bottom-up approaches start from a detailed analysis of
the data sources (Golfarelli et al., 1998) (Moody et al.,
2000). Analytical needs are expressed directly by the
designer who must select relevant blocks of data to
decision making and determine their structuring
according to the multidimensional model (Golfarelli
et al., 1998) (Moody et al., 2000) (Cabibbo et al.,
1998) (Prat et al, 2006).
Therefore, these approaches assume that decision
makers have a good knowledge about the models of
operational data, and a perfect understanding of the
structures of the data source. Thus, they marginalize
the analysis phase of the OLAP requirements in a
decision system design. Therefore, the DW may not
satisfy all its future users, and may, therefore,
probably fail (Giorgini et al., 2008). In addition, all
these approaches produce multidimensional schemas
regardless of the needs of the decision makers. Thus,
the produced schemas are far from covering the goals
of the organization.
Unlike bottom-up approaches, top-down ones
start by determining information needs of the DW
users. These approaches collect and specify the user
requirements using different formalisms: goal based
models, UML use cases, query languages or decision
oriented models. The problem of matching user
requirements with the available data sources is treated
only a posteriori.
Most goal based approaches are essentially
founded on the conceptual framework i* (Giorgini et
al., 2008) (Zepeda et al., 2008) (Franch et al., 2011).
Requirements’ specification is carried out manually
from diagrams modeling the enterprise and its goals.
Thus, these approaches may overlook some
requirements as they may specify needs not covered
by the sources. Moreover, they do not directly involve
the decision maker. Besides, i* is not a standard and
does not provide all the concepts necessary for
modeling purposes. So, it requires specific training
and tools that support it in order to be used.
The use case (UC) based approaches adopt the
UCs of UML to represent the analytic needs (Luján-
Mora 2006) (Shiefer et al., 2002). Thus, because of
the absence of a precise oriented decision syntax for
enouncing UC actions, it becomes very difficult, to
identify potential decision elements from the
specification. Moreover, the fact that the UML does
not model the organization goals, using UC cannot
guarantee the coverage of all enterprise goals.
The query based approaches are the most used in
literature (Romero et al., 2006) (Bargui et al., 2008),
because queries expressed in natural language or
pseudo language are easy to understand by decision
makers. However, the non-exploitation of the source
information impedes obtaining, from the beginning,
an optimal set of analytic needs.
In the decision based approaches, needs are
specified using decision concepts expressed in a given
formalism (Kimball 2002) (Golfarelli et al., 1998).
Although the models used by these approaches are
characterized by their decision orientation, they
remain difficult to understand by decision makers
who lack design expertise. Moreover, the fact that
there is no well-defined framework for defining goals,
the specified needs do not guarantee the achievement
of these goals.
The overview presented above on top-down
approaches reveals two important criticisms. First,
none of the presented methods propose joint modeling
of the DW and the IS. This may impede the alignment
of the DW to the IS which in turn may produce
unloadable schemas. In addition, it does not guarentee
the completeness of the analytic needs. Second,
specifying needs without linking them to their goals
may not lead to the achievement of the expected
To remedy these problems, we propose an
analysis method called ARGeM (Analytic
Requirements Generation Method) for automatic
generation of analytic requirements that meet the
strategic goals of the enterprise and produce loadable
DW schemas. Our method begins with modeling the
goals of the enterprise and uses the UML IS modeling
artifacts to generate automatically a complete set of
candidate analytic needs. The aligned modeling of the
DW and the IS facilitates the co-evolution of both
systems. Another advantage of our method is that it
involves directly the decision makers in the
specification of their needs by validating the
generated requirements.
ARGeM consists of three steps (cf. Figure1): i) GRL
model construction, ii) analytic element identification
and iii) analytic requirements generation. In the
following sub-sections, we detail these steps.
3.1 Construction of the GRL Model
Since achieving the qualitative goals of an enterprise
is the main purpose behind modeling a DW, it is
obvious to begin with determining these goals and
taking them as a start point for deriving any analytic
A Goal-based Method for Automatic Generation of Analytic Needs