Beat-by-Beat Monitoring of Systolic Blood Pressure based on an
ASIC and a Mobile Phone for Ambulatory Application
Wenxi Chen
, Ming Huang
, Xin Zhu
, Kei-ichiro Kitamura
and Tetsu Nemoto
Biomedical Information Technology Laboratory, The University of Aizu, Tsuruga, Aizu-wakamatsu City, Japan
Department of Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,
Kanazawa University, Kodatsuno, Kanazawa City, Japan
Keywords: Blood Pressure, Electrocardiogram, Photoelectric Plethysmogram, Pulse Arrival Time, Asic, Mobile Phone,
Ambulatory Monitoring, Daily Healthcare.
Abstract: This paper describes an ambulatory monitor for beat-by-beat monitoring of systolic blood pressure (SBP)
based on an ASIC chip and a mobile phone. The ASIC is able to measure electrocardiogram (ECG),
photoelectric plethysmogram (PPG), and has a peripheral interface to control an air pump and valve for
inflating and deflating a sphygmomanometer cuff in conventional blood pressure measurement. Algorithms
for signal processing, characteristic point detection and SBP estimation are implemented on a mobile phone.
Pulse arrival time (PAT) is derived from the apex of QRS complex to the maximum slope of PPG, and is
used to estimate a rapid change component in SBP beat-by-beat. An oscillometric sphygmomanometer with
a cuff is used to determine SBP intermittently for calibration purpose. Data communication between a
mobile phone and the ambulatory monitor is conducted via a Bluetooth wireless connection. Performance of
the prototype is examined by data from five healthy college students. The results show that 65.9% of
estimated SBP fall into ±5% relative error, 96.6% in ±10% and 99.7% in ±15%. This prototype is a pilot
study aiming at integrating an innovative sphygmomanometry into a mobile phone for continuous blood
pressure monitoring. We expect to find potential applications in ambulatory monitoring and daily
Ambulatory monitoring of multiple vital signs
attracts more and more attention in daily healthcare
domain. Monitoring devices with smaller size and
lighter weight are desirable. With dramatic
advancement in information technologies, a mobile
phone is nowadays not only a communication tool,
but also provides a universal platform with versatile
interfaces, large amount of computational power and
high capacity of data communication. Widespread
utilization of mobile phones in daily life makes it
practical and acceptable to extend their applications
in ambulatory healthcare by integrating advanced
biomedical sensors and functionalities.
Ambulatory applications based on mobile phones
have been widely explored in various aspects such
as diagnosis, monitoring and health management.
Without requiring any additional accessories, a
built-in camera can be used to monitor breath rate
and pulse rate simultaneously by analyzing chest
movement during breathing and chromatic tone
change due to blood flush during heartbeating in a
series of images (Philips, 2011).
More professionally, an external device with
specific function is connected to a mobile phone via
wired or wireless means to turn a mobile phone into
a significantly efficient medical checkup equipment.
For example, an electrode pad is attached to an
iPhone or Android smartphones to monitor ECG and
detect heart rate in real-time mode without directly
contacting the electrodes to the body surface
(AliveCor, 2011). Although it does not serve to
diagnose acute myocadial infarction, an ambulatory
ECG can mark cardiac events in emergency situation
A B-mode ultrasound imaging device based on a
mobile phone was developed to offer an imaging
tool for kidney, liver, eye and uterine screenings
(Richard and Zar, 2009). It is realized by simply
connecting a portable ultrasound probe to a mobile
phone via a USB cable. A mobile phone implements
Chen W., Huang M., Zhu X., Kitamura K. and Nemoto T..
Beat-by-Beat Monitoring of Systolic Blood Pressure based on an ASIC and a Mobile Phone for Ambulatory Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0004192600100013
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2013), pages 10-13
ISBN: 978-989-8565-34-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
algorithms for signal processing and image
reconstruction, and serves as a GUI display.
Peripherals applicable to mobile phones include
an electronic stethoscope for cardiac auscultation
(Bentley, 2011), a sphygmomanometer cuff for
blood pressure measurement (Withings, 2011), an
acousticon-type device for multiple vital signs
monitoring (CIM, 2008), and many others (Liu and
Liu, 2011).
