connection to the adjacent solar cell. Primary arcs
can only be avoided by a conductive coating of SA
surface. Unfortunately this solution facilitates the
conditions for a more severe disadvantage, i.e.
allowing secondary electric arcs. A better solution
can be applied by considering appropriate distances
between the adjacent solar cells during the solar cell
string design. In this technique the voltage
difference between adjacent cells as a function of the
gap size between the cell edges never reaches the
discharge level and that the driving current remains
low enough. The latter is achieved by adding a
decoupling diode in series to each string and by
parallel connection of the strings to an array behind
the diode (Ley, W., and others, 2009).
6.1.2 Secondary Arcs
Secondary arcs will occur if the difference between
the nominal operating point voltages of the adjacent
cells is high enough and if an appropriate
photocurrent is generated within the cells. These
sustained arcs could carry sufficient energy to cause
permanent damage by evaporation of solar cell
material and of the underlying insulation (string
failures). The trend to higher voltage and higher
power solar arrays makes this type of destructive
arcing more probable (Ley, W., and others, 2009).
6.2 ESD Indirect Effects
6.2.1 EMI Generation
One of the most important indirect effects of ESD
event is the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
EMI can be generated both in conducted emissions
(CS) and radiated emissions (RS) types. CS occurs
as a result of the replacement current that originates
when charge is blown off the dielectric surface
inducing a replacement current to flow from the
satellite structure. RS is generated by the ESD
current pulse. The rapid surface potential change
induces noise in circuits through capacitive
coupling. The discharge current can also induce an
inductively coupled signal into the victim circuit.
Furthermore, RS can cause diverse forms of field-to-
circuit coupling (NASA Report, 2007).
6.2.2 Current Leakage
Since satellite structure parts are made of conducting
material, the body serves as a grounding point in the
spacecraft circuit. Currents to/from conductive parts
exposed to space, and the capacitance between the
SC body and ambient space determine the body
potential with respect to the ambient space plasma.
These current leakages can also reduce the
efficiency of SA operation as presented in table 8 for
a positively charged solar array (Scolese, C.J, 2007).
Table 8: Leakage current influence on solar arrays power
Electron density
Ne [cm
Leakage Current
The effects of ESD event on solar arrays were
discussed in this paper. The relations between the
environmental conditions and ESD events were
investigated and compared for different orbits firstly.
Then the charging modes were considered especially
for surface charging which is more applicable to
solar array in-orbit operations. Finally some impacts
of ESD events were discussed for the operation of
solar arrays in GEO, LEO and polar LEO orbits.
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