Making the Case for Business Process Re-engineering in
Health Informatics
Focusing on MDRTB in South Africa
Harsha Desai
and Rosemary Quilling
Discipline of Telemedicine, Nelson Mandela Medical School, University of KwaZulu-Natal, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Discipline of Information Systems & Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Keywords: Business Process Engineering, MDRTB, Process Analysis.
Abstract: The potential misalignment between new technologies entering healthcare requires attention. This paper will
compare the fit between an Open Source Electronic Medical Record Solution (OpenMRS) and a clinical
guideline that outlines the requirements for the care of a patient. Design/methodology: A process analysis
technique is used to construct and analyse the fit between the processes as stipulated by the South African
clinical guidelines for Tuberculosis (TB) and that of the OpenMRS. This technique has been used to identify
inefficiencies and opportunities. Lean principles are applied in the analysis to identify waste in the process.
Findings: Process analysis has provided valuable insight into the working of both the system and the
provision of this healthcare service. The OpenMRS solution has a good fit to the South African healthcare
context with some minor gaps between the system processes and that of the clinical guidelines. In addition,
wasteful tasks have been flagged within the clinical guideline processes which appear to be due to limited
consideration being paid to the patient's end-to-end care process.
The Internet revolution has resulted in exciting new
information systems with the potential to improve
healthcare (Haux, 2006). The challenge of an aging
population and an increase of chronic illnesses like
diabetes and heart disease have placed demands on
healthcare service to deliver radical change. In
addition, disease burdens such as HIV/AIDS have
forced the health care industry to rethink their
service offering. This study uses as its context the
healthcare approach to Multi-Drug Resistant
Tuberculosis (MDRTB) because a high rate of co-
infection of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS has been
noted in the last decade, in South Africa. There has
also been an extensive drive to curb the incidence of
both these communicable diseases during the same
period (WHO, 2009). Unlike HIV/AIDS, TB or
MDRTB is a curable disease given the correct
medication and adherence to treatment guidelines by
both the patient and the healthcare workers. The
potential to improve diagnosis and treatment of
MDRTB as a result of employing a process
engineering intervention could have a meaningful
There is a critical collaborative relationship
between technology, people and the tasks they
perform (Elske et al., 2006); (Tsiknakis and
Kouroubali, 2009). This relationship has received
limited research attention in the healthcare domain.
This is important because merely implementing a
Health Information Systems (HIS), without
revisiting the business process and its context,
cannot solve challenges and improve inefficiencies
(Berg and Toussaint, 2003); (Ludwicka and
Doucettea, 2009). This study explores the practical
use of process engineering in healthcare services,
thus assessing the process itself and how it can
inform the development of HIS.
The literature survey discusses the research
conducted in Process Management in healthcare,
over the last sixteen years (1994 – 2011). The
discussion focuses on five areas, namely: the
challenges in the implementation and adoption of
HIS, the process management approach, the
Desai H. and Quiling R..
Making the Case for Business Process Re-engineering in Health Informatics - Focusing on MDRTB in South Africa.
DOI: 10.5220/0004187801440154
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 144-154
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
application of process management in healthcare,
MDRTB as a public healthcare crisis and the origins
of OpenMRS.
2.1 Challenge of HIS Implementations
Heeks (2006) has identified 7 gaps between what is
specified in the design of a health information
solution and what is actually delivered in reality.
These gaps, identified as the cause for poor
adoptions and implementation of HIS, are;
Information, Technology, Process, Objectives and
value, Staffing and skills, Management systems and
Structures and other resources (Heeks, 2006).
“Process” is identified as a gap because the solution
often focuses on the data in isolation from the
healthcare delivery process in which the data is
embedded, and associated users,. The importance of
addressing this gap is also stressed by Ludwicka and
Doucette (2009) and Munir and Kay (2005).
2.2 Process Management
As technology has become ubiquitous organisations
have realised that both technology and the
streamlining of their businesses' processes is
required to develop competitive advantage and
improve performance (Trkman, 2010).
