Associative Reinforcement Learning
A Proposal to Build Truly Adaptive Agents and Multi-agent Systems
Eduardo Alonso
and Esther Mondragón
Department of Computer Science, City University London, London, EC1V 0HB, U.K.
Centre for Computational and Animal Learning Research, St Albans, AL1 1RQ, U.K.
Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, Associative Learning, Agents and Multi-agent Systems.
Abstract: In this position paper we propose to enhance learning algorithms, reinforcement learning in particular, for
agents and for multi-agent systems, with the introduction of concepts and mechanisms borrowed from
associative learning theory. It is argued that existing algorithms are limited in that they adopt a very
restricted view of what “learning” is, partly due to the constraints imposed by the Markov assumption upon
which they are built. Interestingly, psychological theories of associative learning account for a wide range of
social behaviours, making it an ideal framework to model learning in single agent scenarios as well as in
multi-agent domains.
Emergent technologies such as the Internet demand
personal, continuously running, independent
systems. Therefore, for software systems to perform
successfully in real-life applications they must be
able to behave in an autonomous, flexible manner in
unpredictable, dynamic, typically social domains. In
other words, new software systems are agents.
As any other concept in computer science,
defining agency is controversial. A weak notion
prescribes autonomy, social ability, reactivity, and
pro-activeness, to which a strong one adds various
mental states, emotions, and rationality. How these
features are reflected in the system’s architecture
will depend on the nature of the environment in
which the agent is embedded and on the degree of
control that the designer has over this environment,
the state of the agent, and the effect of its actions on
the environment.
It can be said, therefore, that, at first glance,
learning does not seem to be an essential part of
agency. In fact, agent research has moved from
investigating agent components, including learning,
to multi-agent systems organization and
Yet, one of the main arguments against
considering learning as a requisite for agency is that
there are scenarios in which agents can be used and
learning is not needed. For example, little can be
learned in accessible domains where agents can
obtain complete, accurate, up-to-date information
about the environment's state, or in deterministic
domains where any action has a single guaranteed
effect, or in static domains where the environment
remains unchanged unless an action is executed.
It is our contention though that in such domains
agents are not strictly necessary and that applying
object-oriented (OO) technology would suit best the
requirements and constraints the designers must
meet and abide by. Put roughly, if you can use
objects, do not use agents. Unlike agent-oriented
technology, OO technology is well established and
understood, and enjoys clear modeling and
specification languages (UML) and programming
languages (Java, C++). On the other hand, as stated
in (Alonso, 2002), a Unified Agent Modeling
Language is still under development, and although
some OO features such as abstraction, inheritance
and modularity make it easier to manage
increasingly more complex systems, Java (or its
distributed extensions JINI and RMI) and other OO
programming languages cannot provide a direct
solution to agent development.
On the other hand, agents are ideal for uncertain,
dynamic systems. The “Laws of Software
Evolution”, particularly, those referring to
“continuing change” and “increasing complexity”
have proven true with the growth of the Internet, and
the arrival of cloud computing, and agile computing.
Alonso E. and Mondragón E..
Associative Reinforcement Learning - A Proposal to Build Truly Adaptive Agents and Multi-agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004175601410146
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 141-146
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Certainly, it has become increasingly complicated to
model and control the way software systems interact
and get co-ordinated. Designers cannot foresee in
which situations the systems will encounter
themselves or with whom they will interact.
Consequently, such systems must adapt to and learn
from the environment so that they can make their
own decisions when information comes. To sum it
up, agents need to learn in real-life domains.
Therefore, in real-life domains, learning is essential
to agency.
We need to be more specific however: Various
machine learning methods, notably supervised
learning methods, are not easily applied to real-life
domains since they typically assume a “teacher”
which can provide the agents with the correct
behaviour for a given situation. Thus the large
majority of the papers in this field have used reward-
based methods. In turn, reward-based learning
literature may be approximately divided into two
subsets (Stone and Veloso, 2000): reinforcement
learning methods which estimate value functions;
and stochastic search methods such as evolutionary
computation, simulated annealing, and stochastic
hill-climbing, which directly learn behaviours
without appealing to value functions. In this paper
we focus on reinforcement learning.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In
the next two sections, we will survey reinforcement
learning techniques applied to single-agent and
multi-agent scenarios respectively. Then, our
proposal to improve existing reinforcement learning
models and algorithms (Q-learning in particular) by
incorporating associative principles currently used to
explain trial and error learning in animals is
introduced. We shall finish with conclusions.
2.1 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning has been defined as learning
what to do – how to map situations to actions – so as
to maximise a numerical reward signal.
In its simplest form, the reinforcement learning
problem is presented as follows: An agent exists in
an environment described by some set of possible
states. Each time it performs an action in some state
the agent receives a real-valued reward that indicates
the immediate value of this state-action transition.
