga-
nizational design) has been demonstrated previously
(Van Nuffel, 2011; Huysmans, 2011).
First, with its primary aim of enabling evolvability
in software architectures, NS defines the occurrence
of so-called combinatorial effects: changes within the
modular structure of which the impact is dependent
on the size of the system they are applied to (Man-
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
naert, Verelst & Ven, 2011, 2012). Such combinato-
rial effects are clearly undesirable in the context of
evolvability. Indeed, as a system grows throughout
time, a combinatorial effect would imply that the ef-
fort required to implement a same kind of change be-
comes ever more complex as time goes by. Moreover,
the concept of stability from systems theory is highly
related to this reasoning and offers clues in how to
avoid combinatorial effects. In systems theory, stabil-
ity is regarded as an essential property of systems and
implies that a bounded input function should always
result in a bounded output function, even if an un-
limited time period T is considered. Applied
to information systems, this means that a bounded
set of changes (selected from the so-called antici-
pated changes such as “add additional data attribute”
or add additional action entity”) should result in a
bounded impact to the system, even for T (i.e.,
an unlimited systems evolution is considered). Con-
sequently, stability reasoning confirms that the impact
of changes should not be dependent on the size of the
system, but only related to the kind of change per-
formed (and hence, combinatorial effects should be
avoided). As such, normalized systems are defined
as systems exhibiting stability and lacking any com-
binatorial effects towards a defined set of anticipated
changes (Mannaert et al., 2011, 2012).
In order to obtain such normalized systems, NS
theory proposes four theorems which should be sys-
tematically adhered to (Mannaert et al., 2012):
Separation of Concerns, stating that each change
driver (concern) should be separated from other
Action Version Transparency, stating that action
entities should be updateable without impacting
their calling action entities;
Data Version Transparency, stating that data enti-
ties should be updateable without impacting their
calling action entities ;
Separation of States, stating actions in workflow
should be separated by state (and called in a state-
full way).
For each of these theorems it has been formally
proven that any violation against them at any time
will result in a combinatorial effect (Mannaert et al.,
2012). Consequently, if the aim is to obtain a true
normalized system, these principles for building soft-
ware architectures should all be consistently applied.
In reality, the systematic isolation of all concerns pre-
scribed by the theory, result in a very fine-grained
modular structure. While exhibiting a proven degree
of evolvability, the structure in itself may be regarded
as complex in the sense that the system becomes an
aggregation of many fine-grained instantiations of the
modular primitives offered by the employed program-
ming language, many more than in commonly devel-
oped software applications.
Therefore, a set of elements were proposed to
make the realization of normalized systems more fea-
sible. These elements are each a structured aggre-
gation (i.e., encapsulation) of the available software
primitives and together providing the core functional-
ity of information systems, be it in a highly generic
and reusable way. As such, the internal structure
of these elements could be considered to be a set of
design patterns regarding higher-level modular build-
ing blocks, adhering to the above-describedtheorems.
These five elements are (Mannaert et al., 2011):
action element, a structured composition of soft-
ware constructs to encapsulate an action construct
into an action element;
data element, a structured composition of soft-
ware constructs to encapsulate a data construct
into a data element;
workflow element, a structured composition of
software constructs to create an encapsulated
workflow element (representing a sequence of ac-
tion elements);
trigger element, a structured composition of soft-
ware constructs to create an encapsulated trigger
element (controlling for and representing the acti-
vation of a workflow or action element)
connector element, a structured composition of
software constructs to create an encapsulated con-
nector element (allowing the stateful connection
of data elements with external systems).
Each of these elements are described in more detail
in Mannaert et al. (2011) and illustrated to be able
to cope with a set of anticipated changes in a stable
way. Normalized systems are then typically imple-
mented by creating a set of n instantiations of the five
Additionally, recent research efforts have demon-
strated that reasoning based on the concept of entropy
from thermodynamics (1) supports and (2) further ex-
tends NS theory (Mannaert, De Bruyn & Verelst,
2012a). More specifically, the definition of entropy
as employed in statistical thermodynamics was used
for this purpose, i.e., the number of microstates con-
sistent with the same macrostate (Boltzmann, 1995).
Applied to information systems, microstates are op-
erationalized as binary values expressing the cor-
rect or erroneous processing of a programming lan-
guage construct, while the macrostate is associated
with loggings or database entries representing the cor-
rect or erroneous processing of the software system.
