An Adaptive e-Learning Tool for Pressure Ulcer Evaluation
Laura Morente
and Francisco J. Veredas
Escuela Universitaria de Enfermer´ıa, Diputaci´on Provincial de M´alaga, M´alaga, Spain
Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci´on, Universidad de M´alaga, Bulevar de Louis Pasteur s/n, M´alaga, Spain
Pressure Ulcer, e-Learning, Adaptive Tutorial Systems, Image Processing, Computational Intelligence,
Nursing Informatics.
Pressure ulcers (PrU) are considered as one of the most challenging problems that Nursing professionals
have to deal with in their daily practice. Nowadays, the education on PrUs is manly based on traditional
lecturing, seminars and face-to-face instruction, sometimes with the support of photographs of wounds being
used as teaching material. This traditional educational methodology suffers from some important limitations,
which could affect the efficacy of the learning process. This current study has been designed to introduce
information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education on PrU for undergraduate students, with
the main objective of evaluating the advantages an disadvantages of using ICT, by comparing the learning
results obtained from using an e-learning tool with those from a traditional teaching methodology. In order to
meet this major objective, a web-based learning system named ePULab has been designed and developed as
an adaptive e-learning tool for the autonomous acquisition of knowledge on PrU evaluation. In this article, the
ePULab software is described in details and the general results from an experimental educational validation
study are also presented and analysed.
The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
(EPUAP) defines a pressure ulcer (PU) as an area of
localized damage to the skin and underlying tissue
caused by pressure, shear, friction and or a combi-
nation of these (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel (EPUAP), 1999; Gawlitta et al., 2007). The
pressure ulcers (PrU) are considered as one of the
most challenging problems for Nursing profession-
als in their daily practice, whatever is the assistance
speciality they are working on. The PrU care usu-
ally suffers from a high variability and uncertainty in
decision-making tasks carried out by nurses, not only
when dealing with preventionstrategies but also when
considering the evaluation of the wound and the phar-
macological treatment to be administered (Demarre
et al., 2011; Revello and Fields, 2012). All these as-
pects are on the basis of the interests that Nursing
professionals pursue when they are proposed to en-
rol an education activity to improve their skills in PrU
evaluation and wound care-taking. On the other hand,
getting a better education on PrU diagnosis and treat-
ment, not only by professionals but also by undergra-
duate students, could become the most effective strat-
egy to reduce the use of pharmacological products
with non-yet-demonstrated benefits, and also to ho-
mogenize the clinical interventions and increase the
efficiency of decision-making protocols for PrUs.
Nowadays, the education on PrUs for undergradu-
ate students is mainly based on traditional on-campus
learning, with face-to-face classes and the common
use of real PrU photographsas teaching aid. The most
frequent educational objectivesare usually focused on
two main aspects: 1) to facilitate the comprehension
of the risk factors related to PrU incidence and pre-
vention; and 2) to provide the students with the nec-
essary knowledge to identify accurately and classify
correctly each one of the different types of wounds,
on the basis of the four classical PrU evolution stages
proposed in USA in 1989 by the NPUAP (National
Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), and adapted with mi-
nor changes in 1.999 by the EPUAP (The European
Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel) in Europe (Defloor
and Schoonhoven, 2004). Furthermore, that theo-
retical education is usually complemented with other
practical activities, which the students can carry out
when attending the practical clinical sessions in which
Morente L. and J. Veredas F..
ePULab - An Adaptive e-Learning Tool for Pressure Ulcer Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004187901550160
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 155-160
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
they are able to observe PrU wounds in a real clinical
context and try the therapeutic criteria they learned
at the classroom. Nevertheless, this traditional ed-
ucation suffers from some important limitations that
could compromise the efficacy of the learning pro-
cess: on one hand, in traditional education schemes
the students behave usually as passive subjects dur-
ing their learning process, as the classical teaching
methodology is difficult to arouse their motivation
and interest; on the other hand, a high variability in
the learning process is generated during the clinical
sessions, so that it is not possible to control the en-
tire educational environment —its final configuration
depends on the eventual existence or absence of PrU
wounds in the clinical unit in which each student is
temporary practising, as well as on the offer of oppor-
tunities for the student to get involved in the care of
the existing PrUs of that clinical unit. Having all these
aspects into account, it is not possible to guarantee
that all the students can observe and care PrUs and,
furthermore, the number of PrUs that each student can
observe is limited and different to that of their class-
mates; finally different evolution stages and high vari-
able treatments could be found by each student when
dealing with the PrUs of patients in the clinical unit
they are involved in during their practical sessions.
