Right-based Coordination for Environments with Changing
Results in Traffic Simulation
Eduardo Alonso and Peter Kristofersson-Izmajlow
Department of Computer Science, City University London, London EC1V 0HB, U.K.
Keywords: Rights, Norms, Rational Choice Theory, Co-ordination, Efficiency, Traffic Simulation.
Abstract: In this paper we analyse three different approaches to multi-agent co-ordination, with an accent on the
concept of “right-based” agents as opposed to free-rider agents and normative agents. We claim that a
balance between unrestricted behaviour and regulatory systems would make collections of agents perform
more efficiently, particularly when the complexity and the dynamicity of the environment increases. We
present preliminary results on a set of experiments using a traffic simulator.
How a collection of agents gets coordinated is the
object of study in various disciplines including
organisation theory, political science, social
psychology, anthropology, law, sociology, and
recently computing. Indeed, to ensure that agents
function in a social environment some type of
coordination mechanism is required. Such
mechanisms allow all agents to co-exist, and in some
cases to cooperate, so that they can perform their
tasks without clashes with other agents. More
specifically, in the age of the Internet and of cloud
computing, it is paramount that we develop
coordination mechanisms so that systems of
software agents, the so-called Multi-Agent Systems
(MAS), work efficiently. There are two main
schools of coordination in MAS, one that extends
shamelessly Rational Choice Theory (RCT) from
single-agent scenarios to MAS, and a
complementary one based on social norms, which
directly addresses multi-agent interactions.
The dilemma is that the agents either do
whatever they feel like or are constrained by the
designer and thus lack the freedom to make their
own choices. As an answer to this problem Alonso
(2004a, 2004b) proposed a “right-based”
coordination mechanism that allows agents to reason
and make decisions, but that implies enforcement of
rules at the same time. A middle-way between
freedom and norms, the idea of “right” has been
modelled formally as a system of axioms in (Alonso,
In the next section the notion of “right” in MAS
is explained in some detail. We shall then present a
series of experiments we carried out with a traffic
simulator to test the relative efficiency of “right-
based” agents with regards to RCT agents and
normative agents. We shall finish with an analysis of
the results and some conclusions.
Roughly stated, a right is considered as a set of
restrictions on the agents' activities that allow them
enough freedom, but at the same time constrain their
In their work on commitments Norman et al.,
(1998) introduced a “right” operator to help in
governing agent interaction and in the creation of
inter-agent agreements. According to this model, if
an agent wants to achieve its goals it will need to
seek “permissions” to perform all the necessary
actions. The notion of right we test is stronger in that
if an agent has the right to execute a set of actions
It is permitted to perform any action in the set
(under certain constraints or obligations);
The rest of the group is not allowed to execute
any action inhibiting the agent from exercising
its right, and
Alonso E. and Kristofersson-Izmajlow P..
Right-based Coordination for Environments with Changing Complexity - Results in Traffic Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004174703330336
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 333-336
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The group is obliged to prevent this inhibitory
action (and, eventually, to sanction the offender).
This third meta-right contextualizes the “right to
claim” (Castelfranchi, 1995) and plays a crucial role
in any social interaction: it means that any agent has
the right to ask for help if its counterpart in the
interaction (a short term deal or a long term
established pattern of behaviour) doesn't abide by
the terms of the “contract”.
It is not the purpose of this position paper to
evaluate thoroughly the validity of such theoretical
gains in co-ordination; rather, we have developed a
MAS simulator and tested the efficiency of right-
based agents against RCT agents and normative
agents in various settings of increasing complexity.
We used as a core the VisSim traffic simulator at
http://www.vissim.de/index.php?id=1801, and
adapted it to include the agent architectures,
information provided by the system to the agents,
data saving, statistics and interaction between the
3.1 System Features
The system allows agents to perceive their
environment forward, backwards, and to the sides
back and forth. It gives full information about the
distance to other agents as long as the other agent is
on the same stretch of the road. It also gives their
speeds and direction. In the system the agent can
only see one agent ahead, meaning that if we have
three agent-cars driving in a row in front of us, we
will only see the closest one. The agents can change
their speed and position on the road (lane) in order
to go past other agents. Each car’s initial speed is set
The system allows building and redefining roads
and junctions, defining the number of lanes in each
direction and the type of junction and the traffic-
light rules. It also enables defining the rate of new
incoming agents, where new agents enter the system
every n time steps (one car every n time units, 1/n),
and are removed from the system when crashed
(after 10 time units) or when they reach the end of
the lane. The entry per time unit is connected to each
3.2 Experiment Parameters
All the experiment results are based on 100 time
steps, where the data for each 10 steps is averaged.
The basic scenario upon which complexity builds is
a junction that cars approach from the four cardinal
directions. Lights regulating the traffic may be red,
yellow or green.
In total we have run 8 experiment scenarios, 4
for a single lane and 4 for double lanes. In each case,
the scenarios differed according to how often a new
car entered into the system: every 50, 100, 300 and
500 time steps, respectively (1)-(4) in the Results
tables. That is, we used two parameters to increase
the complexity of the scenario, namely, the number
of lanes in each direction and the rate of incoming
The efficiency of the three agent architectures
(RCT, right-based, and normative) in the different
scenarios was assessed against the following values:
(A) Number of cars that entered the junction;
(B) Number of cars that exited the junction;
(C) Number of cars that crashed in the junction;
(D) Average speed in the junction;
(E) Average time spent in the junction.
