Jacques Palicot
SUPELEC / Institut d' Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes, France
Abstract: Green Cognitive Radio (GCR) is a Cognitive Radio (CR) with intelligence-enhanced functionalities, which
is aware of sustainable development (SD) for energy efficiency and takes it as an additional crucial
constraint in the decision making process of the holistic cognitive cycle. The Brundtland Commission of the
United Nations (UN) defined SD as the development that "meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". From then, several United
Nations’ Conferences (from Rio de Janeiro ‘92 to Durban ‘11) have confirmed this important issue. One of
the most obvious aspects and challenges of SD is the earth climate change and the ever-growing CO2
emission. Currently, 3% of the world-wide energy is consumed by the ICT (Information and
Communications Technology) infrastructure, which causes about 2 % of the world-wide CO2 emissions and
surprisingly is comparable to the world-wide CO2 emissions by all commercial airplanes. These values of
carbon footprint are extreme impressive. They have been confirmed by a lot of scientific studies and
reported in many relevant international conferences and workshops. Generally, Green Radio is closely
related to reducing energy consumption, but Green Radio could also be envisaged in a more widespread
sense, such as to optimize spectrum usage (Green spectrum), to decrease spectrum pollution (which may
have great consequences for astronomic observations), to reduce electromagnetic radiation/interference
levels in order to enable harmonized coexistence of multiple wireless communications systems (i.e., less
interference) as well as a reduced human exposure to harmful radiations, to recycle and reuse ICT
equipment, and in many other related contexts. The radio spectrum is also considered as a natural and public
resource, which should be carefully used, shared world-widely and economized efficiently. Therefore, in
our point of view, what is classically meant for Green Communications should be fundamentally extended
and even reformed. Recently, we have claimed in that Cognitive Radio is a paradigm–shift enabling
technology for realizing Green Radio. Basically, we proposed an intelligent solution based on CR approach,
keeping in mind the following key objective: "Decreasing the electromagnetic level by sending the right
signal in the right direction with the right power, only when it is necessary, for achieving the same QoS by
taking advantage of advanced intelligence". This is the essential concept of Useful Radio Waves.
Jacques Palicot received, in 1983, his PhD degree in
Signal Processing from the University of Rennes.
Since 1988, he has been involved in studies about
equalization techniques applied to digital
transmissions and new analog TV systems. Since
1991 he has been involved mainly in studies
concerning the digital communications area and
automatic measurements techniques. Prof. Palicot
has taken an active part in various international
bodies EBU, CCIR, URSI, and within RACE, ACTS
and IST European projects. He has published
various scientific articles notably on equalization
techniques, echo cancellation, hierarchical
modulations and Software Radio techniques. He is
currently involved in adaptive Signal Processing and
in new techniques as Software Radio and Cognitive
radio. From November 2001 to September 2003 he
had a temporary position with INRIA/IRISA in
Rennes. He serves as Associate Editor for EURASIP
JASP since 2008. He also served as lead guest editor
several Special Issues on Software Radio, Cognitive
Radio and Green Radio. He was Technical Program
Chairman of CROWNCOM 2099 and Co General
Chairman of ISCIT 2011. Since October 2003 he is
with Supélec in Rennes where he leads the Signal
Communications and Embedded Electronics (SCEE)
research team.