The Capability-affordance Model
A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
Vaughan Michell
Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, U.K.
Keywords: Capability, Affordance, Active Resources, Driving Resources, Passive Resources, Affordance Mechanism,
Affordance Path, Affordance Chain, Critical Affordance Factor, Affordance Efficiency, Affordance
Effectiveness, Affordance Quality.
Abstract: This paper builds on an earlier paper modelling business capabilities as a function of resources and process
to support enterprise architecture decision making. This paper develops the earlier capability model by using
a realist perspective to apply the theory of affordances and the Z specification language to show how
capabilities and their actualisation can be modelled as a tuple or set of resource affordance mechanisms
(AM) and affordance paths AP subject to critical affordance factors. The paper identifies and develops the
concept of objective and subjective affordances and shows how these relate to the capability resource
model. We identify an affordance chain by which affordances work together to create a capability. We
define the affordance modelling notation AMN as a method of representing the affordances in a system of
interacting resources. A medical case study (based on interviews at a local hospital) is used to show how
capabilities can be identified and modelled using the theory of affordances. We also propose a model of
affordance efficiency, effectiveness and quality that enables the performance of a capability and its
constituent affordances to be measured and modelled.
The performance of a business enterprise has
become increasingly important, especially in
recessionary times. The term capability has been
widely used in enterprise architecture and other
business as a concept describing the ability of a set
of business resources to perform, but it is difficult to
pin down and measure (Michell, 2011; Curtis et al,
1995). Analysis of capability has been mainly at
high level (Grant, 1991; Hafeez et al, 2002; Josey et
al, 2009; Merrifield et al, 2008; Beimborn et al,
2005). Without a more reproducible model of
capability it is difficult to consistently understand
existing business capabilities, or to use the concept
to measure the relative performance of the various
resources and business structures. This makes it
difficult for an enterprise to make critical resource
investment and divestment decisions and to
understand and develop core competences that are
vital to maintain and grow competitive advantage
(Liu et al, 2011).
1.1 Capability
An earlier paper (Michell, 2011) sought to reduce
this gap by building on resource theory to identify a
definition of the capability of business resources of
an enterprise for use in enterprise architecture. The
following section re-iterates and develops the
definitions using and adapting Luck and d’Inverno’s
work on agent frameworks and Z Notation (Luck
and d’Inverno, 2001). We defined the business
environment E to comprise a set of objects we called
business resources R
, where i= 1-n:
Environment E = {resources R
Env = =
Each resource is what Luck et al call an object.
Hence we use the term object resource. The set of
object resources {R
} have what Ortman and Kuhn
(Ortmann and Kuhn, 2010) call qualities q that can
be divided into perceivable features and facts about
the object e.g. size, weight, chemical composition
etc., what Luck calls ‘a collection of attributes‘.
Another class of quality is what Luck calls
capability and Ortman calls affordance. We will
Michell V.
The Capability-affordance ModelA Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances.
DOI: 10.5220/0004461200600071
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2012), pages 60-71
ISBN: 978-989-8565-26-6
2012 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
discuss the difference and their relationship later in
the paper.
We identified agents as either human intelligent
or artificially intelligent. We now extend this by
defining a human agent by combining the artificial
intelligence definition (Stoytchev, 2005) with Luck
and d’Inverno’s definition to give: A human or
artificially intelligent agent is a resource object that
can perceive its own environment through sensors
and acts on the environment according to their self-
motivations through effectors.
We identified passive resources as resources
requiring other agents to realise their capability ie
they are inert and not capable of their own motion or
change of state which relates to Luck’s lower level
definition of an object (Luck and d’Inverno, 2001).
We identified the concept of a driving resource in a
process to refer to object resources actively enabling
and driving a business transformation compared
with those (objects) passively used in the
transformation involved in a business process
(Michell, 2011). Driving resources in a business
process are autonomous agents (human/artificial)
controlling a range of transformations. Our scope
focuses on business activities where all the entities
in a business environment are object resources to be
used by a business enterprise. We defined capability
as: a property of a resource (tangible or intangible)
that has a potential for action or interaction that
produces value v for a customer via a
transformation process that involves the interaction
of the resource with other resources (Michell, 2011).
We use Luck’s definition of action as ‘a discrete
event that can change the state of an environment’
(Luck and d’Inverno, 2001). The tangible and
intangible resources in a business environment
undergo transformations and a change of state as a
result of an action of one resource interacting with
another. Each of these resources has a capability of
adding benefit of a specific value dependent on what
resource and process is used to execute the
capability i.e. Cv (capability of value V) = f
(resource, process P). We adapt Ortman and Kuhn’s
definition of value, to business value is the result of
any action that is of benefit to the business/client
(Ortmann and Kuhn, 2002). The Capability Cv
results from transformation interactions between two
or more resources that increases the business value
of the transformed resource (with respect to a
business client), i.e. the capability process contains
value transformations as defined by Weigand et al
(Weigand et al, 2006).
