Study of Virtualization Energy-efficiency in High-energy Physics
Jukka Kommeri
, Tapio Niemi
and Marko Niinimaki
Helsinki Institute of Physics, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Hepia, Univ. Appl. Sci. West Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland
High-energy physics, Virtualization, Energy-efficiency.
Modern multi-core servers are able to run growing amount of physics analysis tasks. As the count of CPU
cores keep growing, a need for sharing a single server among several analysis tasks becomes more difficult.
The need for varying analysis environments increase the complexity of an computing node software collec-
tion. In this paper we study how virtual machines should be deployed and loaded when running high-energy
physics analysis applications to achieve high throughput and minimal energy consumption. We build a test
environment using a realistic data analysis software and performed a large set of test runs. We used both 4
core single processor and two processor 12 core servers to evaluate bottlenecks of physics analysis software.
Our results indicate that both throughput and energy efficiency strongly depend on how many virtual machines
(VM) are run in a computing node and how many analysis applications are processed in parallel in a VM: It
is more efficient to have less VMs with more parallel applications than one application in each VM. Thus,
we suggest that jobs of the same user running in the same environment should be combined to the same VMs
instead of running each job in a different VM.
Scientific computing clusters at CERN have tradition-
ally allocated resources for one analysis job such that
it gets one core and 2 GB of memory. As the num-
ber of cores in a CPU and the number of CPUs in
the server increase, more jobs must be processed in
parallel in the server. Modern servers can have 16
cores per CPU and hundreds of gigabytes of memory.
Combining this with the need for different analysis
environments, computing resources should be divided
into smaller logical units. This is where virtualiza-
tion comes in. Virtualization makes it possible to cre-
ate logical containers, virtual machines, that contain a
complete operating system with a user specific analy-
sis environment. These can be modified to meet users
resource requirements and moved from physical ma-
chine to another to improve the total energy efficiency
larger server cluster.
In this study, we focus on studying how schedul-
ing jobs in different ways among virtual machines af-
fect energy consumption. We aim at providing how
administrators should configure computing clusters to
decrease energy consumption and improve through-
put. Virtualization in this paper’s context refers to
system virtualization where several operating systems
are run on single physical hardware.
We studied how computing jobs are distributed
among users in CERN computing cluster as shown
in Figure 1. According to the data more than 90%
of users send more than one job and the majority of
users send around 40 jobs in an hour. Based on this
we can conclude that providing the user with one or
more virtual machines and running several parallel
jobs in each of them would be a working schedul-
ing method. Thus, our hypothesis is that this kind of
scheduling would offer better energy efficiency and
total throughput than deploying an individual virtual
machine for every job. Since virtual machines are not
divided among users, privacy issues will not arise.
We use a realistic test environment and run several
tests variating the number virtual machines and their
load. The used virtualization system is the KVM open
source hypervisor. We used a synthetic benchmark
application, Lapack, and realistic HEP analysis jobs
in the CMS software framework (CMMSW). The test
environment consists of modern single processor and
dual processor servers. In this way we can show that
the results are not hardware depended. Finally, the
measurements on virtual machines are compared to
Niemi T., Niinimaki M. and Kommeri J. (2012).
Study of Virtualization Energy-efficiency in High-energy Physics Computing.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on e-Health Services and Technologies and the Third International Conference on Green IT
Solutions, pages 77-82
DOI: 10.5220/0004474800770082
Number of Jobs
Number of users
0 200 400 600 800
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 1: Job distribution per users for one hour.
those on non virtualized hardware. In all the tests, we
measure energy consumption and processing time.
We found out that virtual machine configuration
has a significant influence on the energy efficiency of
the system. Also, the application that is run inside
the virtual machine has an influence on how the vir-
tual machines should be deployed on a physical hard-
ware. In pure CPU load the overhead of virtualization
is not as high as when running physics analysis work.
With the physics analysis energy efficiency can be in-
creased by decreasing the number of virtual machines
and increasing their load.
