conceived, making it difficult to analyze them ex-post
(e.g., in terms of quality, costs, resource consump-
tion or throughput time). Consequently, in order to
optimize and control such business processes, we ar-
gue that they should be purposefully engineered with
the aim of controlling the entropy. Second, we pro-
posed some initial principles for entropy control in
business process systems (in analogy with previously
defined principles at the software level). Third, our
reflections demonstrated some of the implications of
this entropy based reasoning for both theoretical and
practical purposes, such as the design and usage of
Service-Oriented Architectures. Obviously, the pro-
posed principles might be further confined later on
and business process instantiations of concerns from
the entropy viewpoint (i.e., uncertainty drivers) could
constitute an interesting path for future research, as
would be the construction of organizational elements
or patterns incorporating these issues.
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