Obviously, the rates of entries and exits are not
informative in themselves, rather they relate directly
to the speed averages, the time spent by the cars in
the system and the number of crashes. The time
spent in the system depends in turn on the other two
factors –on which we focus the analysis of results in
section 5.
Before presenting the results, we describe how
the agents were represented –taking into account that
a utility function that rewards speed and punishes
crashes underlies the RCT agents’ architecture, as it
does the right-based architecture when rights allow
3.3 RCT Architecture
The free agent architecture is based exclusively on
its perceptions of what is in front of the agent. The
agent will always try to find the best possible way to
get to its selected target exit from a junction. In
pursuing this goal the agents are free to do whatever
they want.
3.4 Normative Architecture
The normative architecture uses traffic lights to
manage the flow. What the agent does depends on
the light in the junction. Only one light will be green
at any time. The norms used were (assuming the
English traffic code):
When the light is green go;
When the light is yellow stop;
When the light is red stop;
If more than one lane, you can only go straight
ahead and left from the left lane;
If more than one lane, you can only go straight
ahead and right from the right lane;
If while being in the junction someone gets in
front to you, stop.
3.5 Right-based Architecture
The purpose of this architecture is to create a
coordination structure that depending on the
situation can be either very strict or a very lax one.
The rights used were:
The right to not being obstructed while in
The right to enter the junction if the agent’s light
is green;
The right to enter the junction if junction is
The right to do drive wherever the agent wants.
We are presenting the results as a 4x4 matrix
according to how long it takes for a new vehicle to
enter the system (1-4 above) and the different
assessment criteria (A)-(E).
Table 1: Single lane junction entry for a normative agent.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 799 1331 3236 3236
(B) 799 1331 3235 3235
(C) 0 0 0 0
(D) 5 9 22 22
(E) 12 13 13 13
Table 2: Single lane junction entry for a right-based agent.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 798 1332 3293 3297
(B) 798 1331 3293 3296
(C) 0 0 0 0
(D) 6 9 22 22
(E) 12 13 13 13
Table 3: Single lane junction entry for a RCT agent.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 737 1154 2890 3975
(B) 707 1099 2591 3309
(C) 30 55 299 666
(D) 4 8 18 19
(E) 13 13 13 13
We repeat the experiments with double lane roads,
for each agent architecture, RCT agents, normative
agents and right-based agents.
Table 4: Double lane junction entry for a normative agent.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 1598 2663 6405 6045
(B) 1585 2622 6371 6371
(C) 12 40 32 32
(D) 15 23 23 23
(E) 23 23 23 23
Table 5: Double lane junction entry for a right-based
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 1596 2659 6564 6557
(B) 1592 2634 6525 6508
(C) 4 25 37 45
(D) 15 15 23 22
(E) 23 23 23 23
Table 6: Double lane junction entry for a RCT agent.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) 1565 2615 7548 12408
(B) 1346 2185 5053 4064
(C) 217 429 2495 8336
(D) 12 17 20 3
(E) 24 23 24 34
In this position paper we have introduced the
concept of right and right-based as an alternative to
traditional approaches to MAS co-ordination. The
core of the paper focuses on a set of experiments
that test the hypothesis that right-based agents may
prove efficient in scenarios, a traffic network in our
study, of increasing difficulty. Needless to say, the
results we report are very preliminary both in terms
of the complexity of the environment and,
consequently, in the analyses of the results. Having
said that, there is some useful data that we can
speculate on.
All the experiments show the same trends. As the
complexity of the environment increases, the worse
the RCT architecture performs. At the same time the
better the normative agents behave. In the
experiments one can clearly see that the norms
create a very well defined environment. An
environment which is easy to predict, as no agent
will behave in any other way then what the rules
prescribe. The problem with the free rider
architecture is that the free choice it has (to do
whatever it chooses) creates the complexity of the
environment. Thus the more agents with free choice
turn up the more complex the situation becomes.
The norms remove that problem but in doing so they
create a static environment where agents are bound
by the norms. What we gain in efficiency we lose in
autonomy. In the right-based case one can see a
different situation. Rights do not bind the agent in
the same way. Rights affect what is happening in the
system but only when the situation becomes too
complex to be handled without rights. Rights do not
have to be obeyed at any time, which is the case
with norms. In summary: RCT agents cannot cope
with complex situations. In such domains, agents
with rights behave the same way as “enslaved”
agents –yet they preserve their autonomy. Though
tempting, we are not extrapolating this preliminary
conclusion to real-life social scenarios.
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Alonso, E., 2004b. A Formal Theory of Rights and
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Distributed Constraint Problem Solving and
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Castelfranchi, C., 1995. Commitments: From individual
intentions to groups and organizations. In V. Lesser
and L. Gasser (Eds.), Proc. of the First International
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commitments in multi-agent agreements. In Y.
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Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS-98), pp.
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