A Graph-based Disambiguation Approach for Construction of an Expert
Repository from Public Online Sources
Anna Hristoskova
, Elena Tsiporkova
, Tom Tourw´e
, Simon Buelens
, Mattias Putman
and Filip De Turck
Department of Information Technology, Ghent University, G. Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Ghent, Belgium
Sirris, Software Engineering & ICT Group, A. Reyerslaan 80, 1030 Brussel, Belgium
Author Disambiguation, Expert Finding, Clustering, Data Processing, Graph Data Model.
The paper describes a dynamic framework for the construction and maintenance of an expert-finding reposi-
tory through the continuous gathering and processing of online information. An initial set of online sources,
relevant to the topic of interest, is identified to perform an initial collection of author profiles and publications.
The extracted information is used as a seed to further enrich the expert profiles by considering other, poten-
tially complementary, online data sources. The resulting expert repository is represented as a graph, where
related author profiles are dynamically clustered together via a complex author disambiguation process lead-
ing to continuous merging and splitting of author nodes. Several rules are developed that assign weights to
the links in the graph based on author similarities such as name, affiliation, e-mail, co-authors, and interests.
Dynamic clustering of the authors depending on these weights results in the identification of unique experts
for a specific domain.
The developed disambiguation and author clustering algorithms are validated on several authors with vary-
ing name notations showing an improvement on the identification of unique profiles of 28% compared to the
results from DBLP.
Nowadays organizations are looking for opportunities
to adopt and implement a formal, structured and fo-
cused approach for the identification of individuals
having a particular expertise and background. How-
ever, there are currently no adequate tools available
to support such needs. Although a large pool of data
is available on the web, it is often gathered manually,
which is a time intensive, tedious and error-prone pro-
cess, due to the fact that the data is not centralized,
is available in different formats, can be outdated or
contradictory. Leading search engines mainly provide
keyword-based results in response of a search query.
This is limited in terms of accuracy and efficiency of
information comprehension as one still has to man-
ually search for more data on experts, their level of
expertise and their connections.
Research on identifying experts from online data
sources has been gradually gaining interest in the re-
cent years. In (Balog and de Rijke, 2007) similar ex-
perts are found based on an initial collection of exam-
ple experts. The authors define several ways of repre-
senting experts: through their collaborations, the doc-
uments they are associated with, and the terms they
are associated with. Furthermore from the compar-
ison on the number of the initial set of experts they
conclude that larger input samples lead to higher sim-
ilarity scores. Similar to this the authors in (Zhang
et al., 2010) focus on utilizing personal and relation-
ship information for finding experts in a social net-
work. In a first phase, the person’s local information
is used to estimate an initial expert score and select
the top ranked people as candidates. In the second
phase, a propagation-based process propagates one’s
expert score to the people with whom he/she has re-
lationships. Another research challenge is choosing
the right communication channel that is commonly
used by the authors, to query for specific experts.
(Stankovic et al., 2011) propose just such an approach
for adapting the expert search process to the given
topic of expertise, by relying on Linked Data metrics.
Other approaches use semantic technologies such
as OntoFrame (Jung et al., 2007a) to identify experts
Hristoskova A., Tsiporkova E., Tourwé T., Buelens S., Putman M. and De Turck F..
A Graph-based Disambiguation Approach for Construction of an Expert Repository from Public Online Sources.
DOI: 10.5220/0004192300240033
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 24-33
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
from CiteSeer and full text documents. Firstly, au-
thor information on experts with the same co-authors
is merged. Next, topically-classified papers are con-
structed through topic extraction based on full text
analysis. A last step is the use of SPARQL queries to
retrieve URI-based ’Persons by Topic’ from an RDF
triple store.
Adopting the strengths of the Semantic Web is a
sufficient first step in finding experts for a specific
domain. A necessary requirement is the actual iden-
tification of unique author profiles based on the ex-
tracted personal and community data. This demands
for more formal ways of representing author pro-
files and the development of complex disambiguation
methods able to differentiatebetween distinct authors.
The presented paper supports this upcoming trend
by creating a framework that constructs an expert-
finding repository in an incremental fashion through
the continuous gathering and processing of user-
related information from a variety of online sources.