To conclude, the traditional education on PrUs makes
difficult to homogenize the acquisition of knowledge
and practice by the undergraduate students, while it
does not guarantee yet the learning of the same con-
cepts and the enjoyment of the same education op-
portunities on PrUs evaluation. This fact could also
determine the subsequent variability of the PrU care
carried out by the Nursing professionals when the join
finally the Health system. Moreover, the continuing
education on PrUs of these Nursing professionals usu-
ally suffers from the same limitations as the under-
graduate education above, as it is difficult to arouse
the motivation and participation of these Health work-
ers in their own education on PrU diagnosis and treat-
With the aforementioned problems, this current
study has been designed to introduce the information
and communication technologies (ICT) in the educa-
tion on PrUs for undergraduate students, and evaluate
its advantages by comparing the results from this e-
learning strategy with those obtained with traditional
teaching methods. Many studies have appeared in the
last decade which show the impact of ICT on Nursing
education (see (Bloomfield et al., 2008) and (Ains-
ley and Brown, 2009) as two conclusive reviews on
this particular subject). However, although the meth-
ods based on e-learning have gained an increasing
popularity in the last few years and become effective
strategies constituted as a real alternativeto traditional
teaching tools, some authors have recently pointed to
the necessity of improving the validity of the studies
which evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning tools,
advancing by this way to the optimization of the
methodological design of those studies (Bloomfield
et al., 2008).
The design of the ePULab (educational-Pressure Ul-
cer Laboratory)software has been focused on the reg-
istering of PrU photographs, their automatic segmen-
tation, the computer-assisted labelling of all the tis-
sues present in the PrU images by using artificial vi-
sion techniques (Veredas et al., 2010), and the col-
laborative work for mutual evaluation of PrUs done
by Nursing professionals and other clinical experts.
On one hand, the specification the ePULab system
includes the design of some modules to manage the
different educational levels of the students. These
modules adapt the educational level of the system to
the learning necessities of each student during their
evolutionary learning cycle. On the other hand, the
design of the ePULab system has been oriented to
allow the monitoring of the progresses made by the
students, while giving also support to the teachers
to analyse the learning objectives that their students
achieve, therefore making possible the subsequent
generation of reports and statistics on the progresses
and marks obtained by the students. The ePULab sys-
tem allows the users to have both an on-line or an off-
line learning, therefore making the time consumed by
the learning process more flexible and adaptable.
2.1 ePULab Teacher’s Interface
The so-called teacher’s interface (Figure 1) allows
the lecturer to insert new PrU cases in the system,
as well as edit their clinical information —which in-
cludes the possibility of uploading PrU photographs
and their image segmentation maps— and all the rel-
evant information about the PrU evaluation: local fea-
tures such as classification, PUSH (Pressure Ulcer
Scale for Healing) index, presence of infection signs
or smell, state of the surrounding skin, depth, pres-
ence of cavitation, amount of exudate existing in the
wound, etc.; treatment information such as dressing
type and treatment, handling of bacterial load, posi-
tion changes to be provided, support devices used by
the patient, etc.; and patient’s general information on
their health state, such as patient’s Pfeiffer and Braden
indexes, patient’s sex and age, informal carer’s in-
terest, education and motivation, patient’s nutritional
status, etc.
The login page of the teacher’s interface allows
them to have access to the system by using an au-
thenticated connection which counts on the SSL en-
crypting protocol, with a
URL, to get a secure
connection to the data. The design of the login page is
similar for both interfaces, i.e. the teacher’s one and
the student’s one, although those two separated inter-
faces are independent and located at different URLs.
Once a user with teacher profile has been granted
access to the system, an operating interface is shown,
which consists of several frames with specific func-
tionality. The main page of this teacher’s interface is
structured in three different sections (figure 1):
The list of PrUs: it is located in the upper left
frame (Figure 1) and consists of the list of all the
PrUs available in the system. From this frame,
the information on the evaluation of each PrU is
accessible for edition and query.
The list of training/evaluation tests for students:
it is located in the lower left frame of the
teacher’s interface (Figure 1), and allows the
user with teacher profile to create and edit train-
ing/evaluation tests, i.e. a set of PrU cases that
have been evaluated by the teacher and grouped
together to be available to the students for their
practice on PrU evaluation (by using the ePULab
student’s interface). Consequently, these train-
ing/evaluation tests have to be designed by the
teacher with two main objectives: to allow their
students the learning of the principles of PrU di-
agnosis and treatment (at three different complex-
ity levels that the teacher is able to select), and
to evaluate and monitor the progresses that their
students achieve during their learning phases.