Our study aims at developing an ASIC for
mobile phone application, and exploring the
possibility of ambulatorily monitoring systolic blood
pressure beat-by-beat based on the ASIC and a
mobile phone.
In this paper, we describe implementation of a
prototype using the ASIC for monitoring
electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoelectric
plethysmogram (PPG) continuously, and estimating
systolic blood pressure (SBP) beat-by-beat by using
pulse arrival time (PAT) and intermittent calibration
method proposed by (Chen et al., 2000). We
examined five subjects to assess the performance of
the prototype by comparing the estimated SBP with
reference from a tonometer beat-by-beat.
This prototype consists of three parts: a conventional
sphygmomanometer with a cuff, an ambulatory unit
and a mobile phone, as showed in figure 1.
Figure 1: Three main parts of the monitor. A conventional
sphygmomanometer (ABS box) with a cuff (deep blue) in
the left; a mobile phone in the right; an ambulatory unit
making use of a mouse crust above the ABS box.
The sphygmomanometer is used to measure SBP
intermittently, for example once a day, as initial
value for calibration of estimated beat-by-beat SBP.
It is not necessary to be portable. The size is
The ambulatory unit embeds the ASIC and other
peripheral circuits into a mouse crust. This unit is
small to be portable and used to measure ECG and
PPG, and therefore to derive PAT beat-by-beat for
estimation of SBP.
A mobile phone is used to implement various
algorithms, such as signal processing, characteristic
point detection for ECG and PPG, and SBP
estimation. It also serves as a GUI terminal for data
visualization and transmission.
All communications for data and commands
among the sphygmomanometer, the ambulatory unit
and a mobile phone are available via a Bluetooth
connection. Daily results can be transmitted to a
specific database server via mobile network and be
accumulated for further data mining.
2.1 Sphygmomanometer
The sphygmomanometer with a built-in air pump
and valve can inflate and deflate the cuff by UART
commands from a mobile phone wirelessly. Pressure
change in the cuff can be monitored in real-time and
transmitted to a mobile phone.
Figure 2 shows pressure profiles in the cuff
during inflation and deflation. The cuff is firstly
inflated to approximately 150 mmHg and then
deflated gradually as showed by the pink trace (DC).
At the same time, the oscillation component in the
cuff is amplified as showed by the blue trace (AC).
The AC signal is used to determine SBP and mean
BP by the oscillometric method.
Figure 2: Cuff pressure profiles during inflation and
deflation procedures. Pink trace indicates a direct
component (DC) in the pressure signal. Blue trace is the
alternating component (AC).
2.2 Ambulatory Unit
The ambulatory unit utilizes a mouse crust to mount
the electronic circuit board, including the ASIC, for
measurements of Lead I ECG and two wavelengths
of PPG.
Time (sec)
Pressure (mmHg)
The ASIC is customized to integrate several
functional blocks with analogue and digital mixed
circuits, such as front-end amplifiers, poor contact
detector, auto gain controller, filters and other logic
circuits. The ASIC is fabricated by UMC 0.18um
mixed-mode process with 1.8V and 3.3V dual power
supplies (United Microelectronics Corp., Taiwan).
Measured analogue signals are digitized by 12-
bit AD converters and transmitted to a mobile phone
as showed in figure 3 (right). Two Ag/AgCl film
electrodes are attached on two sides of the mouse
crust contacted by left hand. Another electrode
surrounding the light hole is touched by right hand.
Photo diode and detector are deployed in the hole of
the mouse. In this way, the ambulatory unit can
measure ECG and PPG simultaneously by two hands
as showed in figure 3 (left).
Figure 3: Left: Measurement of ECG and PPG using the
ambulatory unit. Two fingers of left hand touch one
electrode and right forefinger touches another to measure
Lead I ECG. At the same time, right forefinger is also
used to measure PPG. Right: Sample snapshot on a mobile
phone display captured by a camera. Upper trace indicates
ECG and heart rate (69). Lower trace indicates PPG and
the corresponding PAT (252) and estimated SBP (127).