This allows users to query the expert repository with a
set of keywords defining the subject area they want to
investigate. The outcome is a list of authors, ranked
by decreasing level of expertise on the specific sub-
ject. Each author is accompanied by a profile, con-
taining a list of papers, highly touted co-authors and
any other information the user might find useful. The
main novelties are
1. a graph model representing author profiles, con-
sisting of information such as e-mail, affiliation,
publications, interests, links to co-authors, etc;
2. a complex disambiguation process based on the
dynamic clustering of the related author profiles
that continuously splits and merges author nodes.
This disambiguation algorithm compares the gathered
author information represented in the graph in order
to assign similarity weights between related authors.
These weights are used to calculate the probability
that several authors are equal resulting in the iden-
tification of unique author profiles. The developed
disambiguation and author clustering algorithms are
validated on several authors with varying name nota-
tions showing an improvementon the identification of
unique profiles of 28% compared to the results from
The paper starts with an overview in Section 2 of
the related work on expert-finding applications. Its
outcome is the identification of several research chal-
lenges to be tackled in Section 3. The actual imple-
mentation is thoroughlyexplained in Section 4, which
makes use of a graph representation for the expert
model. The clustering and disambiguation process,
responsible for identifying unique authors, are the key
components. The article concludes with a compar-
ative analysis of the results from this approach and
DBLP in Section 5. Finally, the main conclusions and
future improvements are drawn in Section 6.
Several works on the topic focus on the adoption of
advanced information retrieval, machine learning and
reasoning techniques, while considering applications
such as research collaboration or enterprise expert
(Hofmann et al., 2010) explore the integration of
contextual factors that have been found to influence
human expert-finding, into content-based approaches
for finding similar experts. Such factors include ac-
cessibility, reliability, physical proximity, and up-to-
dateness. A similarity score between experts is as-
signed based on the retrieved expert profile content
and the contextual factors playing a role such as work-
ing for the same group.
Probabilistic methods such as (Fang and Zhai,
2007) develop a framework for studying expert-
finding. Specifically, candidates are ranked according
to the probability that a candidate is ”relevant” to the
topic (i.e., expertise) specified in a query using two
models, i.e., candidate generation models and topic
generation models. Topics are mapped to candidate
experts based on profile and document retrieval. In a
similar fashion the process of expert search in (Balog
et al., 2009) is based on two probabilistic models. The
first model uses the associations between people and
documents to build a candidate model and match the
topic against this model, and the second matches the
topic against the documents and then uses the associ-
ations to amass evidence for a candidate’s expertise.
These traditional methods usually estimate the rel-
evance between the query and the support documents
of candidate experts using a language model. How-
ever, this approach lacks the ability of identifying se-
mantic knowledge, resulting in experts that cannot
be found due to no occurrence of the query terms in
the supporting documents. This is tackled in (Zhang
et al., 2008) where people with expertise knowledge
on a given topic are identified using a mixture model
combining probabilistic techniques to capture the se-
mantic relevance between the query and the support
documents of candidate experts. The model identi-
fies additional topic themes that relate the query terms
to support documents. The Rule Responder in (Bo-
ley and Paschke, 2007) reuses knowledge (ontologies
and rules) to query data from Web resources such
as vCards, FOAF or SIOC profiles. It represents a
Web-based communication infrastructure for expert
querying and redirection to other services able to re-
trieve unanswered queries. Rule-based reasoning is
combined with case-based reasoning in (Tung et al.,
2010) to retrieve experts able to solve a specific sys-
tem problem. The rule-based reasoning adopts ex-
perts’ knowledge in a diagnosis phase by categorizing
similar problem types in advance narrowing down the
searching spaces. The case-based reasoning locates
a problem according to the classified categories in a
retrieval phase. Finally, based on domain knowledge
of personal expert profiles, the appropriate expert is
identified able to solve the problem.