Process transformation can be seen to have
occurred in four waves over the last forty years with
each wave inheriting the best aspects of its
predecessor. Wave one, dominated by Total Quality
Management (TQM) focused more on customer
facing processes and little was achieved in back
office improvements (Towers, 2010). In wave two
the focus shifted to Business Process Re-engineering
(BPR) calling for the fundamental rethinking and
redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic
improvements in critical contemporary measures of
performance such as cost, quality, service and speed
(Muthu et al., 1999). The third wave, triggered by
the Lean management technique, saw the focus shift
to customer needs, reduction of waste and value
creation with the focus shifting toward
simultaneously reducing cost and improving revenue
and service (Towers, 2010). The fourth wave (post
2000) embraces a myriad of traditional techniques
with a strong focus on successful customer outcomes
(Towers, 2010).
2.3 Applications of Process
Engineering in Healthcare
Bergman (1994) suggested the introduction of re-
engineering in healthcare and within a decade some
traction in this idea is evident: A study by Anderson
et al. uses the design of processes to determine the
best way to develop HIS to meet user requirements
(Andersson et al., 2003); Berg and Touisant(2003)
realised the mapping of processes allowed the
“fluid” nature of medical knowledge to be easily
expressed; and Lenz and Khun (2004) aim to align
HIS and healthcare processes, by defining a layered
approach that allows for quick deployments using an
integrated “generator tool”, used extensively at the
university hospital at Marburg Germany. A similar
approach was proposed by researchers in Finland in
an effort to design web services for a generic HIS
using a service orientated architecture approach
(Mykka¨nen et al., 2007).
In a systematic review of evidence based re-
engineering in healthcare 87 articles from 1989 to
2003 were analysed (Elkhuizen et al., 2006). They
identify two main weaknesses in this research field:
Firstly, there are few studies focusing on negative
results of process management and, secondly, a large
number of health improvement projects are being
performed by private companies who do not have a
vested interest in publishing this work(Elkhuizen et
al., 2006). However, this is beginning to change as
private companies are publishing results of the
process re-engineering work they have done
(Hartung and Biglin, 2010).
TQM is seen as inadequate to address the
challenges experienced due to the inherent
complexity of healthcare (Patwardhan and
Patwardhan, 2008). On the other hand, process
engineering is being seen as an appropriate
technique as it provides an understanding of the
impact and influence of the process on people and
technology (Lenz and Kuhn, 2004, Elkhuizen et al.,
2006, Boston-Fleischhauer, 2008b, Patwardhan and
Patwardhan, 2008, Trkman, 2010).
Little research is available for healthcare process
management both in SA and other developing
countries. Vine (2007) suggests the South African
health care processes are “fundamentally broken”
(Gerntholtz et al., 2007) and thus research in this
area is much needed. SA’s boldest attempt to
implement an EMR solution across all government
hospitals in Limpopo, failed in 1998. Healthcare
workers were inadequately prepared and a lack of
attention to the intent of processes and their unique
application in South Africa appear to have played a
role in this failure (Littlejohns et al., 2003).
However, by first improving the process before
automating it , led to a successful Electronic Medical
Record implementation in the renal department of
Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital (May 2005)
(Gerntholtz et al.,2007). Thus process re-engineering
does seem to suggest one possible way forward.
2.4 Patient Centred Process
It is however necessary to consider where the focus
of such process reengineering needs to be placed.
There are two “user” groups who will benefit from a
HIS; the staff of the medical facility and the patients.
As the patient is in fact the “customer” in these
systems, the focus on patient centred care is
becoming a trend in the healthcare industry
(Tsiknakis and Kouroubali, 2009). By understanding
that the patient is the focal point in the healthcare
system, it becomes evident applications of process
engineering should be patient centred (see for
example Francis and Alley (1996) and Pickles et al.