Positioning the Normalized Systems Theory in a Design Theory Framework
Hence, when it is uncertain which microstate config-
uration brought about the observed macrostate, en-
tropy (uncertainty) is present inthe system. The larger
the number of microstates consistent with the same
macrostate, the higher is the amount of entropy in the
system. In Mannaert et al. (2012a), it was further
illustrated that the aim of minimizing or controlling
entropy in modular system, highly coincides with the
four theorems explained above. Moreover, a set of of
two new theorems were suggested based on this en-
tropy reasoning (Mannaert et al., 2012a):
Data Instance Traceability, requiring each ver-
sion and values of an instance of a data structure
to be tracked;
Action Instance Traceability, requiring each ver-
sion and thread of an instance of a processing
structure to be tracked.
Finally, several real-life implementations of NS
applications have been successfully deployed up to
this moment. Some of them have been already briefly
discussed in Mannaert et al. (2011).
In this section, Normalized Systems theory will be
classified within a design theory framework. The In-
formation System Design Theory (ISDT) framework
that will be used in this paper is the design theory
anatomy proposed by Gregor & Jones (2007). This
anatomy is an extension of the ISDT framework pro-
posed by Walls et al. (1992), whose sources date back
to the work of Dubin (1978) on theory of the natu-
ral science type and the work of Simon (1996) on
sciences of the artificial. In their work, Walls et al.
(1992) attempted to formulate a prescriptive theory
that articulates how a design process can effectively
be carried out. Looking back on the formulation of
their ISDT, (Walls et al., 2004) conclude that, al-
though used scarcely, it can be helpful as a guiding
framework that helps in structuring the “how to of
the design progress based on a theoretical foundation.
As the work of Walls et al. (1992) was just an initial
attempt to define an InformationSystems Design The-
ory, several reflections and reactions have been pub-
lished on their work (Gregor & Jones, 2007; Walls
et al., 2004). For example Gregor & Jones (2007)
clarify that the goal of a design theory can be either a
methodology or a product, which was not yet clearly
defined by Walls et al. (1992) (Gregor & Jones, 2007).
The remainder of this section will show that Normal-
ized System is an example of a design theory defining
the design of a product (e.g. a system). Furthermore
Gregor & Jones (2007) argue that two structural com-
ponents of a theory formulated by Dubin (1978) are
lacking from the anatomy formulated by Walls et al.
(1992), namely “units” and “system states”. These
constructs are defined as the building blocks of theory
and the range of system states that the theory covers
respectively (Gregor & Jones, 2007), constructs that
will be shown to be part of the Normalized System
paradigm in this paper.
Considering these missing constructs, Gregor &
Jones (2007) argue that an information system de-
sign theory consists of eight components. The first six
components are called the Core Components, as they
are essential to determine how an artifact can/should
be constructed. The other two components can have
a positive influence on the credibility of the work, but
can be defined later (Gregor & Jones, 2007). The re-
sults of the classification of Normalized Systems De-
sign Theory by these components are shown in Table
1. In the next paragraphs, we will discuss the classi-
fication of the NS theory within these eight compo-
The first component Gregor & Jones (2007) de-
fine is the purpose and scope of a design theory. This
component states “what the system is for, or the set of
meta-requirements or goals that specifies the type of
system to which the theory applies” (Gregor & Jones,
2007, p. 325). According to the same authors, the en-
vironment in which the artifact should operate is an
important factor to consider. To understand the pur-
pose and goal of Normalized Systems, it is indeed
important to keep in mind the agile environment in
which modern systems should operate. As mentioned
earlier, the purpose of Normalized Systems theory
is the elimination of combinatorial effects (towards
a set of anticipated changes), as a means to achieve
evolvability of information systems. Combinatorial
effects however not only appear in information sys-
tems, but can be observed in a very broad spectrum
of domains. Therefore Normalized Systems Design
Theory is not limited to information systems and, as
will be discussed in Section 4.3 of this paper, can ap-
ply to many different natural and artificial phenom-
ena. This is in agreement to Gregor & Jones (2007)
who state that the applicability of their design theory
anatomy is possibly wider than the IS discipline, as it
is in itself based on sources from other disciplines.
Constructs are “the entities of interest in the the-
ory”, and “are at the most basic level in any theory”
(Gregor & Jones, 2007, p. 325). Other authors, such
as March & Smith (1995, p. 256), define constructs
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Table 1: Classification of Normalized Systems within the anatomy of Gregor & Jones (2007) and the components of Walls
et al. (1992).
