billboard advertising, called a wireless billboard
channel (WBC), was presented in this paper. This
would provide access network providers (ANPs) and
application service providers (ASPs), with a very
active dynamic means to advertise (i.e. proactively
‘push’) their presence and services through WBCs
operated by non-ANP service providers. The pro-
active push advertisement nature of the WBC would
correspond well to ANP and ASP competitive
desires to use all means to reach the mobile users
from their existing ‘loyal’ subscribers through to the
impulse buying consumers. Advertisement and
discovery of wireless communication services and
application services deployed and accessible in a
particular area/location, and procedures for terminal
association with these, are defining characteristics of
contemporary networks.
WBCs would also benefit the users due to
automated discovering functionality of terminals
scanning the WBCs and updating service offerings
and availability information, matching these against
user profiles and proposing, and enabling casual or
persistent consumer-type association links for
different user-desired services. The result of this
process will be more up-to-date information for
user-driven always best connected and best served
(ABC&S) decisions. Ideas on smart user profile
functionality and user-driven ABC&S decision-
making based on personalised information retrieval
(PIR) systems adapted to this UCWW context have
been set out and discussed.
Implicit in this vision is the global
standardisation of these proposed WBCs as a vehicle
and a wireless infrastructural support for ADA
procedure. Practically it makes sense to have several
WBCs directed at different geographic extensions.
The utilisation of the Digital Video Broadcast -
Handheld (DVB-H) standard – a standard for
broadcasting digital television to handheld devices
(ETSI, 2004) – as a candidate carrier technology for
WBC was extensively studied, e.g. in (Ji, 2010a).
DVB-H extends the DVB-Terrestrial standard with
time-slicing and other additions to greatly reduce
receiver’s power consumption. Designed for
handheld devices, it allows for high terminal
mobility and thus is ideal for WBC use. A ‘WBC
over DVB-H’ prototype system was designed,
implemented, evaluated and successfully tested, e.g.
(Ji, 2010b) & (Ji, 2009).
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the
Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC), UL,
Ireland and the NPD of Plovdiv University under
Grant No. NI11-FMI-004.
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