Engineering, Responsibilities, Sign Systems
Coen Suurmond
RBK Group, Keulenstraat 18, Deventer, the Netherlands
Keywords: Organisational Semiotics, Enterprise Engineering, Business Modelling, Sign Systems.
Abstract: This paper will address the question of how an engineering approach to enterprise modelling and system
development might be combined with an approach to enterprises that does justice to its inherent social
character, and where the members of the organisation are responsible for their decisions and not just
operators of the systems. In the analysis of this question the concept of engineering will be discussed, along
with the characteristics of different kinds of sign systems. System based sign systems (as used in ICT and
engineering, and suited to the use of mathematical and logical formulas) will be contrasted with human
based sign systems (natural language, appropriate for the adequate representation of values and of individual
The question is how we can combine the concept of
the enterprise as a social system with the concept of
software development as an engineering discipline.
An enterprise has many different aspects: as legal
entity, as economic actor, as an organisation of
people with a common goal, as a community of
individuals, as an actor in society. Each of those
aspects has its own view on reality, with a
perception of itself and of its environment, with its
own language, and with norms that determine its
behaviour. An enterprise has a vision, a mission and
a strategy. An enterprise has processes, structures
and employees. An enterprise has stakeholders, and
fulfils a number of needs of those stakeholders. All
of these are social concepts, invented and executed
by and for people. To do so the enterprise uses a
number of technical artefacts: buildings, transport of
goods and people, machines for processing
materials, and ICT for communication and
Over the past few decennia there has been a shift
in the use of ICT, from EDP (electronic data
processing) to information supply. While the focus
used to be on the automation aspect, nowadays it is
on the information aspect (while the automation of
processes has meanwhile continued unabated). The
computer based information systems are at the same
time by their construction of a technical nature and
by their use and purpose of a social nature. This
intersection of technical and social system has
proven to be problematic.
Firstly there is the problem of analysis and
requirements: the developer tries to uncover the
logic of the social system, but he is usually
handicapped by being an outsider, because he does
not speak the language and because he tries to
uncover the logic of patterns that have evolved over
time. From a systems thinking perspective and from
the rationalistic/mechanistic world view of the IS-
developer (and he shares this world view with many
modern all-round managers) Business Process
Reengineering has been presented as a remedy
against the perceived irrationality of the business
processes. Rationalisation first, systems
development next.
Secondly there is the problem of the use of the
information systems: does the newly developed
system fit the social reality of the users? If that is not
the case (in the subjective perception of the users) it
can have a number of results. The quality of the
business processes deteriorates as a consequence of
the impoverishment of the available information.
The users maintain the quality of the business
processes by setting up and using additional
information channels (free text within and outside of
the systems). Or the users create their own parallel
solutions for the storing and processing of
information in spreadsheets and word processors.
In other words, we are dealing with two different
discrepancies in the development of information
Suurmond C.
Engineering, Responsibilities, Sign Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004461100530059
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 53-59
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
systems for enterprises: (1) the use of technical
artefacts in social contexts; and (2) the
mechanistic/rationalistic world view of analysts and
developers in the face of the organic reality of
practice. These differences can be traced back to a
difference in sign systems; to the lingual reality of
employees within the processes and of the external
experts. In the analysis this manifests itself in the
problem of capturing the extra-lingual practice of the
business processes in the lingual reality of the
analyst, and vice versa the challenge for the
practitioners of evaluating the documents produced
by the analysts. And in the implementation this
manifests itself in the confrontation between the
newly designed sign systems of the information
systems and the established practice of the business
The question is now how to best tackle these
problems. It is about finding the balance. It should
be clear that an enterprise is a historically and
organically grown entity, embedded in social
practices within the enterprise and between the
enterprise and its external stakeholders. At the same
time the grown practice should not be held as
absolute; it should be possible to critically evaluate
it. However, the backgrounds against which such an
analysis is carried out are important. Is it from a
mechanistic/rationalistic world view in which the
enterprise is viewed as a technical artefact? Or is it
from a view of the enterprise as a more organic
entity, subject to a multitude of social forces and an
emergent phenomenon?
Of old, engineering belongs to the world of the
designing and building of technical artefacts.