Ontology-based inference is also adopted to sup-
port collaboration between researchers. The Seman-
tic Campus by (Sriharee and Punnarut, 2007) pro-
poses a construction of a Semantic Web application
that represents the social network of the academics in
a university (i.e. King Mongkut’s Institute of Tech-
nology North Bangkok). Extracted data available on
the web site of the university is analyzed with re-
spect to its association to terms defined in an on-
tology and between people in the university to re-
veal links between academics. The semantic plat-
form in (Jung et al., 2007b) focuses on the verifica-
tion and the tracing of information using an informa-
tion dissemination platform and Semantic Web-based
services. Services include information dissemination
supporting reliable information exchange among re-
searchers (including keyword-based document search
and related document search with version tracing) and
knowledge service providing unrevealed information.
(Pavlov and Ichise, 2007) propose a method for build-
ing link predictorsin networks, where nodes represent
researchers and links - collaborations. The method
extracts structural attributes from the graph of past co-
authorships and uses them to train a set of predictors
using supervised learning algorithms. These predic-
tors can then be used to predict future links between
existing nodes in the graph and thus suggest future
Some other recent contributions in the area of in-
tegrating web data consider a set of challenging re-
search topics such as data cleansing, profiling, and
entity resolution. ProLOD in (B¨ohm et al., 2010) is
an iterative and interactive methodology for profil-
ing linked open data. The process divides data into
groups using K-means clustering. It determines the
actual schema on a group-level by finding equiva-
lent attributes. Afterwards it rethinks grouping de-
cisions in order to revise them for refining the profil-
ing result. The algorithm in (Pu et al., 2010) anno-
tates unbounded text streams with entities of a struc-
tured database. This allows one to correlate unstruc-
tured and dirty text streams from sources such as e-
mails, chats and blogs, to entities stored in structured
databases. Relations among entities are currently not
In terms of scale, the problem of finding experts
is usually tackled by mining vast online data sources
such as Wikipedia and CiteSeer (see (Jung et al.,
2007a; Whitelaw et al., 2008)), in order to gather a
sufficiently large data repository containing informa-
tion on persons, articles, social links. The advantage
is achieving high coverage of the experts, active in
a certain domain, and relatively complete expert pro-
files in space and time. Unfortunately, such large data
collections contain a substantial proportion of noisy
data (contradictions, duplicates) and the achieved de-
gree of accuracy cannot be estimated in a reliable way.
The proposed approach in this paper focuses on
the identification of the main research challenges to
be considered in order to determine uniqueexpert pro-
files. An expert repository is constructed in an in-
cremental fashion using an initial set of online data
sources enriched with extracted information from the
author profiles. The approach proposes a graph as a
representation model for the resulting expert profiles.
Related author profiles are dynamically clustered to-
gether into unique authors via a complex author dis-
ambiguation process leading to continuous merging
and splitting of graph nodes. Authors are identified
based on several different metrics: name similarity,
affiliation, co-authors, e-mail and interests.
Most applications that automatically gather user in-
formation from the web serve personalization or rec-
ommendation purposes. However, there are many
other potential applications, as for instance the iden-
tification of experts in a particular technological do-
main for the purpose of technology scouting, partner
matching for research proposals, or visualization of
research activities and experts within geographical re-
gions e.g. in the context of technology brokerage. Go-
ing beyond recommendation and personalization ap-
plications often imposes more strict requirements:
1. Very
(if not complete)
over the do-
main should be attained. This requires informa-
tion extraction from multiple heterogeneous data
sources; structured (LinkedIn, Twitter), semi-
structured (ACM DL, DBLP) and unstructured
(conference pages).
2. The data needs to be
at all times result-
ing in a data streaming pipeline that continuously
presents newly gathered information to approve
new, or revoke previously taken decisions.
High accuracy/reliability
should be guaranteed.
This demands the development of advanced dis-
ambiguation techniques and the quantification of
the different sources in terms of reliability and
trustworthiness (e.g. distinguish between doubt-
ful and reputable sources).
4. It should be possible to
rank the experts
in terms
of impact and relevance. Identification of ade-
quate criteria and metrics, which most probably
will be application- and problem-dependent, al-
lowing to perform multi-criteria decision analysis
is necessary.