The ASIC chip (middle lower) inside the mouse crust is
in size.
2.3 Estimation of SBP Beat-by-Beat
SBP is estimated beat-by-beat through PAT based
on the algorithm described in (Chen et al., 2000).
Definition of PAT varies on different studies. Beat-
by-beat PAT is usually defined as a time interval
from apex of an ECG’s QRS complex to the
following nadir or the maximum slope of PPG in the
corresponding heartbeat. Because the maximum
slope is more distinguishable than the nadir, we
choose the former to derive PAT in this study.
Estimated SBP is obtained by two steps:
intermittent calibration and beat-by-beat estimation.
Once an initial SBP calibration value is attained by
using a conventional sphygmomanometry method,
change in beat-by-beat SBP is tracked by summation
of the calibrated SBP value and the filtered PAT
value. This procedure is illustrated in figure 4.
Figure 4: SBP is estimated by summation of higher
frequency component (HFC) from filtered PAT and lower
frequency component (LFC) from measured SBP using a
sphygmomanometer intermittently. The PAT is rescaled to
a regular interval of 1 sec before passing through a narrow
band-pass filter, which had a low cut-off frequency F
0.00053 Hz, and high cut-off frequency F
= 0.004 Hz.
Five college students at their twenties were involved
in measurement and performance evaluation. Data
were collected from each subject for about ten
minutes. Blood pressure was elevated through cold
water immersion test. Estimated SBP was compared
with SBP measured simultaneously by a noninvasive
continuous blood pressure monitor (Jentow-7700,
Nihon Colin, Aichi, Japan), which measures radial
arterial pressure by the tonometry method.
The performance was evaluated by relative error
between the reference and the estimation. Table 1
summarizes the probability distribution of relative
error in five subjects. With a wide range of SBP
from 108 to 163 mmHg, nearly 100% of estimations
fall within the range of ±15% relative error.
Table 1: Summary of probability distribution of relative
error in five subjects with different SBP range during cold
water immersion test.
Probability and
Relative Error (%)
Range of
±15 ±10 ±5
1 100 97.3 49.8 120-163 7
2 100 96.1 71.4 115-147 10
3 100 96.7 62.5 108-139 10
4 100 95.8 68.4 124-156 10
5 98.6 97.0 77.2 116-152 11
Avg 99.7 96.6 65.9 9.6
Std 0.6 0.6 10.4 1.5
Figure 5 shows the continuous profiles of subject
No. 1 in Table 1. Figure 6 shows the histogram of
relative error distribution of the same subject.
Figure 5: Comparison of the measured SBP and the
estimated SBP. Blue trace is the measured SBP by the
tonometer and green trace is the estimated SBP by our
prototype in the upper plot. Red trace in the lower plot
indicates the relative error between reference SBP and
estimated SBP.
Figure 6: Relative error distribution. About half of the
estimations have ±5% relative error. 97.3% of the
estimations fall into ±10% range of relative error. All of
the estimations are within ±15%.
Because mobile phones are becoming more
powerful than ever before, more algorithms are able
to be implemented within the mobile phone platform
in real-time processing mode; more information can
be bundled into the ambulatory monitor. Location-
based and personalized services are possible to be
provided in various scenarios.
However, a mobile phone with smaller size
brings about severe electromagnetic interference
which leads to difficulty in designing the ASIC.
Improving SNR in the ASIC is a big challenge,
especially in a compact volume of space embracing
a wide range of working spectral band.
Discrepancies between the reference and the
estimated SBP beat-by-beat are relatively low and
practical in daily use if we consider ±15% relative
error acceptable. Nevertheless, there is still a
vacancy to improve estimation accuracies if higher
SNR can be achieved.
We developed an ASIC-based ambulatory monitor
for measurement of ECG and PPG, and evaluated its
performance in estimation of beat-by-beat SBP on a
mobile phone platform. It is confirmed that the
ambulatory monitor based on the ASIC and a mobile
phone is promising in daily healthcare application.
This study was supported in part by JST innovative
business model project through cooperation with
Medical Trust Co. Ltd., Saitama, Japan.
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