Etymologically, the word is related to the word
engine. According to the OED, an engineer is
nowadays (1) “one whose profession is the
designing and constructing of works of public
utility, such as bridges, roads, canals, railways,
harbours, drainage works, gas and water works, etc”;
(2) “a contriver or maker of ‘engines’”, (3) “one
who manages an ‘engine’ or engines”; (4) “(with
defining word, as human engineer, spiritual
engineer), one who is claimed to possess specialized
knowledge, esp. as regards the treating of human
problems by scientific or technical means”. The
meaning of engineering is simply “to act as an
engineer”, again according to the OED (OUP, 1989).
Henry Petroski cites a definition of structural
engineering in his book “To Engineer is Human”:
“Structural engineering is the science and art of
designing and making, with economy and elegance,
buildings, bridges, frameworks, and other similar
structures so that they can safely resist the forces to
which they may be subjected” (Petroski, 1992, p40).
The organisation behind this definition, the
Institution of Structural Engineers, defines
“”structures” as “those constructions which are
subject principally to the laws of statics as opposed
to those which are subject to the laws of dynamics
and kinetics, such as engines and machines”
(Thomas, 2012).
To put it briefly, the core task of an engineer is to
design and make a technical artefact to serve some
predefined function, and the artefact should be able
to resist the forces applied to it without losing its
The role of modelling in the work of an engineer
is (1) to preview the design and (2) to study the
forces that will be applied to the artefact when it is
constructed and when it is in use. A beautiful
example of such a model can be found in Barcelona,
where Gaudi used some very simple materials (iron
hoops, strings, and tiny sand bags) to study the
forces for the design of his unorthodox buildings
such as the Sagrada Familia and the Casa Milà.
The engineer uses a variety of scale models and
prototypes, each representing one or more aspects of
the intended artefact, as stepping stones to his final
design. The artefact is the physical realisation of the
design and the preparatory models.
In the field of information systems, the term
engineering is used in different contexts. I will
shortly discuss three of them. The first is Software
Engineering, and in the book “The Road Map to
Software Engineering” the following IEEE
definition (Std 610.12) is used: “(1) The application
of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to
the development, operation and maintenance of
software, that is, the application of engineering to
software. (2) The study of approaches as in (1)”. The
author considers software engineering as
engineering, because the process consists of related
activities performed in response to a statement of
needs and consuming resources to produce a
product”, in combination with systematic controlling
and measurement processes (Moore, 2006, p3).
Although the physical aspect of the technical artefact
is lacking, all other elements of traditional
engineering are present: predefined needs, a clear
finished product, and a process of design and
development which has a technical character. Dines
Bjørner in his work about Software Engineering
defines engineering as “the mathematics, the
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
profession, the discipline, the craft and the art of
turning scientific insight and human needs into
technological products” (Bjørner, 2006). The
technological product is central, and its role to serve
human needs. Although the context is software, the
definition applies equally well to technological
artefacts as bridges and engines.
The second context is Systems Engineering, and
here the issues are less clear cut. The website of the
International Council on Systems Engineering
(INCOSE) states: “Systems Engineering is an
engineering discipline whose responsibility is
creating and executing an interdisciplinary process
to ensure that the customer and stakeholder's needs
are satisfied in a high quality, trustworthy, cost
efficient and schedule compliant manner throughout
a system's entire life cycle.”. On another page of the
website it is stated that “Systems Engineering
considers both the business and the technical needs
of all customers with the goal of providing a quality
product that meets the user needs”. This is a far cry
from a well defined technical artefact. Apart from
the sloppiness of the statements, there is a
fundamental difference between an obligation to
produce a technical artefact, and the obligation to
fulfil business needs and user needs.