These requirements are taken into account in the
next section using a bottom-up approach to building
the expert-finding repository.
We propose a bottom-up expert-finding approach,
which implements an entity resolution method allow-
ing for reliable disambiguation of authors of scientific
articles. Its internal functioning is split up in three
main components as presented in Figure 1:
ing data
from various online sources (publications,
author profiles, online presentations), improving ac-
curacy through
data cleaning
tween authors, and
and clustering this data
into unique author profiles. These steps demand ad-
ditional requirements such as customized informa-
tion extraction techniques from the identified sources
and a formal way of representing the author profiles
supporting the disambiguation and clustering process
(Section 4.1).
The result from the
data gathering
step is high
coverage through the incremental extension of an ini-
tial set of online sources targeting the application do-
main in question. These sources serve as seeds for
the bootstrapping and the incremental growth of the
repository using web scraping techniques to extract
information such as an initial list of authors, article ti-
tle, abstract, co-authors, and affiliation. Subsequently,
using the extracted information additional sources are
considered, such as Google Scholar, DBLP, Microsoft
Academic Search, in order to search for authors and
co-authors and identify additional published mate-
rial. This leads to a broader set of actors in the
field, technology-related publications, research activ-
ities and author career evolution. The expert reposi-
Data gathering
Initial seeds
Extending coverage
Information extraction
Data modeling
Data cleaning
Data analysis
Taxonomy creation
Relationship clusters
Information extraction
Data modeling
Figure 1: A bottom-up approach to building an expert-
finding repository.
tory is constantly dynamically updated with this infi-
nite stream of information.
The collected data consists of partial information
on entities (authors) and relationships (links between
authors), which are often inconsistent and conflicting.
For instance, an author’s name is not a unique refer-
ence to a person, as there might be multiple authors
with the same name or the name can be spelled out
differently or change throughout time. It should be
possible to discriminate between different individuals
with similar names.
required to guarantee that an expert profile and asso-
ciated publications refer to a unique author. During
data collection
phase each new piece of author
information linked to an author’s name is stored as
a new entity in the repository, even if that name is
already present. This is necessary in case the same
name is connected to different authors. The
of authors consists of a number of rules
(detailed in Section 4.2.2) which inspect several enti-
ties in the repository and define the probabilities that
names, typically connected to a publication or a pro-
file, represent a unique author. The
step clus-
ters the names so they would reference the same au-
thor using the probabilities calculated during the dis-
ambiguation phase (Section 4.2.1).
The next sections focus on the main novelty of the
paper consisting of the development of a graph model
for representing author profiles, disambiguation rules
assigning similarity weights to author links and a dy-
namic minimum-cut clustering algorithm identifying
unique experts based on these weights.
4.1 Graphs as a Flexible Data Model
Given that new information is constantly gathered, the
results of the
phases are
not permanent as decisions might need to be revoked.
This requires a data model enabling flexible manage-
ment of the continuous stream of partial information.
The extracted information comprises of entities
(authors) and relations between them, which can be
easily modelled as an ontological structure. This al-
lows representing and reasoning on the information
in a general way independent of the specific domain
at hand. Thus, the selected representation method is
a graph-based model, as illustrated in Figure 2. This
graph model is composed of three layers, combining
that emerge from dealing with the complexities re-
lated to author disambiguation.
author nameauthor name
Figure 2: The extracted information is represented as a col-
lection of nodes and edges describing (partial) information
about an author ”instance”.
structural layer
defines the actual graph struc-
ture, which reflects the author disambiguation deci-
sions through a change in structure. The extracted in-
formation is represented as an ”instance” consisting
of a collection of nodes and edges that describe (par-
tial) information on an author such as name, e-mail,
publications, co-authors. Constructing a complete au-
thor profile amounts to finding an optimal partitioning
(clustering) of instances resulting in each instance-
group (cluster) representing a unique author.
information layer
comprises of the data it-
self and structures the partial author information. The
authors are considered unique containing name in-
stances linked to their publications. There is no limit
on the amount of data. Every new addition to the au-
thor profile (publications, locations, events) is used to
produce edge similarities in the
similarity layer
tween separate authors increasing the precision of the
framework. This data flow is constantly updated.