This produces a sequence of states, actions, and
immediate rewards. The agent’s task is to learn an
optimal control policy, i.e., a policy that maximizes
the expected sum of rewards, with future rewards
discounted exponentially by their delay. In other
words, the idea is to learn a policy that maximizes
the cumulative value for all the states. The learner is
not told which actions to take, but instead must
discover which actions yield the most reward by
exploiting and exploring their relationship with the
environment. Typically, actions may affect not only
the immediate reward but also the next situation and,
through that, all subsequent rewards. These two
characteristics, trial and error search and delayed
reward, are the two most important features of
reinforcement learning.
2.2 Techniques
Several techniques have been used to solve this
problem, namely: Dynamic Programming, Monte
Carlo methods, and Temporal Difference learning
(Sutton and Barto, 1998). These techniques work
under different assumptions about the model of the
environment they use, and about whether or not they
bootstrap, that is, whether or not they update
estimates based on other learned estimates, without
waiting for a final outcome. Dynamic Programming
refers to a collection of algorithms that can be used
to compute optimal policies given a perfect model of
the environment. Because of the unrealistic nature of
this assumption, and their great computational
expense, classical dynamic programming algorithms
are of limited utility. In contrast, Monte Carlo
methods require only experience sample sequences
of states, actions, and rewards from on-line or
simulated interaction with the environment. Without
prior knowledge of the environment’s dynamics
these methods can still attain optimal behaviour.
Finally, Temporal Difference learning is a
combination of Monte Carlo ideas and Dynamic
Programming ideas. Like Monte Carlo methods,
they can learn directly from raw experience. Like
Dynamic Programming, Temporal Difference
methods do bootstrap.
Temporal Difference methods are the most
commonly used reinforcement learning techniques
due to their great simplicity. They can be applied on-
line to experience generated from interaction with an
environment, and they can be expressed nearly
completely by simple equations that can be
implemented with small computer programs.
Allegedly the most popular reinforcement learning
algorithm is Q-learning, an off-policy algorithm
where the optimal expected long-term return is
locally and immediately available for each state-
action pair. A one-step-ahead search computes the
long-term optimal actions without having to know
anything about possible successor states and their
values. Under certain assumptions, Q-learning has
been shown to converge with probability 1 to the
optimal policy.
2.3 Problems
Regardless of their popularity in the machine
learning community several difficulties have so far
prohibited the application of reinforcement learning
techniques to real-life problems:
1. Exploration-exploitation balance: Unlike other
machine learning paradigms, reinforcement learning
assumes that, for optimal performance, agents
explore (state-action pairs for which the outcome is
unknown) and exploit (those state-action pairs for
which rewards are known to be high). Finding the
right balance between exploration and exploitation is
not, however, a straightforward exercise;
2. Temporal discounting: A discount factor is set
for delayed rewards representing the fact that it is
preferred to obtain the reward sooner rather than
later. The problem is that small discounts can make
the learner too greedy for present rewards and
indifferent to the future, while large discounts slow
down learning;
3. Generalisation: This approach does not allow for
the “transfer” of learning between different yet
similar situations. What is learned depends on the
reward structure – if the rewards change, learning
has to start over;
4. Large state spaces: Despite the apparent success
of systems that have incorporated function
approximation algorithms that substitute lookup
tables, for most practical tasks with large state
spaces reinforcement learning fails to converge.
Besides, it generates extreme computational costs
when not dealing with small numbers of state-action
pairs – which are very rare in any real learning
scenario. For example, in Q-learning all state-action
pairs must be repeatedly visited, which in practice
means that many thousands of training iterations are
required for convergence in even modest-sized
Broadly speaking, multi-agent learning is the
application of machine learning techniques to
problems involving multiple agents. We focus on a
how reinforcement learning may be applied to multi-
agent systems.
3.1 The Four Agendas
Four agendas to solve the multi-agent learning
problem have been identified (Shoham et al., 2003):
a) The descriptive agenda asks how humans learn
in a context of other learners;
b) The distributed AI agenda focuses on how a
central designer controls the way in which learning
tasks are decomposed among different agents. Team
Learning constitutes a variety of this kind of
learning, where a learner discovers a set of
behaviours for a team of agents. In this approach,
multi-agent learning uses standard single-agent
machine learning techniques to maximize global
c) The equilibrium agenda studies the problem of
multi-agent learning from a game-theoretic
perspective. This proposal pivots around the concept
of Nash equilibrium: No single agent should have a
rational incentive (in terms of a better payoff) to
change its individual strategy away from the
equilibrium. The theory of learning in games
provides the designer with many useful tools for
determining the possible equilibrium points of such
a system, and has thus been the most popular in the
multi-agent learning community;
d) The AI agenda adopts the “optimal agent design”
perspective and does not consider the equilibrium
concept to be central or even necessarily relevant.