More recently, the term engineering is also used
in the context of enterprise engineering. One of the
pioneers in the field is Jan Dietz, who is editor of the
book series on Enterprise Engineering at Springer
Verlag and a driving force behind the CIAO
network. The website of the book series mentioned
above tells us: “Enterprise Engineering is an
emerging discipline for coping with the challenges
(agility, adaptability, etc.) and the opportunities
(new markets, new technologies, etc.) faced by
contemporary enterprises, including commercial,
nonprofit and governmental institutions. It is based
on the paradigm that such enterprises are
purposefully designed systems, and thus they can be
redesigned in a systematic and controlled way. Such
enterprise engineering projects typically involve
architecture, design, and implementation aspects”
(Dietz, 2011). Key in this statement is the
presumption that enterprises are purposefully
designed systems. All the same, this approach
recognises the enterprise as essentially social
systems (postulate 2 of the Enterprise Engineering
Manifesto of the CIAO network), and it recognises
the ethical necessity of taking the responsibilities of
the people in an enterprise seriously (postulates 2
and 5). Here, the concept of engineering is taken
from the technical environment to the organisational
environment. The characteristics of engineering as a
discipline that designs and builds artefacts are
preserved by considering the enterprise as
“purposefully designed systems”, and by modelling
the essential structures of an enterprise in its
ontological model, which captures objectively the
structure of the enterprise (postulate 4). In his book
about Enterprise Engineering Dietz writes “The
engineering of a system is the process in which a
number of white-box models are produced , such
that every model is fully derivable from the previous
one and the available specifications. ... Engineering
starts from the ontological model and ends with the
implementation model” (Dietz 2006, p74).- The
white-box model is a model that represent the
structure and workings of a system, abstracted from
implementation details. As such, it is an abstract
model. The interesting question is, whether this
engineering approach for the enterprise considered
as a designable socio-technical artefact will hold up.
An enterprise has a sustainable existence if and only
if it produces products for its markets in a profitable
way. The business processes represent the enterprise
in action; there the products are created, sold and
distributed and all activities that are needed to
support and manage these primary processes happen
there. The formal organisation of the enterprise is
designed to structure the business processes in
effective and efficient ways, and in accordance with
the values and norms of the enterprise towards the
internal and external stakeholders. The informal
organisation, the collection of actual patterns that
structure the business processes, is in a continuous
evolutionary process as a result of the daily
interaction of people and systems in the enterprise
and its environment. An important driving force of
the evolutionary processes of the informal
organisation is the leadership and management of
the enterprise, it shapes the values in the
organisation. The corporate culture influences the
way people behave in the enterprise; it supplies
some background norms for their decisions. For
James Taylor these aspects are so important, that he
hypothesises that the organisation is “constituted in
the ongoing processes of its members” (the title of a
presentation earlier this year in Nijmegen was
“Authoring the Organization”). Others are not going
so far, but John Kay emphasises that the foundation
of corporate success often lie in intangible factors
such as reputation and internal architecture. He calls
these factors the distinctive capabilities, and they
Engineering, Responsibilities, Sign Systems
determine the success and durability of the
enterprise (Kay, 1993). The former strategic planner
of the Shell Oil Company, Arie de Geus, makes a
case of defining an enterprise as an organism,
instead of a mechanism (De Geus 1997). When on
the other hand an organisation would be considered
in a mechanical way, and the behaviour of its
members would be fully determined by explicit
rules, we would have a perfect bureaucracy. And we
know that the ultimate action weapon for a civil
servant is to work to rule, making everything grind
to a halt. In other words, the actual organisation, the
factual business processes and the individual
decisions of the members of the organisation are
partly determined by explicitly defined structures
and rules, partly by corporate culture, and of course
partly by incidents and individual capabilities.
At the same time, the structure of an enterprise
will be partly determined by objective factors,
derived from the characteristics of its products and
its markets. They have a kind of inherent process
logic, determined by the conventions of the markets,
by the products and the production and distribution
processes, and by the social and legal conventions
involved. That implies, that by knowing the markets
and products of an enterprise, you can predict quite a
lot about its internal process steps. One could
consider these structures as the essential deep
structures of the enterprise. What is much less
predictable, however, is the way these structures are
mapped unto business processes and the
organisation. These mappings are the result of both
conscious organisational decisions, and of
evolutionary processes. Gradual changes of markets
and products can drive evolutionary adaptations in
the business processes, and the history of an
enterprise might long be reflected in its operational
For the analysis of an enterprise then, we have to
deal with both process logic derived from its
markets and products, and idiosyncratic
characteristics derived from its specific history and
evolution from the past. From the viewpoint of the
enterprise, to comply with the process logic is
necessary to be in business, to be unique and have
distinctive capabilities is necessary to stay in
4.1 Signs
Semiotics studies signs in use. One well known defi-
nition of a sign is: “A sign, or representamen, is
something which stands to somebody for something
in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody,
that is, creates in the mind of that person an
equivalent sign or perhaps a more developed sign.