Gregor & Jones (2007) Walls et al. (1992) Normalized Systems theory
Core Components
1. Purpose and scope Meta-requirements Evolvable software architectures by
elimination of combinatorial effects
2. Constructs Combinatorial effects, modularity, ac-
3. Principles of form and
Meta-description Five Normalized Elements
Four Normalized Design Theorems
4. Artifact mutability Anticipated changes
5. Testable propositions Product hypothesis When theorems are applied, no combi-
natorial effects occur with regard to the
anticipated changes
Process hypothesis
6. Justificatory knowledge Product kernel theories Systems theory (cf. stability)
Process kernel theories Thermodynamics (cf. entropy)
Additional Components
7. Principles of implementa-
Design method Supporting applications (e.g., “Prime
8. Expository instantiation Real-life NS implementations (by
means of instantiations of the ele-
as “the vocabulary of a domain [...] used to describe
problems within the domain and to specify their solu-
tions”. Although the combination of these definitions
gives a clear understanding of a construct, the authors
believe there is still a certain subjectivity in determin-
ing what “vocabulary”or shared knowledge should be
considered a construct and what should not. Within
the Normalized System theory, the authors recognize
three constructs. The first and second construct are
generally accepted and known within IT, namely the
concept of modularity and the basic building blocks
of an information systems: data and actions. The
third construct of Normalized Systems theory is com-
binatorial effects which the NS theory is determined
to eliminate, as formulated by Mannaert & Verelst
(2009). These three concepts constitute the main con-
structs of NSDT, although due to the subjectivity of
the definition of this component it does seems possi-
ble to argue there are other constructs that were not
To avoid combinatorial effects, the NS theory
states that applications should be structured using the
ve elements defined by Mannaert & Verelst (2009),
which are based on the body of thought of the Nor-
malized Design Theorems. As the principles of form
and function are defined as “the principles that define
the structure, organization and functioning of the de-
sign product” by (Gregor & Jones, 2007, p. 325), it is
clear the Normalized Elements and Normalized De-
sign Theorems make up this component of the design
anatomy. The Normalized design Theorems and El-
ements specify both structural and functional proper-
ties of artifacts by providing guidelines and patterns
for constructing instances of the artifacts. Whereas
the theorems articulates the general principles that
need to be applied, the elements are in fact a de-
sign pattern as they specify a possible way of com-
ply with the Normalized Theorems. For the imposed
internal structure of the five types of Normalized El-
ements make applications free of combinatorial ef-
fects, the aggregation of these instances of elements
subsequently makes up a Normalized System. The
Normalized Design Theorems on the other hand can
also be considered as a principle of form and function,
as they are the guiding principles for constructing the
Normalized Elements.
The next component has to do with a special na-
ture of an IS artifact that Gregor & Jones (2007,
p. 326) recognize, stating that IS artifacts are very
mutable and constantly evolving. They also believe
“the way in which they [i.e. IT artifacts]
emerge and evolve over time, and how they
become interdependent with socio-economic
contexts and practices, are key unresolved is-
sues for our field and ones that will become
even more problematic in these dynamic and
Positioning the Normalized Systems Theory in a Design Theory Framework
innovative times”.
Evolvabilty and agility are in fact exactly the goal
and purpose of Normalized Systems theory, since
Normalized Systems are highly evolvable and stable
systems based on structured elements that minimize
combinatorial effects. For this reason the component
of artifact mutability, which is formally defined as
“the changes in state of the artifact anticipated in the
theory” (Gregor & Jones, 2007, p. 322) can be cleared
recognized as the anticipated changes of NS.
The next component Gregor & Jones (2007) de-
fine, is testable propositions. These are claims or pre-
dictions about the quality of a system or tool when the
design theory is applied. As such, the testable propo-
sition of NS theory can be formulated as the elim-
ination of combinatorial effects when the principles
of form and function are pursued consistently. Al-
though this component seems clearly defined within
NS theory, the definition of the component also re-
quires the propositions to be testable. According to
Walls et al. (1992), the assertion that applying a set of
design principles will result in an artifact that achieves
its goal can be verified by building (an instance of)
the artifact and testing it. Applying this verification
method on Normalized Systems, the proposition of
NS theory (the elimination of combinatorial effects)
can be verified/tested by building a Normalized sys-
tem according to the principles of form and function
and proving that the system is exempt of combinato-
rial effects.