Instead, single-agent learning where there is only
one learner trying to maximise its own utility value
is used, and the behaviours are plugged into only
one agent rather than distributed amongst multiple
3.2 Reinforcement Learning and the
Equilibrium Agenda
Supervised learning methods such as artificial neural
networks and pattern recognition are not easily
applied to the multi-agent learning since they
typically assume a critic which can provide the
agents with the correct behaviour for a given
situation, an unrealistic assumption when dealing
with large collections of independent agents. Thus
the large majority of papers in this field have used
reward-based methods, reinforcement learning
methods in particular, to the extent that the Multi-
Agent Learning problem can be re-defined as the
Reinforcement Learning problem for Multi-Agent
Systems. Different options have been explored:
The simplest way to extend single-agent Q-
learning algorithms to multi-agent Stochastic Games
(SG) is just to add a subscript to the original Q
formula, that is, to have the learning agent pretend
that the environment is passive (e.g., Sen et al.,
1994). However simple this technique may be, the
definition of the Q-values assumes incorrectly that
they are independent of the actions selected by other
To solve this problem Littman (Littman, 1994)
suggested a minimax Q-learning algorithm for zero-
sum games (two-person strictly competitive games
where what one gains, the other loses). The problem
is that minimax-Q is no longer well motivated in
general-sum SGs;
One alternative is to try to explicitly maintain a
belief regarding the likelihood of the other agents’
policies, and update the value function based on the
induced expectation of the Q-values. Claus and
Boutilier implemented such an idea with Joint
Action Learners in the context of common-payoff
games (aka team games or pure co-ordination
games) in which agents that receive the same pay-
off at each outcome co-operate (Claus and Boutilier,
Hu and Wellman proposed Nash-Q learning that
updates the values based on some Nash equilibrium
on a special class of SGs (Hu and Wellman, 2001).
For general-sum games, several refinements of such
an algorithm have been implemented, e.g., the
Friend-or-Foe algorithm (Littman, 2001),
Correlated-Q learning (Greenwald et al., 2002),
EXORL (Suematsu and Hayashi, 2002) and Optimal
Adaptative Learning (Wang and Sandholm, 2002).
3.3 Problems
However interesting these results are, the fact is that
the conditions for convergence are quite restrictive
and the results awkward. Nash-Q attempted to treat
general-sum SGs, but the convergence results are
constrained to the cases that bear strong similarity to
the already known cases of zero-sum games and
common-payoff games. Furthermore, the constraints
they impose are too strong: They must hold for the
games defined by the intermediate Q-values
throughout the execution of the protocol. It is
extremely unlikely that the game will satisfy this
condition, and in any case hard to verify at the outset
whether it does.
These unsatisfying aspects manifest a deeper set
of issues. Regarding the use of Nash equilibrium in
the execution of Nash-Q, such equilibrium has no
prescriptive force resulting in the existence of
multiple equilibria. Bowling and Veloso (Bowling
and Veloso, 2001) did spot this problem and put
forward two criteria for any learning algorithm in
multi-agent settings, namely: (a) Learning should
always converge to a stationary policy, and (b)
learning should only terminate with a best response
to play by the other agent(s). These are useful
criteria, but they ignore the fact that one is playing
an extended stochastic game. We again confront the
centrality of Nash equilibrium to game theory, and
whether it should play the same central role in AI.
4.1 Proposal for Single Agents
It has been argued that in order to solve highly
complex problems, we must give up tabula rasa
learning techniques and begin to incorporate
psychological bias that will give leverage to the
learning process. The necessary bias, we are told,
can come in a variety of forms including shaping,
local reinforcement signals, imitation, problem
decomposition, and reflexes. Indeed, one historical
thread of reinforcement learning concerns learning
by trial and error, which has its roots in the
psychology of animal learning. In particular, the
“Law of Effect” includes the two most important
aspects of trial and error learning, and hence of
reinforcement learning: It is selectional (it involves
trying alternative responses and selecting among
them on the basis of their consequences) and
associative (the response is associated with a
particular situation). Unfortunately, such early
theories have been proved wrong and, as a
consequence, reinforcement learning techniques
remain based on outdated principles.