Cv = f (resource interaction, process of
At the detail level each driving agent resource in
the sequence of transformations will be driven by
what Luck et al call motivations to achieve an
outcome or goal state G (Luck and d’Inverno, 2001),
which the transformation aims to achieve. We can
say that this goal state has attributes and a value to
the driving resource that is greater than the value
before the transformation. Using Z notation we can
say a resource R is transformed between a state a
and a’ such that actions are an effect on the
environment that result in a partial change in the
environment. We identified the process as a
sequence of actions. A process is what Luck refers
to as a total plan where Totalplan ==seq Action. To
develop the resource capability model we need to
use a structured method that enables an action level
perspective of capability as the interaction between
object resources.
1.2 Affordances
Gibson (Gibson, 1979) defined the term affordance
based on the root ‘phenomenon in gestalt
psychology (cited in (You and Chen, 2003)).
Gibson’s ecological approach saw ‘affordance as an
invariant combination of properties of substance and
surface taken with reference to an animal’ and ‘what
the environment offers and animal or intelligent
agent’. The theory of affordance provides a
perspective on the interaction of objects in an
environment that supports the capability approach.
Stamper (Stamper & Liu, 1994) expanded the
concept of affordances using behavioural norm
concepts into organisational semiotics and the idea
of affordance relating to the invariant behaviour of
both physical objects and intangible entities such as
social behaviours and concept models such as
ontology. Norman (Norman, 2004) refers to the term
‘perceived affordance’ for the concepts to describe
the interaction of objects with people and design
implications of man-made objects such as handles
optimised for pulling via a gripping section or plates
for pushing (Gaver, 1991). Norman sees affordances
as ‘referring to both potential and actual properties
of a designed device’. You and Chen identified the
difference between the semantics of design resource
objects and affordance theory (You and Chen,
2003). Ortman and Kuhn (Ortmann and Kuhn, 2010)
see affordances as one part of a set of qualities of an
object which separately include physical qualities or
facts about the objects such as size, temperature etc.
Turvey (Turvey, 1992) developed a mathematical
model of affordances as a property of a pair of
things e.g. object and agent where the affordance is
The Capability-affordance Model - A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
wholly dependent on the nature of the system of
interaction. Unlike physical qualities of an object
resource, an affordance is a property of the
interacting object resource systems manifested only
when they are interacting. Turvey’s model highlights
the criticality of the interaction between the two
object resources. This suggests we should really
refer to the term ‘affordance pair’ as the affordance
interaction property of two systems. Using Turvey’s
notation and the capability notation from the
previous paper an affordance between two resources
and R
, where R
is the passive resource with
property p and R
is an active agent resource with
property a can be represents as Af
. Af
is a tuple
of a passive resource and a driving agent and
represents the interface interaction or affordance of
the pair of object resources. This interaction
property is different from the properties of the
separate object resource systems. The affordance Af
is represented as an ordered pair. However, in this
paper we use the rule that the active or driving
resource should precede the passive resource
undergoing transformation (in cases where this is
perceptible), in this case a human agent based on
Turvey’s order in the stair example. We use the
notation: Af
= f(R
). However, there is a
dichotomy in views of affordance as Gibson
(Gibson, 1979) reminds us that an affordances is at
once both an objective property of an object
independent of perception and a subjective property
depending on the perception of the viewer. Our
capability definition is a function of the resource
objects and of the actions (process) by which the
resources interact and affordance theory relates to
the mechanism of the resource interaction. This
echoes Montesano et al’s view of affordances
‘capture the essential world and object properties, in
terms of the actions the agent is able to perform’
(Montesano et al, 2007). We adopt a realist
perspective with physical, cognitive and in particular
geographical reality relating to Gibson’s ecological
affordance view (Smith and Mark, 1998). We use
the theory of affordances and Z notation as a formal
language and frame of reference to represent the
capability-affordance model, focusing mainly on
physical affordances. In the following we attempt to
discuss and relate these two views and show the
relationship between capability and affordance.
This section focuses on objective and subjective
affordances, as already mentioned.