Finally, the
similarity layer
defines similarities be-
tween author instances, performs clustering and links
the instances referring to the same author. This layer
is responsible for the change in graph structure in the
structural layer
. Every time a new similarity is com-
puted, there is a possibility that re-clustering will be
invoked. The constant influx of information from the
information layer
requires a dynamic approach, de-
tailed in the next section that maintains the cluster
4.2 Continuous Incremental Clustering
This section describes the developed clustering algo-
rithm, adopted by the
similarity layer
in the previous
section, identifying unique experts based on the simi-
larities between names, affiliation, e-mail, co-authors,
and interests. The process is split up in two parts: a
domain-independent minimum-cut tree algorithm re-
sponsible for the clustering process and the defini-
tion of domain-dependent rules assigning similarity
weights to authors based on the available profile in-
4.2.1 Domain-independent Dynamic
Minimum-cut Tree
Minimum-cut Tree. Similarity edges are added by
the domain-dependent rules in Section 4.2.2 between
author’s name, e-mail address, affiliation nodes, co-
authors, and author interests. A domain-independent
dynamic minimum-cut tree algorithm described in
(Saha and Mitra, 2006) computes clusters based on
these similarity edges. Only a part of the minimum-
cut tree is built as the number of authors impacted by
new data entries is limited and the tree is computed
over subset of nodes affecting small number of clus-
ters. This solution guarantees efficiency while main-
taining an identical cluster quality as the static version
of the algorithm. The sequential Gusfield’s algorithm
described in (Flake et al., 2004)is implemented which
calculates the minimum-cut tree of any given graph.
The pseudo code is given by Algorithm 1 where the
numbers represent nodes or vertices and can be cho-
sen randomly.
G = (V,E,w) denotes a weighted undirected graph
with n = |V| nodes or vertices and m = |E| links or
edges. Each edge e = (u,v),u, v V has an associ-
ated weight w(u,v) > 0. Let s and t be two nodes in
G(V,E), the source and destination. The minimum-
cut of G with respect to s and t is a partition of V, de-
noted as S and V/S. These partitions should be such
that s S,t V/S and the total weight of the edges
linking nodes between the two partitions is minimum.
The sum of these weights is called the cut-value and
is denoted as c(S,V/S).
The minimum-cut tree is a tree on V such that
inspecting the path between s and t in the tree, the
minimum-cut of G with respect to s and t can be ob-
tained. Removal of the minimum weight edge in the
path yields the two partitions and the weight of the
corresponding edge gives the cut-value.
Gusfield’s algorithm consists of n 1 iterations of
a Maximum Flow algorithm and for every iteration a
different vertex is chosen as source. The destination
vertex is determined by previous iterations and is
Algorithm 1: Sequential Gusfield’s Algorithm.
Input: G = (V, E, w)
Output: T = (V, E, f), where T is a cut tree of G
V(T) V(G);E(T)
for tree
, flow
,1 i N do
1; f low
end for
// n 1 maximum flow iterations
for s 2 to N do
// adjust the tree with Cut(s,tree
// c
contains s and connected nodes, c
and connected nodes
for t 1 to N do
if t == s t == tree
else if t c
s c
else if t c
s c
end if
end for
end for
// Generate T
for s 1 to N do
E(T) E(T) s,tree
) f low
end for
return T
is saved in the tree. Initially all vertices of the out-
put tree point to node 1, but this can be adjusted af-
ter each iteration. This adjustment depends on the
minimum-cut between the current source and desti-
nation. All the nodes are split in two collections, us-
ing this minimum-cut. The parent of each node is
adjusted if it is on another side as its current parent,
which is stored in the tree.