Walls et al. (1992) formulated the idea that kernel
theories should be part of an Information System De-
sign Theory (ISDT). According to these authors, ker-
nel theories govern both the design requirements and
the design process. As Walls et al. (1992) believe,
these two aspects should be separated and therefore
defined both product kernel theories and process ker-
nel theories. Walls et al. (2004) elucidate the impor-
tance of kernel theories for design science, by stat-
ing that the design science process uses these theo-
ries and combines them with existing artifacts to for-
mulate new design theories. Gregor & Jones (2007,
p. 327) however argue that thetwo types of kernel the-
ories (i.e. process and product kernel theoris) are “a
linking mechanism for a number, or all, of the other
aspects of the design theory” and should be consid-
ered as one component, the justificatory knowledge
that explains why a design works. This symbiosis is
substantiated by the argument that the design process
and design product are mostly founded by a single
kernel theory (e.g. the justificatory knowledge). They
define this component as “the underlying knowledge
or theory from the natural or social or design sci-
ences that gives a basis and explanation for the de-
sign” (Gregor & Jones, 2007, p. 322). According to
this definition, the underlying justification for Nor-
malized Systems theory is twofold. First the central
idea of Normalized Systems theory is systems sta-
bility, as formulated in the systems stability theory
which states that a bounded input should always result
in a bounded output (BIBO-principle). In Normalized
Systems theory, this is interpreted as the transforma-
tion of functional requirements into software primi-
tives (Mannaert et al., 2011). Secondly, Normalized
Systems theory shows compatibility with the concept
of entropy, as has been discussed in Section 2. Initial
research efforts largely validate the use of Normal-
ized System principles when studying the NS theory
from the point of view of entropy theory (Mannaert,
De Bruyn & Verelst, 2012b).
The next component of a design theory is its prin-
ciples of implementation. Gregor & Jones (2007) con-
sider this and the next components as additional com-
ponents that are not a no essential part of a design
theory but should be formulated if the credibility of
the theory is to be enhanced. Concerning this compo-
nent, we can refer to the model taxonomy of Winter,
Gericke & Bucher (2009). According to this taxon-
omy, Normalized Systems theory should be classified
rather as a prescriptive model with result recommen-
dation (“a model”) than a model with activity recom-
mendation (“a method”), referring to the clear prin-
ciples of form and function of NS mentioned earlier.
Although the emphasis within NS theory is on the “re-
sult view” rather than the “activity view”, Winter et al.
(2009) argue that both are views on the same “prob-
lem solving artifact”. This similarity of methods and
models is also apparent in the classification used in
this paper, in the form of the similarities between the
principles of form and function and the principles of
implementation. The form or architecture of an arti-
fact can in itself be used as a underlying principle and
target on which a method and guidelines for construc-
tion of the artifact are based. As opposed to clearly
defined principles of form and function, such a for-
mal methodology in the form of a procedure that ex-
plicitly articulates the steps that need to be followed
to construct normalized elements, does not exist. The
formulation of the Normalized elements simply hap-
pens while keeping the theorems at the back of one’s
mind, and is helped by some supporting applications
(e.g. “Prime radient”). These applications are more
than a tool, as they provide guidelinesfor constructing
Normalized elements. For this reason, they could be
considered the principles of implementation of Nor-
malized System theory.
The final component, expository instantiation, has
two functions: it shows the applicability of a design
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
theory and it can be used as a way to explain a design
(Gregor & Jones, 2007). Instantiated artifacts are the
embodiment of this component. Normalized Systems
theory has been used in the development of several
several software applications. According to the def-
inition of Gregor & Jones (2007), the expository in-
stantiation of NS are these applications and the Nor-
malized Elements they consist of. The seven appli-
cations that have been implemented according to the
NS principles range from a system for distribution of
multimedia to a system responsible for the manage-
ment of power units on high-speed railroads. Man-
naert et al. (2012) describe these implementations in
greater detail.
4.1 Reviewing NS According to the
By positioning NS theory within the design theory
anatomy of Gregor & Jones (2007), it becomes clear
that NS theory incorporates close to all components
of the anatomy. One could argue that there still is
one significant gap between the anatomy and NS the-
ory: an explicit method to guide the construction of
Normalized elements (part of the principles of imple-
mentation). However, overall the NS theory shows
great similarities with the design anatomy studied in
this paper. In conclusion to this strong similarity, we
could argue the term Normalized System Design The-
ory is appropriate to describe the presented theory.