2.1 Objective Affordances (OA)
Affordances that exist independent of perception are
inherent objective or ‘passive ‘structural properties
of the environment or object resource. For example a
solid floor objectively and passively affords support
of objects placed on it vs. the perceptive view of
affordance which relies on an agent identifying how
an object resource could be used. We suggest these
passive objective affordances (OA) are what keep
object resources in an unchanging, ie motionless
state of equilibrium. Also these affordances are not
perceptions or possibilities of what might happen –
the possibility has already happened and we are
observing executed affordances. The interface
relationship has been ‘actualised’ and the affordance
is acting in a state of equilibrium. Using Luck’s state
approach and Ortman and Kuhn’s quality approach
we can say that objective affordances relate to the
qualities of a passive resource in stable equilibrium
at a externally perceived level, i.e. we exclude
semiotics at a microscopic level as Noth’s view
(Noth, 1998) to avoid problems with motions of
microscopic organisms etc. We therefore suggest a
resource has a set of state determining qualities that
are required to be balanced in order to execute a
passive objective affordance. This would comprise
for example the force experienced by an object, its
spatial position and other quality attributes.
Objective affordance then relates to actual physical
qualities or properties that relate to the natural
behaviour of the object resource such for example
the laws of natural science such as physics
(Newton’s laws) chemical and biological laws etc.
The passive objective affordance is a stable state
Transformation forces on the object are
The object’s special position is unchanging
The object’s attributes are not changing
(chemical composition, dimensions etc.)
In summary the affordance transformation
mechanism in objective affordances is in a state of
stable passive equilibrium. An example is the weight
of a cup due to gravity is balanced by the structural
strength and reactive force (due to Newton’s Third
Law) of the surface on which the cup sits. The
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
equilibrium is stable as the potential transformation
mechanism e.g. the forces are in balance and the cup
resource object is a passive resource and therefore
possesses no means of motive force or
transformation mechanism capability of its own. We
can say that the interface mechanism between the
two resources; cup and table is stable and has no
active transformation mechanism. This suggests that
affordance depends on the mechanism of
transformation at the interface of the affordance pair.
In this case the affordance interface mechanism is
the force of gravity modelled by Newtonian
mechanics i.e. F=ma to stably maintain the cup in
contact with the table. Objective passive affordance
relates to what Norman (Norman, 2004) calls the
intrinsic properties of things (Norman’s ‘actual
properties) and innate affordances. This passive
objective affordance exists without the need for
perception. This relates to Turvey’s (Turvey, 1992)
focus on an environments capability to support an
activity. Then Affordance = the disposition (of the
object) i.e. force balance on table. Effectivity = the
complement of the disposition i.e. cup supported as
a result of the transformation mechanism being
achieved ie force balance. This equilibrium state of
object resources continues unless acted upon by an
external force (e.g. Newton’s First Law) which
brings us to subjective affordances.
2.2 Subjective Affordances (SA) and
Perceived Actions
Ortmann and Kuhn suggest ‘Perceiving affordances
generates possibilities for action.’ (Ortmann and
Kuhn, 2010). We suggest that subjective affordances
(SA) depend on perceived actions. This uses the
‘perceived design affordance’ (Norman, DA14) that
relates to users understanding of the possible ways
(affordances) of using designed features in designed
objects. Our term refers to active resources such as a
driving resource i.e. an agent intelligently perceives
the affordance or possibility for using a resource
object to make a substantive transformation and has
an intention to use it. We include the term action
here as the intention is to do physical substantive
work, and we us this term to differentiate from non-
substantive actions relating to knowledge and
semiosis. We also include the term subjective as it
depends on the driving resource’s goals and
motivations in the intended action and also critically
on the selection of the path of action or process from
our earlier definition. This relates to Gibson and
Uexkull seeing affordances as perciptibles (Ortmann
and Kuhn, 2010). It is these perceived ‘action
affordances’ that relate to planned actions in
business processes, activities or human visions and
conceptual models of possibilities for action.
Subjective affordance depends on an agent’s
perception as to how the properties or qualities of
the object can be envisaged to be used to achieve a
goal. The intention or goal of the outcome must
complement the affordance (Ortmann and Kuhn,
2010). The goal; also helps a) to define a set of best
action paths or processes that could be used and b)
to define the value or client benefit of the result
expected to be achieved on completion of the action.
However, the affordance depends on the interface
between an affording object and the driving agent
that is attempting to use it. In its simplest form
active affordance is the property of interaction of
two entities or systems that enable an action to
achieve a goal or transformation. The affordance
relates to a mechanism for a potential action
achieved by a transformation mechanism that
changes an object resource state from state a to a’
in Z notation.
This may be physical e.g. a force form an agent
(active resource) sliding a cup between two
positions on a table i.e. cup-table affordance
pair affords sliding
This may be chemical e.g. sugar dissolves in
water i.e. sugar-water affordance pair affords
dissolving due to chemical forces.