Adjacency Matrix. The minimum-cut algorithm
described by (Saha and Mitra, 2006) identifies the ad-
jacency matrix A of G as an n × n matrix in which
A(i, j) = w(i, j) if (i, j) E, else A(i, j) = 0. The al-
gorithm also maintains two new variables for every
vertex, the
In Cluster Weight (ICW)
and the
Out Clus-
ter Weight (OCW)
. If C
are the clusters of
G(V,E) then ICW and OCW are defined as follows:
Definition 1. In Cluster Weight (ICW) of a vertex
v V is defined as the total weight of the edges linking
the vertex v to all the vertices which belong to the
same cluster as v. That is, if v C
, 0 i s then
ICW(v) =
Definition 2. Out Cluster Weight (OCW) of a vertex
v V is defined as the total weight of the edges linking
the vertex v to all the vertices which do not belong to
the same cluster as v. That is, if v C
, 0 i s then
OCW(v) =
, j6=i
Based on this adjacency matrix and the corre-
sponding vertex weights ICW and OCW new edges
between similar author nodes are added to the graph
resulting in possible re-clustering of the entire graph
Edge Addition. A similarity between two instances
is represented as a new edge between two author
nodes with a given weight. Using this weight, the
probability that two instances belong to the same au-
thor can be derived. The weight is calculated by the
disambiguation rules. There are two different pos-
sibilities that are treated separately:
edge addition.
edge addition means that both the
nodes of the added edge belong to the same cluster.
The result is that the cluster becomes stronger con-
nected. A single requirements is updating the ICW
and the adjacency matrix A with the new edge weight
while the nodes remain unchanged.
Addition of an edge whose end nodes belong to
different clusters (
edge addition) is more
challenging as it increases the connectivity across dif-
ferent clusters. This means that the cluster quality
of the clusters involved is lowered and as a result re-
clustering might be necessary when the quality is no
longer maintained. There are three identifiable cases:
1. CASE 1: The addition of the edge does not break
the clusters involved.
2. CASE 2: The addition of the edge causes the
clusters to be so well connected that they are
merged into one. In Algorithm 2 two clusters C
and C
are merged into one new cluster contain-
ing the nodes of the two original clusters. This
causes the ICW of all the nodes involved to in-
crease and the OCW to decrease as all the nodes
are now more connected.
3. CASE 3: The new edge deteriorates the cluster
quality and the nodes in both the clusters have to
be reclustered. All the nodes outside the set of
clusters S in Algorithm 3 are replaced by a single
new node x. Self loops created during this process
are removed and parallel edges are replaced by a
single edge with weight equal to the sum of the
parallel edges. The reason we consider the clus-
ters outside S is because S will generally be small
while the other clusters will contain a lot of nodes.
In each of these three cases, the addition of a new
edge results in updating the adjacency matrix A and
the OCW of the nodes involved with the edge weight.
Algorithm 2: Merging of clusters C
and C
Input: C
and C
Output: Merged cluster
for u C
ICW(u) ICW(u) +
OCW(u) OCW(u)
end for
for v C
ICW(v) ICW(v) +
w(v, u)
OCW(v) OCW(v)
w(v, u)
end for
return D
Algorithm 3: Contraction of clusters outside the set of clus-
ters S.
Input: G(V, E) and set of clusters S
Output: Contracted graph G
Add all vertices of S to a new graph G
i, j V
: A
(i, j) A(i, j)
Add a new vertex x to G
for i {V
x} do
(i,x) = ICW(i) + OCW(i)
(i, j)
end for
Obtain E
from A
return G
If the addition of the new edge does not deteriorate
the clustering quality (CASE 1), the clusters are main-
tained and only the adjacency matrix A and the OCW
of the nodes involved are updated. On the other hand
if the hypothetical cluster quality of the cluster cre-
ated by the combination of the two current clusters
exceeds a predefined threshold α (CASE 2), the clus-
ters are merged. Otherwise (CASE 3), a new coars-
ened graph is created by contracting all the clusters
except C
and C
to a node x. The resulting graph
is significantly smaller than the original graph, result-
ing in lower execution times. An artificial sink t is
added to all the vertices of the coarsened graph with
weight α > 0. After adding edges between t and the
other nodes, the minimum-cut tree is calculated, as
described in Algorithm 1. The connected components
are computed from the resulting tree, after removing
t. The components containing vertices of C
and C
along with the clusters C {C
} are returned as
the new clusters of the original graph. As a result of
the re-clustering, the ICW and OCW of the nodes in-
volved are recalculated.