2.5 Open MRS Origins
One of the most widely used Open source EMR
solutions in Africa is OpenMRS (Seerbregts et al.,
2009); (Tierney et al., 2010). OpenMRS is designed
using international standards (HL7, DICOM, and
LOINC) for interfacing and development to support
portability and interoperability of the solution and
universal deployment. The OpenMRS MDRTB
module that is being reviewed in this study was
developed to provide an intuitive “front end” to
support the treatment of MDRTB for World Health
Organisation (WHO) sponsored projects (Thomas,
2008). The module can be customised with some
medium to high level computer skills for specific
geographical or treatment requirements (Choi and
Fraser, undated). OpenMRS positions itself as a
means to enable and empower developing countries
to improve the healthcare administration and thereby
the standard of care of patients. To date OpenMRS
has been deployed in Kenya (2001), Tanzania
(2008) Rwanda (2008), South Africa (2006), and
Uganda (2007) (Seebregts et al., 2006); (Frasier et
al., 2008); (Tierneya et al., 2010).
MDRTB is a strain of tuberculosis where the
bacteria are resistant to two or more of the drugs
used to treat TB, in particular isoniazid and
rifampicin (WHO, 2010). MDRTB has developed as
a result of patients’ poor compliance to their
tuberculosis treatment regimens. There have been
attempts to address the improvement of the
treatment of TB patients with the Direct Observation
Treatment Short-course (DOTS). DOTS aims to
provide a patient centred care framework, whereby
the patient is provided with the necessary support
such as; travel arrangements to the clinic and active
participation of community care workers, to ensure
adherence with the treatment regimen (2009).
In South Africa many patients die before an
MDRTB case is confirmed, as a result of the
turnaround time in conducting these diagnostic
tests(O'Donnell et al., 2009). It is often more
beneficial in suspected cases to begin MDRTB
treatment, while a diagnosis is being conducted.
While MDRTB patients require hospital based
treatment they are often turned away due to the
limited capacity at the hospitals and the high
prevalence rate, this often creates a risk of the
disease spreading more widely in the
community(Seung et al., 2009). In addition there is a
high rate of co-infection of MDRTB and
HIV(WHO, 2010). Once again one of the major
drivers for the escalations of death among HIV
positive patients is the time to confirm the MDRTB
diagnosis of the patient(Seung et al., 2009). Another
concern in treating an MDRTB patient who is co-
infected with HIV is the potential drug interaction
conflict (Cohen and Maarstens, 2004).
In summary: Once the technology becomes
accessible and reliable, the challenge lies in the fit
between the two dimensions of adoption: Firstly, the
task to be performed and the technology being
employed to achieve it and secondly, the user
performing the technology-enabled task and the task
to be performed (Elske et al., 2006). As highlighted
earlier by process transformation waves, greater
attention is being given to the individual who
derives value from the execution of the process.
There has been little research on process analysis in
the developing world context (Harrison, 2009). A
qualitative methodology was thus adopted in order
to “raise awareness and increase insight” (Hancock,
2002). The research study is grounded in the FITT
theoretical framework (Elske et al., 2006). This
model explicitly looks at three dimensions and the
relationship between each: (1) User and Technology,
(2) Task and Technology and (3) User and Task.
While the focus of the methodology is on the task
and the technology fit, it aims to do so while also
considering implications for users in terms of their
fulfilment of tasks and use of technology.
The study was conducted in four phases. This is
illustrated in figure 1. The first phase focused on the
creation of process models based on the SA clinical
guidelines and the OpenMRS MDRTB module
using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
(White, 2004). The procedures in the guidelines
(2009d) were translated into business processes. The
tutorial from the OpenMRS MDRTB module
(Thomas, 2008) together with an out-of-the-box
installation were used to create process models that
represent how the health information system should
be used to manage the data of patients diagnosed
with and treated for MDRTB.