That sign which it creates I call the interpretant of
the first sign. The sign stands for something, its
object. It stands for that object, not in all respects,
but in reference to a sort of idea, which I have
sometimes called the ground of the representamen.”
(Peirce, 1998, par2.228) Fundamental in the concept
of the sign is the difference between the sign and
that what it stands for, and the difference between
the sign and its interpretation by the sign user. The
process of interpretation of a sign (semiosis) is the
subject of pragmatics, semantics studies the relation
between the sign and its meaning (that what it stands
for), and syntax in concerned with the formal
relations between signs.
For the pragmatist the concept of meaning is
directly connected to its use, as Wittgenstein writes:
“The meaning of a word is its use in the language”
(Wittgenstein, 2009, par. 43). Knowing the meaning
of a word is knowing when and how to use the word.
Related to this concept of meaning is the
Wittgensteinian concept of language games. A
language game involves a community of users in a
certain context, along with the (unwritten) rules how
to use language in this context. This pragmatist (not
to confuse with pragmatic!) approach of meaning
emphasises the primacy of the actual use of signs,
the lexical meaning is an abstraction and record of
the stable kernel of the meaning in use. Even when
definitions of words are explicitly written down, the
actual use in the community of users will ultimately
determine the meaning. Examples of this mechanism
can be found in law, see for example the differences
between written law and its interpretation in
jurisprudence in European law, and in the workings
of case law in Anglo-Saxon practices.
4.2 Sign Systems
The concept of the sign system is widely used in
semiotics, but rarely defined. Intuitively it is easy to
give a number of examples of clearly different sign
systems. Consider the difference between natural
languages (English, Japanese), formal languages
(predicate logic, C#), visual languages (pictograms
on airports and stations). Hereafter it quickly
becomes more difficult: can different language
families be considered different sign systems?
Different languages within one language family?
Different dialects? The language games of
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Wittgenstein? Are the social media examples of new
sign systems, with their own vocabulary, usage rules
and expressive power? Hereafter, I will talk about
“system based sign systems” for the formatted
information that is recorded, processed and
presented in available business information systems,
and “human based information systems” for
information that is processed by human beings (both
linguistic and non-linguistic).
Above, more or less formal and/or structured
information flows were mentioned in the context of
the organisation. The ledger system in a financial
administration has a prescribed formal main
structure that allows external stakeholders (taxes,
chartered accountants) to know in advance what
information can be found where. Within this
prescribed main structure an organisation can make
its own choices, but the main grouping is
recognisable for all stakeholders. This is an example
of an engineered sign system. A very different
example is the way in which all kinds of things are
designated in an organisation (“office of Jean-
Claude” although Jean-Claude has left 30 years ago,
or volumes designated by some odd measure such as
“two mills of French fresh”, indicating a certain
amount of a certain quality of shrimps). These are
historically grown practices that refer back to field
names, to an amount and a quality, and to a measure
that is long abolished in trade, but still used in
production planning. Both sign systems are not
readily accessible by an outsider. The extent to
which a sign systems is defined can differ greatly,
but it is true for every sign system that it has to be
learned in practice.
4.3 Characteristics of Sign System
For an analysis of the characteristics of sign systems
the dimensions of the Information Space as defined
by Max Boisot can be useful. He distinguishes in his
analysis of information the following three
dimensions: (1) degree of codification, (2) degree of
abstraction, and (3) degree of diffusion (Boisot,
1998). His analysis is directed towards knowledge
assets; applied to sign systems we could distinguish
between the way information is codified, abstracted
and diffused in a sign system. On the first sight,
there is a huge difference between (1) system based
sign systems that are a combination of highly
codified information (structured data that might be
interpreted by the computer programs) and less
codified information (free text that is recorded and
made available to the user) and (2) The human based
sign systems that are much less codified and based
on conventions (the Wittgensteinian language
However, the real difference might lie elsewhere,
not so much in the degree of codification as well in
the way of codification. Experienced employees can
communicate in a very precise manner, but the
communication might require a rather long initiation
process. Without a professional background, the
words just do not make sense to the outsider. The
system based sign systems on the other hand seem
easy to use but are often imprecise. The available
codification in the ICT system might just not match
the needs and the categories of the user. In other
words, the first difference between system based
sign systems and human based sign systems lies in
the nature of the codification processes. In talking
and writing an experienced user can code a lot of
information into his utterances. The degree of
imprecision can be stated in a very subtle and
precise way (“the same quality as last time, but
remember last week!”). The modalities and
illocutionary force of speech acts are hard to codify
in ICT systems (“please keep in mind that this
customer might order next week, and that we will
have to deliver within reason, but due to the
unpredictable weather he probably will not order
until Friday”).