4.2.2 Domain-dependent Rules
Additionally domain-dependent rules propagate sim-
ilarities when clustering occurs. They drive the en-
tire flow of the framework by converting new infor-
mation into similarities between instances. The four
rules that are examined are:
Community. Authors often work together with the
same co-author(s). Author instances, that are linked,
due to co-authoring, to instances belonging to the
same author or authors with similar names, are more
similar themselves because of these links. One can
distinguish the following three situations ordered by
increasing similarity:
The co-authors of the two instances have similar
The co-authors of the two instances have equal
names. An example of this is visualized in Fig-
ure 3.
The co-authors of the two instances are in the
same cluster and thus bound to a unique author.
38%$ 38%% &+21*'$9,'
<8 <8&
<8 <8&
Figure 3: The co-author rule in action: comparing the two
instance of James, a similarity (w
) is added as the co-
authors Yu and Yu C. match.
Interest. The topics of publications of the same au-
thor are usually located within the same field of re-
search. Keywords extracted from the titles of the pa-
pers are defined as the author’s interests. There are
two dependencies that are considered: time and inter-
est specificity.
The time-dependency increases the precision of
this rule by deteriorating the weight of the similari-
ties produced by it as the publication dates are further
The specificity of the interest increases the preci-
sion by introducing a dynamic weight as a function of
Table 1: Comparison between the classification of the manually disambiguated family names dataset and the results from
Family Number of Authors Total Number of
Name Manual DBLP DBLP Publications
Turck 4 4 172
Chen 70 1 221
Woo 1 3 9
Mens 2 2 153
Johnson 107 64 460
the number of nouns in a noun phrase. Normally, the
longer a noun phrase, the more specific the domain
it describes. More specific means that the domain is
more characteristic for an author, increasing the prob-
ability of two instances working in that domain to be
the same author.
e-Mail. Authors with the same e-mail address are
most likely to be the same person. The time-
dependency is not used in combination with this rule,
as e-mails are normally not interchanged between
Affiliation. Authors are more likely to work at a
specific affiliation at a given time. This rule benefits
from the time-dependency concept. Authors some-
times change from one affiliation to another. Having
the same affiliation ten years later yields less of a sim-
ilarity that having the same one right now.
Based on these rules the similarity edge between
two instances is assigned a specific weight. This
weight is calculated by the disambiguation step that
defines priority weights and thresholds (α > 0) to
compute the probability that the parameters (com-
munity, interest, e-mail, affiliation) of the author
instances match. Various combinations of priority
weights for the four rules are examined in Section 5.1.
Rules are triggered by different events in the sys-
tem. A rule is for example executed when it has
been discovered that an author has published a new
publication, but is also executed on the event of re-
clustering. The latter is a by-product of the system
itself and not originating from an external source.
Rules are performed on three different scopes: in-
stances with the same name, instances with similar
names and instances that are part of the same clus-
ter. Strictly respecting these scopes narrows down the
problem domain.
The clustering process is implemented as a state-
full pipe and is completely decoupled from the graph
representation. The result is that the graph is almost
not being accessed during this process. The group-
ing of instances is done completely local and the state
of the similarities is maintained in a shared key-value
store. This approach takes a lot of the load off the
repository, which is important as a graph repository
does not scale that easily.
The clustering solution is evaluated on five family
names - Turck, Chen, Woo, Mens and Johnson - each
with a number of variations. These are manually dis-
ambiguated combining the authors into clusters using
the information from DBLP and their publications.
In total the constructed ground truth test set contains
just over 1000 publications. The comparison between
the number of different authors obtained after man-
ual disambiguation and these identified by DBLP is
presented in Table 1.
