Facial Affect Recognition for Cognitive-behavioural Therapy
Maher Ben Moussa
, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
, Dimitri Konstantas
Institute of Services Science, University of Geneva, Route de Drize 7, Carouge, Switzerland
Juan J. Santamaría
, Fernando Fernández–Aranda
, Susana Jiménez-Murcia
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Bellvitge-IDIBELL, and Ciber Fisisologia Obesidad y Nutricion
(CIBEROBN), Instituto Salud Carlos III, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Cognitive-behavioural Therapy, Facial Affect Recognition, Affective Computing, Health.
Abstract: In this paper we present facial affect recognition specifically designed and developed for clinical use in
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. We describe our hybrid approach for facial affect recognition that
combines geometric and appearance based features of the face. For geometric features we have developed a
robust Active Shape Model based facial point tracking system for real-time use in clinical environments.
Gabor wavelets are employed to extract the appearance-based features from appearance changes of the face
skin. Further, we present an evaluation of our approach and we describe the systems integration with serious
games that are being used for mental disorder therapy.
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the
evidence-based treatment of choice of several
mental disorders and addictive behaviours
(Fernandez-Aranda et al, 2008) (Jimenez-Murcia et
al, 2007). However, there is a lack of effective
strategies and adequate psychotherapy tools to
remediate some shared dysfunctional emotional
regulatory processes and disinhibited personality
traits in impulse related disorders (Alvarez-Moya et
al, 2009) (Fernandez-Aranda et al, 2006). This had
led us to consider new approaches based on serious
games for patient treatment. In the scope of the EU
initiative Playmancer a videogame prototype (Fig 1)
for treating specific mental disorders (namely eating
disorders and impulse control disorders) has been
developed by the company Serious Games
Interactive. It is being applied at the Department of
Psychiatry (University Hospital of Bellvitge,
Barcelona, Spain) for mental disorders (mainly
eating disorders and behavioural addictions) and
introduces the player to an interactive scenario
(named Islands), where the final goal is to increase
emotional self-control skills in patients and control
over their general impulsive behaviours.
Figure 1: Playmancer video game.
Next to the keyboard and mouse, which are the
regular game control components, the videogame is
being influenced by physiological signals and affect
recognition components. The physiological signals
are measured by a stationary measurement system
from MobiHealth B.V that measures and processes
the signals: galvanic skin, oxygen saturation, heart
rate and heart rate variation, temperature, breathing
frequency signal processing. The patient’s affect can
be measured by the facial, the speech-based or the
physiological affect recognition component. These
three components can also be combined to provide a
single fused output to the therapeutic video game.
From these three components, this paper covers
Magnenat-Thalmann N., Santamaría J., Moussa M., Konstantas D., Fernández–Aranda F. and Jiménez-Murcia S. (2012).
Facial Affect Recognition for Cognitive-behavioural Therapy.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on e-Health Services and Technologies and the Third International Conference on Green IT
Solutions, pages 64-68
DOI: 10.5220/0004474200640068
mainly the facial affect recognition component and
its integration into the Playmancer system. In the
next section, we will begin with an explanation of
the related concepts and previous work that has been
undertaken in the area of facial affect recognition. In
Section 3 we present our implementation. In section
4, we evaluate our system. Section 5 describes the
clinical application of the system. Finally, we
include our paper and discuss the limitations and
future work in section 6.
Facial affect recognition usually involves several
steps. Firstly, the faces are detected and extracted
from static images or video input, followed by the
extraction of the features from these faces. The
resulting facial features are analysed and used to
classify the affective state of a person. For facial
extraction there are several notable approaches.
However, (Viola and Jones, 2004) is the most
commonly used facial detection system. For facial
feature extraction we can distinguish between two
types of facial features: geometric features and
appearance-based features. Geometric features
represent the shape of the facial components (such
as mouth, nose, eyes, etc) and the locations of these
facial points (corners of mouth, nose, eyes, etc)
(Cohen et al, 2003). Appearance-based features
represent the appearance changes of the face skin
(wrinkles, furrows, etc), such as in (Bartlett, 2003)
where Gabor-wavelets are employed to extract the
features. There are different approaches of geometric
feature extraction. Some approaches employ
variations of the optical flow algorithm (Tian et al
2005), some use observation models (Patras and
Pantic, 2005) and others employ Active Shape
Models (ASM) or Active Appearance Models
(AAM) (Cootes and Taylor, 2004)(Matthews and
Baker, 2004)(Stegmann, 2000). Different machine
learning techniques have been employed to classify
facial actions and human affect on static frames as
well on the temporal features of facial motion. This
includes Bayesian Networks (Cohen et al, 2003).
Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Ford, 2002),
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) (Bartlett, 2003) and
even rule-based classifiers (Cohn et al, 2004).
Recent research involving eating disorders patients
and pathological gamblers (Vanderlinden et al,
2004) (Ledgerwood, 2006) showed that anger is one
of the emotions most commonly described as
"triggering" factors of linked impulsive behaviour’s
(binging, going out to gamble, etc.), while
understanding and attaining a calm disposition is
often a clinical goal for emotion regulation.
For the Playmancer video game, it was assumed
that three basic emotions (one positive, one negative
and one neutral) should be sufficient for the target
population at this point (Fernandez-Aranda et al,
2012). The choice has been made to recognize the
emotions joy, anger and neutral. Based on this
assumption, a facial affect recognition system has
been developed that integrates geometric and
appearance-based facial feature extraction and
employs SVMs for classification of emotions.
3.1 Geometrical Feature Extraction
Given video input, our facial tracker detects and
tracks the facial points over time. We employ the
Active Shape Model (ASM) to extract the shape
information of the face in a video sequence. ASM,
which was introduced by (Cootes and Taylor, 2004),
is an algorithm that matches a set of shape points to
an image constrained by the statistical model of the
shape. A shape is represented as
) where n is the
number of points. The shape’s statistical model
allows linear shape variation. This means that a
shape s can be expressed as a base shape s
plus a
linear combination of N shape vectors s
where the coefcients =(
are the
shape parameters and s
are orthonormal
eigenvectors. Furthermore, on each shape Procrustes
alignment (Cootes and Taylor, 2004) is employed to
estimate the base shape s
. This algorithm removes
rigid body distortions such as translation, rotation
and scaling.
The detection and the tracking using ASM
involves several steps. In the initialisation stage, a
Viola & Jones based face detection (Viola and
Jones, 2004) and feature detection (eyes, nose and
mouth) (Castrillón et al, 2007) is performed on the
video frame. The ASM shape is aligned with respect
to the position of the detected facial features. After
the alignment, the shape is fitted iteratively to the
face, where for every model point the best match (by
taking gradients into consideration) within a small
image patch around the location of the
corresponding point is searched for with respect to
Facial Affect Recognition for Cognitive-behavioural Therapy
the shape parameter constraints. Our approach is
based on (Jia 2010) where instead of using one
gradient vector along one direction, two gradient
vectors along two orthogonal directions are used.
This means more flexibility of the shape. During the
tracking, in each new frame the shape of the
previous frame is used for the fitting. In each frame,
the eyes and the nose are also tracked using the
template matching technique to ensure the accuracy
of the shape fitting. In case of lower accuracy, the
ASM shape is automatically reinitialised.
Figure 2: Geometrical points detection and tracking.
To improve the results of the tracking in the
clinical experiment, we have compiled our own
database to train the ASM algorithm. Our database
consists of images we recorded in the clinical
experiment room with its usual lighting condition
(Kostoulas et al, 2010).
From the resulting ASM, 17 facial points are
extracted as shown in Figure 2. Using these facial
points, the feature vector of 9 elements is
composed as shown in Table 1. We have chosen to
use only 9 features because we have mainly selected
those features most visible and most relevant to the
chosen emotions according to Ekman’s FACS
definitions. Further all the features are relative to the
calibration frame where the face should be in a
neutral position.
Table 1: Feature vector.
– LeftEyesbrowCenter
– LeftEyesbrowInnerCorner
– RightEyesbrowCenter
– RightEyesbrowInnerCorner
– LeftEyeTop
– RightEyeTop
– MouthTop
– MouthTop
– MouthLeft
3.2 Appearance-based Feature
Although different appearance-based features can be
extracted, we have chosen to mainly use the brow
furrow because it is one of the most relevant features
when distinguishing between positive and negative
Figure 3: Gabor filter based feature extraction.