The central frame of the interface, in which the
forms, fields, panels and data of each PrUs stored
in the system are shown for query or edition (Fig-
ure 1). These data consist of information on
the evaluation of each PrU, which includes pho-
tographs, local information on the wound, general
information on the patient’s health state, informa-
tion on the treatments and Nursing clinical inter-
ventions on the wound, informal carer’s data, etc.
On the other hand, this central panel is also used to
manage all the information regarding the creation,
query and edition of training/evaluation tests for
the students.
The fields in the forms for PrU evaluation are clas-
sified in three different levels (Figure 1): beginner, in-
termediate and advanced. When a training/evaluation
test is presented to a student for the first time, all the
diagnosis and treatment questions corresponding to
the beginner level are set up. The student can then
interact with the system by reading the on-line tuto-
rials and contextual information, and answering the
proposed questions on tissue identification, diagnosis
and treatment. The student also can monitor their pro-
gresses, as well as consult and edit their answers to
the proposed questions. Once the number of correct
answers from an user with student profile has risen
above an established threshold (which is previously
configured by the teacher when they designed the
training/evaluation test), the student’s level increases
and they get the intermediate level. This new level
would include more complex questions on PrU diag-
nosis and treatment, which were previously config-
ured by the teacher by using their own interface. Sim-
ilarly, the advanced level could be get by the students
once a new learning threshold is reached.
2.2 ePULab Student’s Interface
The student’s interface (Figure 2) is located at a URL
that is different from that used for the teacher’s in-
terface (section 2.1). Nevertheless, the login page to
access to the system by an authenticated connection
(with user/password login) is similar to that used by
the teachers. As in the case of the teacher’s interface,
the student’s interface is also provided with the SSL
encrypting protocol to get a secure access to all the
specific functionality that the students are supplied
Once a user with student profile has been granted
access to ePULab, a welcome page is displayed,
which consists of a list of training/evaluationtests that
a teacher would have left available for their students.
The student is then able to choose a particular train-
ing test to start with the evaluation questions of all
the PrU cases that it consists of. With this purpose,
the student can select a training test by clicking on it;
from that moment on, the student will get all the con-
textual information necessary to the effective under-
standing of each one of the PrU cases that the test is
grouping together as established by the teacher when
they designed the test. For each PrU, the student is
able to read its contextual information and navigate
through the sequential evaluation phases by answer-
ing the different diagnosis and treatment questions
that the system poses. During this training process,
the student can also get all the necessary feedback
about their progresses and check their responses to
the different questions on PrU evaluation.
When a user with student profile gets access to the
system for the first time, they start at a beginner level,
so that they only have to answer those question on
Figure 1: A screenshot of the teacher’s interface, which shows the list of available PrUs and training tests for the students,
as well as the central frame for visualization, query and edition of data from PrU evaluations. (The text in the image is in
Figure 2: A screenshot of the student’s interface, which shows the section of tissue identification on a particular case of PrU
evaluation. (The text in the image is in Spanish).
PrU evaluation that are included in that initial level,
such us tissue identification (Figure 2), PrU classifica-
tion, Health education for the informal carer, state of
the surrounding skin and presence of infection signs.
As the student is making progresses for the questions
in the beginner level and finally reaches an established
threshold, they go forward to the intermediate level
and, subsequently, to the advanced level. In each one
of these levels, the student has to answer all the ques-
tion on PrU evaluation corresponding to that level and
the lower ones. Some questions included in the inter-
mediate levels are: wound depth, presence of cavi-
tation, PUSH index, or cleaning types necessary for
the hygiene of the wound. The advanced questions
include some treatment issues such as the necessity
of debridement, dressing type, handling of bacterial
load, number of position changes, etc. In all mo-
ment, the student is able to query the contextual in-
formation that the teacher has included for each PrU
in the training test. That information involves addi-
tional comments and observations on the wound, such
as the amount of exudate, the location of the wound,
the patient’s sex and age, the wound area, etc. Fur-
thermore, a complete set of on-line tutorials on PrU
diagnosis and treatment are available to be looked up
by the students.
One of the most important sections that each stu-
dent has to go through when evaluating each one of
the PrUs included in a training/evaluation case is the
identification of all the significant tissues present in
the PrU image. In Figure 2 one of the PrU tissues pro-
posed for classification is shown, as it is displayed on
the student’s interface. The ePULab software supplies
the user with a PrU image-viewer which allows the
student to display the original PrU image and navigate
friendly through the different tissues previously seg-
mented in the image (Figure 2). The image segmenta-
tion maps, as well as the classification of the tissues,
are provided by the teacher when they insert a new
PrU case in the teacher’s interface. Those segmen-
tation maps can be manually or automatically gener-
ated by using the image processing tools designed and
implemented by this same research group as a result
of previous projects (see (Veredas et al., 2010) for a
complete review of these techniques and results).