A business process model visually illustrates the
sequence of tasks completed to achieve the
organisations objective. Each task is detailed in a
rectangular shape starting with a verb to focus on the
action taken. In order to achieve both a big picture
and finer grained view of processes; a process is
sub-divided into sub-processes. Each Sub-process is
then decomposed into a process map. The process
rules are represented by gateways” (a diamond
shape symbol). The process is contained by a start
point and end point marked by circle shapes at either
end of the process. The starting point indicates the
trigger that sets off the process and the end points
indicates the attainment of the organisation’s
objective. BPMN is a well-used technique for
illustrating process models in a simple and easily
understandable manner. The process goal for each
process is determined based on the understanding of
the objective of the guideline. The process goal is
used to evaluate whether each task in the process is
contributing to the process goal.
During the second phase the analysis of the
process models provided insight into inefficiencies,
and the alignment of the process as prescribed by the
clinical guidelines and the technology solution as
provided by OpenMRS.
In the third phase of the study, experts were
engaged in a discussion on the analysis derived in
phase 2. These experts were identified by creating a
list of authors from the literature review conducted
and assessing their potential involvement based on
the following criteria: (1) Published research related
to OpenMRS deployment in Africa or South Africa
in the past five years, (2) Member of the OpenMRS
Implementers’ Community for the past three years,
(3) Published research related to TB or MDRTB
from a South African perspective in the past five
years, (4) Currently or previously a clinician, and (5)
availability of an email address.
The participants group consisted of 28 experts;
15 individuals responsible for implementing EMR
solutions and 13 clinicians practicing or researching
in the field of TB and MDRTB. These experts were
consulted to provide judgment on the process
analysis provided using the Delphi technique. An
email was sent to 28 participants (11 Clinician & 16
OpenMRS implementers) identified to participate in
the study, requesting them to participate. The email
explained the objectives of the study and their role in
the study. 7 Participants responded confirming their
participation in the study within a two week period
(4 clinicians and 4 OpenMRS implementers). As the
timelines for data collection had already been agreed
with those who had agreed to participate, it was not
possible to delay the study further in order to attempt
to secure additional participants. Of the original 28
experts approached to participate in the Delphi
study; Only 5 of the 7 participants who responded
within two weeks of the request, provided responses
to the first round of the study. These 5 participants
formed the Delphi group. The participant’s
responses were then collated. The objectives of the
study together with the responses from the first
round were used to create questions for the second
round. The aim of the second round of questions was
to determine the degree of agreement with a
statement or the frequency with which a particular
risk or gap is experienced. The experts’ comment on
the perceived usefulness of the process analysis was
also requested. The feedback from round two was
collated with Excel and analysed. As no new
responses arose in round 2 there was no need to
conduct a third round (Syed et al., 2009).
In the fourth phase, the opinions from the experts
were analysed according to emergent themes. The
emergent themes were used to determine the points
of contention and consensus with regard to the value
of process engineering when using OpenMRS to
manage patient’s medical data. When a content
analysis statements was performed analysing word
concentration to identify themes, there was a poor
result therefore statements were further analysed to
interpret the actual meaning of the statement
(Thorne, 2000). This culminated in a final review
with experts.
The results of the study are presented to highlight
three key aspects, namely: First, the insights gained
from the process analysis of two perspectives of the
MDRTB guidelines; second, the synergies relating
to the co-treatment of MDRTB and HIV/AIDS; and
third, and the value of process re-engineering as an
analytical and design tool.
4.1 Process Analysis Insights
4.1.1 Process Models
The results from the process analysis highlight
various inefficiencies and waste. Some of these
problems are related to the lack of integration of
upstream processes with downstream processes.