The second difference lies in the diffusion
processes. It is clear that the diffusion processes are
greatly influenced by ICT systems. When we restrict
ourselves to the use of business information systems
(rather than communication techniques such as
video links, skype, et cetera), these networked
systems make all information in them
instantaneously available to all users (when they are
granted the right authorisation). This diffusion
processes create problems of their own, such as
uncontrolled interpretation by inexperienced people
and inconsistent information, that I will not discuss
Abstraction is needed whenever general rules are
applied to individual cases. In system based sign
systems, the abstractions are predefined in its data
structures and individuals are coded as objects. The
possible abstractions are predetermined by a
combination of the more or less fixed data
structures, software code and configuration. In the
human based sign systems, the abstraction coincides
with the interpretation and is contextually
determined. This prototypical case for this kind of
abstraction processes is the verdict of the judge. The
application of the law can be seen as the
subsumption of the individual case under the general
rule. The perception of the individual case involves
Engineering, Responsibilities, Sign Systems
abstraction processes, and this abstracting perceptual
power is exactly where the added value of the
human being is. That applies not only to professional
experts, but it applies also to all kind of work where
people are accountable (paid to use their own
judgement, and not just ‘hired hands’).
4.4 Sign Systems and Business
So, basically we are dealing with two differences
between system-based sign systems and human
based sign systems: (1) the way the signs are
captured and coded, and (2) the interpretation
capabilities. For practical purposes, two questions
arise. The first question is about the costs and effects
of information processing by ICT systems. What is
the ratio between the efforts to capture the
requirements and to subsequently engineer the
solution, and the resulting savings and process
improvements in the business processes? The second
question is not about calculations of return of
investment, but more fundamentally which decisions
can be made by ICT systems and which decisions
have to be made by the members of the organisation.
The capability of the human mind to interpret
information in context, to absorb new situations and
to judge between norms cannot be met by ICT
systems. This basic capability is fundamental to the
concept of accountability.
The characteristics of the business processes in
an enterprise are partly determined by its markets
and products, and partly by its idiosyncratic
elements like location, infrastructure, corporate
culture and so on. When we bear in mind what Arie
de Geus has written about the living company, and
what John Kay has written about distinctive
capabilities, we should be aware of the risks in
considering an enterprise as a whole as an artefact
that can be engineered.
At the same time, the inherent process logic, as
determined by the markets and products, is much
more suited to an engineering approach. One could
consider this process logic as the essential structure
of the enterprise, as it represents the invariant
structural elements of the organisation. However,
this objectified approach to the inner workings of the
enterprise should not be confused with the elements
that define the unique position of the enterprise. The
way the process logic as an abstract model is
implemented in the real enterprise systems is
decisive for the operations of the enterprise, and in
this area an analysis of the sign systems in use is
4.5 Representation of Elements from
Business Processes in Software
Item coding of semi finished products in food
processing industry is a notoriously difficult
problem, because the variable characteristics of the
products cannot be mapped uniquely on fixed item
codes. This is quite different from item codes of
engineered and standardised materials such as M3
bolt. In practice knowledge of the customer
codetermines which lots are suited for a sales order.
The item code is essential in the recording of the
sales order, the consignment note, and the invoicing,
but in itself insufficient for the preparation of the
sales order. Information systems that pretend to
calculate the internal processes from the sales orders
will fail, the judgment of an experienced human
planner is undispensable.
Another modelling challenge lies in the
representation of objects. What is considered to be
one object by one department, might be more objects
for other departments. Some time ago, I saw a
freight train consisting of pairs of freight carriages.
Each pair was connected by a hooded transition in
between. This creates a typical modelling problem:
do we have one four-axle carriage, or two two-axle
carriages? For operational logistic planning purposes
it will probably be the first (each pair is a fixed
capacity unit), and for the maintenance department it
will probably the latter (individual carriages with
each its own maintenance history).
