We developed an algorithm for enhancing QRS detec-
tion using set of weak QRS detectors. This algorithm
is based on AdaBoost machine learning algorithm. It
enables us to combine set of QRS detectors by their
linear combination. The results of the combined QRS
detector are much more accurate than each detector
from the input set. The time complexity of our al-
gorithm depends mainly on time complexity of weak
QRS detectors used in combination.
The results are preliminary ones and we plan to
measure exact times of QRSBoost algorithm during
the detection in order to get better comparison with
golden standard Pan-Tompkins algorithm. We also
plan to try different weak QRS detectors to enhance
detection rate. Finally we intend to implement the
resulting algorithm in real-time, which is feasible be-
cause the linear combination is not difficult to imple-
Research described in the paper has been supported
by the CTU Grant SGS10/279/OHK3/3T/13, research
program No. MSM 6840770012 ”Transdisciplinary
Research in Biomedical Engineering II” of the CTU
in Prague.
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