2.3 Objective Affordance – A
Multiplicity of Options
Any resource in a business environment is a
collection of capability options or opportunities or
affordances which depend on how the resource is
related to another resource and what affordance
mechanism is to be employed to achieve the state
transformation and meet the goal. For example a
simple passive resource such as a brick can be used
as a doorstop (weight affordance mechanism Af
), as
a missile (kinematic mechanism of a thrown brick
affordance Af
), as a structural support component
in a wall (rigidity and bonding affordance
mechanism Af
i.e. R -= f {Af
This type of affordance depends on identifying
an object’s potential for action when an active agent
or driving resource can visualise the way in which
the object can be used in conjunction with their end
effectors and senses. Turvey (Turvey, 1992) in his
nest building argument provides support for the
driving and passive resource view (Michell, 2011) in
The Capability-affordance Model - A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
his view of disposition and complement by
differentiating between the properties of an animal
(or agent) affordance which seeks to identify the
affordance properties of the environment i.e. how
the resources can be used by the person, (i.e. via
manipulation, construction, imagination etc.). This
relates to Turvey’s focus on the animal’s capability
to perform an action. So, effectivity equals the
disposition i.e. the effectiveness of the
transformation mechanism in meeting the
transformation goal (to be discussed later). And
affordance equals the capability of the
transformation mechanism necessary to achieve the
goal. In our capability terms the agent driving
resource in a process seeks to identify the
disposition of the resources (objective affordance) to
achieve the transformation action required by the
2.4 The Relationship between
Objective and Subjective
In summary, objective affordances refer to executed
and operational affordances ie an on-going system
interface relationship where the mechanism of
transformation becomes an equilibrium mechanism
and the path is completed and meets the goal eg
affording structural support. In contrast the
subjective affordance has to be perceived or planned
and therefore the mechanism and path may change
and so may the outcome or actualisation and the goal
which is dependent on both of these as below.
Affordance is actualised
Transformation mechanism is active
Action path is actualised
Affordance is perceived
Transformation mechanism is
Action path is potential
Figure 1: Objective/Subjective Affordance Types.
2.5 Subjective Affordances and Action
However, a subjective affordance does not just
depend on the transformation mechanism, it also
depends on the way or path taken to actualise or
execute the affordance. Consider the often quoted
example of ‘the cup affords drinking’. It does only
if a) the cup is grasped firmly without obscuring the
opening, b) if the cup is brought to an animal’s
mouth by an action that changes the position of the
cup to the proximity of the mouth, c) it is tilted to
enable gravity to act on the fluid and or the animal
sucks to aid the fluid transfer. We will explore this
issue of path in terms of our capability model.
3.1 Affordance Modelling Notation
In reality, as we have seen, capability rarely
comprises one affordance, but depends on multiple
affordances. We will use a medical example of a
capability ‘to anaesthetise a patient’ to explore the
relationship between capability and affordance. The
goal is to ensure the patient has a controlled
unconscious state, the value being that a medical
intervention can be performed without adverse
reactions (e.g. pain, movement) from a normally
conscious patient. For succinctness we will consider
a sub-capability a single action of administering a
medical injection. We will explore the interaction
between the anaesthetist, the syringe and the patient.
Using our capability terminology (Michell, 2011)
the anaesthetist is the active agent driving a passive
resource (the syringe) to execute the capability C
injecting an anaesthetic drug into a patient via a
process/action P
that results in the value of ‘patient
anaesthetised and can be safely operated on’. In the
diagram we denote the affordance by the term A
where A is the affordance and x and y refer to the
notation for the two elements in the affordance pair.
We use an underline notation to refer to the fact that
an affordance relates to a vector dynamic
transforming action or a static force balance and
hence has magnitude and direction. We use a line
terminated by balls in the shape of a dumb bell with
each ball resting of the relevant element or
component to show the relationship between the two
components of the affordance system. The syringe is
an example of a designed device (Brown and
Blessing, 2005) and can be considered as a system
comprising 3 components (excluding cap) a plunger,
body and needle which fit together as a passive
system of affordances as in the figure below:
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Body b
syringe plunger p
Fluid f
syringe needle n
Anaesthetists hand h
Figure 2: Syringe Affordance Pairs.
3.2 The Affordance Chain (AC) and
Objective Affordances
Maier and Fadel identified that multiple affordances
can be associated with a particular subsystem (Maier
and Fadel, 2006). Thus the affordance of the syringe
is a combination of the affordance of the component
subsystems comprising the syringe i.e. Af (passive)
= f{Af
} i.e. the passive affordances of the syringe
relate to the mechanical structure and engineering
mechanics of the syringe in terms of physical
science e.g. Newton’s three laws. Reviewing the
capability model we can see that there are a number
of passive objective affordances. The Plunger-Body
Affordance – A
ensures the plunger is retained in
the barrel and slides easily up and down it by the
affordance pair predicated on the fact that the
plunger is designed to interface with the barrel and
has only one degree of freedom in an axial direction.
