patients achieve their activity goals. It is based on
the principles that feedback should be tailored to in-
dividual users in terms of its timing, content and style
of presentation to the patient. The next evolution of
the system will be able to learn to predict the opti-
mum timing for providing feedback by analyzing pre-
viously given feedback messages and learning when
a patient is likely to respond well to a given message
by relating relevant context factors to patient compli-
ance (op den Akker et al., 2010). In related work by
Wieringa et al. (Wieringa et al., 2011) the Smart-
phone application also learns to adapt the feedback
message content to the patient. Feedback messages
are stored in a structured manner based on message
content and style. During operation, the system stores
the reaction of the patient to each feedback instance
in order to make informed decisions on which type of
messages are most likely to elicit a positive response
the next time feedback is needed. As for the mode and
style of presentation of feedback to the patient, this re-
mains a significant challenge in Human Computer In-
teraction research. Ongoing and planned research will
evaluate the effects of the smart feedback coach on
patient’s physical activity patterns and their percep-
tion of the system in terms of usability and treatment
compliance. Currently, trials are running in which
COPD patients will use the smart feedback coach for
a period of three months. In the meantime, large scale
evaluations of the remote monitoring and treatment
platform are running in which the platform is used in
a daily clinical care setting. These larger scale eval-
uations will show us how the system performs under
stress and will enable us to receive valuable feedback
on the latest version of the platform which can help
us to keep improving the system.
Based on the results of the research described in
this paper, we are confident that C3PO has the poten-
tial to contribute to delivering more cost effective and
qualitative healthcare. We believe our approach will
be part of the solution by providing more cost effec-
tive rehabilitation and secondary prevention since it
supports self management of patients; thereby shift-
ing the focus of control towards the patient. Using
C3PO the patient can determine where, when and how
intensively he follows his treatment regimen. It also
enables the health care professional to treat more pa-
tients at the same time, decreasing the per-patient cost
of highly trained personnel. Last but not least, auto-
matic data collection is facilitated by the use of this
technology and the data aggregated will result in large
corpora of clinical data which has the potential to sup-
port evidence based medicine. On the one hand it en-
ables an efficient comparison of efficacy of different
interventions, and on the other, data mining can gen-
erate new clinical knowledge of general relevance as
well as determining optimal treatments for a specific
The C3PO platform is a group effort from the Roess-
ingh Research and Development, Telemedicine Clus-
ter and the authors would like to thank all of our col-
leagues for their commitment to the platform devel-
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