Microwave Ground WPT project is currently going
on. Basic design and element tests are in progress.
We are planning to conduct the MPT ground
experiment in FY 2014 in collaboration with JAXA.
We have started to develop a concrete plan for the
demonstration. And we should always be conscious
that this ground demonstration is a preliminary step
toward the next step of demonstration in space.
The chairman of Microwave Power Wireless Power
Transmission Technology Committee is Prof. Naoki
Shinohara, Kyoto University. This committee
consists of 12 members. Research and development
related to the beam steering control section is shared
with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA.
J-spacesystems is working with Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation, MELCO at Power Transmitting section,
and with IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd., IA, at Power
Receiving section. This project is supported by the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI.
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Miyakawa, T., Sasaki, S., Yajima, M., Maki, K., Mihara,
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T., Ozawa, Y., Fujiwara, E., Fujiwara, T., 2011.
Development Status of Microwave Power Transmission
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Namura, K., Honma, Y., Sasaki, T., Samejima, F.,
Ishikawa, T., Fuse, Y., Saito, T., Mihara, S., 2010.
Studies on Transmission Subsystem for Ground WPT
Experiment System, 1S12 54th Space Science
technology symposium, 2010
Ozawa, Y., Fujiwara, E., Fujiwara, T., 2010. Study on
technical demonstration model of microwave receiving
System, 1S14 54th Space Science Technology
Symposium, 2010
Sasaki, S., Tanaka, K., Higuchi, K., Okuizumi, N.,
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2006. A New Consept of solar power satellite:
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Strategic Headquarters for Space Policy, 2009. Basic Plan
for Space Policy, June 2009
Yamanaka, K., Tsuyama, Y., Ohtsuka, H. Chaki, S.,
Nakayama, M., Hirano, Y., 2010. Internally-Matched
GaN HEMT High Efficiency Power Amplifier for
Space Solar Power Stations, WE3A-1, APMC2010
Yoshioka, K., Matsuoka, H., Hayami, H., Collins, P.,
Sasaki, S., Takano, T., Asakura, K., Nakano, S., 2009.
Essays on the Solar Power Satellite, Keio University
Press, 2009