In order to count with an initial validation of the ePU-
Lab tool as an effective adaptive e-learning software
on PrU diagnosis and treatment, we have designed an
analytical and experimental study of educational re-
search by configuring a randomized trial with a non-
concurrent control group. The main objective of this
study is to compare the educational efficacy of the
ePULab software with that obtained from the tradi-
tional on-campus face-to-face instruction of Nursing
undergraduate students.
The population of the study was composed of 73
Nursing undergraduate students enrolled in the Nurs-
ing degree in the Escuela Universitaria de Enfermer
of the Provincial Council of M
alaga, Spain. This pop-
ulation sample was divided into two different groups:
an experimental/intervention group, which used the
ePULab software for e-learning education on PrU;
and a control group, which receivedan on-campus ed-
ucation on PrU evaluation and treatment.
The variables measured in the a priori knowledge
questionnaire (pre-test), as well as in the acquired
knowledge questionnaire (post-test), are the same for
both groups of the population (experimental and con-
trol group), and are based on the observation of a PrU
image that is printed on a paper and projected on a
screen in the classroom at the same time. On the ba-
sis of that PrU image, which was always the same for
both groups of students, we evaluated the following
aspects: the student’s ability to classify the wound;
the student’s ability to evaluate the characteristics of
the peri-ulcer skin; the student’s faculty to detect in-
fection signs in the wound; and the degree of correct-
ness in the choice of the type of dressing necessary
for the wound healing. On the other hand, there has
been also designed a question in both the pre- and
post-tests to evaluate the student’s skill to determine
which Nursing care interventions are appropriate for
that wound in the image. Finally, the last issues in
the questionnaires were designed to measure the stu-
dent’s ability to identify the different significant tis-
sues present in the wound image.
3.1 General Validation Results
The results from the global scores obtained by the stu-
dents in the experimental and control groups, for both
the pre- and post- tests (questionnaires), are shown in
Figure 3, wherein the boxplots show the different dis-
tribution of the total scores from the pre- and post-
questionnaires: while no differences were found be-
tween the experimental group and control group for
the pre-test (a priori knowledge), significant differ-
ences between the two groups were observed for the
post-test (acquired knowledge) however. The total
score from the tests ranged from 0 to 22 points and
was obtained from the summation of all the scores
from the items included in the different categories of
the questionnaires. By observing the results shown
in Figure 3, we can first highlight the comparability
of the initial knowledge conditions of both groups,
with an averaged total score of 8.23 (standard devi-
ation 1.23) for the control group, and 8.27 for the ex-
perimental group (standard deviation 1.39). Never-
theless, although the results from the post-tests reveal
the effectiveness of both education strategies (as an
increase in the averaged total scores can be observed
for both groups of students), the averaged total score
from the experimental group (15.85) is significantly
higher (p < 0.01, t-test) than that obtained from the
control group (11.6), giving a higher efficacy of the
educational scheme based on the use of the ePULab
e-learning tool than that of the traditional on-campus
Initial evaluation
Final evaluation
Figure 3: Boxplots of the total score (range [0, 22]) from
the items in the pre- and post- questionnaires for the con-
trol group (with an educational approach based on a tra-
ditional on-campus teaching) and the experimental group
(with an educational strategy based on the use of the ePU-
Lab e-learning tool for PrU evaluation).
In the previous sections, we have presented a new
adaptive e-learning tool, namely ePULab, which was
specifically designed for education on PrU evaluation.
The main characteristics of the ePULab software have
been exposed in detail, and the design of an exper-
imental study to measure the efficacy of ePULab as
an effective educational tool has been also presented.
The general results obtained from this study show
how knowledge acquisition on PrU evaluation is sig-
nificantly higher for those students who used the ePU-
Lab tool, compared to the students who received a tra-
ditional on-campus instruction. These results reveal
the validity of the ePULab e-learning tool as a very ef-
fective instrument for the learning on PrU evaluation
and treatment, as well as for the efficient acquisition
of skills for those processes of a high significance in
Nursing daily practice.
This study has been supported by the Consejer´ıa
de Salud, Servicio Andaluz de Salud, of the Junta
de Andaluc´ıa, project id. PI-0502/2009. The au-
thors also acknowledge partial support through grants
TIN2010-16556from MICINN-SPAIN and P08-TIC-
04026 from Junta de Andaluc´ıa, all of which include
FEDER funds.
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