Table 1 provides an overview of the key metrics
evaluated in Phase 2 of the study: Break points
referred to an activity with hand-offs between
departments, people, systems and functions. With
the 54 break points that were identified, steps need
to be put in place to ensure that the transition at the
break points are smooth to support optimal flow of
the process. The 2
metric, Business Rules directs
an individual or machine through a different path
depending on the condition that is met. During the
analysis the applicability of the business rules were
questioned and found to be relevant. The Gaps
identified focused on identifying where the out-of-
the-box instance of OpenMRS did not meet specific
requirements in the South African context. This
meant that some customisation will be required. The
Risks identified highlight potential weaknesses in
the process. During phase 3 of the methodology,
when the risks were put to the Delphi Group, these
were identified as “not significant”. Finally the
Waste identified in the process highlighted the
potential opportunities to streamline the process.
4.1.2 Expert Commentary on Process
The Delphi study was conducted over one month (15
November 2011 – 15 December 2011). Using a
questionnaire, participants profiled themselves as
spending their time doing research, implementing
EMR solutions and performing clinical activities.
Four, out of five, participants has experience in
overcoming challenges of diagnosis and treatment of
MDRTB patients and experience in healthcare
quality improvement projects. All three clinicians in
the group have knowledge of the South African
clinical guidelines. Only one participant refrained
from indicating their level of experience with EMR
solutions, two of the participants expressed "some
experience" and another two expressed a "great deal
of experience". With the exception of the one
participant who practices process analysis on a daily
basis, all other participants had limited exposure to
process analysis. One of the clinicians expressed an
interest to learn process analysis.
In support of existing literature all participants
agreed that the alignment of process, technology and
the individual is very important (Elske et al., 2006);
(Ludwicka and Doucettea, 2009); (Tsiknakis and
Kouroubali, 2009). Participants also indicated that
operational efficiency, quality improvement and
innovation in service delivery of healthcare are
poorly explored subjects in healthcare research
(Elkhuizen et al., 2006). They also identified that
these subjects are becoming more relevant as the
burden on the healthcare system grows (Nathanson
et al., 2006); (Singh and Padayatchi, 2007);
(Keshavjee et al., 2008; 2009), (WHO, 2009);
(WHO, 2010). In the literature reviewed it is evident
that much of the in these subjects is concentrated in
the developed world (Boston-Fleischhauer, 2008a);
(Pickles et al., 2008); (Chan and Kaufman, 2010).
In this study participants raised issues potentially
related to developing countries; issues of poor
capacity development and inefficient turn-around
times as gaps and risks, respectively. Participants
refer to poor capacity both in terms of the
infrastructure; such as diagnostic equipment,
integration of specialized technologies, and in terms
of skilled human resources to execute procedures.
Laboratory results that are used for diagnosis are
conducted by a third party in South Africa, creating
a further disconnect. Turn-around times of processes
thus need to be more tightly managed to support the
efficiency of the diagnostic process. As highlighted
by Seung et al. (2009), there are several cases where
a delayed diagnosis results in treatment being
delayed resulting in a patient’s delayed recovery or
even death. All participants agreed with these and
other wastes identified in the process analysis.
Wastes were stated as improvements, gaps or
risk in the second round of the Delphi study and
tested with the participants. In agreement with
existing research, their responses show that two of
the greatest inefficiencies in current non-EMR
settings are the redundant capture of information and
laborious data analysis (Gerntholtz et al., 2007);
(Vine, 2007); (Blaya et al., 2008); (Clifford et al.,
The benefit of developing a new guideline was
deemed questionable as expert comments
highlighted that all healthcare workers do not follow
the current prescribed guidelines and suggested any
revisions may remain unimplemented. However,
given the various improvements that have been
recommended by participants in this study and those
noted in recent literature (Seung et al., 2009)
Table 1: Process analysis summary.
Process analytics Total instances of analytics identified
Break Points: An activity with hand-offs between departments, people, systems and functions 54
Business Rules: Determine behaviour. It directs a person or machine with regard to; what to do
and when.
Gap: A particular function or step that the clinical guideline requires but OpenMRS does not
Moment of truth: The interaction between patient and the health care facility 9
Risk: An unforeseen error that could impact the flow of the process from successfully reaching
its objective.
