(a) (b)
Figure 26: BFISAR images: y
=150 m (a), y
=50 m (b).
In this work bistatic radar concept and its realization
are thoroughly discussed. Different BSAR
configurations are analyzed. BSAR geometry and
radar equation are defined. Detailed description of
BSAR implementation with uncooperative satellite
transmitter is presented. Special attention is given to
BFSAR and BFISAR. Optimal and quasi optimal
signal processing in target parameter estimation is
defined. Optical approximation approach including
black body approximation and Babinet’s principle
is applied in definition of forward scattering radar
cross section. Analytical signal model of BGISAR
and BFISAR and corresponding image
reconstruction algorithms are presented. Results of
numerical experiments are discussed. It is proven
that bistatic synthetic aperture radar and even its
forward scattering concept is applicable in target
imaging with acceptable resolution.
This work is supported by NATO project
ESP.EAP.CLG.983876 and MEYS, Bulgarian
Science Fund the project DTK 02/28.2009, DDVU
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