Virtualization technologies are a key component of
cloud computing (Buyya et al., 2008). Large data cen-
ters host cloud applications on thousands of servers
appi et al., 2007; STAR, 2007). In such environ-
ments, the benefits of virtualization are obvious. Xu
et al. (Xu et al., 2004) mention just-in-time compute
and storage capacity, reducing management and ad-
ministration cost through automation and providing
greater control over end-user service levels.
Virtualization of the HEP grid clusters is not a new
idea and has been studied by many researchers. Fenn
et al. (Fenn et al., 2009) have tested high performance
applications (HPC) in clusters that are made of virtual
machines. They found KVM to be usable in non I/O
intensive loads. Since those test there has been im-
provements to the KVM I/O and nowadays there is a
paravirtualized drivers for KVM network and disk.
Regola et al. have studied the use of virtualization
in high performance computing (HPC) (Regola and
Ducom, 2010). They concluded that the I/O perfor-
mance of full virtualization or para-virtualization is
not yet good enough for low latency and high through-
put applications such as Message Passing Interface
(MPI) applications.
Virtualization technologies fall into categories of
full virtualization and paravirtualization. As stated by
Chaudhaury et al (Chaudhary et al., 2008), in full vir-
tualization an unmodied operating system runs using
a hypervisor to trap and safely translate/execute privi-
leged instructions on-the-y. Paravirtualization, on the
other hand, requires changes to the virtualized oper-
ating system.
Nussbaum et al. (Nussbaum et al., 2009) eval-
uated the full-virtualization and paravirtualization
technologies with a cluster of 32 servers using a HPC
Challenge benchmarks. They found the performance
of full virtualization is far behind that of paravirtuliza-
tion. Also sharing workload among different number
of virtual machines did not seem make much differ-
ence. Verma et al. (Verma et al., 2008) also studied
the effect of sharing same workload among different
number of virtual machines. In their tests virtualiza-
tion and division of load between several virtual ma-
chines did have much impact on overhead.
Padala et al. (Padala et al., 2007) have also studied
performance of virtualization. They studied the effect
of server load and virtual machine count on multi tier
application performance. They found OS virtualiza-
tion to perform much better than paravirtualization.
The overhead of paravirtualization is explained by L2
cache misses; in the case of paravirtualization they in-
creased more rapidly when the load increased.
Virtualization and energy consumption has been
a subject of our earlier study (Kommeri et al., 2012)
in which we compared KVM and Xen with a set of
benchmarks. We found that idle consumption of Xen
under Linux 3.0 is almost twice that of hardware,
whereas KVM’s idle consumption is only slightly
higher than hardware’s. Xen under Linux 2.6 how-
ever is closer to KVM. The mean power consumption
of a server system with 1 virtual machine was about
110% of hardware’s power consumption when using
KVM and Xen.
We run our test applications in a virtualized environ-
ment with varying parallelism both in the number of
virtual machines on a hypervisor and the actual load
inside a single virtual machine. Our hypothesis is
that the system runs more energy-efficiently if we de-
crease the number of virtual machines and increase
the load inside one virtual machine. We run our tests
on several different hardware and measured process-
ing times and energy consumption. As a compari-
son hardware version of the same measurements were
made. In the following section, processing a job mean
a single execution of any of the test applications in
subsection 3.2.
3.1 Test Environment
In our test we used following hardware:
2CPU 12 core server, Opteron 2427, 32GB
800MHz memory, 1TB hard disk
Dell Poweredge R210 II, Xeon E31260L, 8GB
1333MHz DDR3, 1TB hard disk (energy-
Dell Poweredge R210 II, Xeon E31280, 8GB
1333MHz DDR3, 1TB hard disk (powerful)
Dell Poweredge R210, Xeon X3430, 8GB
1333MHz DDR3, 250GB hard disk
Single CPU part of the tests in subsection 4.2 were
done using a Dell R210 with Intel Xeon X3430. Re-
sults of these tests are illustrated by Figures 4 and 5.
As an operating system in all our servers and
client machines we used default 64-bit Ubuntu LTS
10.04 with Linux kernel 2.6.32-40. Our virtualiza-
tion environment consisted of default KVM hypervi-
sor that run virtual machines using raw image files
without paravirtualization. KVM is a Linux module
that shows and schedules virtual machines as normal
processes, which are scheduled by Linux scheduler
(Kivity et al., 2007). Virtual machines were created
with a distribution tool virt-install. Operating system
in the virtual machines was Scientific Linux CERN 5
(SLC5) with Linux kernel 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.
