Mihail P. Iliev, Viktor V. Hadzhivasilev
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria
miliev@uni-ruse.bg, vhadzhivasilev@uni-ruse.bg
Keywords: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing /OFDM/, Peak-to-Average Power Ratio /PAPR/, Partial
Transmit Sequence /PTS/, Selected Mapping /SLM/.
Abstract: One of the main drawbacks of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing /OFDM/ is the high peak-to-
average power ratio /PAPR/ of the transmitted OFDM signal. Partial transmit sequence /PTS/ technique can
improve the PAPR statistics of an OFDM signal. As ordinary PTS technique requires an exhaustive search
over all combinations of allowed phase factors, the search complexity increases exponentially with the
number of sub-blocks. This paper proposed a novel scheme which has an adjustable parameter enables us to
be able to obtain the best performance. Simulation results show that this scheme can significantly improve
the ordinal PTS scheme and greatly reduce the computation complexity.
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
/OFDM/ is an attractive technique for wide-band
radio communication because of OFDM’s capability
to convert a frequency selective fading channel to
multiple flat fading channels. Thus, there is no need
to implement any equalizers in the receiver.
However, multi-carrier signals such as OFDM
inherently have a high peak-to-average power ratio
/PAPR/ problem. Transmitting the OFDM signals
without any distortion requires a sufficient back-off
of power amplifiers. This property is not acceptable
for handsets with limited resources. Many proposals
to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals have been
presented. Amplitude clipping and filtering /ACF/ is
a simple and effective method. However, clipping
causes signal distortion and degrades detection
performance in specific to QAM. Selective mapping
/SLM/ (Ib. Abdullah, 2011) and partial transmit
sequence /PTS/ are based on the same idea that the
PAPR of an OFDM symbol can be reduced by
applying a certain phase rotation to a part of the
transmit data or sequence. In general, SLM needs
more IFFT operations but provides better PAPR
reduction. Both SLM and PTS are distortionless
unlike ACF. However, side information on the phase
rotation pattern must be transmitted besides the main
data. The side information requirement slightly
decreases the transmission efficiency and impacts on
the standardization defining the transmitted signal
In the paper, we propose a novel scheme for
partial transmit sequence, which is based on finding
the lowest PAPR from all binary weighting factors
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
the principle of PTS is described. In Section 3
ordinal PTS and a novel PTS technique is presented.
In Section 4, the simulation results are given.
Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 5.
Partial Transmit Sequence /PTS/ algorithm was first
proposed by Müller S. H., Huber J. B., (S. H.
Muller, 1997) which is a technique for improving
the statistics of a multi-carrier signal. The basic idea
of partial transmit sequences algorithm is to divide
the original OFDM sequence into several sub-
sequences, and for each sub-sequence, multiplied by
different weights until an optimum value is chosen.
Fig. 1 is the block diagram of PTS algorithm. We
have added Hadamard transform to reduce the
occurrence of the high peaks comparing the original
OFDM system. The idea to use the hadamard