The affordance mechanism AM depends on friction
and the affordance path is the axial plunger motion.
In the Hand-Plunger affordance A
, the plunger has
a tube (with a seal) and top to it which supports the
affordance of ‘holding’ the top of plunger in order to
exert downward force (A
). This downward force
acts on any fluid contained by the syringe body
). This affordance (affords force transmission to
fluid) is dependent on the properties of interaction of
the plunger and body. The plunger must slide and
be a secure fit vs. body, must be made out of
materials not affected by the fluid to be injected etc.
The act of compressing an incompressible fluid
forces the fluid out through needle via an affordance
i.e. the needle – fluid affordance. An affordance
property of the needle (affords fluid transportation)
is that its hollow tubular nature directs the
anaesthetic and is chemically inert vs the fluid (a
potential negative affordance). A further affordance
exists between the needle tip and the patient’s skin
. The small surface area at the point enabling a
small force on the plunger to be safely and
effectively transmitted (due to mechanism of
mechanics i.e. pressure = force/area) as a large
pressure on the patient skin surface affords
penetration of the skin. However this of course is not
possible without the subjective affordances of the
active driving resource, the anaesthetist who is
responsible for identifying the target vein and
ensuring the tip of the needle enters a vein etc.
We define an affordance chain (AC) as a
connected and related set of affordances (and hence
affordance mechanisms) acting together as a system
at a point in time to achieve a specific goal of
enabling a new macro affordance mechanism, i.e.
the capability; Ca = AC = f (A
, A
, A
where j= i+1 in a sequence from driver to final
resource. The idea of affordance chain allows us to
link the micro level affordances to the actions that
we define as part of the process referred to in our
definition of capability.
3.3 Subjective Systems of Affordances
There are three affordance pairs within the capability
that depend on the interaction of a passive with a
driving active resource. Aph
refers to affordance
between the plunger and the anaesthetist’s hand. By
definition of the syringe structure the plunger must
be depressed to work according to its design
parameters. The needle in contact with the patient’s
skin provides another affordance pair Ans
. One half
of the affordance pair comprising the anaesthetist
and patient can both act dynamically, deontically
and independently, unlike the passive syringe which
requires interaction with both these active resources,
one of which – the anaesthetist, is driving the
overall capability transformation. Another
affordance may be the anaesthetists second hand
resting on the patient to steady the needle – this is a
subjective agent affordance, but is not illustrated for
clarity. The third affordance pair Afp
is the
interaction between the anaesthetic fluid f and the
The Capability-affordance Model - A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
patient’s body physiology p. Here the driving
resource is the anaesthetic which has a sleep
inducing transformation mechanism, if of the right
fluid composition and if the delivery or action path –
i.e. into a vein is efficacious.
Based on the above discussion we can rewrite our
original capability model:
Capability = f (resource interaction, process of
interaction) i.e. any capability depends on a
transformation based on the affordance mechanism
and an affordance path, both of which are functions
of the set of resources {R
} needed to deliver the
capability: Capability = f (Affordance mechanism
), Affordance path AP(R
4.1 Affordance Mechanisms
The affordance mechanism should describe the
potential transformation mechanism at the interface
between the two object resource systems R
and R
and its properties that enable the transformation.
Mathematically the affordance mechanism is a
transfer function that describes the transformation in
terms of input resource properties and output
resource properties that defines the transfer between
input and output qualities. Affordances are
actualised by an affordance mechanism AM that
represents the transformation. Our affordance
mechanism transfer function relates to what Turvey
calls Function j in his crystal refraction (Turvey,
1992). He shows a light ray Z capable of refraction
(q) interacts with a crystal X capable of refracting
the ray (p) to give transformation of light ray to a
refracted or bent ray and a new position as a result of
a Function j – which we call the affordance
mechanism which can be represented as a
mathematical function or refraction equation.
However, this transformation is subject to critical
affordance factors f
being within the correct
window to enable the affordance to actualise or
manifest itself. Refraction is dependent on the
affordance path i.e. if light ray strikes crystal to
obliquely it will be reflected – dependent on the
critical affordance factor – the angle of the light with
respect to the normal to the crystal surface.
Kornhauser’s example (Turvey, 1992) of the
affordance actualisation of bird flying into a branch
depends on the affordance mechanism for
‘fracturing’. This is the law of conservation of
momentum that transfers the bird’s momentum to
the branch and results in an impact reaction -
impacts its organs. However the actualisation also
depends on the affordance path where exactly the
bird hits the branch, how far it travels and what
absorbs the momentum.