The family names of the authors are selected as
initial seeds while querying for publications from
DBLP. This is combined with e-mail and affiliation
information that has been composed manually. The
result is a graph containing clusters with the unique
author profiles. Next, precision, recall and F-measure
(Equation 1) are calculated by comparing the clusters
extracted from the graph computed by the minimum-
cut tree algorithm using the rules defined in Sec-
tion 4.2 with the manually composed data set.
precision =
|{relevant documents}∩{retrieved documents}|
|{retrieved documents}|
recall =
|{relevant documents}∩{retrieved documents}|
|{relevant documents}|
= (1+ β
5.1 Priority Weights of the Four Rules
Different values for the weights allocated to each of
the four rules together with the value of α, which is
a threshold used to determine if re-clustering should
occur, are tried out in order to verify which com-
bination leads to the most accurate author cluster-
ing. Table 2 presents the different distributions of rule
Table 2: Weight distributions for the different rules and the obtained average F-measure over the five family names.
Property basic lowkey highco highkey
α 25 25 25 25
keyword rule 4 1 1 10
community rule 8 8 50 50
affiliation rule 10 10 10 10
email rule 1000 1000 1000 1000
average F-measure 81.5% 72.7% 79.0% 84.5%
weights and the results from clustering are visualized
in Figure 4. Four different weight combinations are
identified; ”basic” depicts weights resulting in equal
priority of all the rules, ”lowkey”decreases the weight
associated to the keywords describing the author do-
main of expertise, ”highco” increases the community
rule weight, ”highkey” increases both keyword and
community weights.
Turck Woo Mens Chen Johnson
F measure (%)
Family name
Figure 4: The F-measure for different weight distributions
of the rules for each family name.
Figure 5: A comparison of different combinations of rules.
The first four columns stack the rules, the fifth column uses
all rules except the community rule and the last column de-
picts the baseline, this is the F-measure of the case where
no clustering has happened.
The F-measures in Figure 4 show that the ”high-
key” distribution provides the best average accuracy.
This distribution gives high values to all properties,
favouring a lot of clustering, while a high α en-
sures acceptable threshold. Only for the family name
”Johnson”, it does not get the highest F-measure. This
can be attributed to a higher number of clustering it-
erations, resulting in a higher recall, but a lower pre-
cision. The average F-measure for each distribution
over the ve families is visualized in the last row of
Table 2.
5.2 Rule Evaluation
The impact of each of the rules on the accuracy is
tested for each of the family names using the ”high-
key” weight distribution from the previous section as
it yields the highest average accuracy. The F-measure
for each of these combinations can be seen in Fig-
ure 5. The combination of all four rules generates the
best result, although sometimes the increase in accu-
racy from an additional rule is minimal. In the case
of ”Chen”, adding the affiliation rule to the commu-
nity and e-mail rule even results in a small decrease
in accuracy. This is the result of erroneous clustering
of certain authors. The community rule on the other
hand has the biggest positive impact on the correct-
The F-measure for each of the family names as
partitioned by DBLP is also calculated in order to
make a comparison with the presented results in this
paper. Table 3 shows that the proposed solution over-
comes DBLP by 19% or 28% (weighted based on the
number of papers of each author), depending on how
the mean accuracy is calculated.
This paper presents an expert-finding repository fo-
cusing on author disambiguation by implementing a
dynamic minimum-cut tree clustering algorithm. An
initial prototype has been developed that continu-
ously gathers author information by identifying ini-
tial seeds using a flexible graph as a data model. It
incrementally clusters authors based on a domain-
independent clustering algorithm and a set of domain-
dependent author disambiguation rules assigning sim-
ilarity weights to author similarities. Validation of
the proposed approach shows an improvement on the
Table 3: Comparison of the F-measures for the different family names: DBLP partition vs. the proposed expert repository.
The figure also presents the mean F-measure and a weighted (based on the number of papers of each author) F-measure.
% Turck Woo Mens Chen Johnson Mean Weighted
DBLP 100.0 87.5 100.0 2.7 62.8 70.6 61.8
Proposed 100.0 94.1 89.8 63.7 74.7 84.5 79.0
Accuracy Gain 0.0% +7.5% -10.2% +2259.3% +18.9% +19.3% +28.2%
identification of unique author profiles of 28% com-
pared to the results from DBLP.
Future work should focus on enabling the usage of
negative weights to the graph model identifying com-
pletely different authors. The expansion of the num-
ber of online sources in order to retrieve more author
information will result in the possible entailment of
additional (re)clustering rules.
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