The panel-structure SPS is designed by Japanese
SPS committee. It consists of a large number of
power generation/transmission panel modules. This
type of SPS is suitable for mass production and easy
to maintenance. However, joints of the panel
modules are flexible and the panel-structure SPS is
difficult to maintain flatness of the transmission
antenna surface. In order to achieve the high beam
direction control accuracy, we have to correct the
output phase errors caused by the antenna surface
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry’s SPS research group
proposed new beam correction methods which is
called a PAC (Position and Angle Collection)
method. The PAC method is one of the beam
correction methods for the panel-structure SPS. In
the PAC method, we measure phases of a pilot
signal, which was sent from a power receiving site
on the Earth, on every panel module. We estimate
the panel module positions by using the
measurement phases. Then, considering the panel
module positions, we correct the output phases of
pilot signal.
Fig. 6 Schematic Diagram of a SPS 1D Array
In Kyoto University, we simulated the PAC
method by a 1D array model shown in Figure 6.
Taking account of the SPS system, we set these
parameters. At first, we simulated the accuracy of
the PAC method. From the simulations, the pilot
signal measurement points have to be put on the
both ends of each panel module in order to achieve
the high beam direction control accuracy. However,
the spacing of two measurement points is much
longer than the half wavelength of the pilot signal
and ambiguities occur in the panel position
estimation method. Because of the ambiguities, we
can correct the output phase errors only when the
panel module gradients are in the range of -5 degrees
to 5 degrees. Thus, we propose an improved panel
position estimation method. By using this estimation
method, we can use the PAC method even if the
panel module gradients are in the range from -50
degrees to 50 degrees(Ishikawa, 2012).
There is no experimental satellite project for the SPS
in the world. Based on the developments of the new
phased array for the MPT, we hope the first
experimental satellite will be launched in Japan.
Basic plan for space policy1, 2009,
Basic plan for space policy2, 2009,
Fuse, Y., T. Saito, S. Mihara, K. Ijichi, K. Namura, Y.
Honma, T. Sasaki, Y. Ozawa, E. Fujiwara, and T.
Fujiwara, “Outline and Progress of the Japanese
Microwave Energy Transmission Program for SSPS”,
Proc. of 2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave
Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power
Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and
Applications (IMWS-IWPT2011), pp.47-50, 2011
Homma, Y., T. Sasaki, K. Namura, F. Sameshima, T.
Ishikawa, H. Sumino and N. Shinohara, “New Phased
Array and Rectenna Array Systems for Microwave
Power Transmission Research”, Proc. of 2011 IEEE
MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on
Innovative Wireless Power Transmission:
Technologies, Systems, and Applications (IMWS-
IWPT2011), pp.59-62, 2011
Yamanaka, K., Y. Tuyama, H. Ohtsuka, S. Chaki, M.
Nakayama, and Y. Hirano, “Internally-matched GaN
HEMT High Efficiency Power Amplifier for Space
Solar Power Stations”, Proc. of Asia-Pacific
Microwave Conference 2010, pp.119-122, 2010
Ishikawa, I., and N. Shinohara, “Study on Microwave
Power Beam Correction Method with Deployment
System for Panel Structure SPS”, Proc. of 2012 IEEE
MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on
Innovative Wireless Power Transmission:
Technologies, Systems, and Applications (IMWS-
IWPT2012), pp.25-28, 2012