Table 3: Correct cyclic grids G
of different equivalence
classes extended by knowledge transfer from correct cyclic
grids G
calculated within a period of 60 days and the
results of the same experiment applied to the extension of
cyclic grids G
to cyclic grids G
days G
2 9,900 0 1,455,000 0
4 20,000 0 2,960,000 0
6 31,500 4 4,435,000 0
8 41,700 8 6,030,000 0
10 51,400 24 7,625,000 0
12 62,900 32 9,255,000 0
14 75,000 44 10,940,000 0
16 87,000 52 12,580,000 0
18 98,000 60 14,390,000 0
20 111,300 85 16,150,000 0
22 123,700 92 17,320,000 0
24 137,900 112 18,870,000 0
26 149,300 116 20,195,000 0
28 162,000 120 21,800,000 0
30 173,900 120 23,200,000 0
32 187,000 120 24,355,000 0
34 198,300 124 25,630,000 0
36 210,500 136 27,005,000 0
38 224,500 148 28,335,000 0
40 238,400 152 29,645,000 0
42 250,400 152 30,905,000 0
44 262,500 164 32,080,000 0
46 274,100 164 33,520,000 0
48 284,500 172 35,045,000 0
50 297,500 180 36,600,000 0
52 309,800 188 37,880,000 0
54 322,300 192 39,310,000 0
56 334,600 192 40,705,000 0
58 345,600 192 42,290,000 0
60 357,200 208 43,970,000 0
4. For each solution found in step 3 create a SAT-
instance based on the cyclic Boolean encoding
shown in Figure 5 (a) for the grid G
and ex-
tend this SAT-instance by constant clauses of one
solution found in step 3.
5. Solve the logically restricted SAT-instances which
were created in step 4.
We run an experiment over 60 days and found that
208 of 43,970,000 cyclic rectangle-free grids G
can be extended to cyclic rectangle-free grids G
The the last two columns of Table 3 show the details
of this experiment. It can be concluded that
Using a slightly changed knowledge transfer ap-
proach it can be verified whether this statement is true
for quadratic grids with an odd number of rows and
columns. We describe this adopted approach for the
most interesting case of the knowledge transfer from
the correct cyclic solution of the grid G
to check
for cyclic solutions of the grid G
1. Create a SAT-instance using the cyclic Boolean
encoding shown in Figure 5 (b) for the grid G
2. Frozen the rotation of the SAT-instance of step 1
by two clauses for a
= 0 and a
= 0 (the vari-
able a
and a
describe the center element, do not
contain rotation information, and must not be used
explicitly in the SAT-formula).
3. Calculate all solutions of the SAT-instance of step
4. For each solution found in step 3 create a SAT-
instance based on the cyclic Boolean encoding
shown in Figure 5 (b) for the grid G
and ex-
tend this SAT-instance by constant clauses of one
solution found in step 3.
5. Solve the logically restricted SAT-instances which
were created in step 4.
We run a similar experiment again over 60 days
and found that none of 357,200 cyclic rectangle-free
grids G
can be extended to cyclic rectangle-free
grids G
. A conjecture of this experiment is that
no correct cyclic rectangle-free 4-coloring for the grid
exists. The rationale of this conjecture is that
the central element of the grid G
originates with
8 values 1 in the middle row and the middle column
fixed parts of possible rectangles which restrict the as-
signment of values 1 strongly. In the apparently more
complicated grid G
these values 1 can be chosen
within the quadruples such that no restriction com-
monly with the 1 value of the central four grid posi-
tions originates.
It should be mentionedthat the knowledge transfer
can be utilized recursively for all levels of a cascade
of quadratic grids of either an even number or an odd
number of rows and columns. The benefit in terms
of runtime depends on the ratio between the time to
solve the next smaller grid and the time for the trans-
fer of the knowledge .
Many scientists all over the world tried to solve the
four-valued rectangle-free grid G
but all of them
failed due to the extreme complexity of the problem.
For that reason we cannot compare our results with
solutions of other scientists but must refer to our own
The description of the significantly simpler prob-
lem of the grid G
on the web page (Fortnow and
Gasarch, 2009) and more than 150 comments about