To study the effect of parallelism and virtual ma-
chine count on the energy efficiency, we used differ-
ent virtual machine configurations. Tables 1 and 2
illustrate the configurations used in our hypervisors.
500 MB of memory was left for the host operating
system. Otherwise memory and processor resources
were divided equally among the virtual machines.
Power usage data was collected with a Watts up?
PRO meter via a USB cable. Power usage values were
recorded every second from the server hosting the vir-
tual machines.
3.2 Test Software
The software used for our energy-efficiency tests con-
sisted of Lapack 3.4.1, Linear Algebra PACKage,
Table 1: Settings for a single virtual machine in 12-core
Opteron server.
VM count VCPUs Memory (GB)
1 12 31.5
4 3 7.88
8 2 3.94
16 1 1.97
Table 2: Settings for a single virtual machine in 4-core Dell
210 II.
VM count VCPUs Memory (GB)
1 8 7.5
2 4 3.75
3 3 2.50
4 2 1.88
5 2 1.50
6 1 1.25
benchmark and CMSSW 4.2.4. Lapack is a collec-
tion of mathematical equations that are used to bench-
mark processors and extends Linpack benchmark that
is used to benchmark Top500 servers (Anderson et al.,
1990). Its execution time is less than one minute. To
get more usable energy measurements the same pro-
gram was run 10 times in a loop. This loop is consid-
ered as a job in the following sections.
CMSSW framework is used to analyse the data
from LHC and (Fabozzi et al., 2008) This analysis
task is a very typical one in high-energy physics. We
used real data created at CERN. The data was stored
in a ROOT image (Antcheva and et al., 2009) files,
which our case were of size 4GB. Normally, a data
analysis with this data can take days to perform. We
limited the number of events of one analysis task to
300 events. With this limitation the analysis takes 10
minutes on the Opteron hardware. The data ROOT
images were located on network file system, NFS,
which was shared by all analysis tasks. The network
traffic caused by one analysis task is very small, 2kB
per task. The NFS server runs on a Dell T710 server
and is connected to the same gigabyte ethernet local
area network as the servers used for testing.
The tests were done by running different number of
jobs in parallel with several virtual machine config-
urations. High parallelism increases randomness in
the finishing times. The job in a job set that finishes
last determines the runtime of the whole set. This af-
fects the energy-efficiency of the test as the trailing
part is run inefficiently. Without this trailing effect
the runs with more load would be better, which means
Study of Virtualization Energy-efficiency in High-energy Physics Computing
that tests with higher parallelism would get better re-
4.1 Synthetic tests
As a synthetic test we had Lapack benchmark that is
enhanced version of Linpack and is more suitable for
a multicore environment. In our test we use Lapack
to simulate a pure CPU-load. Test were run on sin-
gle CPU server with powerful processor. Same tests
were also run on energy-efficient processor, which re-
sulted in similar curves. Main difference was in the
minimum of energy-consumption and the maximum
throughput. Energy consumption on energy-efficient
processor was about 16% lower and throughput was
about 31% lower.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jobs / hour
Figure 2: Lapack job throughput with different number of
virtual machines and job parallelism.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Energy(Wh) / job
Figure 3: Lapack job energy consumption with different
number of virtual machine and job parallelism.
Results from the synthetic tests indicate that the
pure CPU-load is not affected that much by different
virtual machine configurations. In Figure 2 we have
the throughput results of the looped Lapack tests,
which show that with one, two and four virtual ma-
chines there is no clear difference. When the number
of virtual machines grow over the physical core count
the throughput drops. Figure 3 shows the same be-
haviour in energy consumption per job. In both fig-
ures the number of jobs per virtual machine is the to-
tal number of jobs divided by the number of virtual
4.2 Physics Tests
First we tested how the number of virtual machines
affect throughput and energy efficiency of the virtual-
ization host by running several virtual machines with
one job each. In our earlier studies we have noticed
that the commonly used one job per CPU core does
not give the best performance or energy efficiency
(Niemi et al., 2009b; Niemi et al., 2009a). Here we
tested how it applies to virtualized environments.
