tational tree logic and checked in the resulting tran-
sition graph. In BIOCHAM, presence or absence of
objects is the only matter considered in contrast to our
SMBioNet (Bernot et al., 2004) is a tool for for-
mally analysing temporal properties of gene regula-
tory networks. In SMBioNet, genes have concentra-
tion thresholds to activate or inhibit each of their reg-
ulating genes. A temporal evolution of a system is
specified by a transition function on the vectors of
expression levels of genes. The specification of be-
haviours is more flexible in our method than that of
SMBioNet in the sense that we can express temporal
ordering of event occurrences by LTL.
GNA (de Jong et al., 2003) is a computational tool
for the modelling and simulation of gene regulatory
networks. GNA archives simulation using piecewise
linear differential equation models and generates state
transition systems that represent possible behaviours.
This method assumes that the functions of multivari-
ate regulation are known but such functions are un-
known in most of networks. Therefore our method
is more applicable for the current databases of gene
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whether a biological property can be true in network
behaviours, it is unknown how to utilise network mo-
tifs in analysing networks with them.
In this paper, we have presented a method for
analysing the dynamics of gene regulatory networks
using LTL satisfiability checking. To ease analysis of
large networks, we developed the approximate analy-
sis method and showed how it works well.
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presented approximate specifications for five network
motifs. For further development, it is important to
find approximate specifications for more network pat-
terns. However, there is another approach to handle
large networks. It is a modular analysis method, in
which we decompose a network into a few subnet-
works, check them individually, and then integrate
them. The modular analysis method is applicable to
arbitrary network and is not approximate but precise.
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