The analysis model for extraction of associations
between items from business transactions stored in a
database presented in the paper introduces an
innovative approach for capturing and using domain
knowledge. It is intended to filling the gap between
definition of the analysis task and the interpretation
of obtained results and the examined business
domain. Ontologies have been recognized and
widely adopted as model for capturing this
background knowledge. The proposed framework
for designing semantic analysis association rules
model implements two types of ontologies that
provide background knowledge for the data source
structure and the domain of discourse. The ontology
content is made use of by means of reasoning
process based on description logic. The reasoning on
the data source ontology provides for the support
and optimization of mining task definition. Key
dependent and hierarchy related query parameters
are identified by the reasoning process and discarded
for the sake of generating non-redundant set of rules.
Domain ontology reasoning is implemented for
tuning rule interestingness. Interesting rules are
considered those involving items from different
domains. Reasoning process procedures have been
presented. The proposed methodology has been
evaluated on sample transaction database with
reasoning on instantiated structure and domain
Future work is intended in refining the reasoning
process in order to be applied further on to mining
associations between terms extracted from text
document corpus with available ontology referring
to e-Governance services. Application of the
designed framework in automatic generation of
ontologies will be researched as well.
The paper presents results of the project “Research
and Education Centre for e-Governance” funded by
the Ministry of Education in Bulgaria.
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Semantic Business Analysis Model - Considering Association Rules Mining