1 2 4 6 8 10
Physical 2CPU
Physical 1CPU
Virtual 2CPU
Virtual 1CPU
Number of jobs in parallel
Jobs / h
Figure 4: Throughput with different number of virtual ma-
chines running one job each.
In figures 4 and 5 we have results of running one
job per virtual machine with increasing number of vir-
tual machines. Results show that increasing the num-
ber of parallel jobs has more effect on the virtualized
system, which saturates much earlier than a system
without virtualization. The line of the two CPU server
is cut before 12 jobs, but the two CPU server experi-
ences same performance roof as the single CPU server
with 4 cores.
1 2 4 6 8 10
Physical 2CPU
Physical 1CPU
Virtual 2CPU
Virtual 1 CPU
Number of jobs in parallel
Energy (Wh) / job
Figure 5: Energy consumption per job with different num-
ber of virtual machines running one job each.
Next we tested the servers with varying number
of virtual machines and rising load. These tests also
show how the energy-efficiency depend on how vir-
tual machines share the load. The energy-efficiency
declines when the number of virtual machines is in-
creased and improves when the load in virtual ma-
chines is increased. In all figures the number of jobs
in each virtual machine is the total number of jobs di-
vided by the amount of virtual machines.
Figures 6, 7 and 8 illustrate results of the same
physics test with three different processors and show
that the effect of load division is the same with ev-
ery hardware. Results show that both in synthetic and
physics tests the throughput and energy-efficiency im-
proves when the system load is increased.
4 9 14 19 24 29
Jobs in parallel
Energy(Wh) / job
Figure 6: Energy usage per job with two CPU server.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jobs in parallel
Energy(Wh) / job
Figure 7: Energy usage per job with different VM paral-
lelism on single CPU server with powerful processor.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jobs in parallel
Energy(Wh) / job
Figure 8: Energy usage per job with different VM paral-
lelism on single CPU server with energy-efficient processor.
Results in Figures 7 and 8 show the results of test
made with the two different single processor servers.
These results are in line with the ones from synthetic
tests. In the physics test the energy-efficient processor
was 17% more energy-efficient and the throughput of
the powerful processor 40% better.
In the physics test the number of virtual machines
have a bigger effect on the virtualiation overhead as
in the synthetic tests. Figure 9 shows how the over-
head of virtualization increases exponentially when
the number of virtual machines is increased. This
overhead curve comes from running 12 jobs with dif-
ferent virtual machine sets. Result from running the
12 jobs in one virtual machine is compared to the re-
sults of running the 12 jobs in two, three and four vir-
tual machines. In the case of four virtual machines
one virtual machine runs three parallel jobs.
Figure 9: Energy overhead of virtualization per virtual ma-
chine with 12 jobs.
1 2 4 6
Virtual machines in parallel
Overhead per VM (%)
Figure 10: Duration overhead of virtualization per virtual
machine with 12 jobs.
Figure 10 shows how the virtualization overhead
increases the job duration. As did energy consump-
tion, the duration increases exponentially in function
of virtual machines. The results of the powerful pro-
cessor show this better. The increase in overhead is
not only caused by the processor core count as is oc-
curs with two and four virtual machines.
The overhead of virtualization is well studied and
Study of Virtualization Energy-efficiency in High-energy Physics Computing
there is many publications of it. Virtualization perfor-
mance has improved from its early times and now it
is in many cases very close to hardware level. There
are still many technological challenges that need to
be studied to improve virtualization performance, but
even now it provides a useful platform for multitude
of applications and is irreplaceable tool for energy ef-
ficiency in data centers.
We studied the energy-efficiency of virtualization
and how virtual machine parallelism and load vari-
ation affects it. Our research indicates that the best
energy efficiency and system throughput is achieved
when the load is shared by small number of virtual
machines. This depends much on the applications that
are run in the virtual machines. Pure CPU-load in
larger VM groups does not seem to impose as much
overhead as the more complex physics analysis job.
The physical core count also seem to pose a limit for
the virtual machine pool.
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