4.1.1 The Critical Affordance Factor
The bird’s velocity (assuming a straight unimpeded
flight) has a safety envelope that determines unsafe
momentum transfer. This should include a lower
level of speed to ensure the bird does not miss the
branch. The speed is the critical affordance factor in
the affordance mechanism that will determine the
safe actualisation of the affordance. In Warren’s
stair climbing the riser height is a critical affordance
factor (Warren, 1984).
4.2 Affordance Paths (AP)
The affordance path should describe how the
resource systems must be acted upon to be brought
together to enable the interface transformation
mechanism specified by the affordance to occur. It is
the path followed by actions to enable affordances.
An affordance path AP is the set of possible
actions that could be taken to enable the
affordance mechanisms to act and execute the
A capability affordance path is a process or
sequence of actions necessary to realise the
capability. It refers not just to a set of closed actions
(like the affordance chain), but a process of
connected sequential actions that typically occur in a
business i.e. linked ordered but discrete actions as
part of a business activity. This will comprise
physical or substantive actions e.g. the act of
injecting an anaesthetic as well as non substantive
i.e. semiological actions (Stamper et al, 2000) e.g.
verbal communication or inspection actions by the
anaesthetist as a control on the action of injecting
and assurance of the resulting value/goal
achievement. We can say:
AP is set of actions within an ordered sequence;
AP contains actions represented affordance
AP contains semiological actions.
Affordance path = substantive affordance
chains + semiological affordance actions
The Affordance path also results in a change of
the variables AP = f U a ´a’
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
This relates to Luck and d’Inverno’s total plan.
I.e. Affordance Path AP =Total plan = seq Action
Note affordance paths P relate to Brown et al’s
(Brown and Blessing, 2005) ‘operations’ to preserve
the link to capability. The anaesthetist has an almost
infinite range of possible affordance paths. Consider
the ways in which the substantive action of injection
can be accomplished ie he can hold the syringe with
one hand on the barrel and simultaneously resting on
the patient to steady it and the other on the plunger.
We can simply prod the patient with the syringe etc.
The syringe has 1 degree of mechanical freedom –
the plunger slides along the axis to afford the
delivery of the fluid/anaesthetic. The passive
structural affordances (A
, A
) at once constrain
the motion and also effect the delivery of the
capability value i.e. injecting the anaesthetic into the
patient. The quality of the action path chosen will
impact the efficacy of the affordance mechanism and
determine how well the capability transformation is
achieved. That is C = f (AM,AP) where AP is the
set of substantive and semiological actions as shown
in Figure 3.
Critical affordance factor
Figure 3: Affordance Mechanism and Path.
5.1 Drug Injection Capability
Based on structured interviews conducted at a health
trust hospital (see acknowledgements) the following
analysis was developed. The Capability C
injecting an anaesthetic drug into a patient via a
process/action P
results in the value v of ‘patient
anaesthetised and can be safely operated on’.
Capability = f (resource affordance, process/actions
of executing the affordance) = f (adding business
value). But this capability results from four
interacting systems, the anaesthetist, the anaesthetic
fluid, the syringe and the patient. The syringe as a
designed object resource can be further decomposed
into its active components. The syringe is a set of
interacting passive objective affordances where the
laws of physics hold the assembled component
affordances together in a state of equilibrium (ie
objective affordance as we have seen). At a more
macro or capability model level of what we can
perceive, we can say; Capability of anaesthetising a
patient = f {resource} = f (A-anaesthetist, S-syringe,
F-anaesthetic, P-patient). The capability is
dependent on a tuple or affordance chain by which
the anaesthetist acts on the syringe which in turn acts
on the fluid which in turn acts on the patient through
a number of transformation mechanisms. It also
relates to further affordance paths related to the
semiological affordances involved in inspecting the
patient and controlling the syringe action. The
syringe affordance chain can be decomposed into its
mechanisms and actions as seen in Figure 4.
5.2 Affordance Path & Mode of Action
The syringe tool has a designed way of being used –
ie a set of preferred potential affordance paths. The
syringe is a passive, but designed resource or a
device Ds and must be guided by the surgeon in a
specific designed way, at a certain angle to achieve
results to meet the desired goal. This relates to
refers to Chandrasekaran and Josephson’s the mode
M(Ds,E) (Chandrasekaran and Josephson, 2000) of
deployment of the syringe device. The mode may
come from tacit best practice knowledge or
following procedures or documents defining usage
procedures. For example, the mode of holding the
syringe and injecting, the mode of the anaesthetic
etc. Hence the mode refers to an optimum
affordance path for the affordance chain ACs of the
syringe: Mode M (Ds, E)= optimum f(affordance
paths P
OR actions mentioned earlier). But the
optimum mode is achieved by the Anaesthetist’s
sensor affordances (sight/touch etc) and his tacit
knowledge/conceptual model of the environment.
