Evaluation of a Web-based Mentor Functional System for
Employment Support Training of Nurses who Have Not been
Yumiko Nakamura
, Yukie Majima
, Yasuko Maekawa
, Kaori Fukayama
and Kazumi Hoshi
School of Nursing, Osaka Prefecture University, 3-7-30 Habikino,Habikino Osaka, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering,
College of Sustainable System Sciences
Osaka Prefecture University,1-1 Gakuentyo, Sakai Osaka, Japan
Keywords: Nurse, Employment Support Training Program, Mentor Functional System, e-Learning.
Abstract: We developed a mentor functional system combined with an e-learning training program to support nurses
who have not been employed. Subsequently, to evaluate it, we conducted a survey using a constitutive
questionnaire and a group interview of 14 monitors who had used it for a month. In the mentor functional
system, the questions they asked were related exclusively to nursing techniques and new information,
showing that their concern for reemployment had been reduced by taking counseling from the mentor. From
these observations, it follows that the mentor functional system is effective.
In Japan, acceleration of demographic aging has
raised the national nursing shortage to prominence
as a social issue. Therefore, it is necessary to support
the reemployment of people with nursing
qualifications who have not been employed
(potential nurses). The potential nurses have
concerns related to their lack of nursing ability
(Hosoda, 2010). To relieve their concerns, we
developed a training program by e-learning in our
preceding study (Majima, 2010).
Because the potential nurses have a wide age
range and because their levels of information
communication technology (ICT) experiences vary
among different individuals, it is necessary to
support ex-nurses who want to be reemployed so
that they can effectively address their learning.
Consequently, for this research, we developed a
mentor functional system to support their learning,
which is useful with the training program developed
in the previous research. We surveyed the users to
evaluate the function, convenience, and ease of the
system and how effectively it can support them.
Our purposes are to develop a web-based mentor
system for employment support training by e-
learning. Then we conduct an empirical examination
of it with research subjects, and gain additional
information to increase the system functions and
convenience of the mentor functional system.
3.1 Research Participants
The people participating in the research as
volunteers were 14 whose consent for research
cooperation was obtained, of 19 who had attended
the training workshop for reemployment held at O
prefecture’s nurse center.
3.2 Research Duration
The research was conducted about one month from
November to December on 2011.
3.3 Learning System
3.3.1 Learning Content Presentation System
The developed e-learning system contains example
materials mounted on an e-learning system for
learning nursing practice examples (Nakamura,
Nakamura Y., Majima Y., Maekawa Y., Fukayama . and Hoshi K..
Evaluation of a Web-based Mentor Functional System for Employment Support Training of Nurses who Have Not been Employed.
DOI: 10.5220/0004195403270330
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 327-330
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2010) as its basic learning content. The examples
span a wide array of nursing fields such as basic,
adult, maternal and pediatric, gerontological,
psychiatric, community health, home care, and
occupational care nursing (Majima, 2006).
This system enables nursing personnel to learn
specialized knowledge, nursing skills, and past
national exam questions in the context of the
development of nursing processes (Figure1).
Figure 1: Overview of the e-learning system for studying
nursing practice.
3.3.2 Configuration Management Function
for Training Programs
This is the function by which, when a potential nurse
(learner) inputs the prescribed requirements, the
system automatically produces and presents a
training program that is suitable for the
person(Figure 2, Figure 3).
The prescribed requirements include the
following: the year of separation from service;
experienced medical departments; the medical
department at the time of leaving service; a desired
facility and a medical department the learner wishes
to return; a desired area for practical training; and a
desired learning pattern.
3.3.3 Mentor Assistance Function
This function assists the service by which a learning
assistant, designated as the “mentor”, answers
questions or consultations from a person of learner
on the Web (Figure 4).
1) A mentor inputs a proposed answer and keywords
to a question from a person of learner and presses
the search database button.
2) The system extracts educational materials
matched to the keywords set by the mentor from the
database and presents them.
3) The mentor selects appropriate ones among the
presented educational materials and sends an answer
to the learner.
4) The learner receives the answer and is able to
view the educational materials to be learned.
Figure 2: Configuration and flow for the training system.
Figure 3: e-Learning system for rehiring of unemployed
nurses. http://enurse.nursing.osakfu-u.ac.jp/osusume/
Mentor assistance function
Question data
Inputting a
Learning material
Answer data
Question list
Questions/ answers
Learning material DB
Inputting an answer by a mentor/
Informing after learning material
Inputting an
Viewing answers
List of learning
material DB
Material learning system
Presentation processing is a process to
extract educational materials matched to key
words set by a mentor from the educational
material database and present them.
After selecting the most appropriate one
from presented educational materials, a
mentor sends an answer to a potential nurse.
Figure 4: The flow of mentor assistance function.
3.4 Research Methods and Contents
We asked participants to use the training program
developed for self-learning for one month during
Configuration management function for training programs
Potential nursing
The system automatically configures a training program from the educational material DB using
individual attributes (year of leaving service, medical department at the time of leaving service, desired
medical department to return, desired learning pattern) as the key.
Using automatic configuration, a training program is acquired together with information in cooperation
with the material learning system (URLs and names of educational materials to be learned).
Potential nurses can add (or delete) materials to a training program along with automatic configuration.
User master
Training program
material DB
Material learning system
Adding attributes
(1) Medical department
(2) Year
(3) Kind of skill
(4) Keywords
which the training workshop to support
reemployment was conducted.