4.2 Design Science vs Design Theory
Although there was opted to compare Normalized
System theory to the design theory anatomy of Gregor
& Jones (2007) in this paper, the authors acknowl-
edge several other frameworks exist that attempt to
define design science and design theory. To put the
used anatomy into context, an overview of the differ-
ent definitions and point of views on design science
and design theory will be discussed in this section.
Over the last decades, several definitions and
frameworks have been published that tried to formal-
ize and structure IS design science. These publica-
tions however show some notable differences in be-
liefs and definition of IS design science and theory.
The work of March & Smith (1995) mainly focuses
on the processes and research outputs of IS design sci-
ence, and emphasizes that theory should not be part
of design science. In their opinion, theories are re-
served for natural sciences, and design science should
“strive to create models, methods and implementa-
tions” (March & Smith, 1995, p. 254) On the other
hand, authors such as Nunamaker et al. (1990), Walls
et al. (1992), Gregor (2006) tried to define this very
notion of an IS design theory. It should be mentioned
that these authors distinguish a design theory form a
theory in natural sciences. According to their defi-
nition, a design theory is as a prescriptive theory that
“says howa design process can be carried out in a way
which is both effective and feasible”, in contrast to the
“explanatory and predictive theories found in natural
or physical sciences” (Walls et al., 1992, p. 37).
Another point of disagreement seems to be the
outcome of design science. Some academics (March
& Smith, 1995; Hevner et al., 2004; Baskerville,
2008) believe the core of design science is “directed
toward understanding and improving the search
among potential components in order to construct
an artifact that is intended to solve a problem”
(Baskerville, 2008, p.441). According to this point
of view, design science should therefore be limited to
defining artifacts. The work of Walls et al. (1992),
Walls et al. (2004) and Gregor & Jones (2007) how-
ever suggests design science should also be concerned
with building design knowledge in the form of de-
sign theories, something that is simply not mentioned
by the aforementioned authors. Walls et al. (2004)
clearly indicate this difference by distinguishing be-
tween design science and design practice. Whereas
design practice actually creates instances of artifacts,
design science “should create the theoretical founda-
tions of design practice” (i.e. design theories) (Walls
et al., 2004, p.48).
Previous differences clearly show that there is an
agreement that design science can not be equated with
design theory (Baskerville, 2008). To the authors
knowledge and feeling, there are however no publi-
cations that explicitly and decisively specify the re-
lationship between design theory and design science,
nor has there been a discussion between the propo-
nents of both points of view. Therefore, other than
claiming NS is both design science and design the-
ory, precisely positioning Normalized Systems the-
ory within design science is simply impossible at this
point. The nature of Normalized Systems theory also
makes it very difficult to relate NS to the generally
accepted conception of IS design science formulated
by Hevner et al. (2004). As discussed earlier, Nor-
malized Systems theory is based on proven theorems
that deterministically define that combinatorial effects
will be eliminated when the four theorems are system-
atically applied to the construction of elements. Ac-
cording to Hevner et al. (2004) however, design sci-
ence is typically concerned with designing artifacts
Positioning the Normalized Systems Theory in a Design Theory Framework
that are evaluated and improved upon and which out-
come is a final design artifact that performs better than
other artifacts. Although it is clear that Normalized
systems theory is in contrast with this design process,
NS in its essence still is design science as it is “con-
cerned with devising artifacts to attain goals” (March
& Smith, 1995, p. 253). In the authors opinion, this
also shows that the current conception of design sci-
ence is too stringent to allow design theories such as
Normalized Systems theory to be positioned within
design science. Even the notion of “theory-based de-
sign science” (Baskerville, 2008) does not cover the
basic principles of Normalized Systems theory, as this
type of design science should be concerned with the-
ory testing rather than formulating a theory (which
Normalized Systems does).
4.3 Applications of NS
The positioning of NS in the presented framework is
an important basis for further research in the con-
text of the NS theory. Within the design science
methodology, the framework allows the positioning
of at least two research directions. First, existing gaps
between the current research results and the frame-
work components can be considered, as discussed in
Section 4.1. Since NS was not developed by follow-
ing a specific design science methodology, it is pos-
sible that certain components are missing or insuf-
ficiently described. Consequently, this research di-
rection would focus on the original domain of NS,
i.e., software. Second, different domains can be re-
searched using the NS theory. As a motivation for
this research approach, consider the use of the sys-
tems theoretic concept of stability and the thermody-
namic concept of entropy in the justificatory knowl-
edge component in Table 1. The interpretation of
such fundamental concepts indicates that the NS the-
ory could possibly be applied to other research fields
as well: in itself, these concepts do not originate from
the software domain. As discussed, the application
of successful solutions from related research fields is
an important goal of the design science methodology.