In our approach we combine 4 orientations (0, 2,
4, and 6) of Gabor wavelets that we employ on the
upper face image patch as shown in Figure 3. The
patch is subtracted by its own pixels mean and a
brow furrow patch is extracted from that image. The
L2 norm of the brow furrow patch then becomes
element v
of feature vector .
3.3 Training and Classification
Using features vector , support vector machines
(SVM) are trained to recognize emotions. Because
our recorded database (Kostoulas et al, 2010) does
not contain posed emotions, we have chosen to train
our system using the Cohn-Kanade database (Lucey
et al, 2010). Using the ASM-annotations that are
available for the Cohn-Kanade database, we have
trained our SVMs for affect recognition. This means
that our training data is not dependent on the
accuracy of the ASM tracker on a certain database
and therefore it should perform well on other
databases. Other emotions (sadness, fear, surprise)
have been tagged neural.
Furthermore, although there are different studies
where temporal data is being used for affect
classification, we have chosen to focus on frame-
based classification instead of temporal. Temporal
classification requires the detection of the different
stages of a facial expression (onset, apex and offset)
and would only work well on a database. In a real
life scenario facial tracking fails sometimes in case
of quick movements or head rotations. However, we
still consider the temporal aspect by relating the
accuracy of the detection of an emotion to its
occurrence in a window of time.
We have tested our system using the Cohn-Kanade
database. According the database manual, we have
identified 42 samples of anger, 65 samples of joy
and 38 samples of neutral.
Figure 4: ASM with Cohn-Kanade database.
Figure 4 shows the tracking results on Cohn-
Kanade database images and Table 2 shows the
tracking confusion matrix of our software on this
database. The table shows that neutral is well
detected. Anger and Joy are detected 73.81% /
78.46% of the times correctly. The results are
satisfying. However, it has to be said that we expect
to have higher accuracy in the clinical setup because
of the better calibration stage and because of the
same quality of videos (Cohn-Kanade database
consists of images with different qualities).
Furthermore, fusion with other affect recognition
modalities will also increase the accuracy.
Table 2: The confusion matrix for the affect recognition.
Anger Joy Neutral
Anger 73.81 11.9 14.28
Joy 4.62 78.46 16.92
Neutral 0 10.53 89.47
Controlled prospective longitudinal clinical studies
using the software have been going on for some time
(Fernandez-Aranda et al, 2012) (Jimenez-Murcia et
al, 2009). The Playmancer video game is being used
as an additional therapeutic tool (combined with
usual therapy), with consecutively admitted
outpatients. Up to now, over 30 impulsive spectrum
disorder patients (eating disorders and pathological
gamblers) have been recruited. Besides usability
scores of over 85% in patients, promising results are
being obtained in case-control studies. Upcoming
medical papers will explain these results in more
The procedure goes as follows: During the initial
session, the therapist explains the rationale behind
the study and the affect recognition to the patient
during 20 minutes. At the beginning of each session,
the affect recognition components are calibrated
Figure 5: Subject playing the therapeutic game.
with the patients. For the facial affect recognition
component a neutral, joy and anger expression is
recorded and used later on for recognition. By
knowing the patient specific maximum and
minimum value of the features (especially the
appearance-based feature), the affect recognition
rate can be improved significantly.
In this paper we have described our approach for
affect recognition intended for a Cognitive-
Behavioural Therapy. We developed an affect
recognition component that employs active shape
models to extract the geometric features. We have
chosen to add one appearance-based feature to
improve the recognition rate. Support Vector
Machines (SVM) have been employed for affect
recognition and have been trained and evaluated
with the Cohn-Kanade database. Further
experiments fusing different affect recognition
components are being conducted to improve the
results. Clinical experiments using the software are
being conducted the results of which will be part of
future publications.
The research has been funded by the European
research projects PlayMancer (FP7-ICT-215839-
2007), 3DLife NoE (IST-FP7 247688) and the Swiss
National Science Foundation project AerialCrowds
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