Modeling Internet-based Goal-oriented Enterprise Interoperability
Marten van Sinderen
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Abstract: The ability of an enterprise to collaborate with other enterprises is increasingly important to stay
competitive and be successful in business. Enterprises must be able to effectively and sufficiently interact
with suppliers and customers, and possibly combine and coordinate efforts to satisfy the needs of a single
customer. This requires that different enterprises have to devise their processes and agree on a shared
universe of discourse, such that their respective collaboration goals can be fulfilled. Furthermore, it requires
interoperability between enterprises, i.e. the ability of enterprises to exchange information and to use the
information that has been exchanged in accordance to the collaboration goals. The enterprises’ processes
drive the information exchange and use the information through interpretation under the shared universe of
discourse. If the collaboration is to be supported by Information and Internet Technology, underlying
automated systems send and receive messages containing user data to represent the information. Much work
has been done to ensure interoperability of technical systems. Communication protocols and data formats
have been standardized to achieve syntactic interoperability (exchange of data), and ontology definitions
and ontology languages have been developed to facilitate semantic interoperability (interpretation of data).
In order to achieve enterprise interoperability, business requirements and technology solutions have to be
aligned. In this talk we will explore the modeling of business requirements with respect to enterprise
interoperability in relation to Internet-based technology solutions. We will briefly discuss the challenges
emerging from evolving enterprises as a result of, for example, changing goals, partners or technology.
Marten van Sinderen holds a MSc in Electrical
Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both
from the University of Twente (UT). He is currently
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of
the UT, and coordinator of the research area on
Service Architectures and Health Applications at
UT's Centre for Telematics and Information
Technology (CTIT). His research focuses on design
methods and technologies for distributed
information systems. His research interests include
service-oriented architectures, model-driven design,
enterprise interoperability, and business-IT
alignment. Marten van Sinderen is active in both
national and international communities on his field
of interest. He was project manager of the Dutch
Freeband/A-MUSE project (BSIK 03025) on model-
driven design of context-aware services. He
currently leads the Dutch GenCom/U-Care project
(IGC0816) on tailorable and adaptive homecare
services. He is chairman of the steering committee
of the International IEEE Enterprise Computing
Conference (EDOC), and program co-chair of the
International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B). He
is also a member of the managerial board of IFIP
WG5.8 on Enterprise Interoperability, and a member
of the editorial boards of the Enterprise Information
Systems journal published by Taylor & Francis and
the Service oriented Computing and Applications
journal published by Springer.