The mode defines certain action behaviours to
ensure the affordance mechanism is optimised eg:
ensure syringe is in the correct location to meet a
vein, it doesn’t slip (negative affordance) and it
reaches the correct depth to interact with the vein.
5.3 The Affordance Diagram - AMN
As affordances are pervasive we propose a simple
affordance modelling notation AMN to provide
The Capability-affordance Model - A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
AffordanceDescription AffordanceMechanism(AM) AffordancePath(AP) Variableschanged Criticalaffordance
dynamic Ahp
plunger affords pushing and grasping apply force Fhp on plunger acting along axis
of plunger
move plunger to end of
travel (eg1 cm)
plunger location relative
to body
Fhp, f1 <Fhp<f2
sufficient to
smoothly move
plunger& overcome
dynamic Apb
Affords sliding and force transmission frictional sliding force of plunger seal on
syringe body
slider slides 1cm bottom of body axially to
end of travel
plunger travel to
limit of body l
dynamic Afb
Affords containment and force
fluid force containment and expansion
towards needle tube
fluid moves down body fluid moves from body to
bursting pressure of
plunger and tube
static Afn
Affords fluid path transmission fluid force expansion towards needle
fluid moves down
needle tube
pressure on fluid bursting pressure of
needle tube
static Ans
affords skin penetration pressure = force/area at the tip, where
force Fns achieves steady penetration
needle penetrates skin
to a depth d
skin penetrated force magnitude Fns,
f1 <Fns<f2
dynamic Afp
Affords anaesthesia (anaesthetic body
induced sleep via chemical interaction
between anaesthetic and nerve/brain
anaesthetic induced
conscious => unconsci ous anaesthetic reaction
kinetic factor tba
Figure 4: Anaesthetic Affordance Table.
Affordance Diagram for drug injection
Ana esthetist
Ana esthetist
Anaes thetist
Semiosis Action: identify
Vein and target site
Substantive Action:
inject anaesthetic
Semiosis Action:
Control inspection
Mode specifies the metrics and states
of the action
Acti ve
Substantive Affordance system
Ie subs tantive force/a ction
Semiological Affordance system
Solid resource
(no subsystems)
Eg a rock
(with subsystems)
Eg s yri nge
Ana esthetist
Substantive Action:
Swab site
Affordanc e path
Goal G : vein identified
Goal G : anaesthetic injected
Goal G : check anaesthetic
Inje cted c orrectl y
Goal G : patient wound
Figure 5: Anaesthetic Affordance Diagram.
succinct visibility of the affordance and system
interactions. We use ellipses for active resources
and differentiate between driving agent resources as
a solid colour. Passive resources are represented as
boxes with designed passive resources made from
components identified by a shaded box. We also
distinguish between action affordances modelled
using the solid dumb-bell notation and intangible
semiosis driven affordances involving perception
e.g. anaesthetist identification of vein and control
actions via a dotted line as on Figure 5.
5.4 Mode Representation
The mode specifies the ideal and optimised metrics
and states of the action involving a designed object
resource, e.g. the syringe as represented by
procedures for using the syringe. Similar procedures
are expected to exist for the identification of the vein
and control inspection of the injection process,
although these may be in the form of tacit
knowledge and experience. The sequence of actions
and the mode actually used vs the optimised mode in
the procedures may vary greatly (and does in
practice between anaesthetists). This corresponds to
the anaesthetist using the syringe in a different way
and perhaps using different resource affordances,
which may not deliver the desired transformation
goal of anaesthetised patient and the value they
require to perform the medical intervention.
This section explores how we can measure the
performance of the transformation and the execution
of the capability. The perceived benefit from the
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
executed affordance and the value added by the
executed capability, depend on the way the
affordance is executed by the driving agent, i.e. in
the process or action of the agent in following the
prescribed mode. In each case different parts of the
syringe and potentially different designed and non-
designed syringe properties may take part in the
action, even though the overall capability (to inject
an anaesthetic) remains the same. In the interests of
medical safety there are appropriate mode guidelines
to follow that describe the optimum mode. However
the decision on how the substantive action of
injection is executed and the affordance path that
makes up the capability is deontic – an obligation.