Our main proposal is to improve existing
reinforcement learning models and algorithms (Q-
learning in particular) by incorporating current
associative theories as follows:
1. Reinforcement learning assumes that agents
behaviourally “neutral”. We propose to introduce
drives that will make the agent approach appetitive
stimuli and avoid aversive ones. Moreover,
exploration itself should be treated as an internal
drive, i.e., the agent would tend to explore its
environment by default;
2. To endow agents with the ability to form various
types of association other than simple stimulus-
response (S-R) associations, a.k.a. habits, upon
which reinforcement learning is based:
Stimulus-stimulus (S-S) associations that
would allow the agent to learn about the
relationships among the events that compose its
Response-outcome (R-O) associations that
inform the agent that a response will be followed
by a particular outcome (goal-directed
3. To take into account associative theory's
conception of event representation. Reinforcement
learning assumes that the events that enter into
associations are irreducible entities. In contrast,
learning theory maintains that the events that are
associated are not unitary, but may be analysed as
sets of component elements. Learning about an
event is determined either by the summed
associative strengths of the elements that comprise it
(elemental theories) or by congifural cues;
4. To redefine outcomes as comprising sensorial
and motivational elements, subject to the following
Both motivational and sensorial components of
the outcome would be represented in associations
involving that outcome;
Depending on their motivational value,
outcomes can be appetitive or aversive. Thus the
probability of a response will be increased if it is
followed by an appetitive outcome, but will
decrease if followed by an aversive outcome;
The unexpected omission of an event can also
enter into associations – this is called inhibitory
learning. The omission of an appetitive outcome
constitutes an aversive event, and, conversely,
the omission of an aversive outcome acts as an
appetitive event;
Neutral stimuli can also gain reward value, by
becoming associated with motivationally
significant outcomes (second order
5. To take into account the fundamental conditions
of association formation proposed by associative
The contiguity of an event and an outcome is
necessary but not sufficient for association
formation. Relative predictive value (the
outcome is not predicted by any other event that
is present), surprisingness (the outcome is not
fully predicted), and contingency (the probability
of the association event-outcome) are
fundamental pillars of association formation;
Reinforcement learning considers outcomes
(rewards) as mere values, and fails to integrate
them into the association. All current associative
theories reject this assumption, because it fails to
account for the fact that if a reward ceases to
have value, it will no longer support responding.
4.2 Proposal for Multi-agent Systems
Regarding multi-agent learning, our proposal
follows the AI agenda and studies multi-agent
learning as learning in multi-agent scenarios. These
are forms of single-agent learning in multi-agent
systems where agents learn from interaction
individually and separately. There may be
interactions among the agents, but these interactions
just provide input, which may be used in the other
agents’ learning processes. Not the agents but their
learning processes are, so to speak, isolated of each
other. Each individual learner typically pursues its
own learning goal without explicitly taking care of
the other agents’ learning goals and without being
guided by the wish or intention to support the others
in achieving their goals. An agent, thus, learn ‘as it
were alone’.
Communication (not even indirect
communication on which pheromone-based learning
algorithms rely) or explicit co-ordination is not an
issue therefore – co-operation and competition are
not tasks to be solved but emergent properties of the
environment. Likewise, agents do not have models
of other agents’ mental states or try to build models
of other agents’ behaviours.
In such setting, the main criteria to measure an
agent’s performance is not its ability to converge to
an equilibrium in self-play. We ask what the best
learning strategy is for a given agent for a fixed class
of other agents in the game, that is, how to design an
optimal (or at least effective) agent for a given
environment. We follow the AI agenda in that we
intend to place computational limitations on (the
strategy space of) the agents. Such limitations
should be given by recent advances in associative
learning theories.
Social psychologists have proved that social
learning involves not only the use of social
information. The effects of direct experience and the
similarities between social learning and classical S-S
conditioning are considered as crucial in
understanding social behaviour (Griffin, 2004). For
example, in the process of predator avoidance
acquisition, the predatory cue is considered a
conditional stimulus to which observers acquire
avoidance responses after the stimulus has been
presented in contiguity with an alarmed
demonstrator, the unconditioned stimulus. More
importantly, there are properties of socially acquired
predator avoidance (e.g., the intensity of the
unconditioned response increases with that of the
unconditioned stimulus, and the fact that there is
preferential learning about particular types of
stimuli) that provide support of the idea that socially
acquired behaviours are mediated by individual
learning processes and not by independent social
learning mechanisms.
This line of research is complementary to the
work done in imitation in the Artificial Intelligence
community. Such approach has used social learning
theories from psychology to develop adaptive agents
that learn from others by observing their behaviour.
In particular, (Mataric, 1994) has used vicarious
reinforcement to deal with the Credit Assignment
It is our contention that the proposal outlined in this
position paper will strengthen the connection
between the study of computational and biological
systems. In particular, the approach we advocate will
contribute to answering the question of how
psychological concepts such as motivation, attention
and intention can be modelled in artificial organisms
to affect adaptive behavioural modifications and
Reinforcement learning algorithms have
successfully been applied to simple domains in areas
such as navigation robotics, manufacturing, and
process control. More powerful algorithms will, no
doubt, benefit larger scenarios in industrial
applications such as telecommunications systems,
air traffic control, traffic and transportation
management, information filtering and gathering,
electronic commerce, business process management,
entertainment, and medical care.
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