As an example of such a research project, we men-
tion how the NS theory has already been applied to
the research field of Business Process Management
(Van Nuffel, 2011). In a research project in this re-
search direction, one first has to validate whether the
purpose and scope of the NS theory can be applied to
that research field as well. Consequently, it is crucial
to consider the research field as a modular structure,
where combinatorial effects between the modules are
a relevant issue. Put differently, one has to apply the
constructs defined by the NS theory in the specific re-
search field. For the Business Process Management
field, Van Nuffel (2011, p. 89) explicitly mentions: “a
business process essentially denotes a modular struc-
ture, of which the building blocks should be loosely
coupled in order to avoid the described combinatorial
business process effects”. Next, the framework pre-
scribes that principles of form and function should be
described. In the software domain, NS describes four
theorems, which provide the guidelines for the design
of five software elements. In the Business Process
Management domain, the four principles have been
applied to the design of business processes. This has
resulted in the formulation of 25 guidelines which de-
scribe necessary modular structures to avoid combi-
natorial business process effects. An example of such
a guideline is the Notifying Stakeholders” guideline
(Van Nuffel, 2011, p. 143): “Because notifying, or
communicating a message to, stakeholders constitutes
an often recurring functionality in business processes,
a designated business process will perform the re-
quired notification”. Indeed, omitting to separate this
process would result in a combinatorial effect when
changes to the notification process need to be applied.
Similar to NS on the software level, this insight is not
necessarily new: other authors, such as Erl (2008),
Papazoglou & Van Den Heuvel (2006) and Cohen
(2007) provide similar guidelines. However, these au-
thors do not provide a theoretical framework to moti-
vate the formulation of such guidelines. In order to
mature the field towards a design science, the authors
of this paper believe that such a theoretical framework
is vital. Consequently, the proposed framework is im-
portant as a methodological guide for future research.
Moreover, the framework allows not only to position
current research results, but also to identify missing
elements. It can be noted that these guidelines can be
positioned between the four NS principles and the NS
elements: they are an application of the NS principles,
but are not sufficient to completely specify process el-
ements. Therefore, additional research is required to
further the insight on these guidelines, and arrive at
such elements. Consistent with the approach provided
in the framework in Table 1, anticipated changes will
need to be formulated (as prescribed in the artifact
mutability component), and the absence of combina-
torial effects with regard to these anticipated changes
needs to be demonstrated (as prescribed in the testable
propositions component).
In this paper, we made an attempt to position Nor-
malized System theory within design science and de-
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
sign theory frameworks. Although we argued that
NS theory in its essence is design science, we also
showed that it does not completely fit in existing de-
sign science frameworks. Positioning Normalized
Systems within the design theory anatomy of Gregor
& Jones (2007) however showed Normalized Systems
strongly resembles a design theory. The similarities
are to the extent that NS can be formulated as the Nor-
malized Systems Design Theory.
Positioning NS in the anatomy of Gregor & Jones
(2007) has shown to present several contributions in
this paper.
First, it endorses the applicability of the frame-
work by showing that a theory such Normalized Sys-
tems can indeed be soundly positioned within the
framework. Furthermore the positioning ratifies the
premise of Gregor & Jones (2007) who stated that
the possibility of applying the anatomy in other dis-
ciplines could be a question for further research. In-
deed, this paper showed that it is initially possibly to
position the application of NS within Business Pro-
cess Management within the anatomy. This proves
that the design theory anatomy of Gregor & Jones
(2007) can indeed be applied in other disciplines than
IS design science.
A second contribution is that positioning NS
within the anatomy gave the opportunity to check NS
for its theoretical completeness, which is consistent
with the view of Walls et al. (2004) who state that
an ISDT framework can be used as guiding frame-
work to structure design research. The gaps that were
identified according to the application of NS within
Business Process Management also indicated future
research directions.
Finally the authors believe that this papers con-
tributes to the discussion on design science and de-
sign theory. It has been shown that Normalized Sys-
tems theory is an apparent example of a design theory.
As Normalized System theory should however also
be considered design science, the authors believe to
have contributed to both the definition of design sci-
ence and the elucidation of the relationship between
design science and design theory.
P.D.B. is supported by a Research Grant of the
Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology in
Flanders (IWT).
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