The set of actions are subject to variation depending
on the behaviour of the anaesthetist. This leads to
variation in the efficiency and effectiveness of the
capability of the anaesthetist which we will review
6.1 Efficiency: Ey
An efficient action is an action (transformation) that
uses minimum energy compared with other actions
(Natarajan et al, 1996). E.g., if the drug is over
diluted it will be inefficient i.e. drug property has
insufficient strength to cause anaesthesia. We define
efficiency as the ratio of energy usefully employed
vs the total energy employed in an action (or
sequence of actions). Affordances which utilise the
designed mode M of the device, or that of a
specified action or behaviour would be expected to
be optimally efficient. In terms of affordances:
Negative affordances (e.g. errors) are ineffective i.e.
unplanned/unwanted . We can attribute a number (0-
1) as a measure of affordance efficiency to represent
how close to the design mode of the device or
procedure the affordance is. Then the efficiency of
an affordance chain is simply the scalar product of
the affordance efficiencies of the affordance pairs of
the parts of the chain. For the syringe example the
overall efficiency for any affordance chain 1-n is Ey
of Af (1-n) = E Af12* EAf23*EAf3n.
For the syringe example the efficiency of the
injection process depends on the efficiency of the
affordance chain between the anaesthetist and the
patient receiving the anaesthetic fluid. This involves
the respective affordance efficiency of the hand-
plunger, the plunger-body, the fluid-body, the fluid
needle, the needle-skin and the fluid- patient
affordance pairs. The overall efficiency of the chain
is the capability efficiency= efficiency of
affordance chain actions + semiological action
Eci = EAhp*EApb*EAfb*EAfn*EAns*EAfp.
6.2 Effectiveness: Es
We can say that actions that meet requirements e.g.
process goals are effective (Muchiri et al, 2010).
Actions that don’t meet process goals are ineffective.
For example, if the wrong drug is used the injection
is ineffective. As we have seen, actions depend on
the affordance mechanism and the quality of the
affordance interface that enables the mechanism to
be executed. We can say: a)
negative affordances are
ineffective (unplanned/unwanted); b) positive
affordances not required for the goal are ineffective.
Effectiveness therefore refers to the proportion of
positive affordances vs total number of affordances
experienced. We define Effectiveness Esb as:
Effectiveness = ratio of effective actions/ (effective
+ ineffective actions)
To calculate the effectiveness of an affordance
chain we need to: a)
identify effective affordances
Afe and b) identify ineffective affordances Afi.
The Effectiveness of an affordance chain is:
Capability effectiveness = sum(Afe)/(sum Afe =
6.3 Quality: Qas
The overall performance of any system s can be
defined as its qualify Qs. Quality relates to
performance to specifications. Optimal action
specifications relate to the mode of operation as we
have seen earlier. Quality also relates to performing
actions that meet the overall action or affordance
chain goals i.e. effectiveness
We therefore define quality of the affordance
system as as the scalar product of the efficiency and
effectiveness ratios ie Qas= Ey *Es. Hence the
quality of an affordance chain of i elements is the Qc
= Eyi*Esi.
6.4 Capability Quality, Efficiency,
We note that the above discussion shows the quality,
efficiency, effectiveness of an affordance chain.
Affordance chains relate to composite actions where
all the resource objects are interacting. However,
our original process level definition of capability
refers to a sequence of actions. For example the
capability of the process anaesthetise patient will
include the inject patient action (the composite
affordance chain), but also other actions eg
communication and message passing between agents
and waiting periods where affordances are not
active. In this case The capability refers to the
The Capability-affordance Model - A Method for Analysis and Modelling of Capabilities and Affordances
affordance path and hence the overall capability
quality, efficiency and effectiveness will relate to the
affordance chain efficiencies.
In this paper we have analysed the original resource
capability model in terms of affordance theory of
Gibson et al based on a realist approach and the use
of Z notation. We have shown that capability can be
modelled as a tuple of a set of resource affordance
mechanism and actions that are dependent on one or
more critical affordance factors and how these relate
to the work of Turvey and others. The paper has
identified and developed the concept of objective
and subjective affordances and showed how these
relate to the capability resource model and existing
theories. We identified an affordance chain of
subjective affordances by which affordances work
together to enable an action and an affordance path
that links action affordances to create a capability.
We introduced the affordance modelling notation as
a visual method of representing the affordances in a
system of interacting resources. A medical case
study was used to show how capabilities can be
identified and modelled using the theory of
affordances. We also proposed a model of
affordance efficiency, effectiveness and quality that
enables the performance of a capability and its
constituent affordances to be measured and
7.1 Further Work
Further work is now needed to identify the
practicality of the approach and to test the method in
detail with larger capability sets and including more
semiological affordances. Also to provide a
complete worked example of affordance mechanism
and path and a measure of capability from the
system of affordances that constitute it.
The author would like to acknowledge the support of
the Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust Simulation
Centre for his Honorary Senior Lectureship in
Health Informatics. Also to acknowledge his
colleague Dr Debbie Rosenorn-Lanng Director of
the Simulation Centre for the opportunity to witness
and analyse medical procedures.
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