We conducted a detailed comparison of two
emerging approaches and tools for modelling
business rules. The first one is called Aspect
Oriented Modelling (AOM) and comes with a tool
named ModelScope. The other approach and tool is
called Ampersand. By comparing these two, we
aimed to learn and understand about the impact and
consequences brought about by the choice of model-
ling approach underlying each method.
6.1 Conflicting Approaches
The two approaches were selected for focusing on
one particular category of rules. The AOM approach
is strong in transformation rules, and Ampersand is
strong in integrity (invariant) rules.
Our comparison efforts show the negative
consequences of this: AOM is weak in dealing with
invariant rules, especially compound ones. And
Ampersand provides poor support for state transition
rules. Moreover, our translate-and-redevelop exerci-
ses disclose semantic issues about each method that
were not previously noticed. The two approaches are
conflicting in important aspects:
− in the modelling paradigm, relational or object-
oriented, causing engineers to produce funda-
mentally different models,
− in the instance- or set-oriented perspective to be
taken for rules, and
− in how a violation is dealt with.
The implication is that prior to conducting an
actual analysis of business rules, a business engineer
must decide which approach is most suited to the
case at hand. If the case at hand is primarily concer-
ned with the proper processing of events, and
synchronization of dynamic state transitions for
multiple objects, then the AOM-approach is at an
advantage. A point of concern then is the size of the
model, and the number of state transitions to be
accounted for. If the focus is more on the static
states of large data collections, and compliance to
invariant rules, then the Ampersand approach seems
to be more appropriate.
In our view, the two approaches provide as yet
inadequate support for requirements engineering.
This may be no surprise as both approaches, and
their support tools, are still under development. The
current state of affairs is that both approaches have
serious drawbacks, and one approach is not superior
to the other. At present, neither supports all needs of
developers engaged in business rules engineering.
6.2 Limitations of the Comparison
In our comparison, we looked at only two small
examples of business context. A thorough evaluation
of the approaches would require a comparison of
quality, flexibility, maintainability and other features
of the delivered systems designs. But as the approa-
ches and their ways of working are just emerging
from the laboratory phase, no realistic operational
models and implementations were available to be
scrutinized and compared in our comparison.
Moreover, we selected the approaches for being
based on just a single modelling paradigm. We
found little support in either approach for the other
categories of business rules: workflow (reaction and
production rules), and derivation rules. From this, it
may be speculated that other approaches that target a
single modelling paradigm and a single category of
business rules, will also fall short in providing
adequate support for rule engineers in operational
business environments.
6.3 Direction for Development
We stipulate that approaches may well be combined
to augment one another. This is because system
engineering efforts generally involve aspects of
large-scale structural requirement analysis as well as
fine-grained behavioural analysis.
Ampersand enables to express invariant rules
that are attractively simple, yet have a wide impact,
as a single rule can encompass multiple relations
each with extensive populations. These features are
needed in early stages of requirements engineering,
when overall structure and consistency is the issue,
not detail.
The AOM approach is strong in the modelling of
events and synchronization of multiple behaviours,
important features in later stages of engineering,
when precise details are at stake.
An engineering approach and companion tool
combining the expressive power of invariant rules of
Ampersand with the detailed capabilities of control-
ling state transitions of AOM, would significantly
contribute to the field of business rules engineering.
It would permit to capture the invariant rules having
a large scope in the early stages of engineering,
whereas fine-grained rules for state transitions and
workflow rules could be added later on. We expect
that it is possible to reduce the size of the overall
models and to keep the number of state transitions
moderate. Combining the capabilities would reduce
the drawbacks of either approach, and provide a
more complete coverage of the engineering needs,
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design