Waste: Activities in the process that result in inefficiencies that can be avoided. 5
(Albert et al., 2010); (Cegielski, 2010); (O’Donnell
et al., 2010); a new guideline could allow for the
incorporation of best practices. Understanding the
gap between the technology and the process is a
critical exercise that must be conducted to ensure
that there are limited work-a-rounds once the HIS
implementation is completed. The gap analysis
indicates there is a high concentration of gaps
between the process and the technology (14).
As noted by a participant, it is important for a
HIS to be customizable, “The reality of the
operational set up is that the care process is highly
fluid”. A participant, who is an international
OpenMRS implementer, highlighted how nine of the
thirteen gaps between task and technology could be
closed by customisations. OpenMRS has been
customised and integrated with other applications
like Chasqui in Peru (Blaya et al., 2007),
FrontlineSMS in Ghana & AMPATH in clinics in
sub-Saharan Africa (Anokwa, 2010); (Kumar et al.,
2010); (Wei-Chih et al., 2010), and integration with
Google maps in Pakistan (Ford, 2009). Thus
illustrating OpenMRS can be customised for
different contexts; including developing countries.
Given the growing use of technologies to support
clinical decision making (Terazzi et al., 1998);
(Andersson et al., 2003); (Marc Mitchell et al.,
2007); (Isern and Moreno, 2008); (Anokwa, 2010),
it was not surprising that participants, particularly
clinicians, made recommendations with regard to the
need to integrate specialised technologies. This is
further supported by the fact that the majority of
participants responded positively to the technology
improvement in OpenMRS regarding clinical
decision making support to aid healthcare workers.
While there are numerous gaps highlighted in the
out-of-the-box installation of OpenMRS MDRTB
module, it does help to mitigate various identified
risks and eliminate waste; making the diagnosis and
treatment process of MDRTB more efficient.
However it would be better if the gaps identified in
the study were closed before an implementation is
Two process improvements were presented to
participants: Firstly, always taking 3 sputum samples
and secondly, replacing the MDRTB register with
the investigation form. The clinical guideline
specifies that three sputum samples be collected
based on a specified decision tree and the
recommendation was to simplify the process and
always collect 3 sputum samples. Participants
“disagreed” and “strongly disagreed” with the
process modification suggested, although no reason
was provided by participants when this was queried.
The majority of the participants were “undecided”
whether replacing the register with the investigation
form would yield value. Thus, based on the experts’
experience in the field, these interventions appear
likely to have an insignificant impact.
One of the greatest opportunities to enhance the
OpenMRS system is to ensure that the processes that
are supported by the system adequately provide
relevant communication to stakeholders involved in
the process. Quality improvement research
highlights the need for effective communication
among healthcare workers during the clinical care
process to support care co-ordination (Boston-
Fleischhauer, 2008a); (Tanevaa et al., 2010). All
participants did not respond to statements relating to
the need for the system to support communication,
and responses varied widely. An individual’s
perspective on this issue may be dependent on the
environment in which the participant operates. This
form of context dependent analysis did not form part
of this research however it does suggest an area for
future research.
4.2 Synergies for Co-treatment of
One of the greatest challenges in the developing
world is the dual infection of HIV and MDRTB
(Cohen and Maarstens, 2004); (O'Donnell et al.,
2009); (Seung et al., 2009). This was supported by
the findings in this study as all participants agreed
that there is a need for the co-treatment of HIV and
MDRTB patients.
Participants highlighted several factors that could
offer synergies for the co-treatment such as;
identifying the reasons for the delay in initiating
HIV treatment of MDRTB patients and the provision
of support to HIV and MDRTB patients to adhere to
their treatment programmes. These are supported by
World Health Organisation (2009) research and by
Perumal et al., (2009). Participants suggested, and
strongly agreed, that it would be preferable to have
one service provider to support the treatment of
patients suffering both conditions. This has not been
explored in any previous study and should be further
explored from both an operational and clinical
A participant noted the lack of existing literature
detailing the advantages and disadvantages of a
decentralized model of care (a.k.a community care
or mobile care). As with previous studies,
participants also highlighted the need for MDRTB
patients attending facilities to be tested for HIV
(O’Donnell et al., 2010). The synergies that were
raised, but which participants disagreed on were;
electronic monitoring systems that do not require
specialised data capturers, separate clinic notes and
registers and the provision of isoniazid prophylaxis
for all immune-compromised individuals, especially
post TB treatment.
