In the setting of the rehabilitation centre,
intensive training of arm and hand is supervised by
highly skilled professionals. However, the time that
can be spent on training in such intramural settings
is limited. Due to the high costs of clinical neuro-
rehabilitation, post-stroke treatments are limited to
only a few weeks with limited treatment resources
after the stroke event in many countries. Hence, any
system aimed at prolonging neuro-rehabilitation out
of the clinics, i.e. at patients’ homes and with low-
cost treatments, addresses a major issue in the
current health management systems.
While there is growing evidence that
rehabilitation technologies are beneficial to the
patients’ recovery of functional and motor outcome
(i.e., Prange, 2006; Kwakkel, 2008; Mehrholz,
2008), the uptake of these technologies has been
slow. This is thought to be caused by the lack of
stronger clinical evidence for usefulness, adherence
of carers/clinicians, lack of platforms designed along
clinically useful practice, limitations on post-
discharge practice frequency based on service or
motivation limits, absence of platform flexibility,
cost and weakness in addressing interoperability
issues among healthcare systems in the EU.
The SCRIPT (Supervised Care & Rehabilitation
Involving Personal Tele-robotics) project aims to
address several of these important issues: using
robotic technologies at home as it would enable self-
administration of more intense and more frequent
exercise, by enabling hand and wrist exercise that
have great potential for contribution to personal
independence. This is the concept of
telerehabilitation considered by many as the future
(Hermens, 2008).
However, telerehabilitation is still in its infancy.
In a recent review (Johansson, 2010), only very
limited amount of ICT-supported treatments were
available. Of the nine studies included in the review,
four studies focused on a teleconsultation service for
stroke patients. With respect to technology-
supported telerehabilitation, only three studies were
found: two utilizing the same virtual reality-based
system that provided motor tasks to the patients and
only one study, originating from the European HCad
and HelloDoc projects, utilising a sensitized exercise
table with synchronous video teleconsultation to
enable supervised arm/hand exercising at home. One
of the aspects reflecting the present immaturity of
telerehabilitation concerns the unavailability of a
decision support system. In order to make large scale
clinical application possible and to make such
systems cost-effective, it is required that a decision
support system is in place that supports clinical
decision making by doing a smart analysis of the
physiological and biomechanical data in its proper
The aim of the present paper is to present the
functional architecture and future clinical directions
of the SCRIPT tele-robotics platform, which is
targeted at improving arm function after stroke by
enabling home-based, robot-supported arm and hand
training. Since designing such an interactive system
often doesn’t meet the criteria needed for a usable
system, user-centred design methods are applied
from the start of the development of the interactive
system (Abras, 2004). By applying four steps:
identifying needs and user requirements, developing
alternative designs, building interactive versions,
evaluating the different options (Sharp, 2006), the
end user is allowed to shape the design of the
SCRIPT tele-robotics system.
The SCRIPT project will create a system,
progressing beyond the present state of art, in a
number of aspects. The goal of developing a home
usable device for chronic stroke patient poses many
challenges. At its heart, safety during robotic
interaction is an elemental consideration. Passive-
actuation is chosen due to its superior and inherent
safety and importantly, its implications on reducing
cost. In addition, there is evidence that passive-
actuation can be as beneficial as active actuation
(Amirabdollahian, 2007). Therapeutic scenarios
detailed in user-driven design framework are to be
implemented in the prototype devices as meaningful
human-robot interaction. The idea is to identify and
tune, based on person’s capabilities, the percent
contribution required by the robot during human-
robot interaction. Figure 1 shows the functional
blocks of the complete system.
The project considers two different user
interfaces for the interaction with the system: one for
the patient and one for the clinician. The user
interface for patients provides motivational and
engaging content with an easy to use front end
(which supports multiple languages for interaction).
Patients’ therapy is facilitated using a series of
therapeutic games. In addition the system will allow
on-line support, assessment of instructional videos
and user friendly and motivating monitoring
functions of the progress made.
SCRIPT: Tele-robotics at Home - Functional Architecture and Clinical Application