After the subjects used the program, we surveyed
them using a constitutive questionnaire and a group
interview. The contents of the questionnaire include
the evaluation of educational materials, the mode of
offering them, and their improvement of both the
training program and mentor functional system, and
how the users’ concerns might be changed using
Regarding methods of analysis, basic
information was analyzed using descriptive
statistics. Qualitative data were processed using
qualitative descriptive analysis.
3.5 Ethical Considerations
The ethical affairs committee for research of the
school to which all of our study group members
belong approved the study project we conducted.
4.1 Basic Attributes
The 13 subjects were all women: 3 were in their 30s,
and 10 were in their 40s. Regarding marriage status,
3 were unmarried, 10 were married, and one was
divorced or bereaved. The average service year as a
nurse was 6.3±5.2 years. The average
unemployment duration was 12.9±7.1 years. The
retirement reasons (multiple answers allowed) were
marriage (answered by 6), job relations (by 4),
health problems (by 4), and pregnancy and delivery
(by 3).
4.2 Evaluation of the Training
Program Material
The gross utility hours of the program were mode
values of 21–24 hr. Regarding the access frequency,
five subjects used it 2–3 times, four used it 4–5
times, and four used it 10–11 times. Regarding
comprehensive evaluation of the program, three
subjects answered “very good,” six answered
“good,” and four answered “not very good.”
As for evaluation of the educational material
contents of the program, the following answers were
extracted: “rich in content,” “easily comprehended,”
“The procedure can be confirmed by images,” and
“The nurses’ approach shown in the example is
realistic and good,” and “Knowledge cards and
problem learning are informative.” As for learning
effects, “The concerns for reemployment can be
4.3 Offering Ways for Improvement in
the Training Program
In terms of the system, it was judged as “easily
accessible”, but “It is difficult to find educational
materials,” “It takes much time to find it,” and “I’m
not familiar with using a PC, so I prefer to use
4.4 Evaluation of the Mentor System
The users of the mentor functional system were
seven (50%). The questions asked by them were 13,
which were related to confirmation of the contents
of imaging techniques, newly provided information,
and system problems (Table 1).
As for the comprehensive evaluation of the
mentor functional system, five of seven answered
“good,” and the other two answered “not very
good.” About their asking the mentor questions, they
reported: “I can ask about what would make me feel
ashamed if I now asked about it in someone’s face”;
“Thinking that I can ask the mentor any question
makes me feel confident.” About the answers from
the mentor, they said “They are respectful, easily
understandable and friendly”; “Because the mentor
showed the training program (educational material
contents), it was good.” About the time when they
received the answer from the mentor, the following
were extracted: “I wanted to receive an answer
quickly,” and “It was not easy access because I did
not know when I would be answered.
4.5 Offering a Method and
Improvement in the Mentor System
Regarding the window, “The space is small and
unreadable.” As for improvements, the following
were extracted: “To make the button prominent” and
“to take example questions.” As a manner of
utilization, the following suggestion was offered:
“The questions might be put displayed for others.”
4.6 Change of Users’ Concerns about
Reemployment using the Mentor
As for concerns related to reemployment, ten users
(71.4%) evaluated it, saying “Concerns can be
reduced by the training program.” As concerns, the
following were extracted: “I wonder whether I can
keep up with the changes at medical sites”; “I have
forgotten nursing techniques”; “How to
communicate with others”; “How to respond to new
techniques that nurses are conducting these days”;
“How to use an electric chart and ordering system”;
“I have anxiety about causing some medical
accident”; “My own physical strength”; and “Job
Table 1: Status of use of the mentor functional system and
number of days taken for answering.
Classification Contents of questions
Number of
days *1
Nursing record
(electric chart)
Typical drugs to
manage pain
0 day
2 days
Changed roles Urethral catheterization
for a male patient
4 days
of nursing
techniques by
Attachment of the
AED electrode pad
Massage after
intramuscular injection
Cuff pressure check in
Oxygen saturation in
Acidulated water
infusion after tubal
Blood drawing
procedure and
5 days
1 day
4 days
4 days
5 days
3 days
Nursing ethics: right of
Prevention of patient
(temporarily saved)
2 days
System-related Opinion to the system
Wrong display of
0 day
3 days
*1Number of days taken for the user to receive an
answer from the mentor
Two effects were revealed: the mentor functional
system can support learning by the web, and it can
reduce users’ concerns related to reemployment.
Especially, the respectful answers and
recommendation of educational materials from the
mentor received high evaluation marks. From the
questions asked of the mentor, it follows that the
mentors should necessarily be clinical nurses who
can provide the latest medical and nursing
information, nurses who have produced the
educational materials (so that they can answer the
questions about the nursing technical images offered
in the system), and system engineers who can
respond to questions about the system itself.
The future tasks of the mentor functional system
are to address some shortcomings. It cannot give
timely responses to individual questions, and
learning support is done exclusively between the
user and the mentor. The users cannot mutually
communicate. Therefore, we must develop a future
mentor system using the latest ICT.
This e-learning system was developed to identify
potential nursing personnel whose whereabouts
might be unknown and to support their training for
re-employment using the internet. In future studies,
we plan to administer a post-learning questionnaire
to users and to perform a comprehensive evaluation
of the system, along with promotion of the system.
This study supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (B) at Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology in Japan
(23390493 ).
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