The participants with a clinical background also
highlighted the need for more synergies in terms of
drug treatments to effectively support the
consequences of drug interaction; as highlighted by
Cohen and Maastens (2004), Calver et al., (2010)
and Cegielski, (2010). Participants reiterated the
point made in previous studies that there is a need
for early treatment of ARV in dually infected
patients (O'Donnell et al., 2009); (Seung et al.,
The participants with OpenMRS implementation
experience also contributed to the synergies
identified, indicating that electronic monitoring
systems could support patient treatment adherence.
This is not surprising, as OpenMRS implementations
in other African countries have already encountered
such challenges and have worked on solutions such
as SMS reminders (Allen et al., 2007);
(Noormohammad et al., 2010); (Choi and Fraser,
4.3 Value of Process Engineering
Participants had no substantive disagreement with
the findings presented as a result of the process
analysis. In addition, participants expressed the
value that they had seen in terms of the advantages
noted in the first round of the Delphi review. Thus
the exercise promoted the appreciation of the value
of process analysis. Four out of five participants
agreed that conducting the process analysis was a
time consuming activity. Given that participants
themselves did not conduct the process analysis,
their perception of the time consuming nature of the
activity may be biased.
While there are a few studies that highlight the
value of process models as a medium to teach
healthcare workers (Stausberga et al., 2003), this
potential benefit was ranked lower than most other
advantages noted by participants. The use of process
analysis in the development of clinical protocols has
been noted by Taneva et al., (2010). Participants in
this study both identified this advantage and ranked
it very high. It is a growing trend in healthcare
quality improvement programmes and research to
encourage healthcare workers to initiate
improvement opportunities (Needleman and
Hassmiller, 2009); (Chassin et al., 2010).
Participants identified process analysis as a
technique to realise this advantage and ranked it
very highly.
One of the participants highlighted that there is a
need to measure improvement in clinical outcomes
with the implementation of a HIS and research
indicates that evidence based medicine is strongly
supported by implementations of HIS (Paulus et al.,
This study has presented an opportunity to
understand how healthcare can be delivered with
operational excellence. Even in the developing
world context, simple process improvement can go a
long way to improving service.
Firstly modelling the process that healthcare
workers are expected to follow in the diagnosis and
treatment of MDRTB (based on the SA clinical
guidelines) and the electronic HIS processes (based
on OpenMRS documentation) it became easier to
understand the main objectives of the diagnosis and
treatment process.
Secondly the process models allowed for the
analysis of wastes, opportunities for improvement
and the alignment between the SA clinical
guidelines and the functions of OpenMRS. The
process analysis highlighted that there are
inefficiencies in the process related to poor data
management and break-points in the process. There
are also various opportunities to provide value add
to the patient, with reminders for follow-ups and
better reporting requirements to improve assessment
of the processes. There are numerous areas where
the out-of the box OpenMRS MDRTB installation
does not fit the South African context but has the
ability to reduce the inefficiencies that currently
Thirdly, the process analysis findings were
validated with experts in the field. The experts
confirmed that the findings were valid in terms of
outlining the relevant steps to be followed by
healthcare workers, the need for technology to
enable the process where appropriate and risks and
wastes that make the process inefficient. Participants
disagreed with the need to adjust the sputum
collection tasks and synergies of co-treatment such
as a single service provider and provision of
isoniazid prophylaxis for all immune-compromised
The study assists in providing evidence to
illustrate the value of process engineering in the
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