understanding the (used and/or desired) (IT) services
and discussing them of full value with both
developers and users but also for establishing
appropriate traceability that would allow updating
the underlying technology accordingly based on
desired updates in the service support. That is why
business models and service applications need to be
considered together (Shishkov, 2011). Hence, in
addressing service applications for traffic
management, we would emphasize on the crucial
role of business process analysis and technology-
independent modeling. Further, service applications
relate to corresponding ICT-based service platforms
that provide relevant support – in the case of traffic
management, it would be for example: localized
monitoring and management of traffic and
environmental information collected from various
information sources such as sensors, surveillance
cameras, and weather stations. Such information
should be made available through the services in
order to increase reusability, loose coupling and
management of different information and their
analysis. With regard to this, two significant
challenges relate to service discovery and
This paper, reporting research in progress,
emphasizes not only on service applications
(particularly for traffic) and relations to business
modeling, but also on the challenges mentioned
above. In this way, we present some visions on how
to better benefit from business models and IT
services, for usefully improving traffic management,
partially exemplifying this.
The remaining of this paper is as follows:
Section 2 discusses IT services and also their
relation to business modeling. Section 3 discusses
the challenges as mentioned already. Section 4
outlines some envisioned solution directions.
Section 5 provides partial exemplification. Finally,
Section 6 contains the Conclusions.
In this section, we consider IT services in general
(broader) and web services, in particular (these are
those IT services which are delivered particularly
through Internet). Let’s nevertheless start from the
service concept: from an abstract point of view, a
service represents a piece of well-defined
functionality that is available at some network
endpoint and is accessible via various transport
protocols and specialization formats. The
functionalities provided by services cover a vast
spectrum reaching from low level features like
offering storage capabilities, over simple application
functions like changing a customer address, to
complex business processes like hiring a new
employee (Alonso, 2004).
The ability to create new ICT applications from
existing services, independently on who provides
these services, where they are provided, and how
they are implemented, would mean usefully utilizing
the service perspective in application development
(Van Sinderen, 2012). Such kind of application
development is innovative not only because the
application is not constructed from the scratch
(actually, this is true also for component-based
application development) but also because the
development itself is fully centered around the
desired end functionality to be consumed by users
(this leads to service compositions and hence
developers would no longer possess full control over
all software components that play roles in delivering
the application functionality). Hence, the application
development task (as considered in general) might
split into: (i) development of small software modules
delivering generic adjustable services to whoever
might be interested in using them, and (ii)
composition of complex functionalities, by using
available generic services. This all inspires new
middleware developments also (Shishkov, 2011).
Furthermore, in order to be of actual use, such
services would demand enabling technology
standards and some recent views of Papazoglou
(2008) appear to be actual in this respect.
Transportation protocols are to be mentioned firstly
because logically, web services’ relying on a
transportation protocol is crucial. Although not tied
to any specific transportation protocol, web services
build on ubiquitous Internet connectivity and
infrastructure to ensure nearly universal reach and
support. Hence, their mostly relying on HTTP (the
connection protocol that is used by web services and
browsers) and XML (a widely accepted format for
all exchanging data and its corresponding semantics)
looks logical. Having this as foundation, we have to
briefly discuss three core web service standards,
namely SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI: (i) SOAP
(Simple Object Access Protocol) is a simple XML-
based messaging protocol on which web services
rely in exchanging among themselves information.
SOAP implements a request/response model for
communication between interacting web services.
(ii) WSDL (Web Service Description Language) is a
language that specifies the inter-face of a web
service, providing to the requestors a description of
the service in this way. (iii) UDDI (Universal
Second International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design