Software often has problems with these kinds of
constructs, and the requirement analyst wants to
know “what it really is”. This is an expression of a
certain world view, where atomistic facts are
presupposed. It is a world view that fits perfectly
well to relational databases. Unfortunately, it is not a
world view that fits to the actual world, where
technical artefacts can be both one and two at the
same time. However, this kind of problem is still
essentially a solvable engineering problem. It may
lead to complicated software, but the several
interpretations can be modelled unequivocally and
converted into software solutions.
Whenever there is a misfit between the sign
system of the ICT solutions and the sign systems of
the user and his processes, the ICT solutions will
cause problems. It leads to distortion of processes, of
information, or both. A habitual cause is a
rationalistic engineering approach of ICT designers
to user processes that are not well understood. Close
observation and sometimes participation in the user
processes is needed to detect the rationale behind the
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
patterns in the processes, or at least to understand
which information matters for the user.
A second element of a successful ICT system is
the design of a system of references that satisfies the
needs of both the ICT system and the users. It might
sound as a trivial requirement, but the solution is
often difficult. It involves an understanding of the
user processes, and the way the user integrates
information from the ICT systems with information
from other sources. At the same time, the integrity of
the ICT systems must be warranted. The system
engineer must understand that his system is not the
centre of the world, and that it should serve its users.
A sales order is an agreement between buyer and
seller from the moment that they make that
agreement. When and how the agreement is
registered in the ICT system is relevant, but not
decisive. If the order is split in the system into more
sales orders for some reason, it will still be one sales
order for the customer.
The engineering approach is the right approach
whenever a well defined artefact is to be delivered,
as it is able to deal with the well defined intended
use of the artefact. An engineering approach is
bound to use formalised sign systems, that allow for
precise and thorough testing, based on logic and
causal relations. Engineered artefacts (and their
preparatory models) are subject to the rigid laws of
physical forces (bridges, engines) and of logic
(abstract software models and enterprise models).
However, when social factors and individual and
collective decisions determine the actual use of the
technological artefacts, it is not matter of
engineering anymore. That applies to bridges, where
traffic might be regulated by the marking of traffic
in lanes, by traffic lights and by speed limits. That
applies also to software systems, that must be
configured for use in an organisation with a specific
corporate culture, with a given composition of
employees with knowledge and experience, and with
a distribution of tasks and responsibilities.
Decisions in this realm are partly based on goals and
values, and cannot be expressed in formal sign
For system development, it is a big challenge to
combine an engineering approach for capturing the
process logic of an enterprise, as determined by its
markets and products, expressed in formal sign
systems, with an implementation of this abstract
process model that does justice to the idiosyncratic
elements of the enterprise. The analysis and
expression of these idiosyncratic elements calls for
the use of human based sign systems (natural
language with all its capabilities to express norms
and values with all its subtleties) and might be
compared to anthropological analysis.
The analysis presented in this paper should
enhance the awareness of the nature of the problem.
It should help to demarcate the domains where
formal sign systems as used in engineering are
applicable, and the domains where human based
sign systems are called for. Not discussed in this
paper, but most important, is the question how to
reconcile the use of these different kinds of sign
systems in the development of a concrete
information system.
Bjørner, D.. 2006. Software Engineering 1, Springer
Verlag. Berlin.
Boisot, M.H. 1998. Knowledge Assets, Oxford University
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De Geus, A, 1997. The Living Company, Nicholas Brealey
Publishing. London.
Dietz, J.L.G., 2006. Enterprise Ontology, Springer Verlag.
Dietz, J.L.G. (ed.), 2011. Enterprise Engineering – The
Manifesto, CIAO Network. From: http://
Kay, J., 1993. Foundations of Corporate Success, Oxford
University Press. Oxford.
Moore, J.W., 2006. The Road Map to Software
Engineering, John Wiley & Sons. New York.
OUP., 1989. The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
Petroski, H.., 1992. To Engineer is Human, Vintage
Books. New York. Smith, J., 1998. The book, The
publishing company. London, 2
Peirce, C.S., 1998. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders
Peirce, Thoemmess Press. Bristol.
Thomas, R., 2012. History of the Institution of Structural
Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers. From:
Wittgenstein, L., 2009. Philosophical Investigations, John
Wiley & Sons. New York, 4
Engineering, Responsibilities, Sign Systems